Amnesia: The Small Horse

by Ultimauser50

The Abuse - B

Last time on, The Small Horse Series: You woke up in a forest after getting knocked out by Pinkie Pie. Soon after, you’ve awoken in a strange forest knowing that there were no woods within’ a thousand miles from where you lived. You assumed it was Pinkie’s doing. So, in an effort to find the Hallowed Ygum, you set off into the woods. You had only been in the forest for twelve seconds and you already had a close brush with death, as a wolf lunged at you, but after its attack, it disappeared. You investigated further and found your idol, Rainbow Dash. As you spoke with Rainbow Dash, she told you on how her doll was taken by a pigged man. Not wanting your hero to be sad, you ventured forth to find the pigged man. It didn’t take you long to notice him as he was only a few feet away, upon confrontation you demanded that he give Rainbow Dash her doll back, but all the pigged man talked about was his broom, and flew off. Not wanting to think too much on it, you decide to just take the doll and return it to RD. In return for your help, she gives you an autograph picture of herself and a hug, which you can’t decide on which was better. After that you continued your investigation and found Master Roshi with the Sword of Evil’s Bane. You removed the sword from its prison and inherited its power. Upon doing so, the corpses in the yard reanimated, knowing there was only one way to get past them, you took of your sword and charged at the corpses, slaying them all. After defeating them, you used your sword to cut up a giant rock to make three boulders. Unfortunately, your imitation Minecraft cost you of your sword. Not too worried about it, you took a boulder and knocked down the wall that guarded the entrance. As you made your way inside you met an engineer pony name Mechanic Wrench who asks you for your help in finding his Sentry, after taking a few minuets to find it you deliver it back to him, and in return he gives you a diamond apple to open the door in the walkway upstairs. You opened the door and walked inside the corridor only to meet a disturbing scene. The German guy was making out with Pinkie Pie. The German guy quickly notices you and as his gaze met yours you were hit with another powerful drowsiness. Is the German guy in leagued with Pinkie? Was he actually leading you into this mess? And why do you keep passing out? Find no answer to any of those questions today, on The Abuse - B.

Yo, YO!

You roll over still unconscious from your ahem, ‘show’ last episode.

Hey! Watching you sleep isn’t exactly my cup of tea ya know. Wake up!

You slowly lift your head and stand up. “Ugh, j-just what happened?”

You saw the German guy and Pinkie having fun and you passed out.

“Th-That really happened? I-I thought that was a bad dream.”

Huh, you and I BOTH wish. Now get up, you gotta press on.

“Ugh, whatever.” you look around and notice that your still in the same corridor. You try opening the door you saw the German guy was in, but it was locked. Heh, I guess he wanted to keep his show private. Ha!

“Funny.” you say rhetorically as you made your way to the exit. You run upstairs and notice the mansion’s main lobby had changed dramatically since the last time you were conscious, a giant broom was upstairs and there were dog manikins blocking your path back down stares. “Heh, I guess the only way is up.” you run up the stares and headed to the right, since that was the only way you could go anyway, since the path to your left was cut off by dog manikins. Upon reaching the top of the stares you meet a giant bee. Not wanting to get stung, you try to be as friendly as possible. “Uh…h-hi? Little…bee.”

“Hi! Bee I am…not. Be careful! A knight is protecting the Key to the dark level.”

“Umm, sure? Ok.” you head back down stares and look at the giant broom. “So, voice in my head. How DO I get this broom out of the way?”

Obviously you need an egg to burst this gigantic monument. Mate.


You turn around and see armor with a kinder egg in front of it.

“Okay, good and bad here. It’s good because I found the egg, but it’s bad too because after the last incident between me and that armor, I’m still shaken.” you really don’t want to get the egg, but you really need to progress forward to stop Pinkie Pie. So you inhale deeply, steel your nerves, have your Sanity Potion at the ready and move towards the armor slowly. As you reach down, you pick up the egg and just as you had predicted you were greeted to more disembodied ear rape, causing you to jump back slightly. “Whoa, it wasn’t that bad this time.”

