The Sun is in Your Hoof

by Animegx43

The Messenger

Equestria: a magical land where the forces of evil are poorly tolerated and nearly non-existent. The citizens of this land, full of hope and love, have constantly worked to unite their nation, bringing peace and happiness to all who step foot there. It is a true paradise.

Another land however, one of another world, is not as lucky, for the forces of evil have had the stronger grip on the world, and only in recent times has the side good been fighting back successfully. Even then, the demons that live there, known infamously as the Immortals, fight with a nearly endless army of undead minions. Had they been ignored, they would've already brought Hell to their world.

A world of love and justice. A world of hatred and evil. Two separate worlds that have gone through dire times. In addition, thanks to a group of Immortals from the world of evil, the world of good had faced an evil that had never been seen before. Only one who firmly believed in hope, magic, and love was able fight back to save her world from such evil, and even then, she needed the help from the representative of the Sun itself. Together, they fought to save the world of magic from facing eternal darkness.

This is their story. The team up of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Master Otenko.


A typical day in Equestria's Ponyville would include a sunny sky to prevent cold weather, but also partly cloudy to prevent hot weather. In short, beautiful weather. One day, however, was not by any means typical. The weather in Equestria is normally controlled by the pegasi, as they are able to manipulate the clouds to their whim. Therefore, it was odd when clouds started to form all on their own over the skies of Ponyville. When the pegasi found they couldn't move the mysterious clouds, the entire town got worried.

As the weather ponies had no idea what was going, they quickly turned for alternative help. As it so happened, the most magically gifted pony in Ponyville, and possibly even all of Equestria, the alicorn Twilight Sparkle, was studying the unusual weather. As she was a recently coronated princess, as well as already being well-loved in Ponyville, everypony depended on her to figure something out.

With the help of three of her friends, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity, she brought a number of high-tech equipment outside of her home to study the weather.

"Temperature: Normal. Wind: Slightly windy. Humidity: Non-existent." Twilight said out loud. "Hmm. If it wasn't for those dark clouds, I'd say this was a pretty normal day."

"Normal my flank!" Rainbow Dash the pegasus said. "I'm the best cloud clearer in Ponyville, yet those things won't even budge. If today was normal, I'd be able to cause a drought by now."

"Yeah...I think I'd rather stick with the cloudy...WAIT!" Twilight said as she turned her head to a monitor. "That's funny. I'm picking up something odd."

"OOH! How funny is it?" Pinkie Pie the earth pony asked. "Is it haha funny, strange funny, or funny that Rainbow Dash still sleeps with a teddy bear?"

"PINKIE! You promise you'd tell nopony about that!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"No, it's strange funny." Twilight answered. "My equipment normally tells me if anything is unusual about the weather, but I'm picking up some strange signals. Something unnatural. The problem though is that I have no idea what it could be."

"Well, surely you'll be able to figure out something, right darling?" Rarity the unicorn asked. "Why you're the only one in town with this much fancy science stuff."

"It's a shame too. So much goes on in this town, and between the evil enemies, the occasional monster attack, and Pinkie Pie's weekly parties, I'm surprised Ponyville is still standing. It especially didn't help that she invited DISCORD last time!"

"Now don't you lie, Twilight. He was fun!" Pinkie Pie said with a smile.

As much as Twilight enjoyed the company of her friends, she was too concerned with the clouds to add anything else into their conversation. She figured that the sooner she got her work done, the sooner she could hang out with her friends.
Then, on one of her monitors, she found more strange signals.

"Ah ha! Here's something. It seems that there's some kind of dark, maybe evil, energy in the air." Twilight said out loud, but then grew confused. " doesn't seem entirely magic based. If only I could see what exactly this is, maybe I could understand it better. What do you girls think?"

As Twilight turned to her friends for their opinions, she found that Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity were all looking up to the sky in horror. Twilight looked up as well and saw what they were all looking at.

Up in the sky, in the middle of the dark clouds, was a big swirl with a big black void of darkness in the very middle with blue lightning blasting its way through. As Twilight said, it was not a natural occurrence, as the look of it alone felt evil to the mares.

"Oh my GOSH! SOMETHING IS BREACHING THE FORTH WALL!" Pinkie Pie screamed in terror. "TAKE COVER!

