Of Dragons and Unicorns

by WhisperWoods

The Second Favor

Spike sank deeper into the depths of his bubble bath with a huffed grumble. He was submerged the the soapy water up to his nostrils, head and its spikes sticking out like a cresting sea serpent; when he sighed, he blew tiny little bubbles in the water before him. The drifting steam and water enveloping him warmed his cold scales, body relaxing quite in spite of his mood. He didn't want to admit Twilight was right; but she was; a nice long bubble bath really was helping him feel better. He let heavy eyelids fall closed, sinking further into concentration (and bubbles) with a reflexive twitch of his ear fins.

Well, that was a bust.

Twilight passed outside the bathroom door, pausing for a second to listen with an erected ear. She heard stillness; she sighed. As much as Spike liked to pretend he was so exceptionally mature for his age, Twilight knew his deep, dark secret of how much he loved to play in the bath. Of course, she spared him the shame of letting him know she was privy to such knowledge, but any time Spike took one of his famous seven-hour bubble baths and Twilight passed the door, she could hear distinctive splashing, cheerful giggles, Spike narrating a little story to himself - that sort of thing. He would drag his tail along underwater with only his spade sticking out and pretend like it was a shark, with that sort of unbridled imagination that surrenders reluctantly to the arrival of more and more years. The kind of almost defiant creativity, an imagination with such a boldness that Twilight admired. But that night, she only heard silence.

Poor little fella must really be upset...

She swallowed; Spike was okay, right? Her hoof began to rise, reaching to the door, but at the last moment she lowered it. Guilty eyes darted down, sighing.

...I've done enough meddling today.

She hurried herself to the bedroom, hefty tome trailing idly behind her in her aura. She tossed it onto her bed with a flick of her head, plopping down right next to it herself. She buried her nose in the dusty pages, hoping to focus on the wide gamut of useful applications of horse feathers, rather than her gnawing, self-admonishing thoughts.

Huh! Why have I never thought to ask Rainbow Dash for her old feathers, I could make my own quills! Owlowiscious' feathers are way too small for that. That would sure save a lot of trips to... Sofas and Quills... for Spike, uuugh.

Twilight groaned, cheek plonking down onto the pages with a resigned look. Spike was really upset. His baths don't take this long on a good day. Was it her fault? Did she make it worse? No - it wasn't your fault, he upset himself, he has his little plan and you tried to stop it! ...should I have tried to stop it? Well yes! Because it's not... ugh.

Her thoughts were swirling and groping and unclear, and the only real thing she could figure in her mind was that Twilight didn't want Spike to be upset.

Spike didn't want Spike to be upset either, needless to say! He grumbled, rolling over in the water, conjuring up more details to his next plan. One that she wouldn't try and mess up! He could admit, he was cross right now; on the way back to the library, Spike had asked Twilight what she was doing at the park, and sure enough, she was honest. And that was just sticking in his craw! Why in the world would she try and mess up my plans?! Ugh, but either way - his mind could see it now - Rarity, so scared and afraid, and here he would come! The brave and valiant dragon, the brave and valiant and handsome dragon, to save the beautiful mare from the danger. He'd be a hero! And surely Rarity would fall for him...! Who could resist such charm and bravado. He chuckled a little in his mind, proud of his own wit.

His thoughts were interrupted by the abrupt sound of hoofsteps, causing Spike to spin around and listen. He heard the footfalls pause and peered over at the door, swallowing a lump in his throat and getting some butterflies in his stomach, poised to give her a piece of his mind! He furrowed his brow. Sure, she's gonna check on me, try and be sweet after she tried to mess up my plan today?! Well, we'll just see-

But the hoofsteps resumed, almost quicker, and Spike blinked at their hasty departure.


Guess she isn't gonna check on me.

Spike blinked a few more times, sighing once more. He halfheartedly pawed at the water in front of him, creating some very unenthusiastic waves before swimming over to the drain stop, reaching down and pulling it up with a tug. He shivered as the water disappeared from around his sides, climbing gracelessly out of the basin, dangling from its edge and landing on the floor with a wet squelch. He was done soaking for tonight, he thought.

* * * * *

"Alright, everyone ready for bed time?" Cadance called from the hallway.

