Chaos Mark Crusaders: RotE Episode 8

by Dream Volt

Big Apple

Zecora had screamed mighty loud when I looked in her cottage. It looked so tiny now. It had only been a few days and I was already struggling to get in the barn doors. She had been looking at me for a good long while now walking around me looking at who knows what. She finally stopped in front of me and nodded.

"The truth is simple this is true. There is nothing I can do."

"What? But it seems like…"

"This is magic great. Held by only gods of endless mystical weight. A mere mortal such as I stands no chance against such. Yet thankfully there are those of which you are in touch. Though beyond my skill, three new goddesses of one shall fill."

I jumped and down. The ground shook slightly, and Zecora barely managed to stay standing. I looked down at my hooves.

"Mighty sorry about that Zecora."

"Worry not my not so little pony. Your exuberance clearly was not phony. You acted much as you always do, but neglected to think things through."

"Okay, so who are these three pony goddesses? Are they nice?"

Zecora sighed. "Of goddesses new there are precious few. I speak of course of your friends and you. For while divided among a new trinity. It is without a doubt still the full power of the chaos god and near infinity."

"Oh, but then why can't I undo it mahself."

"It was you dear Applebloom that said he guided power from your fellow friends. Discord used that for his own ends. Now only power you do not have can undo what he has wrought. Yet correction need not be hard fought."

"Oh, cause Scoots or Sweetie have to be able to fix it, I just gotta go ask em. Thanks Zecora, you been a great help."

I then ran off fast as I could. I had been thinking about running away, I mean I was already big enough I could fight off lots of stuff I was sure, but it was so scary I ended up on the path to Zecora's. She didn't fix me like I hoped but I bet Sweetie could, and if she couldn’t then I'm sure Scoots could.