//------------------------------// // The Toa Arrive // Story: My Little Bionicle: Destiny is Magic // by Toa Coy //------------------------------// Edited By Blazikenking and (To be)Revised By Cades the Sharkbear Alright here we are the end of the first arc which I may dub 'The Return”. It has taken a year and work on this story still hasn't stopped. I have edits and revisions of this arc coming up, please note that it will take some time as both Cades and I are on different schedules but fear not the plot won't change it will just be clearer and be better understood. Also welcome gh152 to my group of creative consultations, like Blaze and Biolaj I have some elements that they made. Also check these guys out they are good people. Links in the author comments/description depending on your site. On to the story. ~Toa Coy~ Chapter 15: The Toa Arrive Artemis opened her eye or at least what she thought was her eyes when she lifted up her head she noticed the her coat was now black, her mane was a different style and had a gold stripe running through it. “Hey Goldrax, Gorast wants us in the meeting hall now.” A male voice said with annoyed undertone. “Elija let him be we know if Gorast kills him then Mazia will have a new toy to play with.” A rather deep female voice said. Artemis didn't know what to say or do. Icarax never did talk about the other members of the group just that he was better than them and that he should be in charge and blah blah blah. After awhile she would fall asleep from his constant rants on how much better he was then the order members. As that thought went through her head she now seemed to be walking through a dimly lit hallway. Artemis wanted to go the opposite way that she was heading but she still couldn’t control her legs. Come to think of it she hadn’t tried to speak since she woke up. “Where am I?” Artemis said but it was like no pony heard her. Then she yelled which caused her to stop and look around. She seem frustrated and started screaming why nopony could hear her. “Alright can anypony else hear that screaming?” a voice said and Artemis noticed her mouth move. “There is always screaming remember rahi bait.” Elija said not looking at Goldrax. “No I mean like a pony screaming for some pony to listen to her.” Goldrax said looking around. “He’s finally cracked. Guess I owe Phena fifty widgets.” The female said rolling her eyes. “Come on Kani you knew that was a sucker’s bet.” Elija said in a know it all tone. “Watch it horn boy or you'll see why the female of the species is the deadlier one.” Kani said as shadow energy formed around her and had a serious look on her face. “And if you try to make a bad joke out of that I will end you.” Artemis shook her head, wait how could she shake her head if she had no control over this body? Frustrated over how she somehow got here she had to think of why she was even here. She knew that her mother could walk through dream, but that didn’t fit since the pony who was acting as her eyes and ears was awake. Then another thought came to mind, what if this was one of the powers of the Makuta. If so then he could use this to spy on anypony with shadow powers or was it something only she can do. While Artemis was lost in thought, Goldrax was in the meeting hall of the Order of Makuta. In a rough circle there was thirteen spots for the members and were higher than the center of the hall. All but one of the spots were filled with Antroz in the centered spot. “Welcome to you six, out of all the shadow ponies in our forces you six have the qualifications to join us in rank but not power. At this very moment a foolish Ta-pony is about to place six stones known as Toa stones. With them he is calling Toa to the island to stand against our master.” Antroz said looking at the six shadow ponies with an evil gleam in his eyes. “We allow him to get each stone and while he was on his little journey we crafted our own Toa stones and placed them into the protodermis prison of our master to absorb the regional Toa energy and then transfer it to you. Once you are Toa, you shall use your Toa powers to best the ones summoned to the island and absorb their elemental energy.” Artemis was brought out of her hissy fit by the mention of the Toa stones. From the memories from the Makuta Toa stones where the bane of his life since even if one remained there would be six more to take their place. But Antroz plan made her realize something. By having put together the factor that they need the Toa's elemental to release the makuta, now she was watching from the mind of a shadow pony. Artemis was part shadow so maybe she could keep this pony from becoming from being a cruel being and have some sense of what was right and wrong. Another memory came to her mind from the makuta, Nothing happens unless you control it or destiny decides to play ya for kicks. For now Artemis was once again nothing but an unseen force that had no control over what was going to happen. ---- “I'm glad I learned leaf riding Tamaru.” Takua said as he used his magic and hooves to ride the island air currents to the clearing that was Kini-Nui; the temple that was use for any important event. While he was no weather pony he did now the way the winds blows this time of year. As he