Spike and Twilight's respective heads popped out from the edge of the covers, still giggling a little. The pair had been lost in Twilight's sheets, playing, hiding, chasing tails and exploring. The juvenile dragon had been coming home with Twilight for weeks now, but this was it! The first big sleepover, Spike was getting to spend the night! They'd carefully counted down the day for weeks, and once it finally arrived they were like two fillies on their first Hearth's Warming morning. Twilight was the first to giggle and reply, "Okay, Miss Cadance!"

She chuckled warmly, backing into the room, horn bright aglow. "Alright you two, now I know this isn't the, uhh, most graceful solution, but..." she took a few more steps, carefully hoisting a wicker bassinet in her magic, edging it through the door jamb, "...I think this will work as a bed, okay, Spike?"

Cadance dropped the bassinet on the hardwood floor at the foot of Twilight's bed, it creaking gently with a tiny hop. She wore a bent frown; this was the best solution she could tape together on such short notice. One would really think this was the sort of thing Velvet and Night Light would have figured out. She didn't let it bother her too bad though; Twilight was long since out of this bed, might as well make it useful.

Spike slipped out of the bed, landing with a rebounding hop to curiously scramble over and inspect his new bed! Clawed digits ran over the brown wicker, hands plunging in to the layers of covers and blankets it held. He playfully pushed against the thick cushion in the bottom, smiling and climbing in, nosing his way under the covers.

"Ahaha, wow, this is cool!"

Cadance giggled. "Well, I'm glad! Sorry to have to make you sleep in that, little guy, it was just the best I could -"

"Don't be sorry, I like this!" Spike called back, nesting and adjusting himself in the small bassinet, only his nose poking out from the tangle of covers, sheets draped haphazardly over his eyes and head spines. He stretched out his limbs, feet happily pushing against the walls of it, "I dunno, it makes me feel... safe? Safe I guess." He nodded, sheets billowing with the gesture. "It's small and comfy."

"W-well, great then!" Cadance laughed, stepping over to Twilight's bed, "Your turn, kiddo," she said, nuzzling her neck as she tugged the blankets up to Twilight's chin with her magic, tucking her in nice and gentle. The filly looked up to her foalsitter with wide eyes as she said, "Ninight Cadance!"

"G'night, Twilight!" Cadance said, lifting her head and turning to leave.

Twilight quietly began to stammer, "Um, are you gonna... you know..."

Cadance warmly chuckled, closing the gap between her and a lamp mounted on the wall. She bowed her head, eyes falling closed as the rosy aura pulsed around her horn, tapping her horntip against a gem fixed squarely in the center of the lamp, held fast by brassy tines. Her magic swirled down her horn and into the faceted stone, the gem pulsing faintly and flickering before emitting a constant, gentle pink light. She craned her neck and looked back to the now-smiling Twilight, scooting herself deeper into her covers, saying, "Don't worry, I wasn't gonna forget!"

The room was awash in the low, ruddy light, the nature of its enchantment making the light flicker and falter ever so slightly. Twilight didn't reply, she just grinned sheepishly at her foalsitter before nodding and rolling over. Cadance took her leave from the room, pulling the door shut as she did.

However, much like every set of children to participate in a sleepover throughout recorded history, Twilight and Spike were not about to go to sleep at their bedtime.

She rolled over, peeking to the rosy bassinet and the shifting lump it contained. She whispered, "...you still up?"


"Cool!" she giggled, "...um, sorry about havin' to sleep in my old bed. I don't think we really have any, like, sleepin' bags or anything like that, I don't really... have other ponies over much," she offered, a bit of a self-admonishing ping in her voice.

"Geez everyone, the bed is fiiine! It's little and it's comfy and I like it," he stated very matter-of-factly, nodding. It took him a moment, but he continued, "...really Twi, you dun need to feel bad."

"...still gonna, " she half-joked.

"Blah blah, I know, " Spike teased, giggling. He waffled for a moment, the forlorn tone of her last sentence sticking with him, "And... hey, maybe I'll get to stay over a lot more!"

"M-maybe!" she said, excitement in her voice.

Spike yawned, curling up into the blankets and nuzzling into his pillow, nibbling on his claw idly. His eyelids were getting heavy.

"I mean, I know I'm not other ponies, but... haha, yeah!"

"Yeah," Twilight replied. She could hear Spike begin to slur his words, his doziness evident in his voice. It was contagious; Twilight yawned, adjusting herself in her bed. She thought to continue talking to her friend, but slumber quickly won out with both of them, the pair dozing off happily.

