Gojira and the Battle for Equestria

by Immortan Joe


His roar echoed throughout the country miles away he could be heard, no pony in particular though actually took notice except for one... Over three thousand miles away do east, laid a Princess in bed resting. The Princess of the Sun to be exact; enjoying a nice relaxing slumber until she sensed him, instantly her eyes snapped open and she said only two words.
"It's Alive..."

Chapter 2: Sensations

Three days have passed since the resurrection of Gojira, after he climbed out of the hole and caused a massive forest fire. All he seemed to do was walk off into the distance towards the ocean, where he then seemed to just have vanished off the face of the planet.

Dr. Chimes and Doctor Whooves sat in the back of a Taxi carriage while they were pulled through the streets of Canterlot towards the Canterlot Castle. After a few minutes of riding a in silence Chimes was the first to break the silence, "So, Doctor, have you figured out anything about this Gojira creature yet?"

The Doctor took his gaze away from the window and glanced over at Chimes, "No, Dr. Chimes, I haven't found anything; we've been traveling for three days. I never had the proper time to sit down and study the things we have recovered from the facility yet." The Doctor explained.

Chimes nodded, "What exactly was that thing, Doc, a Dragon? Some type of Hydra?" He asked.

The Doctor shrugged and looked back out the window. "In all honestly, Bell, I don't know." The Doctor yawned; Chimes raised an eyebrow at the sound of his first name. That was the first time the Doctor ever used his first name. But Chimes just sighed and shrugged it off, "All I know for a fact that, this creature is as tall if not, taller than the Canterlot castle." The Doctor grinned,

"What about that fire it admitted from its mouth that was no ordinary fire. Like seriously it shot blue fire from its mouth and it obliterated everything in its path! This thing is dangerous!"

The Doctor looked back over at Chimes, "But that, Chimes, just makes the research much more fun." The Doctor smiled.

Chimes sat back a worried look crossing his face. "Are you sure about this, Doctor, what if somepony gets hurt? Or even worse what is somepony gets k-"

Doctor Whooves glanced back over at Chimes. "Don't worry, Dr. Chimes, I got this all covered why do you think we're in Canterlot?" The Doctor asked,

"To warn the Princesses of course," Chimes answered right off the bat.

Whooves nodded, "Exactly now just calm down, mate, the Princesses won't let anything happen to us or anypony else. Anyways how much damage can one lizard cause anyway?"


"EXTRA! EXTRA! FILLYDELPHIAN FISHING VESSEL GONE MISSING READ ALL ABOUT IT!" Shouted the news paper colt that stood at the street corner flailing the paper around in his left hoof; Leisure and Blossom walked the streets of Canterlot discussing quietly about the creature they scene three days ago.

"I think the Doctor should request for some freaking military action,” Leisure spat, “not some stupid research project on the stupid creature, just sayin." Leisure said kicking the ground with his hoof. "You saw what it was capable of back there. It wiped out half of Bramble Wood Forest in just a few seconds!"

Blossom nodded her head, "I know where you're getting at here Leisure but just think of the amount of things we can learn from this creature. We have discovered an entirely new species, and all you want to do is kill it!" Blossom said.
"Well I'm just saying that what if something bad happens! What if somepony gets k-"


Leisure looked over at the sight of the News Paper Colt, "Fishing vessel gone missing?” He mumbled to himself. “That's strange." Brushing past Blossom Leisure made his way towards the News Paper Colt, "Hey you,” He said while stepping in front of the young colt. He pointed to the newspaper, “how much is it for the paper?" He asked

"Two bits kind sir, two bits." The colt said while reaching into a nearby bag full of papers. Leisure pulled out his bag of bits, noticing he only had about five bits left he sighed and tossed the young colt the entire bag,

"Keep the change," he said the colt caught the bag and his face lit up with joy,

"Why thank you kindly sir,” The boy took one of the papers and hoofed it over to him, “here take your paper." He said overjoyed; Leisure took the paper and smiled at the sight of the colt running down the street with a small bounce in his step. Once the colt was out of sight Leisure began to read,

Exactly on March 29, 12:29 PM, the fishing vessel Light Bringer set off on its daily routine of fishing. On Exactly 2:34 PM a bright flash of white light was scene off the cost of Fillydelphia followed by cloud of smoke right off the horizon. Two minutes later after the Light Bringer was suppose to return. Officials say they saw a black mass moving about in the water in the distance right after the bright flash of light, authorities say they'll begin the search for the cre...