sailed down to the temple Takua laugh a bit. Tamaru had a fear of heights but enjoys leaf riding. As he got closer to the ground he angled the leaf so that he would slow down and land softly. Just then a humming filled his ears, which was wrong since the wind was still too loud for anything but the wind. The lower tree line near the temple made Takua forget the noise and focus on the approaching trees and ground. Showing how little he knew as a flyer with one little twist gravity took over and fell onto the top of a tree branch. Then another, then another one, and another one. Each one giving under his weight but not snapping. When he reached the ground it was like he fell from the lowest branch. “Well that was lucky.” Takua said aloud. As he started to stand up he heard growling from behind him. Being who he is he looked be hind him. About ten seconds later Takua was running towards the temple with the sounds of wild rahi behind him. When he got to the temple the area around was clear but the rahi were still in the trees. Breathing heavily and trying to slow his heart beats Takua hear the humming again. “Alright where is that coming from?” Takua said looking around for the source of the humming while staying in the ring of the temple. It took a little bit but Takua started to hear six different notes. This made him stop and remember what Kaupua said, "To always be on the move is to miss the small things that may help you later on." So with a deep breath the Ta-pony moved to the center and tuned the sounds of the rahi that surrounded the temple. Sitting there and focused on the notes and searched for the source of them. He did not notice that his horn had a golden aura around it and his bag had the same aura around it. At that moment the six Toa stones, that had the same aura, came out of the and form a hexagon above the colt and the stones began to spin until they aligned to one of the six columns around the temple. At that moment Takua hear the sound of the six notes become a sound, then a pattern, and finally a song. It was not a grand song or was it small one. The six notes just flowed in harmony with one another, some would sound as one then split. While Takua listen to the song that only he could hear the six columns began to change. Going clock was, and in the direction of the villages; the column towards Ta-Koro the top of it had a Hau coming from it, a Miru for Le-Koro, Akaku Ko-Koro, Oun-Koro Pakari, Po-Koro Kakama, and Kaukau for Ga-Koro. Once all of the were fully formed the temple began to shake and rumble with a sound of shifting stones. Takua remained oblivious to this all he heard was the song get to the climax and then he felt weightless. At that moment a beam on white light shot into the sky like a beacon and by the time Takua noticed this was when he was sailing over the island heading to Ta-Wahi’s beach. To say that this snapped him out of the trance that the song put him in would be an understatement. “SWEET MATA NUI!” Takua yelled as his mind began remember shield spells. “BEST MAKE THIS COUNT!” Even with the respite that he had listening to the song he was still tired and hungry, he was now regretting not stopping for that apple, with some of his remaining strength Takua made a magical bubble around him and made it so it was flex so the magic would absorb most of the impact. With a mighty thud and a pop Takua fell into the hole that his shield left and that small drop caused him to be knocked out. ---- Artemis was amazed at what she was seeing through Goldrax’s eyes, right there in front of her was the master of shadows. Locked in a prison that he could not escape, then she noticed the hexagon shaped set of stones. Then a bright white light, which all of the order and shadow ponies backed away from, came down and struck the master of shadows. In that brief moment Artemis saw the stone go from dull and cracked to luminescent with spider lined cracks of shadow on them. Artemis, like the shadow ponies, confused on what just happened. “It worked just as the master said, those foolish half Toa used some power to call for help but now this shall be used to bring the master back.” Antroz said as he motion for Chriox to gather the stones. “Follow.” The shadow ponies followed him to a place that had an altar of some kind and six spots in a circle around it. The shadow ponies were ordered to stand in those spots and were told to wait. From Artemis’s point of view she could see a slot of some kind. While trying to figure out what this had to do with the toa stones until that dull silver and black pegasus started to put them in when she put two and two together. “By placing those stones in this thing that means that this is a Toa altar.” Artemis said loud enough to get Goldrax to turn once again to look for the voice. Just then six black beams of light hit the shadow ponies. The six ponies began to change and grow, armor and weapons began to form near them. Once the dark light stopped only five of the shadow toa were awake with Goldrax knocked out from the transformation. “Told ya he was weak.” Elija said looking over himself. ---- “Goldrax. Goldrax. Goldrax!” Artemis said as they both were now in the dream world or what Artemis thought was the dream world. Goldrax