//------------------------------// // Homeward Bound // Story: My New Life // by Ark125 //------------------------------// My New Life Chapter 38 - Homeward Bound Pure Heart's POV "Alright, I am ready." I said, scratching my newly shaved chin. It was not a clean shave, nor was it even close, but it was the best I could do with a sharpened rock. Luna looked me over and sighed. "That will have to do. Let us be off." I nodded and placed my hand on her back. She closed her eyes and began to concentrate, her signature blue glow encircling us. She opened her eyes, which glowed white with magic, and then we transported. After a few seconds, my eyes began to readjust to the direct moonlight. I looked around and found that we were merely on the plateau at the top of the pit. "Great. I couldn't even get us that far." Luna said, breathing shallowly. I smiled and picked her up. "That is okay." I shifted her to my back so she was piggy-backing me. "You are still weak. I will just walk us to Dodge City and then we can take a train from there." "I wish I could be of more help." "Hey, you got us out of the Pit. As far as I am concerned, you did help tremendously. I don't think I could have scaled that cliff by myself, let alone carrying you and Bubbles." Bubbles growled at me. "I am not calling you fat. I am merely saying I don't have that kind of capability." He flicked his tongue at me and then climbed onto my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Luna. "You ready?" She nodded. "Yes, let us go." I began to walk towards the north, wondering what the reactions of everypony will be when they see me. After a few days of walking through the Badlands and then traversing other treacherous terrains, we finally made it to Dodge City. I walked us to the train station and set Luna down on a bench. "I am going to get us the tickets." She looked at me with a questionable look. "Do you even have any bits?" "Uh, no." She facehoofed. "You better let me handle the tickets." "You don't have any money either." "I can have it put on my tab, I am a princess after all." She began to stand and then got off the bench. "Besides, I really need to stretch my legs." She trotted over to the ticket window and I followed. "Hello good sir. Me and my companion would like to purchase two tickets for the train." The stallion behind the window didn't bother looking up from the book he was reading. "That will be thirty bits." "You can put that on the royal tab." "Royal tab?" He looked up and nearly fell out of his chair. "Princess Luna! I am so sorry. I didn't think somepony like you would be all the way out here." "That is quite alright. Now about those two tickets." "Yes of course." He pressed a button and two tickets were deposited from a slot on the front of the booth. She took the two tickets and thanked the pony. She then turned to me and smiled. "See, easy as that." I rolled my eyes. "Okay. So what car are we in?" I took the tickets from her and read them over. "Oh, sweet. We got our own private car." I picked up Luna and walked over to the car we were to be on and gave the conductor our tickets. "Right this way." He said, eyeing me suspiciously. "Thank you." I stepped into the car and gasped. The car was furnished with beautiful lights and beds. It even had a bathroom with a shower. "Wow, what a nice room." "Indeed." I set Luna down and she hobbled over to the bathroom. "If you will excuse me, I am going to take a shower. I suggest you do the same thing." "Are you saying I smell?" "Yes. Horribly so." I took a sniff at my right armpit and nearly gagged. "Okay, you are right." "Aren't I always?" She giggled. Again, I rolled my eyes. "Yes, dear." She winked at me and closed the door to the bathroom. I soon heard the sound of the shower starting. I decided to stay put and found a stack of magazines. I picked up one and then sat down. Bubbles climbed off my shoulder and went to one of the beds, curled up, and fell asleep. After twenty minutes or so, the shower went off and I heard a blow drier. Luna soon walked out of the bathroom and I went in and took a quick shower. When I came out, I found Luna asleep in one of the beds. She looked adorable all curled up like that. I pulled the blanket over her, brushed a lock of her hair out of her face and kissed her on the forehead, causing her to stir a little. I sat down in one of the chairs and attempted to stay awake but soon gave into exhaustion and fell asleep as well. "Pure Heart." "Huh. What? I wasn't asleep. I was resting my eyes." I said, rubbing my eyes. "Sure." Luna said, rolling her eyes. "Anyways, it