//------------------------------// // New Town // Story: New Town, New Friends and Butterflies // by Shysoldier94 //------------------------------// New Town, New Friends and Butterflies Chapter 1: New Town It was the beginning of summer when my family and I moved to Ponyville. We lived in Cloudsdale pretty much all my life up until now. My mother was a seamstress who owned her own shop near the center of Cloudsdale Market Square which she called it “Starstruck Boutique”. Her work became very well known and even some of the celebrities from Canterlot were sending in orders for dresses and other types of clothing. My father was a personal guard who would accompany Cloudsdale officials to meetings or public events. He was a guard, but was fired because one night he got drunk and started a hoof brawl right in front of Cloud Hall. Since then he has been looking for work around Cloudsdale but nopony would hire him because of the incident. And last there’s my little brother Leo. He’s kind of the main reason we moved down to Ponyville. He was born very early and we were told he wouldn’t last but a few hours. Or he would survive the night if he was lucky. But within a week he was allowed to go home because of his rapid recovery. The only thing we were worried about was his wings. They were much smaller than average newborns wings were. He’s a healthy young colt, but the doctors later discovered that he would never be able to learn to fly. This really hit us hard but it hurt him the most hearing the news that he’ll never be able to fly. So, fearful that he would fall off the edge of a cloud all the way to the ground, my parents decided to move here, in this town out in the country. “Scion dear, are you all unpacked?” I heard my mother calling from down the hall. “Yeah. Yeah I’m pretty close.” Truth is I wasn’t. We moved here a few days ago and I only unpacked just a few things. I wasn’t too happy about moving away from my home where I grew up but it was for the best for the sake of Leo so I didn’t complain. Besides it gave me time to meet new people and be able to experience a different place. But the one thing I was happy about was graduating. So at least I didn’t have to transfer schools and all that. Although it was over a year ago, I decided not to move out of my parents’ straight away due to Leo. He has always looked up to me which I enjoyed the time with him. He was the toughest little brother any pony could ask for and I wasn’t bound to leave him behind like that. The house we moved in was in the middle of the downtown area. Not as busy as it was in Cloudsdale but still pretty close in comparison. I looked out my bedroom window and saw many little kiosks and ponies all around selling all sorts of knickknacks. But what stood out more than anything was the sight of a pink looking pony with a poofy pink mane that would remind you of cotton candy, jumping up and down heading toward the front door. Not long after that, the doorbell rang. “I’ll get it.” I called out. I was actually relieved that somepony was coming by to give us a warm welcome into the neighborhood because it gave me an excuse to leave my room. When I opened the front door, I practically jumped 5 feet in the air when streamers and popping sounds coming from what seemed like all around. I looked out to see who it was, but was surprised to see that nopony was there. After stepping a few hoofs into the doorway, that’s when I thought I had a heart attack. “Hi there!” screeched the pink pony. I fell on my back from the surprise attack, my wings out in full spread out from the unexpected excitement. The pink pony giggled and grabbed my hoof and helped me up. “Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie. I saw you the other day and I didn’t recognize you and didn’t know who you were and then I realized that you’re the new ponies that moved in from Cloudsdale and I wanted to ask you who you were and…” She paused and gasped, “I know I know, I’ll throw you a party! That’s it! A 'welcome to Ponyville celebration'!” After screaming that last sentence, she bolted off the porch and before I could comprehend what happened, she was gone. I closed the door and leaned against it. Maybe I shouldn’t have answered the door…” I thought. I walked to the kitchen to see my mother getting it organized. “Oh hey there sweetie, who came to the door?” “Some pony named Pinkie Pie I think? Something like that. Although she seemed to act like Leo when he’s had a load of sweets.” My mother chuckled. After thinking about what happened, it made me chuckle too. “Well I got nothing to do so I’m going to explore around for a little while, kind of get an understanding of where things are and what not” “Okay Scion, just don’t be gone too long. Your father’s going to need help with bringing in the heavy furniture.” “Got it!” I yelled back before heading out the door and take to the skies. From up in the air, Ponyville looked much different. Obviously it wasn't made of clouds but it didn't look the same in the sky as it was in the air. It wasn’t long before I was about to descend to look at an apple kiosk, somepony or something flew very quickly and knocked me off course, sending me into a bush. After many attempts of struggling to get out, I heard somepony chuckling. I reached my head out and noticed a cyan colored pony with a rainbow mane sitting on her haunches that seemed to be desperately trying not to burst out laughing. “Are…are you.. okay?” She said between giggles. “Oh yeah you know, just thought I’d check out this bush, really comfortable. Do you think you could give me a hoof outta here?” “Sure.” She said with a smile. “Heh, sorry about that up there. Didn’t mean to make ya fall." She added while pulling me out of the bush. “It’s alright. No harm done.” I replied. Although my flank felt a little numb. “Say, what’s your name stranger?” She asked. “I’m Scion. My family and I just moved here the other day” “Oh yeah I heard about you newcomers! By the way, I’m Rainbow Dash.” “Wait I’ve heard of you too.” This gave Rainbow a surprised look on her face. “Really? Where?” “It was at the Greatest Young Flyer competition. I saw you save that one unicorn and the Wonderbolt members after