When Worlds Collide

by Chris-Cross13


Christian gets spit out of the portal and flies across the castle throne room. The tile flooring greets him with a painful thud as he lands on his stomach and rolls a few feet forward.

"Uhhhh..." He groans in pain as he is lifted to his hooves by two royal guards. Christian takes a minute to gather his surroundings. It was still night out, seeing as the moon and night sky still shone through the stained glass windows. The portal that he got thrown out of was still present, meaning 'Celestia' was about to chew him out like month-old gum. Christian gulped. He was totally done for. Seconds later, The doppelganger Celestia jumps out of the portal, a black sphere following her afterwards. To Christian's astonishment, she only had the one.

"How DARE you! Thinking you can get out of your community service?! Well, it didn't work did it?!" She starts pacing back and forth in front of Christian at this point. Christian raised a brow, concerned that she didn't figure out that he knew everything and that a portal device was missing. "You're lucky that you know the reason why you're really here, otherwise, I would send you to the dungeon!"

"You mean the dungeon with the REAL Mane Six, Celestia, and Luna in it?" Christian pointed out. Chrysalis went wide-eyed.

"What are you talking about..."

"Oh, quit playing stupid! You know exactly what i'm talking about Chrysalis!" Chrysalis's pupils remained dilated. How did he figure everything out? Chrysalis dropped here Celestia camouflage with an angry frown. She nodded to her 'guards' and after a few seconds and some more green flashes, they got rid of their fake guard appearances as well; turning into their true disgusting form.

"It appears you didn't take 'just a quick glance' into the dungeon." Chrysalis says matter-of-factly into Christian's face. Christian smirks, making the changelings pull on him harder. Chrysalis proceeds back to Celestia's throne and slumps down. "Ah, but it doesn't matter, there's not a chance you have what it take to defeat me alone!" Christian starts to laugh uncontrollably. Didn't she realize he was just with his government not five minutes ago?

"Luckily, I don't have to. In a few minutes, my uncle and some troops will march in here and take you down!" He says as he struggles against the changelings' grip. Chrysalis starts to laugh out loud and gets up from the throne. She approaches the smiling human, and sticks her head to his.

"Oh right, I forgot about them. Must be a side effect of the mind wipe spell I used on them!" Christian's jaw drops. Chrysalis is now the one with a big smile on her face. "Oh, i'm sorry. Did I forget to mention that?" She laughs as she starts to circle the now upset tan pony. Christian's mind starts to process that he was probably not getting any help, but he was saving those ponies, one way or an other. His expression changes to anger as he forcefully thrusts his forehooves forward, throwing the two changelings to each side of the gold throne. Chrysalis ducks to avoid getting hit by her own minions.

"It doesn't matter! I'll save those ponies! You can bet on it!" He dashes up to his makeshift room, leaving the two injured changelings and a confused Chrysalis to watch him run off. One of the changelings haphazardly flies next to his queen.

"Should we get after him Queen Chrysalissssssssssss?" He says. Chrysalis swivels her head and returns to her throne.

"Nah, just make sure he doesn't pull anything else tonight. Keep a close eye on him."

"We'll take care of that my Queen." Twilight and the rest of the fake Mane Six enter the castle. Twilight surrounds the six of them in a eerie green glow. They transform into their changeling selves, all holes and fangs. Chrysalis smiles maliciously.

"Ahh good." She gets up and motions to go back to Celestia's room "I'm going back to bed. I want you six to keep a close eye on him. Report to me if he pulls anything." She trots off to Celestia's bed. The changeling that was impersonating Twilight nods to their ruler.

"Don't worry Chrysalissssssssssss, he will not leave our ssssssssssssight!" The six of them fly up to Christian's room and start to patrol the area; watching his door like a couple of hawks. In his room, Christian started out his window. It was still night out, heck, the moon looked like it was in the same position! The night was still young and Christian knew he had to act now. He put an ear up to his door and heard the hissing and hoofsteps of the changelings that were keeping his room on lockdown.

"Heh, these idiots can't stay awake for long. I'll wait all night if I have to. I don't care if..."

"ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ..." Snoring is suddenly heard from the other side of the door. Christian's expression changes to confusion as he takes his ear off the door and opens it a crack. He peers out to see six changelings curled up and lying down on the floor, snoring away. Christian quickly and quietly shuts his door again and starts to laugh silently.

"Yup, great guards, Chrissy!" He says. He walks over to his window. He stares out to the small town of Ponyville below. He sighs. "Now all I need is a plan. Hmm..." Suddenly, a bright light comes up behind him. Christian turns around to see the opening of a vortex behind him. However, this one didn't have swirling colors like the orb's. This one was like a hole in space. On the other side, he saw a white lab and a bunch of complex technology. "Huh?" Christian was confused at the new type of portal. It definitely wasn't Chrysalis's.

