//------------------------------// // Chapter 27 // Story: Are You Ready? // by Dirty Bit //------------------------------// Chapter 27 Oh, here we go... After what has been a long hour of waiting for Twilight to reshelve the last of her books, she was willing to agree to help Dr. Facilier learn the Magic of Friendship. She beamed at the doctor as she sat down "I KNEW you wanted to seek more knowledge around here! Since this is your day off, I can teach you a good amount of what you need to know about friendship. When you get back, perhaps maybe you can visit here, or you can learn at your own pace if I send Fluttershy to get you some books!" It was a miracle that Dr. Facilier worked the courage to pull a straight face while listening to Twilight and her excited rambling. With what she brought up here and there, he was beginning to have second thoughts on wanting to learn it all. But, determined to roam Equestria as a free colt, he swallowed his pride and continued to heed Twilight's possibly elongated lesson plan for today. The lavender bookworm took a deep breath after exerting her many points of banter "So, since you seem eager enough to start on the road to knowing how it all works, what say YOU try and pick the first spot to begin your lesson?" Twilight was beginning to feel just like her mentor, only instead of being calm and collected, she was practically about to explode from such joy from taking in some random pony under her tutelage. Dr. Facilier only sighed as he tried wondering where to look and learn something that could pass off as childish morality. This was going to be hard, considering how he is on Zecora's and Rainbow Dash's bad side, and he only met the zebra mare the moment he arrived. How she was able to figure out he was a villainous scumbag in his previous life could only be that she had a hobby performing many a séance in her time as a witch doctor. Knowing he would need the trust of the Element bearers, he decided to get through the worst and 'befriend' Rainbow Dash. It was not going to be easy, considering how much of a prick he acted back then, but it was worth a shot. "Jus' so she won't try and think me rash, Let's go out an' find Rainbow Dash..." Twilight nodded to this "Good idea! She's probably napping on one of the clouds in town, considering how much of a beautiful day it is outside. Dr. Facilier, let's go find Dash! I'm looking forward to watching your knowledge expand and watch your talents bloom!" Dr. Facilier kept a poker face after her encouraging statement, thinking she must have jinxed him somehow, but then grinned his gapped teeth and followed Twilight out the door. Rainbow Dash was busy spying from one of the library's windows, and growled at the assumption that Dr. Facilier was playing Twilight like Spike would a piano "No way! That creep's planning to 'change' by learning how friendship works from all of us! So that's what's gonna happen from now on, huh? Well, I'll be friendly with him alright!" She touched the ground and pawed at the dirt, steam blowing from her snout "As friendly as a timberwolf..." Applejack trotted over and placed a comforting hoof on Dash's back "Calm down there, sugarcube. Ah know ya want nothin' more than t' buck that colt senseless, but he's already got Twi on 'is side! And iffin' y'all weren't so 'in th' zone' earlier, we coulda scared 'im and led 'im outta Ponyville no problem!" She places a hoof on her chin "Ah only wonder what Pinkie's talkin' to Fluttershy about..." Meanwhile, under a tree in a meadow outside of Ponyville, Pinkie was busy explaining random (and unimportant) points of interest to Fluttershy while trying to buy time for Rainbow Dash to scare away Dr. Facilier "-and that's why it's fun to try extreme underwater basket weaving! It'll really give you the rush!" The timid mare had her ears folded back the whole time with what Pinkie had said to her for the past hour, but she kept a smile knowing she was at least spending some time with one of her friends "Well, those many secrets of yours were...nice, Pinkie, but I don't know if it would be a good idea to weave baskets underwater. I wouldn't want to disturb the fish or get the wood wet..." Pinkie nods "Okie Dokie Loki! Whatever floats your boat, sister! Speaking of boats, have you ever been on one before? Sometimes it's fun to act like a pirate!" The pink pony clenches one eye shut and bears her teeth at an angle while looking menacing "Arrrgh!" Fluttershy shrunk back at this, shaking a little from her friends impression "U-Umm, Pinkie? I've never been on a boat before, no...and I-I don't really like pirates..." Pinkie then comforted Fluttershy "Hehe, sorry, Fluttershy..." She then perks up "Hey! Ya wanna do something fun together? Do ya have any plans at all?" The timid mare then remembered that her coltfriend was with Twilight "Oh, That's right! I was supposed to catch up with Dr. Facilier later! I wonder if Twilight is teaching him well enough..." She began trotting back to Ponyville "I better go find him...You can follow me back if you want, Pinkie..." Pinkie nods with her signature smile "Sure! Anything to move this story along!" She bounces after her friend after her random remark, and secretly wondered how Rainbow Dash and Applejack were faring with their objective. Rainbow Dash and Applejack left the record player in