//------------------------------// // Reversing the Curse... With A Drawback // Story: When Worlds Collide // by Chris-Cross13 //------------------------------// Christian is in a full sprint as he rushes toward his castle destination. The night sky providing the perfect camouflage for his objective. He looks back toward the portal, now nothing but a tiny white speck in the distance. He smirks, there was no way they would catch him now! He smiles with joy as he approaches the bottom of the mountain. He squints upward toward the dark castle. "Now, how do I get up there?" Christian says to himself. He lifts a hoof and inspects the crossbow he took from the guard. "More importantly, how do you fire this thing?" *BEEP* *BEEP* "What the hay?" Christian exclaims quietly. He looks down toward the rest of the crossbow and notices that it was linked to one of the wrist pads his uncle showed him earlier. He taps the blue, blinking screen with his muzzle and a screen pops up. His uncle appears, looking not too happy and worried sick. "Christian?! What are you doing?!" John yells. Christian frowns at his uncle's remarks. "I'm saving those ponies whether you like it or not!" Christian replies. His uncle shakes his head in disapproval. "Christian, you'll never make it back in time! Look!" A smaller screen pops up on the small pad, showing a countdown timer of the bomb. Christian was shocked, he had forty-five minutes. "You see?! You're not even halfway there and..." "Actually, i'm at the base of the mountain right now." John was cut off by Christian, who looked at his uncle in a confused manner. It only took him, like, fifteen minutes to get here. His uncle was completely puzzled. "How did you..." "I'm a pony; not a human, John. I can run faster now." Christian explained while rolling his eyes. John gawked at this very obvious realization. "Oh right! How did I forget that?" Christian shrugs. "Alright then, if you're already there, you may be able to save them AND make it out with a few minutes to spare." "Ok cool... Now where is the grappling hook on this thing?" John sighs and points at the bolt on the left end of the bow. It looked like a three-pronged fish hook. "See that bolt that looks like a hook?" Christian looks at the bow. There were several bolts, but finally spots the one John was talking about. Christian points his muzzle toward it for a response. "Yea, that one. Now, flick your...hoof to fire that bolt upwards toward the castle and you should reach the top in no time!" Christian smiled softly and nodded. "Thanks uncle John!" John returned the nod. "Good luck, kiddo." John's screen vanishes, only leaving the countdown timer with forty minutes. Plenty of time, but Christian knew he should act quickly anyway. He grabs the hook bolt with his teeth and moves it toward the crossbow's chamber. He motions his jaw to lock the bolt into position, without trying to be hooked like a trout in the process. After some trouble, he manages to lock the bolt into the chamber. "Finally! Geez..." He points his left hoof up toward the small, dark outer balcony of the castle. He sighs nervously. "This thing better be long enough to make it." Christian takes a deep breath, exhales, and flicks his hoof. Instantly, the hook flies out of the bow with tremendous accuracy. It becomes a small, dark dot as it heads to it's destination. Christian grins in victory. "Piece of cake!" He exclaims. The small thread of continues to unravel out of the bow as the hook goes higher and higher. "Wow, that's high up." Up at the castle, the hook manages to soar over the balcony outside Celestia's room. It falls back down toward the edge and wraps around the small gap in the guarding surrounding the edge. The hook's string tugs, confirming that it's locked into position. Christian feels the tug and flicks his wrist again. "Wait, how do I know this thing can support..." The string cuts Christian off, and starts reeling him in at breakneck speed. His body is lifted off the ground and rockets him into the air, following the hook's path. "ME!" Christian manages to finish his sentence halfway up the mountain. He looks back down to see that Ponyville is shrinking below him. He swallows nervously. If this thing breaks, it wouldn't be a fun trip back down. He zips up the string silently, finally leading up to the balcony, where the hook undoes itself and sends the tan pony flying upwards and landing with a painful THUD! onto his back right onto the balcony. He groans in pain. "Well, that answers that question. Ow..." He gets up slowly, his back throbbing in pain. He saunters over to Celestia's dark room, and closes his eyes and prepares to sneak around the sleeping, evil queen. But to his surprise, she wasn't there. He sighed in relief at the good luck and races out of the empty room. As he quietly shuts the door behind him, he hears murmurs from the throne room below him. The entire room was lit up, meaning Chrysalis and her guards were wide awake. Christian quickly hides in the