Leisure looked up from the paper and glanced over at Blossom, "Go find the Doc right now, he needs to see this!"


The ground shook under the weight of his body, thunder roared as the rain pelted his hide. Gojira made his way through the dark land of Equestria. Exploring the strange new world, during his travels he couldn't figure out quiet where he was... He was lost, stopping for a brief moment Gojira took in his surroundings. Two large mountains stood on either side of him; all he could see for miles on end were either trees or more mountains. Frustrated Gojira turned and began heading north, moments later his stomach growled, he hasn't eaten anything in the passed... How long has it been? A year, few days, how long was he sleeping in that Godforsaken tomb!?-

A lightning bolt streaked towards the ground striking Gojira in the back electrocuting him. Gojira howled in pain but was quickly overridden with anger. Turning back he fired a stream of atomic energy into the sky, hoping to strike down his attacker. Ceasing the flow of atomic fire Gojira stared up into the sky waiting, looking to see if his attacker would return. After about a minute of waiting nothing happened, shaking his head Gojira continued on his path.


The blue light streaked across the sky, illuminating the darkness with its beautiful cyan glow. Flash Step stared at the wonderful sight in awe. Watching the beam of pure energy make its away pass the mountain top and pierce the cloud layer was surely amazing! The young colt looked away from his bedroom window,

"Mom, Mom! Come here you got to see this!" The colt jumped off his bed and made his way towards his door, after stumbling over a few toys he jumped up and opened the door. He scampered down the hall way towards his parents’ bedroom, barging into his parents’ room the young colt jumped onto their bed. "Mom, Dad, I just saw the coolest thing ever, quickly if you get up fast enough you might be able to see it!"

His mother groaned and rolled over in bed, "Please, Flash, go to bed you can show us in the morning."

Flash rolled his eyes, "But Mom it's not going to be there in the morning." He groaned,

"Flash, listen to your Mother, now please go to bed." His Father ordered.

"But Da-"

"No buts, just march yourself off to your room and go to-"

A large tremor shook the house, windows shook and pictures fell off their mantles. Instantly Flash's two parents shot up from their bed, their expressions stricken with fear. But as fast as the tremor came it ended,

"Was that an earthquake?" Flash asked he too terrified.

"I-I think so, but we don't get earthquakes in this part of Equest-" Another tremor shook the house causing pieces of the ceiling to cave in. "Quickly everypony get outside!" His father shouted taking command; a loud piercing roar filled the sky. The father ushered his family outside into the raging storm.

The streets were filled with panicking ponies still dressed in there night gowns and pajamas. None bothering to get dressed instead they all ran outside, all running in the same direction as if they were all running away from something. Another roar rocked Flash's ears, "Dad, what's making that scary noise." The colt's father looked down at him, his face filled with terror,

"I don't know, son, I don't know." He said. "Now come on, we need to get away from here." A loud crack of thunder sounded off, followed by a streak of lighting which brightened the entire sky. Flash's eyes widened in fear when he saw it for that brief moment, he couldn't make out much except for what seemed to be a giant dragon, making its way through his small village. Flash's father scooped him up and plopped him on his back. "Autumn," Flash's father shouted for his mother. "Let’s go!"

"Wait I forgot to get something!" Autumn turned back towards the house,

"There's no time we need to get to your sister's house!" His Father protested,

"It'll only be for a second."

"Well than I'm coming with you!" Flash's father said.

But Autumn shook her head, "I need you to stay with our boy." She said before giving her a husband a hug and finally turning back and galloping towards the house, his father sighed and looked away. Only to see Mr. Smith, the village's black smith, came shambling by.

