//------------------------------// // Aw nutbunnies. // Story: Bob and George- a MLPFIM crossover fic // by KaijinZero //------------------------------// In the year 2001...a webcomic called Bob and George posted its first comic. It was supposed to be a filler until the author was ready to post his (admittedly) badly drawn comic to the world. To save himself time, he decided to get a certain video game character to cover for his laziness. And thus, Megaman and his friends began their 7 year long sprite comic run. He did eventually get around to posting his original idea, but after seeing it was less popular then Mega and Friends, he went back to them, bringing the title characters with him. Much to their anno- "Hey! What the hell is going on?" "Oh god everything's black! OH ****, I can’t see my body! THE AUDIENCE IS BACK!!! AUTHOR HELP US! AHHHHHHHH" "WHERES MY BEER! MY DRUNK SCIENCE ISNT DONE YET!" .....or maybe I should just skip ahead to the actual story instead of draw out this intro. "ALRIGHT! WHICH ONE OF YOU CAPITALIST PIGS DID TH-*" Bob and George a MLPFiMfic We join our heroes’ right where Dave left them, the island of Alcupuco. During our time away from them, Wily and Light had formed their own camps, named after them. This misadventure starts at the Light camp. "Yay! Lights back on!" Megaman exclaimed, happy to be able to see again. At least, as much as he could in a fanfic. "Does this mean we can get back to our important business?" Chadling, a purple recolor of Slashman asked. "What do you think?" George, a human who looked like a blonde helmetless Megaman with hard fist coloring...” HEY VOICE! MOST OF THE PEOPLE HERE KNOW WHO WE ARE ALREADY!" George...let me narrate or I’ll just skip to the part where you get- Ya know what? No. Forget it. Meanwhile, in the other room of the lab, Dr.Light was trying to- "DRUNK SCIENCE PREVAILS BITCHES!" Never mind, Dr.Light had just finished doing Drunk Science. "Good for you doc, but does this mean we get to go get them?" Roll asked Dr.Light, readying her arm cannon. "Yeah, Acapulco is nice and all, but I want to shoot stuff again." Protoman told the highly inebriated doctor. "Huh? Wha...why is there a machine here? Was I doing drunk science?" the Dr. asked his creations. A yellow robot with glasses got out a sign, and then hastily wrote 'You just built it so we can do operation stop forgetting us.' "Ah, thank you... what’s your name?" "Dr.Light, its....it’s...the Writer doesn’t remember apparently." Know what? I was going to just let you all go peacefully, but guess what! Dr.Light's machine began to sputter, throwing out temporal waves. "Aw crap we're about to time travel aren’t we?" George said, remembering how badly time traveling worked for them. No! I hate it as much as you guys. No, let’s just say it’s about to get friendly in here.... "...I need an adult?" Megaman said uneasily. Meanwhile, in Canterlot, a small group of friends were celebrating a successful mission and the return of the Crystal Kingdom. Of course, it was also a musical number. 'Turns out you were...' 'Turns out I was...' 'Turns out you were...' Turns out I was...' 'Yes you were sure prepared, for-' "SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-" At that time, a certain blue robot and his friends came barreling through the windows of the train, catching the ponies off guard and thankfully ending the musical number.. "Okay...don’t piss off the writer. Or he'll send you through a rift in spacetime." Protoman deadpanned. "My butt hurts....in a bad way." Megaman complained. "And that’s why you don’t go near Cthullu." George said in a matter of fact tone. "Alright which one of you deadbeats spiked my beer?" "Uh...hi?" At that point, the...wait where’s whatshisname? Meanwhile in Alcupuaco A lone yellow robot looked around. No one from the Light camp was around. He was the only one left behind. Worse yet, his sign had inexplicably gone missing. He didn’t like what he was about to do. He had to go to the wily camp, and pantomime the situation. And no one ever understood his pantomimes’. As I was saying, the others looked at what Roll said hi to. There, sitting with wide eyed looks, were six ponies and a baby dragon with varying looks of fear, wtf faces, and disgust in the case of the white unicorn. "Oh my god we're in a little girls dream." Protoman said, eye twitching behind his shades. "I take offense." Roll said. "Point meant." "Okay, now I know someone spiked my beer. Ponies should not be those colors....or have wings...or horns...and dragons don’t exist." Dr. Light grumbled. One of the ponies, a light blue winged one with rainbow colored hair took offense immediately. "Oh yeah?! Well you tailless monkey things shouldn’t be real either." And that’s when things went nutbunnies... "HOLY CRAP THAT PONY TALKED!" "SHOOT IT! IT’S POSSESED BY THE DEVIL!" "I'M YELLING BECASUE THOSE THINGS ARE YELLING!" The pink one joined in, thinking it was a game. "I want ice cream now..." Ah here it is! The yellow guy's name was Nate! "SHUT UP WRITER!" As the others were arguing with the ponies, Nate finally made it to Camp Wily is so much better that Light can suck it. Luckily for him, Bob happened to be barbecuing. "Hey Nate, here for the baby back ribs? They're made of babies just so you know." Bob said. Furiously shaking his head, Nate began to regale the tale of what happened at Light Camp. "Aw crap...Bass! We need you over here!" Bob said when he realized that Nate was pantomiming. "Hey Nate! What’s wrong? Did Mega get stuck down a well without me again?" Facepalming at the situation that had happened yesterday, and that it was the wrong answer, Nate began to pantomime more frantically. "George went swimming and got eaten by a shark?" Bob asked. "Please say yes..." Facepalming even harder at that statement, Nate remembered that he could just write out what he wanted to say on his other body. Forming into a ball of slime, Nate went from his humanoid form to his devil form, forming the words "Writer sent them to different dimension" on his massive body. "Oh... I was going to say that next." Bob said. "Bass come here, I need you t- I want even doing anything evil I swear!" an old man said, walking through the door to his 'Totally not planning to take over the world again' lab., hiding a blueprint that had a sheep on it. "He's not here to attack us Wily, he's just telling us that everyone in Light camp went dimension hopping." "What? Really?" Wily said in a surprised tone. Turning around, he then said, "That means we can totally take over the world and not be stopped by annoying heroes! For once I will be victorious, not that meddling blue moron and his friends!" "Uh doc? Nate's still here..." Bob told the old man. "I know," he said, noticeably slumping in defeat "but if we don’t do this joke at least once, everyone reading will probably kick the Writers butt."