"Hold it, dear." Rarity said as she stopped Pinkie Pie from running away with her unicorn magic. "I know it's scary now, but we've faced scarier things then this before."

At that moment, Pinkie Pie's tail began to twitch. While not common knowledge throughout Equestria, when Pinkie Pie's tail twitches, it would mean some would fall. The mystery is what would fall.

"Okay, now we can panic." Rarity corrected herself.

"Twitchy tail?" Twilight asked. "Are you honestly telling me that something is about to-"


Out from the darkness in the clouds came a giant ball of purple energy, which began falling toward the ground. However, seconds after appearing, the energy had split in two, which formed one small wave of yellow light, and formed one giant wave of black light. Both went into separate directions, but Twilight found the yellow one would land closer to where she was.

"Okay girls, this is what we've been waiting for!" Twilight said. "I need you to tell everypony to stay inside and not to panic! Whatever it was that just fell out of the sky, I will be sure to figure out what it is! Be sure no pony goes near the other...thing."

"Hold on! These things look cool. Why should we run away?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"If you'd rather stay outside and risk getting flattened by them, be my guest."

As she wanted to investigate what had caused so much fear, Twilight opened up her wings, took flight, and began following the yellow light. As Twilight ordered, Pinkie Pie and Rarity returned to town to make sure everypony was safe. Rainbow Dash, however, had other plans.


Much to her surprise, Twilight made a minor miscalculation, as the wave of yellow light flew much father from Ponyville then she expected. She hoped to see it land, mark its location, then do the same thing with the second falling object, but she was not that lucky. Eventually, just outside of Ponyville, the wave of light made a crash landing.

She quickly concluded that no pony was around at the time, so there were thankfully no injuries. Instead, there was a crater that was 6 feet in diameter. In it was the object of light. Twilight Sparkle went into the crater to examine it, but she became dumbfounded by what she found. When it was falling out of the sky, it looked big, but after seeing it up close, it became just a small yellow orb. Despite the size, Twilight was very curious about what the foreign thing was.

"Alright, time to study." Twilight said with a smile, summoning a quill and scroll with her magic. As she analyzed the object, she wrote her thoughts down. "Let's see...Life form: Unknown. Alien object: Unknown. Magical object: Unknown. Okay, I'm stumped already. This will be a productive day." She said sarcastically to herself.

"Well...this is interesting." Said an unknown voice.

"EEK! IT TALKED!" Twilight said as she teleported out of the crater in fear.

Much to Twilight's surprise, the object that was in the crater was alive. The orb then levitated off the ground before taking a new form. While retaining the same small size, the orb morphed into the shape of a sunflower, having a yellow face with two white eyes and a long nose, orange petals, and a green stem with two leaves. The small being began to check his surroundings to see where he was, but after a quick look around, he couldn't figure out where he was.

"Hmm...this is new." The sunflower creature said to himself. "I'm sensing so little dark matter. I'm not sure whether to take that as a good sign or not."

"Oh my gosh! A talking, alien sunflower!" Twilight said.

The sunflower heard Twilight talking and looked up to find the alicorn flying in the air. Twilight and the creature both kept a safe distance from the other, fearing what was unknown to them. As they each found that the other was afraid, they both concluded that neither of them meant any harm. As a result, Twilight slowly flew down to try to speak to the sunflower creature. The sunflower creature backed off a little as Twilight came closer, but after realizing that she didn't mean any harm, he took the chance and got closer to Twilight as well.

"Umm...hi? Twilight said.

"Well I'll be. A pegasus. And a talking one at that. I suppose I've seen stranger creatures before. Hello there."

"Oh...excuse me, but I'm actually an alicorn. Half pegasus, half unicorn. Mostly unicorn for me."

The yellow flower being floated closer to Twilight to take a better look, being unfamiliar to the likes of Twilight. He was still convinced that Twilight was a pegasus, but he didn't want to risk angering her.

"So you are. Tell me Miss Alicorn, but I need to ask you a dumb question. Could you tell me where exactly you and I are at this moment?"

"Where we are? Well, we're in Equestria. Where else could we be?"

"Equest...oh my..." The yellow being said with a concerned look after losing interest in the alicorn. "Could it be that...? No...No, this is not good. I've traveled the world and never found such a place like this, nor have I seen a pegasus that could talk."

"Excuse me, but I'd prefer if you'd call me a unicorn more than anything." Twilight tried to say.