"Mr. Smith, are you okay?" Flash’s father asked, Smith was shaking all over his eyes dilated and his body charred.

"I saw it... It's Alive... It's Huge!" he trembled tears starting to form at the brim of his eyes, "My family... It killed my family... Meadow oh my dear Meadow," Smith crumpled to his knees tears dripping onto the drenched ground which was caked in mud.

"What Smith, What killed Meadow?" Flash's father asked trotting over he planted both of his hooves on the black smith’s shoulders.

Smith raised his mud soaked hoof up into the air pointing into the black sky and said, "Th-that monster..."

"EVERYPONY WATCH OUT!" Shouted a distant police pony,

With a roar coming from the unknown monster (which was too dark to see) a large object... No a tail, struck the earth. Sending a large wave of dust and debris into the sky, Flash's father’s eyes grew wide in horror as he fell to the ground due to the massive tremor before getting back up and scooping up his son.

"Autumn, get back here," He screamed, but it was too late. In one swell swoop the monster's mighty tail swept across the ground destroying the entire block of houses and other businesses, destroying their beloved home in the process... "NO!"
Flash's Father dropped to his knees, causing Flash to slip off his back. Flash fell into a nearby mud puddle, "N-n-no!" His Father continued to stutter repeating the word no, over and over again. HE pounded the ground with his right hoof, Flash got back onto his hooves, stumbling over to his father. He draped a hoof around his father’s neck and the two embraced each other, lying there weeping while the Harbinger of Death walked right passed them...


Celestia wandered the halls of the Canterlot Castle paranoid, what was that feeling she felt this morning? Even now she could still sense something deep within her, but she could just barely make it...

"Is everything all right your, majesty?" Asked a guard stationed right next to the throne room door.

Celestia’s eyes snapped open and shot right to the guard, "WH-what, eh... Yes, yes I'm quite all right, just had a hard time sleeping that's all." She answered.

The guard nodded his head, "I'm sorry to hear about that your, majesty, but Doctor Whooves and his expedition team has returned from their trip and they bring urgent news." Celestia smiled,

"Thank you, Sliver Knight." She said,

"You're welcome your, majesty." He said opening the door for Celestia, revealing to her a very excited Doctor literally bouncing up and down, while talking to Dr. Chimes.

"Just think about it, Chimes, if we could actually figure out a way to communicate with this creature think of the amount of knowledge we could obtain from it!"

"Uh... Doctor, the Princess..." Chimes tried to tell the Doctor.

But Whooves only continued to ramble. "And did you see that fire, oh that fire! Not saying it was a good thing but, the pure heat of energy! Did you see how bright it was! It was as bright as Celestia's sun if not brighter!"

"What fire?" Celestia interrupted.

The Doctor literally stopped in mid bounce and glanced over at Celestia, dropping back down onto the ground. He chuckled and cleared his throat. He bowed, "Sorry about that my, Princess, I'm just a bit excited about our new discovery." He said glancing back up at the Princess,

"What are you talking about, Mr. Whooves, what discovery? What is this talk about a creature?" She asked,

"Not to be rude, Princess, but I prefer you just call me the Doctor, and the discovery." He chuckled again like a young school filly. The Doctor cleared his throat his expression returning back to its professional state, "Exactly seventy two hours ago, my expedition team and I found a preserved underground facility. That I assume to be built by our forerunners," He said taking out the photo of the two bi-pedal creatures.

Celestia quirked an eyebrow, "Our Forerunners," She asked taking the photo in her magic, Celestia levitated the photo in front of herself she stared intently at it taking in all the details. Celestia cracked a grin, "In all my long life, I have never seen anything this extraordinary. Doctor Whooves I do believe you have just discovered something that could change all of Equestrian history." The Doctors smile stretched so far across his face, it actually began to hurt. Trying to keep his composure in front of the Monarch the Doctor bowed again.

"But my dear Princess that is not all." He said Celestia frowned levitating the picture back over to the Doctor. He stood back up and took the Picture and placed it back in his pocket.