shadow of one of the large marble columns, which brings back the thoughts of how this hiding spot almost failed horribly. In the shadows, he listens in on the conversation. "What do you mean he is gone again!? I left you six to watch him!" Chrysalis boomed. The six changelings before her looked scared out of their minds. Three of them were hiding behind the head changeling, which Christian identified as Twilight's impersonator earlier. "We are ssssssssssssorry Queen Chrysalissssssssssss. He got the besssssssssssst of ussssssssssss." The head changeling said. Chrysalis growls in anger. "He must have gone back to Earth again! We must head to Twilight's house and use the other portal device to get after him before my plan is ruined!" The changelings nod to their ruler. "As you wish, Queen Chrysalissssssssssss." Chrysalis gets up from the throne and proceeds to leave the castle, her changelings flying close beside her. The heavy doors slam shut, signaling Christian that the coast was clear to step out. He looks around the empty castle one more time, just to be safe. Quickly, he starts to tap his muzzle onto his hoof tablet. After a few seconds, another screen pops up with John's face. "What the? Oh, hey kiddo! How goes the rescue?" He says, happy to see that his nephew was still alive. "It's going great!" Christian says sarcastically. "I'm in the castle, everything is fine, and oh yea; Chrysalis and an army of changelings are about to swarm you guys!" Christian screams quietly. John gives the pony a blank stare, before snickering a little bit. Christian gives his uncle a bewildered look. "What's so funny?" He asks. John calms down to explain. "Chrysalis and her army won't be a problem Christian. You don't have to worry about a thing." Christian gave a very confused look. John could tell he wasn't getting it. He sighs. "Remember that black sphere that you gave us?" "Yea." "Well, we used that sphere for a trial run to Equestria before getting you. The portal led us to a huge tree, which was actually a library and..." "Get to the point John, i'm in a hurry" Christian cuts him off. Now was not the time for telling stories. "Long story short, we found this." John reveals a black sphere from underneath the desk. "Another portal device. It seems Chrysalis had a spare. Probably how she got to you." "And you took it so she couldn't get back to Earth. Nice move uncle." Christian comments. John nods at the compliment. "Thanks. Now go save the others! You only have thirty minutes! And there's no telling how long it will take Chrysalis to find out that she has no other portal device!" Christian nods and John disappears from the tablet. Christian goes back to sneaking and hiding. He moves down the staircase swiftly and reaches the lower stair to the dungeon and library. He peers down the dark decent and gulps. Who knows if tons of guards were waiting for him down there? He takes a deep breath and starts moving down the flight, step by step. The moonlight slowly starts to disappear as he gets halfway down. "Watch your step." Christian whispers to himself. With four hooves, it wasn't hard to slip up. Finally, after a few minutes of inching down the crypt, Christian finally reaches the pair of doors from earlier. He was surprised that, just like before, not a single guard was there. "Thank Celestia." Christian whispers. He goes up to the old door on the right and forcefully opens it. The door hits the sidewall with a crack, making something ding in the process. Christian curiously moves the door out of the way to reveal a ring of keys right next to the door. "Seriously?! Wow, Chrysalis is stupider than I thought!" Christian grabs the keys in his mouth and race down the corridor. He looks left and right into each cell, but can't find the pony prisoners anywhere. He stops for a moment. They must be sleeping. He puts the keys down in front of his forehooves and takes a deep breath. "GIRLS!" He yells down the hall. Christian quickly covers his mouth. Hopefully, that didn't just blow his cover. "Wha?" Yelps a pony in the shadows. Christian quickly swivels his head toward the small sound. He squints into one of the cells next to him. It was Twilight. "Christian? Is that you?" She exclaims silently. The cells around her suddenly come alive. Each other pony instantly wakes up from their slumber, and rushes to their cell bars. Christian peers through one of the dark cells to see Celestia's white coat. He smiles. "Miss me?" He says with a bit of attitude. Celestia welcomes him with wide eyes. "Christian?! You came back!" Christian rolls his eyes. "Duh. I would like to be human again. And also, you girls don't really deserve to be statues." Celestia looks at the tan pony curiously. "What do you mean 'statues'? What's going to happen?" Christian rubs the back of his neck. How was he supposed to tell Celestia and the others that a bomb was about to turn everyone in the area into a stone statues? He bit his lip as he tried to explain. "Well... Umm... You see, there's