* * * * *

Spike stepped into the bedroom, oversize bath robe swallowing him whole, pressing his head spines flat against his crown. Despite the robe, he still left a wet trail in his wake, tracing his path from the bathroom to his present point. Twilight heard him enter, but her nose remained buried in the pages of the book she wasn't even reading. She'd had a little time to ruminate and choose her words carefully, but despite that preparation, she still didn't know quite what to say.

Luckily, Spike was the first to speak, chirping plainly "...you were right."

She looked up from her book, "...I was?"

"Yeah. About the bath! I feel a ton better, I don't even think I'ma get a sniffly nose."

"O-oh! Well, I'm really glad Spike!" she flashed a smile before it faded as quick as it appeared, "...listen, I'm sorry."

Spike shuffled out of the robe, the wet fabric clinging to his scales, "It's fine. The umbrella ended up thwarting me way better than you ever coulda, either way," he teased.

Twilight offered a relieved chuckle, smiling down to her friend.

"Besides, there's no way you're gonna be able to do anything about my next plan!"

Twilight blinked, smile vanishing, "I-I'm sorry?"

"Yup!" Spike boasted, self-assured grin pulled into his cheeks, "It's just too perfect. I've got it all planned out, and it's perfect, and even IF you tried, you couldn't!" He crossed his arms boastfully across his chest.

Twilight swallowed glass, trepidation gripping her form, "R-really."

"Yup!" Spike nodded, stretching before crawling into the wicker basket to the side of Twilight's bed, "so don't even try! I'm finally upping the ante, I've been... I've been playing it too safe! But if I really wanna win Rarity's heart, I gotta raise the stakes! I'm all in on this one."

Twilight hefted her book off the bed with her magic, setting it on her desk for the night. A purple aura surrounded the knob on the gas lamp illuminating the room and began to turn it, dancing flame flickering into nothingness. She shuffled her form under her own covers, head flopping back onto her pillow as forehooves curled daintily around the hem of her blanket. She fidgeted under her blankets. He was talking about upping the ante and raising the stakes and generally just using terms that implied... risk. Now he was little, but even Twilight knew he was brave.

She fought with herself, resisting every urge to pry and ask him not to or anything like that. But something in him was different, and that same something was pushing her to protest much, much more intently. But all Twilight could think about was the pain in his voice earlier that day, hearing that note of betrayal in Spike's voice, "You came to what?!", when she told him about her prior planned intervention. She could feel his claws tighten around the handfuls of her mane he was holding when she did. And Twilight winced at the recollection. It was enough to keep her quiet.

Besides, as much as she never wanted Spike to hurt, he had to make his own mistakes.


"...Don't worry Spike, I know you've got this."

Spike was honestly surprised at her yielding reply! "You'll see! Heck, maybe Rarity will even let you be her mare of honor at our wedding!"

Twilight laughed grimly, "Y-yeah."

"I wonder... what her dress..." Spike muttered, the sandman making a quick and merciless end to his consciousness. He fell asleep mid-sentence.

Twilight's mind was heavy, but the gentle snoring of her roommate worked as an odd lullaby, sleep quelling her tumultuous thoughts before she even knew it. Despite the day's quibbling, the duo managed a peaceful sleep.

The next morning was another beautiful day. Pale morning sun spilled in through the windows, its gentle warmth and light urging their eyelids open and their bodies up. Spike was the first to rouse, stirring in his blankets and reflexively nuzzling his cheek into his pillow. A few lazy blinks and earflicks and his emerald eyes focused around the bedroom, seeing a sleeping unicorn and owl. His belly growled; Spike rubbed it. He thought back to the prior night. Huh, guess I did forget to eat a good dinner... he recalled, a little embarrassed at his childish behavior.

Spike scaled the side of Twilight's bed, clawing his way up the blankets, perching himself next to her.

"Hey. Hey Twilight," he whispered, gently shoving her haunches, "I'm hungry, you wanna go get some grub?"

"Mmff..., " Twilight stirred, blinking a few times before shaking her messy mane out of her face, lazily sitting upright. She yawned, smacking her lips a few times before replying, "Yeah, that's fine! I could use breakfast too."