looks like we are about home." I yawned and stood up, stretching out my joints, causing them to pop and crack. "Sweet. I can't wait to see the kids. I bet they have grown up so much." "Oh yes. I hope Twilight and Eclipse have taken good care of them." "They better have, I will have to have a few words with Eclipse." "Don't worry, I am sure they are fine." "Attention passengers. We will be arriving in Canterlot in any minute now. Please collect any valuables and luggage you have and prepare to depart." "That's us. Now I just have to get my valuables and luggage." I said. "You didn't bring anything with you." Luna stated. "Sure I did. You are my valuable." "Ah, thanks." She kissed me on the cheek. "But what about your luggage?" "That's Bubbles." Bubbles whipped me with his tail and grumbled. "You know I am kidding." I said, rubbing my leg. I held out my arm and he climbed up onto my shoulder. "Attention passengers. We have arrived at Canterlot station. Please collect your personal belongings and exit through the doors in an orderly fashion. Thank you for riding with us and have a spectacular day." I took off my cloak and draped it over Luna. "What are you doing?" She asked, lifting up the fabric that concealed her. "We don't want to draw too much attention to ourselves, so we are going to cover you up." "Oh yeah, because a six-foot human with a lizard on his shoulder is something ponies see everyday." She said sarcastically. "Hey, if they see you, then we are bound to be crowded as soon as we step off this train. At least I will deter ponies somewhat." She sighed. "Fine. But let's hurry. This thing is very hot." "Okay." I adjusted the cloak a bit so it covered her a bit more and then we walked over to the door. "You ready?" "As I ever will be." We stepped off the train and into the hustle and bustle of Canterlot. "Stay close. I don't want you getting lost." "I am not a foal. I can navigate this city with my eyes closed." She said, walking out into the street. "Look out!" I said, pulling her out of the way of a cart. We took a deep breath. "Please don't try to." "Okay, I will just stay close to you." "Good." We spent a while walking to the palace, this time being more wary of traffic. After about a half hour of walking, we finally arrived at the castle. "Hello, we need to speak to Princess Celestia." I said to the guard at the gate. Somewhat stunned, he was able to stutter a few words. "She is currently not seeing anyone." "Alright, how about Princess Twilight Sparkle." "What business do you have with her?" "We want to pick up our children." "Children?" The guard's jaw dropped. "Don't worry. We know our way around." I opened the gate and we walked in. Once we got to Twilight's room, passing several stunned maids and butlers, I knocked on the door. "Hold on, I will be right there!" Twilight said. The door opened and the purple alicorn poked out her head. "Oh, a human. Eclipse! Come here." Eclipse came to the door. "Yes, what is it?" He had Moonbeam hanging from his mane. "There is human at the door." "Really? Interesting." "Is it really that weird?" I asked. I looked at Moonbeam and smiled. "Come here sweetie." I held out my arms and she looked at me. She smiled and jumped into my arms. "Whoa. She never does that to anyone." "I do for daddy." She said with a smile. She then rubbed her face in my chest. "Daddy?" Twilight and Eclipse said in unison. "Mommy is here, too." Luna pulled off the cloak and Twilight and Eclipse gasped. "We thought you were, um, not with us anymore." Twilight said, hugging Luna. "I am very much alive and well. Now let me see my other children." She pushed pass them and walked into the room. "Mommy!" Starfire and Nightshade both screamed. They ran and jumped onto her. Eclipse looked back at me. "Is it really you?" "Yep, the one and only Pure Heart." I set Moonbeam down and she ran over to Luna. I then picked up my cloak, dusted it off, and put it back on. "Where have you been this whole time?" Eclipse asked. "On vacation in the Fillypines. Where do you think I have been?" I said with sarcasm. "I don't know. That is why asked." "Sorry, it has been a while. Anyways, I would rather discuss this with Tia and Death present as well." "Well, Princess Celestia has been in her room for a few weeks now. She hasn't talked to anypony except Death." "Why?" "She is probably depressed from seeing her sister fall into the Pit and not being able to do anything about it." "I see. Well then, we will just have to visit her then." I walked over to Luna and told her. She agreed and we began to walk out of the room.