"There is more?" She asked intrigued, the Doctor nodded. "Well please do tell...” Celestia trailed off in silence and frowned, after a few seconds she continued, “But before you do please follow me to the dining hall," Celestia gestured the two doctors towards the door. "You there, Guard, go down to the kitchen and tell the chef that I'm requesting a feast to be made for my dear subjects who have made an astounding discovery."

"Yes your majesty." The Guard gave the Princess a brisk salute and quickly made his way towards the kitchen.

Celestia turned back towards the two doctors and smiled, "Now, Doctor, as you were saying?"


"Halt! No trespassing on Royal Grounds!" Shouted the gate keeper who was stationed in one of the Castle towers,

"I have a dire message; I must get to the Princesses and the Doctor immediately!" Leisure shouted up at the guard,

"State your message!" The guard demanded, "And we'll send it to the Princesses and the Doctor."

"Wouldn't it just be easier if we," Leisure tilted his head towards Blossom who just rolled her eyes. "Just went and told them ourselves."

"The Princess is in an important meeting right now, come back later and we'll think about-"

"Oh my stars," Blossom sighed "We're part of the expedition team and we came across some valuable information and we need to get it to the Doctor right away. Now can you please let us through?" Blossom shouted up at the guard.

"I'm afraid you’re going to have to show us some..."

"Thou shalt not need to show proof Captain Platter." Said a familiar voice, from up above came the Princess of the night herself.

With a mighty flap of her wings, Princess Luna landed right in front of the two ponies, "What message does one bring to show my sister and us?" Luna asked. Leisure raised an eyebrow leaning towards Blossom, who bowed for the Princess,
"What did she just ask?" Leisure whispered Blossom took him by the back of the head with her magic and forced him to bow before the Princess.

"We came here to tell Princess Celestia and Doctor Whooves about a recent discovery we found in the papers this morning." Blossom said.

Luna chuckled, "What could be so important in the News Paper?"

She smiled, “This, your Highness." Blossom said taking the news paper out of Leisure's saddle bag, Blossom flipped to the page containing the recent ship disappearance; Luna took the paper and began skimming through the passage. After she finished Luna raised an eyebrow and gave the paper back to Blossom. "We believe it has to do with the recent discovery." Blossom said.

Luna nodded and turned her head towards the guards, "Guards, Open the gates!"

"But Princess we cannot do that just-"

"Dost thou speak against our orders!?" Luna shouted up at the guard who flinched in fear.

Quickly the guard nodded and turned away for a second, "Open the gates!" He shouted moments later the large castle gates parted allowing the two ponies to make their way onto the Royal Grounds.


"After that it walked off into the distance towards the ocean, and so far we've heard nothing about it." The Doctor said while the Chef placed a nice salad in front of him.

Celestia sat at the far end of the table, she nodded, "So you're telling me you accidentally released a monster, which is bigger than my castle. And it has the powers to wipe out an entire forest in a matter of seconds, and don't forget the fact it is older than me myself. Onto our world,"

The Doctor's ears drooped and he stared at the ground, "Well yeah..." He said, Celestia sighed and buried her face in her hooves.

Could this be the creature I sensed this morning? She thought, bringing her head back up she faced the Doctor, "And you're telling me, you want to study it?" She asked. The Doctor nodded his head slowly, looking down at his salad he realized he lost his appetite.

"Sorry to get off topic here." Chimes said with his mouth full of lettuce, after a few chews he swallowed. "Has anyone seen Ditzy?” He asked, Chimes looked at the Doctor then back at Celestia, “Seriously I know for a fact I seen her this morning, but... She just vanished." He said.

The Doctor looked up at Chimes who just sat there looking confused, "Honestly, Chimes, I don't know it's a possible chance she might've just flown back to Ponyville." The Doctor stated.

Chimes shrugged, "That's a possibility, but I just find it strange that one moment she's right here, and the next she's gone." Chimes said,

"Well that's Ditzy for you," The Doctor shrugged, "you never know what's she's going to do. Now could we please just get back on topic-?"

The doors to the dining hall blew open as Luna strolled in followed by Leisure and Blossom. Luna's face was stern and serious; Celestia snapped out of her stupor and looked up at her sister.