Spike excitedly hopped off her bed, setting to task of gathering up a few things into Twilight's saddlebags to prepare them for the trip. Twilight thanked him, lazily rolling out of bed and onto all four hooves. A quick brush of her mane, and Twilight was ready to go get a meal. They exited the treehouse together, Spike taking an excited lead as he half-ran down the dirt path, Twilight laughing at his exuberance. He did tend to think with his stomach.

They stepped into the town center, looking up and down the rows of vendors and the carts, salesponies shouting to and fro, samples being given out, wares bought and sold. Spike bolted up and down the aisles of carts, waffling on his decision. Twilight was in the habit of just giving him a few bits and letting him make up his own mind. Sure, she never liked him wandering too far, but Twilight usually couldn't finish her meal, and if there's one thing that could summon Spike faster than his own food, it was somepony else's food being given away.

"Oh, howdy Twilight!" Applejack called from her cart.

Twilight walked over, "Oh, hey there Applejack! How's business today?"

"Pretty darn good! Not as good as we made out yesterday, ah think some a' those little storms scared ponies inside today. Spring showers, haha!"

"Y-yeah. Never can predict 'em, right?" Twilight laughed, a little nervous.

"Mmhmm. Heh, interest ya in some apple fritters today, Twi?" Applejack winked, putting on a bit of a salespony persona jokingly.

"You know, actually? That sounds great. Let me just ask Spike if... he... Fluttershy?"

Twilight trailed off, looking for her friend and finding him not among the rows of vendors, but off near the town square, talking to the yellow pegasus all by himself. Fluttershy was tilting her head.

Twilight swallowed, placing her hoof against her chest. Breathe it out. She told herself she wasn't going to meddle anymore, she wasn't going to worry, she was going to let him make his own choices.

But she still needed to ask him about the fritters, right?

"Er, I'm gonna go get him real quick, be back Applejack, " Twilight called over her shoulder as hurried hooves carried her to the dragon. She trotted up, ears lightly pinned. Spike was intently conversing with Fluttershy, but as soon as Twilight approached, he faltered, swallowing his words.

"H-Hey Spike, everything okay? I thought you were getting breakfast!"

"Oh! Hey Twi, yeah, I was! But, um. Then I saw Fluttershy and I really wanted to say hi, y'know?" Spike laughed nervously, hands held behind his back. Spike was not a good liar.

Twilight wore a bent frown, taking a deep breath, "Er, hey Fluttershy."

"Hello, Twilight!" she replied cheerfully, smiling with meek eyes.

"A-alright, um, does an apple fritter sound good to you? Applejack's got some fresh ones, I just wanted to know if I should be buying one or two!"

"Uhh, yeah?!" Spike exclaimed, eyes glimmering. "Thanks Twilight! I'll catch up."

They exchanged glances, Twilight taking one quick look back to Spike as she headed back to the apple cart. She knew he was up to something, but she also knew she didn't know what, and she knew it'd be like getting him to the dentist to get him to give her details. Even the talented must recognize impossible endeavors; and so, it was with a resigned sigh Twilight trotted back and bought two of Applejack's pastries, leaving Spike to the dangers of his own ideas.

She just didn't want him to get hurt.

Spike watched cautiously as she stepped away, feigning conversation with Fluttershy until she was out of earshot. Once sufficient distance had been made, the dragon's voice lowered once more as he whispered, "...alright, and nosy unicorns are officially out of the way. So whaddya say, Fluttershy?"

"Well..." she hesitated, "I'm sure I could ask him to, but... are you sure, Spike? He can get... grumpy."

"Yeah! I'm sure Fluttershy, I've really thoughts about this. And come on!" Spike brandished the comb from behind his back once more, delicate metal teeth bent at an angle, "Tell me Angel wouldn't love this brush for his tail!"

"...He would love a comb like that for his little tail..."


Fluttershy thought for a moment more, offering a gentle nod, "...alright, Spike, I'll help you. I'll talk to Bruno in a bit and we'll get it all set up."

"YES! " Spike cheered, hopping up to give a startled Fluttershy a hug around the neck. He giggled, fist pumping with one arm before dropping back to his feet, "Thank you SO much! Oh my gosh, this is finally going to be perfect!" He thrust the comb into a confused Fluttershy's awaiting hooves, giggling as he slinked away, "Later today Fluttershy! I'm counting on you!"