Yeah, it varies from time to time. Go figure.

“Whatever, let’s just hurry. Pinkie’s gotta be stopped.” You run upstairs and stop in front of the stairs and throw the kinder egg at the giant broom, upon impact with the egg the broom disappears in a poof a green smoke along with a loud “Yow!” causing you to jump slightly. “Sheesh, what’s up with all these loud and annoying sounds?!”

It’s Pinkie’s hold, the longer you stay in her grip the more susceptible you are to these experiences, and they only get more and more intense the longer Pinkie’s hold stays on you.

“I see, well that’s all the more reason to move forward isn’t it?”


You walk up to the door located to where the broom once was and open it. As you step through you find yourself in a very dark corridor with an ominous purple pulsating light encasing the room.

“What the-? Where am I?”

Welcome to the Shadow Temple! Dun! Dun! Duuuuun!

“Riiiiiiiight. Anyway, what the hell is a Shadow Temple?”

Not “A” Shadow Temple, “the” Shadow Temple, this place is dark and dangerous place, combined with Pinkie’s hold, this place is now twice as deadly, which I had no idea was possible. But I guess you can always be proven wrong.

“Right, I’ll be careful.” you continue down the corridor until you come across three platforms sticking out of a bottomless pit. You simply hop on each platform easily reaching the other side. You then keep running down the path until you reach what seems like a dead end. “Ah, come on.” you then walk up to the dead end and start rubbing the wall. “Alright, there’s gotta be some sort of switch or some-WOAH!” you suddenly slip and fall through the dead end and land on the other side. “Huh. That happened.” you stand up and pat your pants, knocking off any dust that remained on your pants and you begin to wonder around the room. You turn your head to the massive hole in the room and you slowly walk towards it, upon inspection you notice that there’s a giant head with white eyes inside the hole. “Wh-What the hell is that?!”

Beats me, I’ve never seen anything like that before.

“Well, whatever the hell that’s supposed to be let’s just hope it doesn’t grow arms and legs.”

My thoughts exactly.

You quickly go back to scanning the room only to see the same images as the one on the wall of the fake dead end. “Hmm…I wonder.” you quickly place your hands on the wall and start moving them around until your hands pass through one of them. “Found you.” you quickly move through and start running down the corridor until you reach a door. You quickly open it and run into the next room which was just plain distorted. The room was just dark and had a cold atmosphere and the air was filled with red mist. “The hell is this?”

I’m not sure, but you probably don’t want to inhale that stuff for too long.

“Agreed, let’s just keep moving.” you wonder through the room until you see a part of the wall emitting a green glow. “Heh, logic dictates that being the right ‘wall’ to pass through.” you run towards the wall and pass through it, greeting you on the other side is another door. You open it and the first thing you notice in the entire room is Fluttershy, curled up into a ball in pure fear. “Woah!” you quickly run up to her and get on your knees to meet her “Fluttershy, what are you doing here?”

“Please help me! My cute little bunny Angel ran into this dungeon. I’m too scared to go further than this, can you find him? Pleaaaaase?”

“Of course Fluttershy, I’ll bring him back no matter what! I promise.”

“Thank you.”

“No problem.” you stand up and walk out of the room.

Thank goodness that conversation is over, any longer and I would’ve suffered a cute atta-HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG!!!! Too…late! HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG!!!

“Get a hold of yourself! I need you to guide me through this hall way!”


“That’s just great. *sigh* Whatever.” you search every inch of every wall, passing through one secret corridor after another until you find another door. You open it and you see angel bunny, surrounded by hands sticking out of the ground. “Now why does this seem familiar?...oh well.” you walk into the room and quickly grab angel bunny. “Alright! I got him!” suddenly a grey monster with blood stains appears at the entrance and slowly makes it’s way to you. Your blood runs cold as your eyes widen at the sight of the monstrosity in front of you. “Wh-What the hell is that thing?!”