started to stir and his eyes opened. When he got to his feet and looked around he found the voice that he had been hearing for a while now. “Who are you?” He asked noticing that was now taller than the filly then his hoof came to his throat noting the change in his voice. “Why is my voice deeper?” “My name is Artemis daughter of Princess Luna guardian of dreams and controller of the moon.” Artemis said as she looked at the new Toa. “As to your voice you seem to have matured once you became a Toa.” “Wait somepony controls the moon? Next you’re going to tell me that you’re the daughter of the Makuta.” Goldrax said giving the filly a doubtful look. “Both of those are true, thought I denounce the makuta as a father since he would just use me and then have me reabsorbed into him.” Artemis said looking away from the shadow Toa, who had a shocked look on his face. “After me and six other ponies escaped Icarax’s base I was knocked out from using too much shadow energy and ended up waking up in your mind and saw what was going on.” “Wait what do you mean since I woke up?” Goldrax said getting his voice back. “Right when those rude ponies came to wake you.” “Alright that explains why I was the only one that could hear you but if you have shadow abilities then why didn’t the order find you.” “They did,” Artemis said with a growl. “They tried to take me in my sleep but because my mother is the guardian of dreams she was able to beat them but not before they took most of the Makuta out of me.” “So this will mean that I may be sent after you in the future.” “No you’re different while I was quite I looked into your memories you were kind and respectful to others even if they were pain in the flank to you, as such you are not pure shadow. You are like me a being not of light or of shadow. We are what we choice don’t forget that.” Just then Princess Luna appeared scanning until her eyes came onto her daughter. Once she saw her she ran over and hugged Artemis. “Daughter I thought you were spirited away once again by those demons.” Luna said wrapping her wings and forehooves around her daughter tighter. “No, I’ve just been making a new friend that’s all.” Artemis said hugging her mother back. It was at that time that Luna noticed Goldrax. “Another demon were you the one responsible for my child to be in a coma like state.” Luna said with a growl staring him in the eye. At that moment Goldrax felt as if he was going to face the Makuta. Luna had just turned a powerful Toa into a weak matoran with one stare. “Mom wait he didn’t do anything, I just woke up when he did and I was in his body.” Artemis said breaking the hug with her mother. “And I’ve got bad news that the others should know.” Luna broke her stare at the Toa of shadow. “Okay but I don’t trust him.” Luna said turning back to Artemis. “I guest it is time to go.” “See ya Goldrax.” Artemis said walking into the portal that Luna had just opened. ---- Goldrax opened his eye to see that the other shadow ponies were around him. “Pay up.” He heard a voice say,probably Moca, with a growl from no doubt Kani. A cough got the Toa’s attention and looked to see Antroz. “Good now that all of you are up we can begin.” He said looking at each of them carefully and almost getting punched by all of them. “It seems the Toa power causes armor and weapons to form. Now to give you a crash course in shadow powers.” Antroz walked over to an open space a dark aura around his horn and a shadow started to come out of the ground. It began to move and shape into a bipedal shape. Looking at it was up to his knee, it had black skin, blue eyes, with an antenna coming from it’s head, a silver insignia on it's back, clawed hands, and large feet. The shadow Toa were confused by what they are looking at. “This is a shade they are beings of shadow that can only be summoned by a master of shadow powers. There are a number of different types of shades this is a Shift they are the weakest and most easily summoned.” Antroz said and nodded to the Shift and it’s arm changed into a blade. “Once you have mastered this you can summon more powerful shades.” With a wave of his hoof the shift disappeared. “Now for a name for you lot, it must mean something with shadow and must also show intent. Ah I know you are now the Toa Eclipse.” ---- “Come on Blue you can’t go out there by yourself.” Technia said to the blue vahki who was heading out of Ponyville. “I need to scan the elites’ data core to figure out where other units are, just them and me are not need for a suppression force. There must be more.” Blue said angling himself towards the Crystal Empire. “I order you to stop.” Technia said in an angry tone. “Order confirmed, starting over riding program.” Blue replied monotone. “Cancel that program.” Technia said with tears in her eyes. “Order confirmed, sounds of crying heard are you injured.” Blue said turning back to her and his voice got more gentle. “I haven’t told anypony but when I was younger I was alone a lot, being an only child of rich unicorns can do that to ya.” Technia said rubbing her muzzle with her foreleg. “My parents were scientist who were working on a way to get robots like you to work. They were good ponies but the day I got my cutie mark they finished their first