"C'mon kid! We're not waiting all day!" A voice screamed from the other side of the portal. Christian looked in to see a bunch of familiar guards aiming rifles at his head. Christian quickly put his hooves over his head, but then realized it was the guards from before. "Well?!" One of them shouted at the scared tan pony. Christian peeked an eye out and smiled. He looked around one last time and jumped in. Christian became blinded for a few seconds from all of the white in the room. After uncovering his eyes, Christian looks up and sees a huge shadow looming over him.

"Miss me?" The figure asks. Christian smiles.

"Uncle John?! But how? I thought Chrysalis erased everyone's mind!" His uncle laughs and kneels down to meet him eye to eye.

"Well yes, some guards did have a problem with that..." He points to a few of the guards in the back, who were busy gawking at the talking pony in front of them.

"I see." Christian says, a little disturbed.

"But, who ever was wearing sunglasses didn't get their minds wiped." Christian thought about this for a second. The sunglasses prevented the spell from working. He tried to remember what his uncle said about them: "What? These plastic things..." Christian smiles as he figures it out.

"That's because the sunglasses are made of plastic."

"So?" John says, confused. Christian rolls his eyes.

"Plastic isn't affected by magic."

"Ahhh! Interesting! I'll make sure to keep a note of that." John points to the other end of the room. Christian nods and walks with him. The guards behind them close up the portal. A moment later, a bunch of men in white coats take out tablets and start to do equations and take notes. Christian shrugs. Scientists. What won't they do for research? Christian and John approach a giant table with a blue screen hovering over it.

"So, what's the game plan?' Christian asks. One of the men in lab coats comes behind him an presses a button on his tablet. Instantly, a map pops up on the table. The map showed nothing whatsoever. "Great, a map with nothing on it. Did you guys also make a clock that doesn't show the time?" John doesn't laugh at this joke. He gains a very serious look at Christian.

"Christian, this isn't a joke. We need your help from this."

"Really? How so?" His uncle pushes another button on the table. A blueprint pops up of a torpedo looking thing. His uncle points to it, making the image enlarge.

"You see this, Christian?" Christian inspects the hologram.

"Yea, what is it?"

"Well, after we did our fair share of research on this...subject. We discovered an easy way to take down Chrysalis and her changelings in a safe way so no harm will come to them."

"Which is?" Christian said disgusted and bummed out. If anything, she should be defeated in the most painful way possible!

"This." John brings up a description of the device on the hologram. "This specially made bomb is designed to..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, A BOMB?! I thought you said it wouldn't hurt them!" John puts his hand up to silence his nephew.

"If you let me finish. I was going to say that this bomb is designed to first send out a shockwave of wind, hopefully blowing away any of those changelings in the surrounding area. And if that doesn't work, then the bomb will emit a special chemical that will turn anything that is around the same size of the target in said area into stone."

"Ahh, like that Discord guy?" Christian asks. John nods.

"Basically." Christian puts a hoof on his chin. Determining that the plan was genius, but he still had a few questions.

"Ok, hang on. First off, what am I here for?"

"You are here to give us a detailed map of the Ponyville area." Christian nodded. He was the only one who has actually been there.

"Alright. Two, What about the other ponies?" John and the man in the lab coat scratch their necks in nervousness after Christian asks this question. Christian looks at the two of them a starts to tap his hoof impatiently. "Well?!" John kneels to Christian again.

"Well, that's why you're giving us the map. You see, the bomb would affect the ponies in the surrounding area. However, if we can sneak into Ponyville and get every single citizen here, outside the portal. It would save them all."

"Ok, great! So, when do we go?" John laughs, followed by some of the guards snickering.

"Well Christian, I leave in one minute. YOU will stay here and map out the area." Christian's jaw drops and hangs wide. Seriously, he was stuck here?

"Wait, WHAT?! But I want to help!"

"And you will." John motions the scientists to open the portal again. A bright flash occurs and a zap is heard. The portal reopens in front of the small, quiet pony town. It was still nighttime, but the moon looked like it was starting to set. A few of the guards have already jumped through, wearing dark, night like camo. Three of them were carrying the torpedo shaped explosive through the portal. John stood right the portal ready to jump in. "Now, all you have to do is show us the area via our links in our wrist pads. John puts back his sleeve to show a smaller, more portable tablet. It blinked blue to indicate it was on an linked to the table. "And we'll make sure that everypony is saved and that Chrysalis and her minions are destroyed!" He hops through the portal, leaving Christian with the holographic table and a bunch of scientists. Christian sighs.