a bomb that my government put in the middle of the town that, when it explodes, it will turn everypony in the area into stone statues." He gulped loudly as he finished his explanation. The ponies in the cells all had their jaws agape as they finished processing what Christian just said. Christian had to think of something quick to comfort them. "Uh... Uh... But! My government has safely gotten all of the citizens of Ponyville out of town and to Earth, which is out of the radius of the explosion!" Christian heard gasps of relief after he finished. Celestia, however, grow wide-eyed again. "Wait, do we have enough time to get out of here?" Christian rubbed his chin and looked back at his wrist tablet. They had twenty five minutes. "Just about. Now..." He nudges the keys with his muzzle. "Which key opens your cells?" "The first one." Celestia says. Christian picks up the first key on the bronze ring. "Thich on?" He says. Celestia nods. Quickly, Christian rushes over to Celestia and Luna's cell. He haphazardly tilts his head, trying to position the key into the lock. After a few minutes of trial and error, Christian finally hears a small click and turns the key in the lock. The cell opens with a loud creak, allowing Christian to enter the confines of Celestia and Luna's cell. "Good. Now get the other key for these shackles." The sun princess says. Christian throws the ring of keys onto the ground and fumbles with them a bit before he picks them back up; the other key now in his teeth. Carefully, Christian unlocks each of the shackles on each of the Celestia's hooves; moving on to Luna's afterward. With a stretch of her legs, Celestia leaves her damp cell and emerges into the corridor. "Ahhh, I can feel Chrysalis's grip on me leaving. Thank you, Christian." Christian nods at the alicorn happily. Luna yawns with glee. "Thou art a good fere, Christian!" Luna shouts as she trots out of the cell. Christian rubs his neck confusion. "Thanks, I guess." He honestly has no idea what she just said. Celestia turns to The Mane Six, who were wide awake now. "And now that some of my magic is back..." Celestia's horn starts to glow white. A few seconds later, the cell doors of the other six ponies's cells start to glow the same white aura. Celestia concentrates her magic on the cells and in seconds, every single one of the Mane Six's cells fly open. The ponies' shackles then start to glow white, becoming uncoupled from the hooves of the Six soon after. The Mane Six cheer with joy as they rush out of their respective cells and stretch their legs. "Finally!" Dash yells. "It was cramped in there! My wings are aching I haven't flown in so long!" "No time for some flying exercises, Dash!" Rarity says. "We have to get out of here!" "This way!" Twilight yells. The Six start racing toward the exit of the dungeon. "HANG ON!" Christian yells after them. The six ponies stop in their tracks. They turn to see a very angry tan stallion glaring at them. "What's wrong?! We need to go NOW!" Dash yells. Christian's eye starts to twitch. "First off, I'M the only one who knows where the portal to Earth is, and you're not gonna get it until i'm human again!" He yells. Celestia looks toward the six. Christian was right, he was the only one who knew how to escape the bomb. Twilight's jaw drops. "You're kidding, right?" Twilight asks. Christian turns away from the ponies and puts his head up. "No spell, no location!" He yells in retaliation. Twilight and other five start to look very worried. Celestia approaches the pony from behind and taps him on the shoulder. Christian turns a bit. "You have the spell, right?" Celestia looks away in worry, and then quickly looks back to answer. "Well, yes I do." "Alright cool! Let's go! I want to be human!" Christian pouts. Celestia sighs. "Alright. Do you have an article of clothing I can charm?" Christian thinks for a minute and quickly looks at the white alicorn. Why did she need to charm something? "Charm? Why?" He asks in a confused manner. Celestia sighs and looks at The Six and her sisters behind her. Luna gives her sister an apologetic look. "Tia..." She nudges toward the worried human. Celestia and nods and looks back at Christian. "Christian, I was able to find a spell that can make you a human again. But..." She pauses. Christian's jaw drops in suspense. "But... What?" He asks in a concerned manner. "This spell won't make you fully human i'm afraid. The spell will have your human DNA fuse with that of your pony DNA. By charming an article of clothing on you, you will look and act like a regular human. But after you take off the necklace..." "I'll become a pony again?!" He shouts Celestia nods with sorrow. Twilight and the others gasp at this explanation. Christian starts to shake his head in disbelief. The only way for him to be human again, is to become a half human slash pony hybrid. Tears start trickling down his cheek. Christian wipes them away and looks back up to Celestia with a small grin. "Do it." Celestia gains a