"Is something wrong Luna?" Celestia asked.

Luna nodded her head and took the News Paper from Blossom and tossed it onto the table. "Somepony has committed a crime Tia." She said, Celestia raised an eyebrow towards her sister,

"Crime happens all the time in Equestria Luna, it's something we can't really avoid or get rid of." Celestia said taking the News Paper.

"No Sis, this is not thy ordinary crime, now read." She demanded, Celestia shrugged and began looking over the passage, her brow furrowed has her eyes skimmed the page. After the longest minute in all of Equestrian history Celestia glanced back up at Luna with a stern expression that crossed her face. A few seconds later Celestia looked over at the Doctor, who sat there confused not knowing what was going on.

"Doctor," She said in a calm whisper, "do you care to explain this?" she asked.

The Doctor gulped, Does anypony care to explain to me what in Tartarus is going on? He thought, pulling on a goofy grin he swallowed and said, "I'm afraid I cannot Princess due to the fact I honestly have no idea what is going on." He gulped.
Celestia raised an eyebrow, "Well what I assume is that your little discovery might not be as friendly as you made it out to be." She said.

The Doctor recoiled back at her assumption, "P-p-princess, please what are you talking about!?" The Doctor was at the verge of losing his composure,

"What she's talking about is there was a recent crime revolving around a fishing vessel going missing, also the sighting of a large creature moving on the horizon." Leisure explained.

The Doctor glanced over at him cocking an eyebrow, "But that could've been anything," the Doctor said Leisure looked at the Doctor not convinced, "Like a Leviathan or a Hydra." He said.

"Mr. Whooves," Celestia said bringing her hooves onto the table and crossing them, "There haven’t been any ship disasters in Equestria in over ten years. Not since that last hurricane the pegasi up in Cloudsdale accidentally caused, but even then nopony has gone missing or has gotten injured." Celestia explained, "Not only is that it’s said that a bright flash of light was seen followed by a cloud of smoke. Doctor, last I recall water cannot smoke." Celestia stated,

"But that could've been one of the steam engines exploding-"

"Dangit Whooves, why are you defending this creature?" Chimes glared at the Doctor, "You saw what it was capable of! And look at it now, it's attacking ponies! We must take drastic actions now, before things get out of hoof!"

"I agree with Dr. Chimes," Leisure said, "Princess Celestia I request that you act now while we still have time, before the creature causes anymore damage." Leisure approached the dining table.

"Where do you get across telling the Princess what to do?" Blossom snapped,

"What! I'm not commanding her I'm requesting there's a difference, we need to stop this monster now!" Leisure snapped back,

"What! So it's a monster now! Leisure didn't you ever stop and think that this creature is only acting on its survival instincts? What if it didn't attack that boat because it just wanted to, what if it was provoked or thought that it was another animal and wanted to eat it or something?" Blossom made her way up to Leisure and looked him in the eyes.

Leisure looked away his ears dropping low. "I didn't really think about that." He said, Luna walked over towards her sister and the two began whispering back and forth.

After a few quiet moments of murmuring Celestia cleared her throat, "My little ponies," she said the four ponies who were bickering stopped and looked over at the two Princesses who sat on the far side of the table. "It's been decided that my sister and I will take action against this animal.-" Blossom and Whooves jaws smacked into the table, "-By upping the security in all coastal cities. We will not try and fight this creature, unless it attacks first till then we'll just stand on watch. If the creature is sighted by any of the coastal cities the guards will order an immediate evacuation."

Right after Celestia finished a night guard barged into the dining hall stumbling over his hooves. He was gasping and breathing rapidly as if he just flown three laps around the entire city. "Your... Majesties..." He stopped to take a deep breath,
"Why dost thou barge in here without requesting permission," Luna snapped.

The guard took one last deep breath before regaining his strength to speak, "I'm sorry your highness it's just..." He trailed off again,

"Out with it," Luna ordered,

"It's Manesville." He said,

"What about it?" Celestia asked raising an eyebrow,

"It's been destroyed..."