prototype and it went rampant. The only thing that stopped it from harm anypony else they used their magic to pull the core from it but it drained their magic. It was then they sent me to a school for teaching young unicorns how to use magic. That was the point that my life got lonely. Most of the other students came from noble families and looked down on me for my tinkering with mechanics. They insulted my now non-magical parents and started to break my things. I would have become bitter if not for my meeting with some ponies off school grounds.” “It sounds like you had a rough early years, but why are you crying?” Blue asked. “It turns out that they just wanted to be seen with me because my family was rich, the only one that was a true friend to me was Octavi but with her practices and performances I was still alone. Even when I moved here and got a warm welcome and had ponies that like me for me there was still no one to like my more different inventions. If not for Vinyl I would have given and went home.” Technia said wiping her eyes. “So why are you crying you have friends and a good life.” Blue said still seeing tears in her eyes. “Because before I met you I was still the odd one out! Lyra has Bon Bon, Octavia has Wubsy and Vinyl! Without you I'm a nobody. Ever since I found you I had something to do and somepony to talk to about plans and how some things could be improved.” Technia yelled. “I would have asked you to come with me but it may be dangerous and I don't want you hurt.” Blue said trying to consult her. “I can handle myself in a fight.” Technia said firmly. “I know but it isn't what you can do. It is what the others might.” Blue said looking at her with a defeated look. “But I guess I can't stop you from coming with me can I?” “Not unless you want to see me cry again.” Technia said starting to grin. ---- Artemis opened her eyes and checked to see if she was herself. Wings check, horn check, under the sheets check. With a sigh of relief Artemis was happy to be herself. It was at that point she noticed that she was in a bedroom, the bed was a twin size with a light blue sheet and blanket, there was a table to the left of bed, and a window to the right with a door in front of the bed. As she got out of the bed she got her first looks at the Crystal Empire. She must say that it was not as grand as she would have guessed but then again there was a battle here not long ago. With a knock on the door Artemis was brought out of her thoughts. She waited for the door to open to see who it was. When the door opened it was Princess Cadence. This certainly through Artemis for a loop. She thought her mother or the elements would be the ones to greet her, to her Cadence was only a name. “Hello Artemis, your mother had told me a lot about you.” Cadence said looking at the young filly. “Greetings Princess Cadence.” Artemis said bowing to the pink alicorn. “It is an honor to met you.” “Artemis you don't need to act so formal with me, after all Luna is my aunt.” the elder alicorn said walking over and hugged the filly. “Cadence why are you hugging me?” Artemis asked confused. “I know how it must feel to be rescued. When the changeling queen tricked me weeks before my wedding day I felt powerless and lost hope.” Cadence said with a tear in her eye then she smiled. “But like you Twilight came to my rescue. I know how it feels to deal with the grief that comes from being captive.” With a sigh Artemis began to tell Cadence what she went through while chained up. She explain that she relived some of her past life as Nightmare Moon, saw some of what the makuta had done, and finally the many vile things that Icarax said to her. Cadence was surprised and not for the fact that Artemis was Nightmare Moon or the makuta but how her captor was so blunt about those things and how big his ego was about himself. “I must ask how are you not shaking after that?” Cadence asked seeing how the young alicorn seemed fine even when talking about Icarax. “I was once Nightmare Moon that was nothing besides I knew how powerful I was.” Artemis said with a bit of bitterness. “Which reminds me how did you get out of there?” Cadence asked hearing some of it from Twilight and her friends. With another sigh Artemis began to recall her memories. ----- “I don’t think that will happen.” Icarax said with a smirk. Tentacles of shadows jetted out of the walls and floors and moves to restrain the mane six. What Icarax did not take into account was the elements of harmony. As soon as the tentacles touch them six lights shot out and blinded the order member. “This power what is it!?!?!” Icarax yelled in pain. “This is the power that comes from friends and teamwork.” Twilight said charging up her magic. Before the battle could continue a sphere of shadow enveloped the mane six and Artemis and unlike before the elements did not react to it. “What the hay is going on?” AJ said as the darkness around them shifted. “I don't know but this must be different from what Icarax had used.” Twilight said then she notice Artemis breathing heavily. “Mama...*breath*...need...