//------------------------------// // Unfairaloo // Story: Chaos Mark Crusaders: RotE Episode 8 // by Dream Volt //------------------------------// "It's not fair." I glared at Applebloom, and she had this little smile but wouldn’t meet my eyes. I then sighed. It wasn't her fault, but still isn't fair. She was even able to move around on her own now. It wasn't exactly flying it was so close. Right now she was just floating about outside the clubhouse. I looked away. "It's still not fair." "Look, ah'm sure you'd love it, but I'm an earth pony. It freaks me out everything big and solid enough pushes me away. Ah haven't touched the ground since yesterday." I glared at her again. "Now you're gloating. I was gonna just try and forget it but…" "Why don't you work together." Said Sweetie We both turned to her. "Huh?" "Well Applebloom is sorta like miss Screwball now, right? She can't move that well, but you move the scooter really fast, maybe if you hold onto her you can…" "Awesome idea Sweetie." I said "Ah don't know Scootaloo. This sounds like…" "Come on, you said you can't hit stuff, right? That you get pushed away, like super antigravity or something? That means we can't even crash. In fact I bet we could take Sweetie along with us too." "Oh, um, maybe you should test it with just you two first. I mean won't three ponies just make everything more complicated." "Probably, but I could do it. Still, it might be better to figure it out with two first. Yea, lets do this." "Ah still don't know. Ah mean it's not like you've never stood on me before or nothing, but this is a bit different." "Eh, you worry too much. Now it's time for the super, Scoota, jump." I was already on the balcony. I don’t' think either of them realized I was already halfway up the steps, then I was off and with a flap of my wings sailing though the air. I couldn’t really fly, but I could generate a little thrust, and was really good at slowing my fall. At least if I had time to get my wings flapping, even a little could work. I landed right on Applebloom's back and just wrapped my hooves around her tight as could be. "Wow, that was amazing. So graceful." "Wait a sec, are yah just going to go?" "Why not?" Then we were off and everything felt so right. Applebloom tipped a little to one side or the other, but I could easily get her strait again. I then tried a turn. It was going great. I think I'd managed to get higher on my scooter, but this was different. I was flying. With help, but I was free. It felt great. Once I realized Applebloom was screaming I stopped. We began to slow down, but I figured I could do better than that. With a little back beat we came to a stop like that. I threw up my front hooves and let out a yelp. Applebloom and I both ended up upside down. "That was incredible. Rainbow Dash must feel like that all the time." "Do we really have to do that again? Ah think we almost hit a tree like ten times." "Really? I guess I got distracted." I grabbed onto her again and flapped my wings, but mostly my left one, to right us. "It wasn't the speed bothering you?" "No. Ah mean it was a little faster than I liked, but unlike that horrible jet thing it was kinda fun too, like being in the wagon." "Okay, so lets get going again." Then I sighed "Except its not really me flying is it?" "Come on, it is. Ah mean I'm keeping you up and stuff, but I just sorta wave my legs around like I'm trying to walk and then I start moving forward." I laughed. "Yea, it looks really silly." "So don't you worry none. Yer gonna be an awesome flier, and till then ah guess you can use me. Though really ah'd rather this end soon." "Then lets not waste any more time." Then I was off again. This time I was way more careful about the trees. Then we were out in the open and Applebloom was laughing and going "whoo!" and "wheee!" with me. It was great. I couldn't help but want to be higher. To be up in the sky. Then suddenly there was a flash and I was tumbling into a cloud. I pulled my head out to find myself in Cloudsdale. I blinked. "How did I get up here?" "How am ah still up here?" I turned to see Applebloom standing on the clouds. She kept turning her head back and forth like the ground would give out under her any second. I guess it sorta should, but clearly she was worrying for nothing. "Do the clouds feel soft under your hooves, not super soft, but like a fluffy carpet, or maybe more like Pinkie's bounce house. Yea, that's more like it." Applebloom blinked. "Uh, yea, ah guess that's about right." "Then either somepony cast the cloudwalking spell on you without telling you, or your floating thing lets you walk on clouds too. Cause that's just like me." "Oh. Ah guess that makes sense." She then slowly walked over to me. She still kept her eyes on her hooves and seemed surprised that after every incredibly slow step she didn't go through the clouds. I rolled my eyes. "And you called me a chicken." She turned to me glaring. "Hay, ah ain't no chicken." "Then stop acting like one." "Hey there Scoots. Didn't expect to see you’re here. Who's your…" I spun around. Rainbow Dash landed next to me. She was staring at Applebloom. It was a little annoying, but it meant I could stare at her longer before she noticed. She was just like the most awesome pony ever. The perfect pegasus. She had such pretty hair, but didn't get all fancy with it because she knew it was more awesome if she didn't. And when she flew, it was amazing. She was perfect. "What the hay?" said Dash "You can't be Applebloom." "Ah can to." "Dash, she has magic that's got her floating in the air down on the ground, but up here it must be like that cloudwalking spell you told me about." "I know about that. I mean she almost feels like a pegasus." Then Dash blinked. "Except she didn't, at all really, and she's just standing there. That doesn't make any sense. I gotta ask Twilight about this." "Uh, ain't she in Griffany?" "Yea, that will make the trip a little longer. Maybe I should go to Spike instead and just get him to write a letter to Twi." "Aww, you're not going to stay." I frowned "But I was going to show Applebloom around Cloudsdale, and thought you could come along." "And ah'd feel much better if there was somepony around ah know can catch a suddenly falling mare." "Hey I could do it to, if I was close enough to grab you. Maybe." "But then what?" "Well I'd slow us down. Probably. I know I can jump off Cloudsdale alone fine but maybe not with another pony." "What?" Applebloom was staring at me Dash laughed. "Duh? What do you think we'd really have the city this high up and let any foals on it if they could hurt themselves falling." "But she hurts herself all the time falling, just like Sweetie an' me." "That's cause I don't have time." I then rolled my eyes. "Yea, even the most hopeless flyer can flap their wings and slow themselves down enough they will be okay. If you're a little better you can slow yourself down enough to make a smooth landing. I used to jump of Cloudsdale all the time." "Does that mean Fluttershy's cutie mark story about falling on the butterflies is really true?" asked Bloom "Ah didn't think pegasai could walk on any kind of cloud." "Well they can't, but she should have been able to slow herself down enough she would be fine. That story has always bugged me, but it could be at least what seemed to happen to her. Even though she does tend to panic and go into wing lock." "Oooo." I said "Maybe it's her nature thing, or even her talent. Since she's good with animals the butterflies could break her fall." "Huh, yea, maybe. In fact if I don't tell her first make sure to mention that to Twilight. It sounds like something she'd care about." I smiled. "Does this mean you aren't going to go see her right away." "Yea, I mean it's weird, but it's also Discord's magic so I guess it's supposed to be weird. Also AJ would be really mad if it does suddenly wear off and you fall through the clouds and she learns I could have been around, but wasn't." Applebloom started shaking. This was going to be fun. I bet Dash knows some even more awesome places here my parents never showed me. Then I suddenly remembered something. How did we get up here anyway?