Chaos Mark Crusaders: RotE Episode 8

by Dream Volt

Bigger Bloom

She didn't run at least. All the other ponies ran away screaming. The small fainting couch had been the puddle of pink drool I think, or maybe something in it. I knew it vanished the same time the couch appeared. The town was crazy. Between all the floating stuff, including actual balloons, the baked goods and sweets, and party decorations the town looked really different. I think I was obviously bigger than an hour ago already. Sweetie then opened her eyes and looked up at me.

"Is that really you Applebloom?"

"Uh, yea." I looked away from Sweetie "I got really big."

She nodded. "Discord, right?"

I nodded. "Yea. What did he do ta ya'll?"

"He trapped Pinkie inside my brain. I think he wasn't even trying to mess with me, just trap Pinkie but…"

"She's nuttier than an acorn and that ain't something you should be having wandering about your brain."

"Uh, maybe. She told me what she thinks happened, but I don't think it's right."

"So, do ya think you can fix me?" I asked

"I can try."

Then Sweetie's horn lit up. I felt a tingling again, starting at my hooves and slowly washing over me ending at the tip of my nose and tail. Then suddenly everything looked bigger, but not as big as it should. I also felt really strange. I also heard Sweetie gasp. I closed my eyes.

"Ya messed up right?" I said

"I'm sooooo sorry."

"It ain't your fault. I'm sure it's just more of Discord's dumb magic being dumb."

"So, can you tell what I did yet?"

I sighed. I opened my eyes and swung a tail I did have way more control over in front of me. It was covered in yellow scales. I then held up a claw. Yep, just about the same. I was surprised to find my hair was at least sort of intact, and so was my bow. I ran a claw along my mouth just to make sure it was filled with super sharp teeth like I thought. I spread my wings. I wasn't a huge dragon by any means, but I was still without doubt a dragon, and sure as heck not a baby.

"Ah guess we should get ta finding Scoots first then you can try again. Seems like this might be a worse before it gets better thing."

"I'm really sorry. I can change myself easy, but it didn't work the same for you at all."

"How often do you change yerself?"

"Well it seems really safe. I mean if Pinkie's doing it then it can't be that bad, so that by itself might be enough, right?"

"Ah guess. Anyway, all the floating stuff is probably Scoots. Also ah gotta feeling you mighta undone what Discord did so I won't be getting any bigger."

"She's probably up in the air some where."

"Er okay, but I ain't really tried flying with wings ya know."

"I doubt it can be much harder."

I nodded. That made sense. I then flapped my wings and took off. It seemed easy enough. Which is why I was so surprised I almost immediately fell out of the sky and crashed into somepony's roof. He ran away screaming before I could get a good look at him. I couldn't really blame him. I mean a giant filly walking peacefully doesn't seem like it's really that scary, but a dragon crashing though your roof is a different story. It's strange, but that didn't seem to even hurt that much.