"Alright, let's get started gentlemen." Christian starts to maneuver his hooves over the table, making houses and small buildings show up. At the same time, the exact same image was appearing on every soldiers wrist tablet. The blue wire frames quickly turned into the colorful buildings off Ponyville, making for a very easy extraction of its citizens. Christian continued to draw out the entire town, from the Sweet Apple Acres to Twilight's library to Sugarcube Corner. The soldiers proceeded to split up in the middle of the town and sneak into each of the houses and buildings. After a few minutes, one of the soldiers jumps back through the portal with a pony in tow.

"This is your plan? Taking each pony through the portal one at a time?"

The soldier shrugs. "It's the quickest, quietest, and safest way to get every pony out of the town. Just deal with it until everyone is evacuated." Christian rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." Christian goes back to directing the scientists and constructing the wire frames of the buildings. Soon after, more soldiers come back with ponies. Earth ponies, unicorns, pegasi, fillies, and colts. The more ponies the soldiers rounded up, the more surprised Christian gotr that none of them have woken up yet. As the minutes turned into hours, the room began to fill with the sounds of sleeping, snoring ponies, which was making Christian lose his mind. Finally, Christian finished the 3D map of Ponyville. He wiped the sweat off his head and rubbed his eyes. He hasn't gotten any sleep tonight, and he deserves a nap after everything he has done. With a loud yawn, he trots away from the table and tries to find a vacant blanket or bed. He searches around the sea of sleeping ponies, but can't find anything.

"Hey Christian!" A voice calls behind him. Christian turns around lazily to see his uncle steppin through the portal. He smiles in a daze.

"Hey." He yawns. "What goes on?"

"Well, the bomb is in place and every citizen is saved. In one hour, Chrysalis and her minions will be nothing but statues!" Christian yawns again. It was great victory, but he was way too tired to care.

"That's great." He scans all of the ponies in the room. He was happy he helped saved everyone. Now, he just needs to find Celestia so he can become human again. Suddenly, Christian perks up immediately and gives the room a good look around. He couldn't see Celestia at all. Come to think of it, He couldn't find Luna or The Mane Six either. "Uh, Uncle John, you saved Celestia, Luna, and The Mane Six in the dungeon right? John looks at his ponified nephew quizzically.

"What dungeon?"

"You know, in the huge castle on the cliff?" John and some of the soldiers looked at each other.

"What castle?" Christian facehoofs. He forgot to put the castle on the 3D map! Christian moans in anger. Without Celestia, he would be stuck as a pony permanently!

"We have to go back! I need to save them!" Christian launches into a full on sprint toward the portal. John, however, steps in his way an blocks him, making Christian slide to a halt. "Move John! I need to save the others!" Christian tries to slip around his uncle, but John sidesteps each and every way to stop him. John sighs apologetically.

"Listen Christian, that bomb is going off in fifty five minutes. There is no way one of us, let alone any human; can get to a castle on a cliff miles away from here, save eight ponies in a dungeon, and return back without getting caught in the process or running out of time and getting turned to stone as well. I'm sorry Christian."

"But... But..."

"I'm sorry. Maybe after the detonation we can try and make them organic, but right now, nothing will work." A solider then comes up behind John.

"Uh sir, what do we do with these ponies anyway?" John turns away from a sad and distraught Christian.

"Well, as long as we keep them here..." As John talked to the soldier, thoughts started to race in Christian said about what his uncle just told him. He said no human could save those ponies. But that was just it, Christian was no longer a human. He was a one-hundred percent, ready to roll earth pony! And he was going to save those captives if it killed him. Plus, he wanted to be human again, and no force on Earth or Equestria was going to stop him! Silently and with a smirk on his face, Christian crept away from his uncle. Now, he just needed some tools...

"So as long as we can close the portal now, we won't get turned to stone and neither will these ponies." John finished his explanation to the soldier. The soldier nodded, it all made sense now!

"I see. Ok, got it! By the way, weren't you talking to a tan pony behind you?" John raised a brow at the soldier.

"Who, my nephew? Yes, he's right..." He turns around to show his pony nephew to the perplexed soldier. But to his surprise, Christian vanished. John quickly looked around the room for a tan pony with a blonde mane and tail, but none of the sleeping ponies matched Christian's description. "Odd, I thought he was going to sleep. Where is he?" A guard suddenly yells from across the room. He was by another table.

"Uhh, has anyone seen my small hang glider? I left it right here next to Dave's crossbow." The soldier next to him got from under the table.

"Yea, and my wrist-mounted crossbow is missing too. Along with my bolts! And I really wanted to try that grappling hook feature." John looks at the soldier he was talking to. The soldier returns the favor, and they both quickly swivel their heads toward the open portal just in time to see a small shadow run off into the distant night. It was the shadow of a pony. John was petrified with fear, and shouts through the portal: