//------------------------------// // The Sweetie Shuffle // Story: Chaos Mark Crusaders: RotE Episode 8 // by Dream Volt //------------------------------// It took me a long time to catch up. Applebloom had Discord in a headlock and was giving him a noogie when I arrived. He wasn't stuck as a colt anymore clearly. Though I guess since I don't know how I got him stuck in the first place I shouldn't be surprised I don't know how to make it last. He was frowning deeply. My sister and the rest of the elements were laughing along with Scootaloo. Also nothing seemed to be floating anymore. I landed next to Rarity. "Ah could get used to this ah'm thinking. Still, I don't want to be a dragon anymore." "I must ask you dear…" Rarity turned down to me. "Why exactly did you turn her into a dragon to begin with?" "I didn't mean to. It was an accident. She was stuck as a giant pony and…" "By the way…" Twilight interrupted. "Really now Twilight, that's terribly rude." "It's okay." I said "They already told you right?" "Yes, and you did the right thing. Discord's magic is chaotic, but in your hooves somewhat less so. I can't analyze it very well but you certainly canceled the previous growing effect. Now you just have to get her back to normal." "Okay, I'll try." I had a bad feeling about the little laugh that Discord let slip when I said that. I had to at least try. Besides, what's the worst that could happen? Then I was dragon. I was even smaller than Applebloom, but not as small as Spike. Just a little bit bigger than Big Mac I think. It wasn't so bad, but I had tried giving myself fingers before. I was just so curious. It was still weird being so big though. I laughed, looking down. "Ooops. I guess…" I began "Noooooo!" I then looked up to see an orange cockatrice. Specifically one with purple scales now muttering "No no no" over and over in Scootaloo's voice. There was also a yellow fawn with a red mane standing on Discord's head that just had to be Applebloom. Everypony else was just staring saying nothing. Finally Pinkie broke the relative silence by clapping. Discord now had a big smile on his face. "Ooo, that was neat. I wonder if I can transform other ponies too." "Oh no." echoed everypony but Pinkie and Discord "Okay, one disaster at a time now." Said Applejack. "Now it's clear you ain't mean to do that, and some smug varmint knew you was gonna fail." Applejack turned to glare at Discord. He just kept smiling, first taking Applebloom off his head and dropping her to the ground, next he flew just out of easy reach, and then he laughed. I felt something shift, like the ground was moving, but at the same time not. Discord laughed again. "Oh please? You think that little glare will scare me? Your shy friend can do much better, and I'm not weak willed enough to give in to her, but you think you stand a chance? Ridiculous." Then he laughed again. "Just tell us what's going on." Said Applebloom "Normally I wouldn’t, but just this once. She's insane. She's had that pink menace…" "I'm not a menace." Said Pinkie Pie, then frowned "…in her head for days. She's never going to be right again, no matter what she thinks, or how clear headed she feels. She can't control anything now." "In her head?" Twilight turned to me and sighed. "I'm going to regret this but he means literally, doesn't he?" "Not like some tiny Pinkie or nothing." Said Applebloom "Just like, uh…" "Metaphysically." I added "No, physically, but only in a metaphysical sense." Added Discord "What?" said Twilight, and Discord smiled again "That don't make no sense, but I'm guessing it's true. Sweetie told me." Said Applebloom "So, does this mean I should just stop trying?" I then knocked something over with my new tail. "No, we certainly can't leave you like this. It might be odd but as a dragon you can still use your horns as a focus, just try to keep the magic balanced. "It's not going to work." Said Discord I was going to make it work. I focused as hard as I could and tried to do what I always had but it was so different. Twilight made it sound like nothing, but even ignoring that balancing thing which I didn't understand at all, this was really hard. I pictured my friends back to normal, then suddenly had a thought. If we had been together I could have just helped both to begin with. I bet with bigger wings Scootaloo would be an awesome flyer, and Applebloom could do tons of work around the farm if she was just a little bit bigger and stronger. Just a year or two older would do I bet. She is going to be a strong pony for sure. Then I got the idea that since I had two horns I could just think of each like one horn, but do two things and everything would work out. I noticed a few problems right off. First standing in front of me where my friends had just been were now a cute little griffin and what almost looked like an alicorn. The second problem is the griffin had red feathers covering her head, but her fur was yellow. The third was the alicorn looking pony was orange with a purple mane that looked like it was made out of clouds. The forth problem that while she looked a lot like Celestia and Luna, Scootaloo didn’t actually have wings. I sighed. "Sorry." "Ah really don't know if this is an improvement or not." Applebloom then shook her head "Oh come on, no wings?" Scootaloo kicked at the ground "Really?" Discord laughed. "Ah'm thinking ya should stop before things get even worse." Said Applejack "I have to agree." Said Twilight "I think a little practice might be in order. Also this is a direct transformation so I might be able to undo it myself. But no promises." "OOO, Ooo. Make everyone alicons. That will be awesome. Then we can have an alicorn party." Everyone sighed. Well nothing was floating and Applebloom and Scootaloo were both species ponies didn't go running from so maybe if I focused on fixing myself first I could figure out how to really fix them too. I then held up a claw. Also Spike seemed to always be a big help to Rarity so maybe I could do the same. That might be nice. "Oh hello there gorgeous. I don't think I've seen you around before." I then turned to see Spike looking up at me and smiling. I blinked. What was with that look, it almost looked like the way he looked at Rarity sometimes. Everyone else started laughing but Spike. I don't get it.