A Fractured Pinkie

by RustyNails

A Big Mishap

It was a lovely summer day by the lake outside Ponyville. The Mane Six along with Spike were enjoying a picnic and swim.
Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie were already in the water. Twilight Sparkle jumped into the air, did a twirl, and dove into the water.
"Oh the water feels so good this time of day." Applejack's head popped out of the water.
"Boy does it." Said AJ. "Especially on an egg frying on a sidewalk day like today." Fluttershy was floating around on an inner-tube with a pair of sunglasses.
"There's nothing like a nice relaxing day on the water. Isn't that right Angel Bunny." Angel was lying on Fluttershy's tummy with is own pair of sunglasses. He nodded in agreement with his owner. On shore, Spike was blowing up his swim aids.
"Hey wear's Rarity?" asked the baby dragon. "She said she was gonna come."
"Yoohoo girls." Called Rarity, walking up to the edge of the lake. "Sorry I'm late. I had to put the finishing touches on my new swimwear ensemble." She tossed off a tank top revealing a blue sapphire bikini. Spike's eyes lit up at the sight of his crush dressed in the beautiful blue diamonds.
"Oh Rarity." Spike slobbered. "You look so amazing in that bikini."
"Oh thank-you Spikey-wikey. And you look most becoming in that adorable red bathing suit. Hee." Spike looked down at his little red bathing suit and swim aids, and blushed with a "squee".
"Spike, would you be a dear and lotion up my back?" Spike nearly fainted at the idea of spreading sunscreen on Rarity.
"Oh of course. Just show me where." He squirted sunblock onto his hands, rubbed them together, and proceeded to rub Rarity's back.
"OohHooHoo!" Rarity cooed. "That feels wonderful."


The ponies lounged and swam at the lake all day. Suddenly Rainbow Dash had an idea.
"Hey girls. How bout a splashing contest? Whoever makes the best splash wins."
The ponies and Spike all sat in line at the swing except for Rarity who was sunning herself. Rainbow Dash was first. She used her wings to get the swing going, then spun around the branch faster and faster before launching into the air, and diving head first into the lake. The four other ponies cheered.
"That was a great one Rainbow." Said Pinkie Pie. Applejack was up next. She revved up on the swing and did a cannonball into the water.
"Geronimooo!" she hit the water with a bigger splash. The splash hit Rarity, and she screamed. Applejack surfaced, and spit water out of her mouth.
"Now that's what I call a cannonball."
"Can't a mare get proper tan without getting soaked." said Rarity annoyed.
"Oh come on Rarity." Said Rainbow. "It's all in good fun. Why don't you make a splash?" Rarity smirked.
"Alright, you want a splash. I'll give you one." The white unicorn got to the edge of the lake, and got ready to dive in.
"Oh wait. Musn't forget these." She put a pair of noseplugs on. She took a big leap into the air, and dove into the lake, but without making a splash at all. The other ponies looked at her in amazement.
"Wait. How'd you do that?" said AJ puzzeled. Rarity surfaced.
"Oh I took swimming lessons when I was a filly. One of the first things I learned was how not to splash, and I never forgot it."
"My turn." Said Spike. He got on the swing. "I'll show you ponies how a dragon makes a splash." Spike got the swing going and jumped off, but he lost his balance on the jump and made a big belly flop into the water. The ponies all cringed at the painful sight. Rarity swam to Spike's side.
"Spikey Wikey. Are you alright." The baby dragon was winded.
"I'm fine." he said exasperated. "Dragons have tough belly scales."
Pinkie Pie was the next to go.
"Okay everypony. I'm gonna show you a splash like you wouldn't believe." Pinkie climbed onto the swing and rocked back and forth making it pick up speed. It was swinging a little too hard. Twilight and Fluttershy watched nervously.
"I don't think the rope can take that much force." said Twilight. Pinkie swung faster and faster.
"Here I go." but before she could, the rope for the swing snapped and Pinkie plummeted straight down hitting the ground with a crunch.
"OUCH!!!!!" the pink mare screamed. "My Leg!!!!!!"The five other ponies were aghast in shock.
"Pinkie Pie!" shouted Twilight.
"Pinkie!" said Rarity.
"Sweet Celestia." said Applejack. They all rushed to Pinkie's aid. Pinkie was curled up clutching her hind right leg in terrible pain.
"Pinkie! Are you okay?"
"Does the word ouch answer your question?" said Pinkie.
"We better get her to the hospital." said Twilight. "I think she might have broken something."