Chaos Mark Crusaders: RotE Episode 8

by Dream Volt

Friendship Report

Dear Princess Celestia,

Twilight is writing this letter because Spike ran off blushing for some reason. (Applebloom and Scootaloo giggled at this point Princess.) We want to tell you all we learned this week. First we done learned something that ain't really about friendship, but real important. Yea, never trust jerks. Ah was gonna say just like ma sister says doing things the easy way usually ain't the right way. (I'm not sure Princess, should I really be writing out her accent, and everything they say?) Also even if you're told to do something you should still be careful if you think it might be dangerous.

But what we learned about friendship is working together you can do anything. Uh huh. Even if you don't get it right, it's still better than being alone. So yea, it was really stupid of you to separate us. (Please don't judge her too harshly princess. She's just a foal.) Scootaloo. What, she probably knew it was dumb and did it to us to teach us a lesson. (Did they forget they were being punished?) Ah know we all learned it real good, and we know the only way to make it though this mess is stick with each other no matter what. (Does that mean separating them was always planned?) Yeah. (They said this all at the same time.) So we'll eventually fix ourselves and get our cutie marks. And Scootaloo will fly too.

(Then they hugged and started talking amongst themselves. I think they forgot they were even dictating a letter. I got them to sign their names once I realized that.)

Your loyal subjects Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle