//------------------------------// // Lunar Apple // Story: Chaos Mark Crusaders: RotE Episode 8 // by Dream Volt //------------------------------// I was wrong. It took awhile but the storm came out of nowhere and started raining on the fire. It wasn't winning until Luna showed up and made it like super dark and huge though. She was standing in the burnt out area of the forest we helped blow up. Silent Sky was in front of us glaring at Firecracker. There were also a bunch of pegasi in the air keeping the wild storm from leaving the Everfree. Scootaloo was scanning the sky for Dash, and she was up there somewhere. Every so often a rainbow contrail would hang across the sky. Sky was in her fancy silver guard armor. She had such a pretty pink mane and her black fur was really silky like Fluttershy's. "What were you thinking?" Sky's wings flapped a little. "Explosives?" "Come on, everyone knows foals love explosives." "It was pretty neat until the fire started tah spread." I said "It was just plain awesome. I mean not rainboom awesome, but still really cool." "Uh, it was pretty?" Sweetie then smiled "I know, wasn't it?" said Firecracker "Lieutenant." Firecracker looked down. "Sorry mam. It's just, explosives. How can they be bad?" Sky sighed and hung her head. "I should have known that would be your answer. I really should have known. I'll determine your punishment later but it won't be too severe." "Actually we believe she deserves a bonus next paycheck for her service." We all bowed when we heard Luna. I hadn't seen or heard her move, which was creepy, but in daylight she didn't look scary at all. She looked just as pretty as Celestia, but much darker. Sort of like Sky and Fluttershy actually. Though Sky's neon pink hair was brighter than Fluttershy's, not the other way around." "Luna, what do you mean?" asked Sky "I mean my good captain that she did very good work to begin with. Culling the leading edge of the Everfree regularly is a good idea. Furthermore this has lead me to observe something TERRIBLY IMPORTANT." I fell over along with Scoots and Sweetie. The adults looked like they almost did, but they were still standing. Princess Luna blinked. We all quickly got to our feet and smiled. I had a feeling she didn't buy it. "Sorry my littlest ponies. Though I have mostly acclimated to the modern vernacular, I still find myself using the royal Canterlot voice for emphasis at times." "It's okay Princess." Said Sweetie "Yea, we know you ain't trying to do nothing like that." "Don't worry, we're cool." She smiled. "Very good. Now, as I was saying, I learned the magic of the forest has been weakened somewhat. I have a guess how but that can wait." "Ah, so you suggest no punishment at all?" said Sky "Well, something minor perhaps, but you will be getting a bonus regardless Firecracker." She threw her hooves up. "Whoo, more explosives." "Ah get the feeling she has enough." I said "She means recreational explosives, and somehow she never has enough." Firecracker shook her head. "You just don't understand explosives properly, that's all." "I think I'm done here." Said Luna "Sky, you can handle the rest, correct." "Of course." Then Dash came out of the sky. Scootaloo let out a little squeal. Dash came out of the sky so fast then stopped just like that. I wanted to clap but AJ said I should never do anything that might feed her ego if I could help it. "So anyway I had the most awesome idea ever. See I told everypony else to pull back and Ditzy to keep the clouds back. I figure she'll drop the whole storm and soak the forest just like that. Bam, fire out." "Drop the storm?" asked Scootaloo "We remember your story but are you sure that…" Began Luna Then the storm clouds exploded. There wasn't another word for it. The whole storm burst, spraying water everywhere, the clouds gone, and the fire put out by the force of the blast. Or maybe the water. Firecracker was staring at the direction of the now empty sky. Then suddenly she had a huge smile on her face. "Clouds can explode? I didn't know they could do that." She then turned to Sky. "Omigosh, captain, did you know clouds could explode?" "I must say I did not. Now Firecracker you're not going to…" "I have to get started right away." Then she was gone in a firey explosion. Sky sighed. "She is. I have to stay here don't I? That is far too dangerous an idea to let fester in that brain of hers." "The fire is out. Be safe my captain. Now girls, let us go." Then we were on the moon. It just a big grey ball of dirt. It felt solid enough, but was real dusty. Like that one time we went to visit cousin Breburn. You could see the stars even though it was day, and the air seemed strange somehow. Then Scootaloo took off and a started flying around us in circles with her hooves up. "Whoo! Luna is best Princess." Luna laughed. "Ah, so you are still having trouble flying. Interesting. I am glad I could be of assistance, however temporary. But I brought you here to have an important talk." "Ah'm guessing it's about Discord and such." Luna nodded. "Yes. Twilight seems blinded to the true danger. I would have warned you earlier, but I have been busy. Sunny is away calming the other countries of the world worried we shall invade them next. Never mind that we did nothing of the sort." "But Pinkie really is Queen of the griffins, right?" asked Sweetie "Yes, but it was no invasion, but a legally binding transfer of power with clear, albeit vague, rules. Only other nations with similar archaic laws need worry. In fact the only one I can think of with anything similar is Equestria itself." "Ooo, you mean someone can fight you and Celestia for the throne. That would be cool." "That don't sound right tah me." I said "No, it is not a fight, but a friend off. The rule is so old it's not even clear what such a challenge even entailed. We asked the ponies what it meant not long after we sealed Discord away, but none could remember." "So." Said Sweetie. "There is some sort of contest for the crown of Equestira but nopony knows what it is?" Luna nodded "But that is of no import. What is important is Discord. While it is not certain he had a claw in things, it may indeed have been his influence that turned me into Nightmare Moon." "Really?" the three of us echoed She nodded. "I cannot be certain, and I know it was at least mostly my own fault, but I worry he may attempt to do much the same. I think you currently possess the powers he might have used on me, but you are far younger." "And even though I do have wings and a horn, we're not really Alicorns." "Hmm, that is true, but it's debatable. Discord's power is already very near our own in some ways. Thus in truth you in some ways you are alicorns. Or at the very least closer than Twilight and her friends currently are." I then realized how silent the moon could be. It was really, really quiet. I tried to picture myself with wings and horn and all big but I couldn't quite do it. I mean I knew I had some of his power, but I forgot that according to the stories Luna and Celestia couldn’t fight him off. Even with all their power, they needed the elements. A third of that is still an awful lot of power. "Wow." The three of us echoed. "I just want to make clear this is why my guards follow you. To keep you out of his influence if at all possible." "Wait, does this mean we're immortal?" asked Sweetie. "Oh. That's a stupid question isn't it." She then sighed. "Yes, obviously as long as the magic is bound within you, Discord's eternal life is your own. To think otherwise is…" "WHAT?" We all yelled it at once. Luna sorta fell over, but not exactly. She tipped but it was slow and she caught herself with her wings. She landed and shook her head. "Ah, yes, that really is very disconcerting on the other end of things. I must redouble my efforts. So it was not obvious to you?" We all nodded in reply. "Now I know you may have some concerns, but I assure you it is not as bad as it seems." "This is going to be so awesome." Said Scoots "Ah get to say with you girls forever for real?" "We're not stuck as little filly's are we?" asked Sweetie Scotaloo and I turned to Luna. "No. Though your normal maturation might have stopped you still should mature eventually. Possibly very rapidly in fact. Though instead the process may be slowed, or dependant upon various factors." "Ya'll mean we might grow up real slow or real fast right?" "And because it's all chaosy and such…" Began Scoots "That isn't a word." Said Sweetie "… it could be something lame like we have to eat mint on a table made of jello, right?" "I was not thinking something so ridiculous, but in truth I do not know." Luna sighed "You know, you could just ask." Discord was here. Luna glared at him, then blinked. Then she looked at us for a long time, then back at Discord. "Ah, they also act as anchors like the elements." "Of course they do. It's my power. As to them growing up, I was never a pony, but I would guess once they get their cutie marks they'll grow up, but not before." "Wait, so to get my wings I have to find my talent? But if my wings stay shrimpy like this how can I do that?" "Don't ask me. I'm not one for rules. I must say Ponyville is far more entertaining than I initially thought. I mean I didn't even do anything and you blew up part of a forest. That's even my sort of chaos. Nopony got hurt, but you can't have everything, now can you. In fact I mostly came here to make a counter offer." "We don't want nothing tah do wit you." "Yea." Added Scootaloo and Sweetie "Ah, but you're making no progress, and even your rather pathetic attempts to make use of my power seem to be stopping me, so no one has access to my full power. There is no way for that to cause any chaos. So my offer is simple. Let me help." "Huh?" we echoed. "We need none of your help monster." Luna glared at Discord, her eyes going white, just like miss Twilight's do sometimes. "But that is where you are wrong dear Nightmare. No, it's my power and I'm the only one who truly can help. And now that you finally got it thought your thick…" He paused. "I mean now that Lulu and Cici are no longer deceiving you about your true power aren't you curious about what you could do with it?" Scootaloo blinked. "I could fly. Not just here but anywhere." "If I had more magic I bet I could get something I make to come out right." "Maybe ah could really help out with the farm." "Isn't it great when you don't even have to ask for vital information like that?" Discord then laughed. "Almost too easy." "You will not win Discord." "We'll see." Then he cackled and vanished. Luna's horn then lit up and the air around us shimmered. It was sorta like looking through the heat of a bonfire, but it didn't feel hot at all, and it was only stuff far away, Luna looked the same. She then got a great big smile on her face. "Well that went perfectly, but we must be fast children. He will not question that I've blocked his return, but to pull this off we must not linger." "Pull what off?" I asked "To fool Discord. You see while Celestia is busy we were about to have a short magical conference about what she discovered and the effect over time. Discord's current troubles are unfortunately all too temporary." "He seems to be wrong a lot." Said Sweetie "Yes. I will not go into the details of how we determined this, but the important fact is you must make much greater use of his magic if you are to keep it out of his grasp. We can't think how to help you and there is only one we are sure who can." "You really want us to ask that dork for help? The same guy that…" Began Scoots Luna shook her head. "No, he will come to you, and try to manipulate you. Try not to give in immediately, but give in. He will do his best to tempt you, and with his power there is much to tempt you with, simply take him up on his offer." "Won't he know that we're pulling the wool over his eyes. Ah know ah'm better than my sister, but I ain't that good at lying neither." "He should not notice. Also it is not entirely a lie. It is, but it is also a necessary one. I do not wish to leave this burden to you, but I must trust the elements chose you for a reason. That you are up to this task, and it is not just convenience or the connection you shared by being the catalyst of his release." "Eh?" I said "What." "Oh, now I remember." Said Sweetie "I, think." "Neigh thee mind. Simply do your best to learn all you can and use what you have been given as much as possible in as small ways as possible. Also as Twilight said you are to avoid touching if at all possible." "Are you sure?" said Scootaloo "Even Twilight said it should be easier to make stuff happen if we do that." Luna sighed. "Yes, but in truth I do not fear Discord corrupting your minds. In fact I strongly believe one of you will keep that magic no matter how hard he tries, though I could be mistaken. The problem is I fear Sunny and I once knew him." "Duh, you kicked his flank." Said Scoots, then laughed "That ain't what she means, is it princess?" "He wasn't always Discord, was he?" asked Sweetie Luna nodded and turned away. "We cannot be sure, but we think he was a particular alicorn. One whom we thought long gone, but in retrospect that strange blast coincides fairly well with the first draconequus. There is also one other unicorn Sunny suspects somehow, though that's ridiculous. We would not find Discord until much later, and did not consider some of the things he said until well after his defeat." "I don't get it." Said Scoots I gasped. "Yah mean he's family, don't you?" "That is a very complicated question, but the short answer is if he was indeed once the alicorn of chaos then of a sort he is indeed." "So when you said close you really meant it?" said Sweetie "I am not sure and there are countless reasons not to discuss this…" "You mean cause you think we're just little fillies and won't get it." Said Scoots "We're smart girls, try us." Sweetie and I nodded She laughed. "But you are also still vastly out of your depth. Until recently you were ordinary…" Luna then looked up. "Hmm, maybe not entirely so, but mostly ordinary ponies. There are some things that simply cannot be explained at all, and others which require a life longer than any moral to even begin to grasp." We all looked down. "Sorry." "It is not important, and for now neither is the full story. The truth shall come in time. But if we are right then it is Discord's own power that corrupted and transformed him." "Oh." We three echoed. "An ya'll are thinking it might do the same to us." Luna nodded. "That is my fear. This is why you must be most careful. You are different from Discord, but I still worry. If I could take this burden from you I would, but I cannot. Be very careful young ones, and most importantly remember what's important." "Friends?" said Scootaloo "Family?" I said "Uh, both?" Luna laughed. "That is all important, yes, but I meant remember who you are and what you love. Do not lose yourself in this power. I once lost myself and regret it every day." We all nodded. "One last thing before you go. You three have been given a great gift of power, and possibly even the chance to save Discord if we are right. But if we are wrong or you otherwise fail, remember the force that can stop you and who wields them." I blinked. Then I began to cry. If we screwed this up AJ would have to stop me. She would never forgive herself. Rarity would feel the same way about Sweetie. Scootaloo was in a little different position, but if we went evil they would have to be the ones to stop us. Unless we stopped them somehow. That was even worse. "Ah don't want to hurt nopony." "I don't either." Said Sweetie, crying "Rainbow Dash can't lose. How could I even fight her even if she could?" "Once again I am sorry children. But this had to be said. Now it is time to return you home. I will have no trouble moving each of you…" "Wait." I said "Girls, lets make a vow." "Yea." Sweetie and Scoots added, nodding "That will never happen. No matter what, the CMC will never do that. No matter what it takes, we'll stay together, and help Equestira." "Yea." "We'll figure out all this chaos magic nonsense. We'll get our cutie marks, and we'll beat Discord at his own game. He'll never threaten Equestira again." "Yea." I smiled. "And we really will be together forever. If one of us starts to slip we'll do something. Rough em up if we have to, but we won't be turning into no bad apples." "Yea." "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS FOREVER AND ALWAYS." And then we smashed are hooves together. I think Scootaloo was the first one to realize what we were doing was a bad idea, her wings flapping like she was going to fly backwards, but the resounding "clack" already happened. The moon was now made of squishy green smelly cheese. Everypony sunk slightly into it. Luna freed herself first, then Scootaloo and Sweetie did the same, and then they pulled me out. Luna sighed. "It's going to be one of those milleniums, isn't it?" "Sorry." The three of us echoed.