surprised look, as do Luna and the others. "Are you sure Christian?" Celestia asks, concerned. "Yea, this is nuts!" Twilight shouts from the back. Christian starts to laugh a little bit, throwing the ponies off guard. "If i've learned anything from this whole ordeal, it's that Chrysalis is the biggest jerk in history, and that you ponies are actually a lot of fun to hang out with! I mean, granted I was working with fakes, but they copied you life exactly how I heard it was like! Bucking trees with AJ and baking with Pinkie, I know for a fact that you two actually do those things and, well dang it! I wanna do it again! Maybe next I could help Dash or Rarity..." "Or me?" Twilight said excited. She was hoping the human liked her now to. "No, no, still hate your guts. And another thing, respect. I mean, look at this right now! You were trapped for two months and your citizens didn't even notice! Like, are you kidding?! Not to mention that you've saved Equestria how many times? I should treat you girls better, even though I will definitely still hate all of you after this." This makes the ponies roll their eyes happily. At least he had some of his old self still in him. Christian continued. "This charm thing will make it so I'm on an equal playing field with you girls." Christian stops his forehoof a few times, making his necklace fall to the floor. "Here, use this. I wear it all the time anyway. Just, make sure it's a bit bigger so it can fit. Last time, fake Twilight almost choked me to death!" Celestia nods happily. This human really did learn a lot from his short time here! The black chained necklace started to glow a faint white as it was lifted into the air. Celestia's eyes started to glow a bright white as well. She focused every ounce of magic in her onto the gold pick necklace until it started to glow brighter and brighter until everypony in the room had to shield their eyes from the intense brightness. It was ready. "Are you sure about this Christian?!" Celestia yells to the tan pony. Christian simply puffs out his chest and looks up toward the ceiling. "HIT ME!" He shouts. Celestia nods and with in seconds, the necklace greets Christian at high speed. The whole room glows an intense white as the spell starts to take it's effects on Christian's pony body. Horrible groans of pain are heard from where Christian was, making everypony worry sick about him. Twilight couldn't stand it. "Celestia, we have to..." She gets cut off by Luna, who put her hoof to Twilight's mouth to silence her. "There is nary we can do Twilight." She says seriously. Twilight bits her lip, as if feeling the agony the human was feeling. Rainbow Dash and Applejack look at each other nervously. They knew it wasn't pretty. Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy look away as the light was getting to them. Mainly Pinkie because she could wait to see the surprise of what might happen. Finally, the light diminishes and Celestia collapses under her hooves. "Whew! That must have... drained nearly all of my magic." She says exhausted. Luna rushes over to help her sister up. The Six run into the darkness to see what has become of the tan pony. The crowd the shadowy blob that remained where he was. He was definitely unconscious, as not a single noise was coming from the shadow. "I can't see him! It's too dark!" Dash yells. "Oh my." Rarity exclaims in grief. "Christian, all you alright dear?" Christian groans as a response. "Yea, he's fine." Dash says, a little disappointed. "I don't know about that, Dash. I think he's hurt." Fluttershy points out. The blob of shadow starts to move a bit. Christian starts to wake up from the spell's effects. He groans again, it's the only thing he can do. "Did it work?! Did it work?!" Pinkie exclaims. The blob of matter flops onto his stomach and kneels in front of the ponies. "Uhh... my head." Christian rubs his head. It felt like a truck rammed into his body at the force of a thousand newtons, and it was doing a number on his head. "Anyone got a painkiller or some asprin, my head is... My head." Christian feels around and sure enough, his head is circular. He quickly realizes that his forehooves aren't forehooves, they're hands! Celestia uses the last bit of her magic to light up the dark crypt and Christian smiles. "I'm... I'm me! I'm back to normal! YA HOO! I'm human! I'm human! Look at me! I've got fingers again!" He grabs the keys with his hand and clenched them into a fist. "Awesome! I can grab stuff again! And i've got my legs back, and my clothes which, i'll be honest here, i'm thanking Celestia right now that I still have clothes on right now. I thought they would have vanished or something." Christian quickly realizes that he was still thanking Celestia. But he didn't care, he was happy to be human once more. "Well, aren't you happy." Twilight points out. Christian nods at the purple unicorn. "Yes I am Twitlight! Thanks for asking!" Twilight groans. Yup, he was back to normal all right. Christian turns to