Th-That’s the m-monster HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!! Kn-Known as de-dead hand…kid…run…NOW!!!

Dead hand makes his way towards you but you quickly cut through the room and head back to Fluttershy’s room slamming the door tight behind you. “Phew…th-that was close…” you walk up to Fluttershy and hand her Angel. “Here you go Fluttershy, Angel’s back where he belongs.”

Fluttershy’s face lit up in pure happiness. “Thank you soooo much! I’m so happy I could just…well take this.” She then reaches into her bag and she hands you five Laudanums.

You then hug Fluttershy. “Thank you so much Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy smiles and hugs back. “You’re welcome. I hope you find what you’re looking for.”

“Me too Fluttershy, for my sake, me too.” you stand up and look around the room. “Well, I can’t go back that way since dead hand could be waiting… I guess I could try the door again.” you walk up to the door and to your surprise the door is unlocked. “Huh, I guess it gets better from here.”

*huff* *huff* O-Okay, I…I think I’m good now.

“Finally, and I returned Angel by the way.”

Y-Yeah, sorry…about that. Fluttershy is a lethal weapon of cuteness.

“Uh-huh.” you continued down the hall pass-

“No! Stay! Don’t leave me again.”

You snap around and see nothing but your nerves are still on end.

“D-Did you hear that?!”

Yeah, I heard it. It sounded like-

“Is that you my love?”

You snap back behind you and what you saw was probably THE most disturbing thing…EVER. You saw Fluttershy, but she had a chain around her right forehoof with blood covering her hooves, her cheeks, and her torso. But the most disturbing feature about her was her eyes, her eyes were no longer there, just two black holes that resembled the void itself. She slowly made her way to you.

“What…the fuck?!”

Kid! Don’t just stand there! Haul ass!

Heeding my warning you run full speed past Fluttershy.

“No! Come back! Please, come baaaaack!” Fluttershy(?) pleaded as you passed her.

You head down the corridor faster than a speeding bullet, until you find a flight of stairs. You run up stairs passing by multiple Fluttershy head’s that seemed to take a stab at your sanity for each one you passed, at the end of the seemingly endless stairway you finally run up to a door and you open it and slam it behind you, gasping for breath. “Wh-What the hell was…that?”

…I’ve seen this before. It’s Pinkie Pie, her influence mutated Fluttershy into that monster.

“Wh-What?! I-I knew Pinkie c-could alter the su-surroundings, but I didn’t kn-know she could…*huff* alter people too.”

Yeah, this is a sign that you need to hurry kid. If you don’t everyone on earth could turn into those things.

“Right…I promise, I won’t fail.” after your heroic words, you survey your surroundings and….well, it’s about as fucked up as you can imagine. It seems you’re on a Mario race track, but there’s so much wrong with it. For starters Snake’s box is directly next to you pacing back and forth slowly, directly next to it is a statue of a centipede with a pale baby face, a giant knight helmet on a billboard, a kid sitting on a kart, a group of ditto’s, and a stage with three people dancing on it. “…The fuck?”

Don’t ask me dude, it makes no sense to me anyway.

“…Right.” you wonder around the track until you reach the door at the end of the track. “Woah, big door. Ten bucks says it’s locked.” you try pushing the door but just as you predicted, it’s locked. “Toldja.”

Good thing I didn’t bet money.

“What now?”

Try asking the people dancing on stage, they may know something.

“*sigh* I guess.” you make your way to the stage. “Hello, I was wondering if I-”

“Hey you! I want an apple, or I will call you fatty for lifetime.” interrupted Doronjo.

“Say what?” you replied.

“And I want a bottle, or I will cry!” said Boyakke.

“What are you a ba-”

“And I want a bone! My dancing is good isn’t it?” said Tonzula.

“The hell is wrong with these people?!” you ask.

Not sure, just get em’ what they asked for, it’ll make this end quicker.

“Alright fine.” you look around the track for a few minuets scanning it. “Now if I were a bone, where would I be?” you turn your head and in the corner of the race track you notice the same creature from before your major ear rape from the last chapter. You know, the white thing that puked up that glass music note. Remember? Well, anyway as you gaze upon the creature you begin to sweat. “Oh no. Knowing my luck that….thing probably has what I’m looking for.” you slowly make your way to the creature and you notice it has its back to you. “Uh…hi little, white thing…” the creature faces you and opens its eyes and mouth and a bone fall from its mouth. “Ugh, that’s sick. I’ll uh…just take this now.” you slowly pick up the bone and quickly run to the stage and you give Tonzula his bone. “Here, happy now?!” Tonzula takes the bone and places it on his head and continues dancing. “…No, I’m not gonna question anything!” you quickly head back to your scavenger hunt. “Now then, where do I look next?” your attention is then drawn to the giant knight helmet on the billboard. “Well, I have been right about my guesses thus far, so why not?” you walk up to the statue and as soon as you touch the helmet another wave of ear rape hits your eardrums causing you to slam your hands on your ears in pain. As soon as the noise disappears an apple rolls to your feet. You slowly remove your hands from your head and pick the apple up. “……Nope, no questions here.” you head back to the stage and hand Doronjo the apple. “Here, take it!” she takes the apple and places it on her head also and she returns to dancing. “Okay, only one item left, and that was the uhh…”


“Bottle! Right, thank you.”

It’s what I do.

You head back to your hunt, looking all around the course for the bottle unfortunately your search is unsuccessful until you stop in front of the baby centipede statue. “Hmm…maybe if I-” as soon as you touch the statue it emits a loud unintelligible robotic voice causing you to jump back slightly and a bottle rolls to your feet. You quickly pick it up and run back to the stage. “Alright, man baby. Take your stupid bottle!” Boyakke takes the bottle and places it on his head and continues dancing. “Alright! Now that I got you your stuff can you tell me how to-” you’re soon interrupted by the kid on his kart driving down the course and slamming into the door causing it to crumble into thousands of tiny pieces. “….Nope. No question whatsoever.” you run down the course and the first thing you notice is a Shredder platoon blocking the rest of the course. Yo know, Shredder, from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? If you haven’t seen that series I pity you. But anyway back to the story, you’re curious on two things. One, why is there a small Shredder platoon blocking your path. And two, why is there a giant Shredder standing on his head directly behind them? You decide to walk up to the captain for questions. “Hey, Shredder, why are you blocking the rest of the course?”

“Simple, because I’m too badass for the race to finish, now go away!”

“Can’t I at least-Urk!” you’re interrupted by Shredder grabbing your shirt collar.

“I said, GO AWAY!!” Shredder lifts you up and throws you across the track, causing you to fly right into a wall.

“Ow.” was all you could mutter out before you were blinded by pain. You slowly reach into your pocket and pull out a Laudanum and drink it. Within seconds you stand up as if nothing happened. “Phew, well then it looks like I’ll just have to find another way to pass them.” suddenly notice Pumba sitting in the grass. “Woah, it that really-?” you head towards Pumba and shake his hoof. “Hey Pumba, how’s it going?”

“Jack Nicholson told me, I could summon a penguin, by eating a flower pot. Now, that would be even cooler, than your low self-esteem.”

“The hell?”

I dunno, just find this flower pot, it just may come in handy.

“*sigh* Fine. Whatever.” you scan the area and you barely see the flower pot next to the green warp pipe. “Ah! Thank God!” you run towards the flower pot, pick it up, and run back to Pumba. “Here. Take it.” Pumba takes the flower pot and eats it, causing him to transform into a Prinplup. He then runs towards the Shredder platoon and knocks them all down including the giant Shredder leaving you dumbfounded. “…This doesn’t make sense to you either does it?”

No, you’re not alone.

“Oh good, I thought it was just me.” you continue down the course and you find another door. Similar to the door that led you to this race track. You open the door and head into the next room.