she knocked them out. And you did the Sonic Rainboom! The first pony ever to successfully create a sonic rainboom!” I was close to shouting I was so excited to be standing in front of the fastest and greatest flyer in all of Equestria. “Well,” Rainbow Dash said proudly, “It wasn’t easy but I managed to pull it off.” “So anyways, why were you flying so fast anyway?” “Oh, I was just finishing practicing my routine. And I was going to find my friend Pinkie Pie. She asked me and my other friends to help prepare for a party.” “Heh, I met Pinkie Pie. Is she really all hyper like that and skip and jump around?” Rainbow Dash laughed. “Yup that’s Pinkie Pie for you. You get used to her after a while. My other friends heard about your move into Ponyville and are excited to meet you. You should come, besides, it is your party after all. Pinkie throws one for every newcomer in Ponyville. She’s the town’s party girl.” I was intrigued. Nopony has ever threw me a party before. So I guess it wouldn’t hurt to meet some new people. “Yeah sure I’ll be there. When is it?” “It’s at 5pm sharp at Sugarcube Corner just a few blocks away. Don’t worry, everypony here are friendly kind folk. They love to meet a new face.” With that, Rainbow started to flap her wings and hover, “I gotta get going to help set everything up. See you there! Gotta Dash!” “Okay see ya!” Well that went rather well. I met two ponies and already they throw me a party. That isn’t always expected. The ponies in this town sure know how to make a new neighbor feel welcome. Maybe living in Ponyville won’t be so bad after all. ************************************************************************ It was 4:45 when I left to head to Sugarcube Corner. It only took a few minutes to get there even by walking. Once i got there, I checked the time and it was 5pm. I stood in front of Sugarcube Corner wondering if it was the right place since the lights were off. I walked up to the door and peered in. I couldn’t see much so I checked to see if the door was unlocked and it was so I walked in. “Hello? Is anypony in here?” Then before I knew it, the lights flashed on and a room full of Earth ponies, Pegasus and Unicorn ponies yelled “surprise!” My eyes grew wide and a smile came over me. The first one to come over to me was Rainbow Dash. “Hey there Scion! How about it, were you surprised?” I gave out a little chuckle. “Yeah I am. I didn’t expect this many ponies welcoming my family to Ponyville.” Rainbow laughed. "Speaking of your family, where are they?" "Oh they couldn't make it. They told me to go ahead and come here and have fun." I replied. "Hey! Hey! What's up buddy nice to meet ya, welcome to Ponyville!" A light red coated Earth pony said. "Heh you were right when you said they love seeing a new face." I said “See I told you, everypony loves a newcomer.” Rainbow replied. “Ain’t that the truth.” I said while looking at all the other ponies waving and saying hello. “Come on, my friends are dying to meet you!” With that, Rainbow took my hoof and pulled me to a corner of the room where 5 other ponies were standing. “Hey guys!” Rainbow called to them, “This is Scion, he’s the one Pinkie and I were telling you about. They all said hello in unison and the orange mare with a cowboy hat was the first to walk up to me. “Howdy there partner! Mah name’s Applejack or as some call me AJ.” She took my hoof and shook it rather roughly. After she finished, I could feel my hoof have its own heartbeat. Wow she’s strong. I thought to myself. “Yeah it’s nice to meet you too Applejack” “And I’m Twilight Sparkle” Said the lavender coated unicorn. “I run the town’s library so if you’re looking for anything to read or just to stop by, don’t be afraid to come in and say hello from time to time.” “Nice to meet you Twilight Sparkle. And I will. I love to enjoy a good read once in a while.” She gave a big smile but was short lived when she yelled at a little dragon she calls Spike to get his face out of the cake. “Hello there darling, I’m Rarity. I run the Carousel Boutique not too far from here.” “It’s a pleasure to meet you miss Rarity. My mom too opened a seamstress shop downtown. Maybe you two could come together and share ideas and such. “Oh that would be lovely! I’d love to.” “Ah’m Big Macintosh” Said the red coat Stallion. “Ah’m AJ’s big brother we both run th’ farm just outside Ponyville.” Big Mac had a deep voice which made me a little nervous at first. “It’s nice to meet you Big Macintosh” He gave a smile and shook my hoof gently. Which surprised me because he was a big build strong stallion. But after that my nervousness went away. “It’s nice to meet all of you. Like Rainbow Dash said My fam…” I was interrupted by Rainbow Dash “Hey where’s Fluttershy?” There was another? I looked to see if I missed anypony that was in the group that I didn’t see. It wasn’t until I saw a yellow hoof come out slowly underneath the table cloth. Then a yellow colored Pegasus with a light pink mane slowly emerged from underneath the table and hid behind Twilight. “It’s okay Fluttershy just say hello.” Twilight said. Then she turned to face me, “Don’t worry, she’s always this shy.” With a little courage, the yellow Pegasus walked away from behind Twilight and stood in front of me with her mane in her face. She stood for a few seconds then moved her mane revealing her face. “Um..hello…I’m Fluttershy…” She said in a really soft voice. It was then she looked at me with those big beautiful eyes which sparkled in the light. Her coat seemed to shine with perfection. Her mane was nicely groomed with a curl at the end. She was with no doubt the most beautiful young mare I had ever laid eyes on. “It’s..uh..n-nice to meet you..Fluttershy.” I could hear my voice crack a bit. It was then Fluttershy looked over to the side with her mane hiding her face once again. She took a few steps back and squeaked. It was the most adorable sound I ever heard. I just stood there with my legs wobbling. I felt dumb because then everypony started looking at me with a curious glance. Right then and there I knew for sure from the warm flushy feeling that I had in my chest that….I, even though I just now met her, was falling for this Fluttershy.