*breath*...Mama” Artemis said then she passed out. ---- Cadence was amazed by how that little filly was able to not only transport seven ponies but control it. While Artemis was telling her story the two had left the room and were walking around the castle. Once Artemis was done Cadence informed her that she was knocked out for six hours. Given how she had lost track of time, only knowing that about two days since she had been taken. Also Cadence said that the elements of harmony lite up for some reason before Luna appeared saying that she had found Artemis. Artemis started to think of something, What if the Toa stones not only called the Toa but the elements. It made sense given the Toa stone were meant to summon help. ---- Mata Nui had seen the creation of Toa Eclipse but also seen that Goldrax was saved from the cruelty that the nature of Shadows brought with them now was the time to play his part for the Toa could once take on the order with their own powers, but now they were on a hit list. He watched the mane six not only get into a fortress but was able to free Artemis. Truly these six pony would be worthy of the title of Toa but that is not there destiny. Celestia said that they had to choose. “It seems the choice has been made.” Mata Nui said as his mirror began to shift. ---- Twilight and the others were waiting for Cadence to return with Artemis. Twilight remembered the moment that Princess Luna appeared in the room she had a grin that she rarely wore. Also it was about that time that all six elements of harmony lite up for some reason. This confused everypony on why they did that. After that Luna wanted to go and hug Artemis after her ordeal but Cadence said she best be the one to talk to the filly since she was in a similar situation with the changelings. A bright light brought her out of her out of her thoughts. The familiar silver light signaled the oval shape of Mata Nui's mirror. “Greetings Elements of Harmony and royals of Equestria.” The gold alicorn said bowing to them. “Greetings Mata Nui,” Luna replied bowing back. “What have the demons done now?” the last part was a bit more of an annoyed tone compared to her normal tone. “In part,” Mata Nui replied staring directly at the mane six. “When the Toa stones sent the predetermined information to the toa canisters, it also sent out a call for help. The Toa Eclispe are on the hunt for the Toa Mata. That is where you six come in.” AJ was the first to voice what the others thought. “What are you talkin' about?” “In addition to the six sprite stars you six's cutie marks have formed near one specific one. Nopony has notice this but Celestia and the elders on the island. Destiny has sent you a sign, the question is will you answer it?” Mata Nui said looking at the mane six in the eyes. Twilight called the other elements over and they had a group huddle. “So should we go?” Twilight whispered looking at her BPFF (Best Pony Friends Forever). “I don't know,” Rainbow said looking over the other's heads. “Can we trust him? I know he has helped us with information on this Icarax guy but it could be a ruse to have it so he can betray us later.” “Rainbow you know ah can tell when somepony is lyin' to mah face and aint gettin' that from him.” AJ countered RD. “He hasn't done anything but help us so I see no reason not to go.” Rarity added in. “I agree with Rarity he has been nothing but kind to us since we met him.” Fluttershy said getting a unhappy look from dash. “Come on I want to swing on vines and wind-fly with Lewa.” Pinkie peddled getting her stares from the others. “What?” “So we have three for, one against, and Pinkie being Pinkie. Sorry Dash but the group has spoken.” Twilight said looking at the armored cyan pegasus. “Fine.” Dash said as the group broke the huddle. Twilight turn to Mata Nui. “We're in but I must know how are we going to get there?” ---- It had been a few days since Blue and Technia decided to walk to the Crystal Empire; Blue was the one who walked all the way with him carrying Technia at night. By the time they got there, most of the Empire was clear of scrap metal of the rahkshi that once threatened it. The scrap metal of the vahki elites remained untouched by anypony. Blue looked through the broken remains for the data core and, hopefully, could extract the data from it. He picked up the remains of the head of the Kraahu. Looking over it, Blue found the storage spot and used a built in connector to access the port. Downloading...information damaged...recreating files restored...information added into data banks Blue began sift through the information. Meanwhile, Technia was digging through the scrap and a part of her got to thinking of a new item. With her eyes closed, her green magic pulled some scrap together and began to shape it into a piece of armor. Then another one and another, soon she was in cased in an mixture of magic and metal. Blue noticed this and ran to her. When he was close to her, a burst of magic and metal knocked him on his rear. When he looked at Technia he noticed how the metal now encasing her was smooth as if it was custom made for her. The helmet was crimson with gun-metal gray running along the center of the helmet. It had a visor that sloped down giving her an intimidating look. The body armor was much the same as normal guard armor but starting from the back of the helmet going down to the sides of the armor and continuing towards the