the hooves of the crusaders, knowing that they were going to be responsible for the Shadowcolt's friendship lessons and awaited the arrival of him and Twilight coming near them. Applejack could only smile to Twilight, and kept that smile since it was the only truthful one she could muster. The cyan pegasus tried not to glare, but was determined to teach Dr. Facilier the Magic of Friendship the hard way as she donned a smile "Oh hey, Twilight!" She greeted in a cheery tone, then turned to the Shadowcolt "Dr. Fa-silly-a..." the tone she spoke wasn't as cheery. This did not pass the doctor, knowing she was still sore and determined to blow his cover. While it was tempting to put her in her place if she chose to confront him, he wanted freedom, and he wanted it now. He flashed a smile of his own as he spoke to the couple. "How's it goin', Dashie and AJ? Also, it's pronounced 'Facilier'..." Rainbow Dash waved a hoof "I know what I said." Twilight then stepped in with the same amount of joy as she held back at the library "I'm glad we caught you both today! You see, Dr. Facilier wishes to learn the ways of friendship and I'd figure you all could help! We should round up the others so we could make things a whole lot easier for him to know what is right and what is wrong." Rainbow Dash gasped in mock excitement "Ya don't say~? Well, clearly since we're the element bearers and that Doc over here wants to learn so badly, who am I to say no? Where do we start?" Twilight smiled at her prismatic friend "Funny you should ask...Dr. Facilier wanted to learn from you first!" Rainbow Dash arched an eyebrow "Oh really? You wanna learn about how awesome it is to be loyal? I'd say you have a better shot at learning how to be HONEST first..." Dr. Facilier saw this, and while he wanted to learn how to be a better colt, he couldn't let that hidden jab go unpunished. He took a step forward and kept a calm demeanor and spoke to the cyan pegasus in a professional manner of politeness. "Dashie girl, now don't be coy... All I want is to enjoy Some proper lessons that need learnin'. Friendship's what I'm really yearnin'..." Applejack heard the words come out of his mouth, and was confused upon what Dr. Facilier had said. When she had expected him to lie, knowing how he was smiling at Rainbow Dash, he was telling the truth in a way 'What in the hay...?'. She scratched her head on this, but then stepped in to clarify her thoughts "Say, Dr. Fa-cee-lee-ae, iffin' ya don' mind me askin' an' all...Why do y'all wanna learn friendship so much? Ah'd figure a colt like ya would know how friendship works." She couldn't hide her curiousity as her smile left her lips, her attention focused on the Shadowcolt. Twilight, while more than eager to teach, was as curious as the cowpony upon his reasons as she listened. So it turns out that loyalty with Rainbow Dash wouldn't be Dr. Facilier's first step after all, but it was good to know his words passed as truth toward Applejack. It was wise for him to keep this going if it meant staying out of her radar. "Y'all remember back at Canterlot When Celestia called us there an' whatnot? Well, she asked me to learn this, and I need to know Since I'm livin' here an' got nowhere t' go..." Applejack was as skeptical as she was surprised as every single word was true to the letter. Twilight was equally surprised upon hearing the real reason why the princess chose to speak with Dr. Facilier alone. The group was about to ask him more questions until Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie showed up "Hiya, everypony! What's shakin'?" The party pony cheered as she hopped. Twilight noticed the two showing up and greeted them "Pinkie! Fluttershy! It's good to know you could come! We're just getting ready to teach Dr. Facilier ho-" the timid mare interrupts "How the Magic of Friendship works?" The lavender bookworm turned to Fluttershy, making her cringe "S-Sorry to interrupt..." Twilight smiled "Yes, actually. How'd you know, Fluttershy? Did he speak to you about this first?" Fluttershy nods to this and explains "Yes he did. Dr. Facilier wants to know the Magic of Friendship and wanted to visit you since you know it so well. He just wants to show how much care he can give to anypony he meets." She leans on her coltfriend with a smile "Isn't that just the sweetest thing?" The Shadowcolt felt embarrassed for the first time and showed a grin similar to when Applejack tried telling a lie 'This is jus' humiliatin'! Yeah I got a job curin' diseases an' stuff, but now I gotta do good deeds willy nilly! This Magic o' Friendship bit better be worth it...' The rest of the group giggled at how Dr. Facilier looked after what Fluttershy had said, then Twilight spoke up "Well, why don't we head to Carousel Boutique and see if Rarity's free to help as well? We have a full day ahead of us and if we're gonna teach Dr. Facilier the ways of friendship, we're gonna have to do it together!" Pinkie then raised a hoof "FOR THE HERD!" Everypony stared at the party pony in utter silence, and she then recovered "Let's go to Rarity's place and then go learn things!" And with that, they go round up the fashionista so the Shadowcolt can begin his lessons. ________________________________________________________________ Rarity, now joining the group in teaching Dr. Facilier friendship, was