Although Twilight claimed that she wasn't simply a pegasus, the yellow being didn't listen. He was processing too much information in his head and was too worried to actually care who or what Twilight was.

"If I'm in a world I've never heard of before, then that must mean...oh no. Lady Gungnir must've succeeded. I must..." As the yellow being constantly paused to think, Twilight tried to find a good time to say something, only for the being to think of something else to say. "Miss, do you know if anything odd has happened around here lately?"

"Yes. You and some black ball of darkness came falling out of the sky!" Twilight said, who was happy because she was finally able to say something.


"Well, I guess it landed on the other side of Ponyville." Twilight answered. "I was actually planning on checking it out myself."

"In that case, we'd better hurry. We can't let anybody near the landing site, or the sisters will get away"

"The sisters?"

The being wasn't sure how to explain it. A threat was about to rise and he knew that Twilight wouldn't have understood what it was. As he found very little time to explain everything, he decided to give her a short, simple explanation.

"I'm afraid that an evil force has entered your world. If left ignored, they will bring chaos to this world and destroy every living life-form. If you really are a pegasus, you must bring me to where the darkness landed."

"For the last time, I'm not a...never mind." Twilight said, as she was tired of arguing. "Alright, but afterwards, you have to tell me what's going on. Until then, let me introduce myself. I am Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"Ah! Of course. I am Otenko, Messenger of the Sun. From now until we get to the bottom of this, you shall be my temporary student. For that, you shall address to me as Master Otenko. Now let us head to the other landing site, shall we?"

"What? Hold on there,, I'm not your student! My only teacher is Princess Celestia, and she's the one who told me to study you and that other thing! So if anything, I'm in charge!"

Otenko found that Twilight raised a good point. She had every reason for not wanting to follow him, but because he knew more about what was going on, he had to call the shots. That said, he thought of a more subtle way of putting it.

"How about this then. You and I shall work together equally. With the knowledge I have, I will help you to protect your home from the evil that awaits us. How does that sound?"

"Actually, that does sound a lot better. Alright. Promise me you'll answer my questions later and you have a deal."

"Very well. Until then, let's get going!"

A sneaky move made by Otenko. Twilight didn't realize at the time how much knowledge Otenko had on the evil she was about to face. While they would treat each other as equals, Twilight would have to follow everything Otenko would tell her to do in order to succeed in her goals. In other words, Otenko really was in charge.

As Twilight Sparkle and Otenko were finally focused on the task ahead, Twilight once again took flight and flew toward where she figured the other wave of light landed with her new accomplice following behind. As Otenko had been very vague, she had no idea what she was about to happen in Ponyville and what evil was about to scourge the land.


At that time, at the other landing site, Rainbow Dash managed to clear the area of any pony whose curiosity brought them to it, using Twilight Sparkle's royal name to keep the area safely secured. That said, she took advantage of the moment to check out what it was that landed. The crater it left was massive, being big enough to bury a small house, but what actually caught her attention was what was inside.

In the crater was three orbs, one blue, one purple, and one yellow, each one giving off a mist of the same color. Rainbow Dash found it strange how a giant black ball of death falling out of the sky would create such different colors. She didn't think too much into it though as it was the blue orb that caught her attention the most.

"Neat. This one's my favorite color. I wonder what it is." Rainbow Dash asked herself. "Maybe I should have waited for Twilight to come."

Suddenly, the blue orb changed, losing its form and became mist entirely, catching Rainbow Dash off-guard. Before she could react, the mist charged toward Rainbow Dash and entered her body.

"Hey! Where did that thing just-UGHH!"

Rainbow Dash felt a sudden pain as she quickly lost control of her body. Her limbs and wings began spazzing out of control, as well as losing her ability to breath. The lost of breath and body spasms caused even greater pain, so much so that she screamed at the sky in agony until she lost consciousness.. She had no idea what it was that happened. All she knew was that she was thankful that the pain only lasted a few seconds.

After the whole thing ended, she began to move again, but her movements were odd. As she came to, she looked around and checked her body. She took a look at her front and back hooves, her mane and coat, and even took a long gander at her wings, as if it was her first time seeing them. As she looked at her body, she smiled with a sense of satisfaction. She was happy. Very happy.

"Not bad a body. " She said to herself with a slightly altered voice. "Not bad at all."