Celestia, his mood switching to concern. "So, wait a sec..." He takes out his necklace from under his shirt. He places it into his palm and stares at it."When I take off my necklace, that means..." "You will be a pony once more. I'm sorry, Christian." Celestia finishes for him. Christian nods, understanding that while he may never be fully human, it was nice to enjoy this while he still wearing the necklace. He shrugs, and places his necklace over his shirt. He liked the way the gold pick shined in Celestia's light. "Oh well, I wear this thing twenty four seven anyway. I barely notice i'm wearing it half the time!" Celestia laughs with joy. "Uhh, hey. Sorry to ruin this celebration, but we have to get outta here before we become garden decorations!" Dash yells. Christian gasps in shock and looks at the countdown timer on the tablet. Only twenty minutes remained. "She's right, girls! There's no time to waste! Let's get the heck out of here!" Christian starts off toward the door, the others following him at breakneck speed. He creeps up to the door and opens it a crack. He peers outside. Not a single guard was in sight. He motioned the girls to follow close behind him. He opened the door completely and rushed out of the dungeon. The girls trotted out in front of him while Christian shuts the door behind him. "Alright up the stairs! Just, watch your step." The group runs up the stairs, with Christian still leading. "Whoa, whoa, stop for a sec." Christian says silently. He was already at the top of the stairs. He peers out from the stairwell. Still, there were no guards in sight. Christian was really confused at this point. Where were all of the changelings? Were they still at Twilight's house? Christian shrugs and looks back down at the group behind him. They were all still worried at how much was left. "Anything?" Celestia asks. Christian shakes his head. "No, which is weird. Just be on your toes girls." Pinkie gives Christian a look. "Toes?" Pinkie asks. Christian rolls his eyes at her stupidity. "Hooves. Whatever! Let's go!" Christian dashes up toward the stairs in the throne room. Stopping once more to scope out ahead. The throne room was now dark and deserted. The only light being the sun that started to rise. It shined through the stained glass windows, making the tile flooring of the room shine with all kinds of colors. Christian smiled, luck was on his side. "Alright, all we need to do is get to town. One of you girls can teleport us down right?" He asks Celestia, Luna, and Twilight. Twilight and Luna shake their heads "Our magic is still very weak." Twilight answers "And I just used the rest of mine on that charm of yours." Celestia says. Christian face palms and pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Ok, how fast can you girls fly?" He looks toward Dash first. "Pfft, is that even a question? You're looking at the fastest pegasus in all of Equestria!" Dash boasts. Christian raises a brow. "Ok, so you're fine. What about you?" He points toward Fluttershy "I... Umm... Well..." Fluttershy tries to speak. Christian taps his foot impatiently. "She's... not as fast." Twilight jumps in. Christian looks over to the two princesses next. "And you two?" Celestia and Luna look at each other with a grin, and then nod toward the human. "We're fast enough." They answer simultaneously. Christian sighs as he sorts out his plan. "Ok, here's what we'll do: All of us will go up to Celestia's balcony and we'll all fly off toward the town. That should make off for any lost time. Everyone who can't fly, hang on to a pegasus." He whispers to Twilight. "What's the yellow ones name?" "Fluttershy." She whispers back. "Fluttershy, you will hitch a ride onto Dash for some speed. Got it?" Fluttershy nods, as do every other pony. It was a simple plan, pretty clever really. But Twilight seemed a bit puzzled. "Wait, what about you Christian? Last I checked, humans don't have wings." Christian snickered a bit as they approached the stairs leading up to Celestia's room. "Don't worry about me Twitlight. I'll..." "You'll do what exactly?" An evil voice cuts Christian off. The group comes to a halt as they look around for the source of the mysterious figure. "Up here idiots!" The group looks up to see Chrysalis flying above them. She looked rather happy to see them. "Well, this is a new one. It seems that my prisoners have escaped, and my pony pawn is now human once more! Fancy that!" The Six growl in anger. "Chrysalis!" Twilight yells at the queen. Chrysalis laughs at the nine of them. "Yes it is, poor Twilight. But i'm not alone..." She lands onto the tile floor and stomps her hoof three times. Suddenly, the room comes alive with changelings. flying in from the double doors in front of them and down from the staircase behind them. In seconds, they were surrounded by Chrysalis's minions. The Six huddle together in fear. Celestia and Luna glare at the changelings, ready to fight the battalion. Christian looks around in terror. "Well, we're doomed."