more than happy to lend a hoof to help the doctor better himself. They caught her at a good time, knowing that business was slow and she had nothing to do but organize her workspace and tools, and with Opal at the vet and Sweetie Belle with her friends, she had nothing else better to do. Rainbow Dash was determined to pressure the Shadowcolt into revealing himself, and grinned as an idea came to her mind "Hey, everypony! How about we take Dr. Fa-silly-a over to the Retirement Village and have him entertain the elderly?" This made Dr. Facilier perk up with distateful eyes, and to make matters worse, everypony else agreed to it. "Good idea, Rainbow Dash! The elderly do need our company!" "Ah could watch 'im dazzle 'em with his fortune tellin'. Hehe." "Oh, that would be so sweet and generous of you to do it, Dr. Facilier..." "I most definitely agree, darling! That should make for a good first step!" "Oh! Oh! Dance for them! They'll LOVE the way you shake your flank! Especially the elder mares!" Dr. Facilier shuddered at this. This wasn't what he had in mind in learning friendship, especially if it meant being around decrepid and possibly cranky old folk who would obviously smell as bad as an old alley in Louisiana. They all turned to him to see his reaction, especially Rainbow Dash, who could only grin and narrow her eyes. Seeing as how the majority ruled and he had no proper alternatives, he had no choice as he gave a sigh and then smiled. "Aight then, let's go tend to the old. With what I'll learn, I'm feelin' bold..." With the group reaching proper agreement, they trotted over to Ponyville Retirement Village. Dr. Facilier could only groan inwardly as he was forced to deal with his first step having to entertain a group of folks that are bound to kick the bucket at any time. His shadow shook its head while trotting with its master while nopony was looking, feeling sorry for Dr. Facilier being put up to this. There were many small buildings, and there were old mares left and right moving slow and performing activities such as chess and shuffleboard. When they reached the building entrance, Fluttershy trotted up to the Shadowcolt and kissed him on the cheek "Good luck, Dr. Facilier..." She said warmly as she smiled, while Rainbow Dash aded with her obnoxious tone and grin "Yeah, you're gonna need it!" Dr. Facilier sneered a little, but took a deep breath and grinned at his first step into getting out of his jam and strolled on through the door, with the mares following him. The moment he made his way inside of the premesis, there was a receptionist at the counter who was reading a book with a bored expression like the one at Ponyville Clinic. He sighed and trotted over to the desk and grabbed the mare's attention for permission to entertain the elderly. "Hello there, little lady. Can ya help me today? I wanna make old ponies happy the proper way." The receptionist looks up at Dr. Facilier, her expression changing to joy "Oh! You wish to entertain the old folk? Bless your heart, sir! Just head on over to the cafeteria down the hall and make your way up the stand. Thank you for your time!" The doctor gave a halfhearted chuckle after her response and trotted to the cafeteria. Inside the food area, many old ponies were enjoying tapioca pudding at their respective tables with different expressions on their faces. There was a small and vacant stage at the end of the room mainly used for entertainment or calling numbers at bingo night. When the doors flew open, everypony present turned to see Dr. Facilier and the mane six stand and look around at all who noticed him as an awkward silence filled the air. When the mares took some vacant seats at a table, the doctor trotted forward with a smile after noticing the stage and turned to face the legion of old folk with confidence in his voice. Clearing his throat, he broke the ice with some words before wowing them with a performance. "Hey, everypony! How y'all doi- An old stallion quickly rose up from his table with a horrified expression on his face as he pointed a hoof at the doctor "IT'S THE UNDERTAKER!!!" He yelled in a raspy voice as he then ran out of the cafeteria at a very slow pace. Some others believed the stallion and followed him out at the same pace with fear in their hearts. Rainbow Dash snickered at this, finding hilarity in the doctor's attempt as he made a deadpan look at the crowd. He then donned another smile as he tried again. "As I was sayi-" An old mare rose and asked "Are you the caller for Bingo? Where's the mic and the ball machine?? I don't have my cards yet..." This made Rainbow Dash snicker even louder, even causing Applejack and Pinkie Pie to join in. The doctor shot another deadpan look, the group of elders slowly getting on his nerves. He tried once more, and hoped none of these ponies would make him angry. "I'm here to tell y'all that I'm doin' a show! To give ya good entertainment, ya know?" The old ponies all 'Ooooooh' in understanding as they sat down and waited for what he was about to do. Third time's the charm when it comes to trying things and doing them well. Dr. Facilier shifted his eyes to his shadow with a smile, who smiled back as they figured some song, dance, and a little trickery just might be what he needs in order to make his little show go smoothly. 'Showtime...' End of Chapter 27