tail were glowing green lines. “Tech, are you alright?” Blue asked slowly getting up. There was an awkward moment until the armor began to retract and move towards her chest. Blue looked at the unicorn with amazement. “How did you do that?” Blue asked as he began to scan the chest armor that remained. “It just came into my head like a bolt from the blue. No pun intended.” Technia said, looking over her new accessory. “Seeing all this scrap must have inspired me.” “I have finished scanning the item. It is an infusion of magic and technology, and when fully developed the glowing lines act as a path that your magic could flow through as defense against opponents.” Blue said as he took out his data cord. “Blue, what are you doing?” Technia asked as Blue plugged the data cord into a spot in the chest piece. “Calibrating your armor.” The Vahki replied tapping his left arm. “An ingenious builder and creator, you may be, but a programmer you ain’t.” After a few minutes Blue pulled out the cord, “There you go. The armor is now synced with me. Should we go to the rulers of the empire to inform them of what happen to the remains of the elites?” “That would be logical.” Technia said tapping her chin. Just then a map came up in front of Technia with a blinking dot. “Hey Blue what's this?” Technia asked trying to point her hoof at the map. “That is the location of a newly reactivated vahki.” Blue replied. “If you're going after it then I'm following you until you decide to come back to Ponyville with me.” Technia said with a smirk. “ ---- Mata Nui began to explain that he could teleport them to just off of the island and he understood that each of them had other responsibilities that they had to take care of. He teleported them to Ponyville so they can find others to cover for them while they are on the island. Pinkie was the most conflicted of the mane six. She was going to make new friends but she would leave her friends here in Ponyville. Mr. and Mrs. Cake were sad that she had to go but it was under royal orders, they don't know about Mata Nui. Pumpkin and Pound couldn't stop crying in between them saying, “Don't leave Pinkie!” “Take us with you!” With a heavy heart Pinkie put on a smile and hugged the two young ponies. “Don't worry I'll be back before you know it.” She said relishing the two and with that she bid them goodbye. Applejack talked it over with her family and they agreed to allow her to good. Applebloom was happy when they decided that they should have Babs come help on the farm. Applejack hugged her family one by one and then headed to Ponyville proper. Fluttershy was with Twilight in the library. Twilight had talked it over with Princess Luna that Artemis would stay here with guards watching for any signs of the order. Fluttershy was there to ask Spike if he could check up and take care of them while she and the others were gone. In addition to this he still had to keep the library up to specs. Owlowiscious could help the dragon and alicorn if they got in too deep. When it came time to go Spike was crying a little. Twilight told him that if he missed her he could always send her a scroll to her. Wiping the tears away Spike wished them luck. Rainbow Dash had a bit of a harder time explaining this to Scootaloo. Scootaloo was a bit angry that Rainbow was leaving but she understood that she was not able to anything. Rainbow also said that she needed Scootaloo to take care of Tank while she is gone. After that the two hugged and Dash left. Rarity had by far the most to lose. If she did not finish her client’s items in time then she would ruin her name in the fashion industry. There was only one pony she could call, her mother. There was a little known fact that her mother cutie mark was that of sewing machine. While Rarity was more in tone with colors and design her mother was more into the making of cloths. When Rarity informed her and her father of what was going on they agreed to help. After a few minutes of talking they hugged and parted ways. ---- By this time the mane six came to Town Hall where Mata Nui, Celestia, Artemis and Luna waited for them. Each pony had a strong look on their faces. Each knew that there was no turning back now, as one they came forward. Celestia looked at each of them with a smile. Mata Nui Spoke some words to the six brave mares. “You six are among the bravest creatures I know. When you arrive on the island seek out the Turaga, they are older ponies. Once you find one explain why you are there, if they doubt you show them the element around your neck.” Mata Nui said looking towards each of them. “Are you ready?” In turn each of them nodded and stepped as one towards Mata Nui. With a smile Mata Nui open a golden portal out of thin air. “Good luck.” Mata Nui said. ---- In the waters just off the shores of Mane Nui the evening light hit the stone canister and it shined a bit. As one each one of the canisters moved to a predetermined spot each near a village. During that night each of them made landfall. ---- Well here it is the end of the arc. Before I start on the next arc I will be reposting/posting the edited versions on a number of sites. Again I would like to thank everyone who has stuck with me through the past year and there is more to come.