The Adventures of Dreamwire and Green Dragoon

by TheGreenDragoon

The First Adventure! (or, a lot of talking, inability of talking, explosions, and a mild concussion) Part 1

The next morning, Dragoon and Dream decided to head out together once more, because it was just safer in a pair instead of alone. While trotting along, Dragoon and Dream tried to understand each other a little more.

“Okay, I have to ask: What happened to your horn? It has to take a VERY powerful force in order to take out a unicorns horn. Did you have a run-in with the pony mafia?” Dragoon asked, somewhat cautiously. He had had an issue with them before, but not very many things can hurt a dragoon.

“Um, no… actually, wait, what? I didn’t know there WAS a pony mafia! Wait… are you part of them?” Dream replied, calmly at first, but quickly going hysterical.

“Wha… No! No! Ummm, I just made them up on the spur of the moment! Yeah, that’s right… Completely made them up!” Dragoon replied quickly. If he had never heard of them… probably best to stay that way.

“Oh, oh, don’t do that. I nearly had a heart attack,” Dream said. As long as Dragoon forgot about the earlier question…

Soon enough, the conversation became a little bit more… intimate. “You know, I headed to Ponyville because I heard that Octa… I mean, a certain pony recently moved here. I wish I could see them…”

Green Dragoon smiled knowingly, “Yes, she does play music quite well, doesn’t she. And you’ve got to admire a pony who cares for her looks,” with a subtle wink. He laughed inside at Dream’s suddenly red face, and stammered reply.

“Wha... how... um… Who told y-you that! T-t-that’s not what I meant at all!”

“Yeah, sure…” Dragoon casually tossed back.

Soon enough, however, Dragoon gained a thoughtful look. “Actually, on subject, I was wondering if… Well, if you’ve ever seen a… rainbow maned pony anywhere? I’m just wondering, is all, no reason,” It was a good thing that green dragons had an inability to blush through scales. Otherwise, Dragoon might have given it away.

Luckily, Dream didn’t seem to notice, “Hmm… Well, I HAVE seen ponies with multiple colors in their manes… But never one with ALL the colors. Why did you want to know?”

“Well, I’d, uh…” Dragoons mind raced to think of a viable answer, “I’ve heard that she’s… pretty fast! And I do enjoy a good race! Um…” His voice petered off, and he gave Dream a (failing) disarming grin.

For the next few seconds, an awkward silence fell over the pair. They struggled to look at the birds, the ground, the trees, anything except for each other. “Uhhh, So, how do you know Octa.. *gak* Octavia?” Dream asked cautiously.

It was a lucky guess. “Oh, man, you have no idea! I’m a bit of an art-teest myself. Play the Horn, Piano, learning the violin. Well, There was a bit of a gig over at…” Dream continued wandering, listening to his newfound friends conversation only vaguely. He was trying to enjoy the scenery of the lovely apple trees surrounding him.

Out of nowhere, right as Dragoon said, “and that’s when Octavia rammed her bow ALL the way down Vinyls throat… It was great, she kept saying that ‘Dubstep *gack* dubstep is still *wheeze* better!’ Well, I decided to…” and the world was thrown askew by a tremendous explosion, and a huge display of colors flying by overhead.

“HOLY MOTHER OF CELESTIA” Dragoon shouted, backpedalling wildly.

Dream had somehow, despite being unable to use magic, climbed a nearby tree. “Wha-wha-wha was that?!?” he shouted over the din.

“It sounded like someone breaking the sound barrier! I’ve only ever heard that twice before!”


Dragoon had forgotten about that. Being close to a sound that powerful… ususally struck those with lesser ears deaf. Even his ears were ringing. They ringing continued longer than it should have, for a large lump of lumber had just plummeted from the sky and smashed him in the face.

“Guh-Doofa!” He said wisely, and began stumbling about to regain his balance.

“HEY, DRAGOON! WHERE’D ALL THIS WOOD COME FROM?” Dream asked, un-intentionally poking Dragoon in the face, right where the bruise was forming.

“Aargh! Don’t do that!” Dragoon said, covering his bruise with a wing, “Cmon, the noise came from over there!” he said as he took off in the direction of the explosion. Dream, still unable to hear, followed along, on the basis that, if a dragon is running, you should probably join them.

By the time they got to the disaster sight, Dream had regained his hearing, “Hey, I think I see some ponies over there… Oh, that’s Twilight Sparkle! She and I went to magic kindergarten together!” He stood up to shout, but Dragoon quickly pushed him down.

“Shhh. It looks like she’s pretty upset. I recognize the other one,I think she’s Apple Jack. But who is the third one…” Dragoon twitched his nose. Suddenly recognizing her scent, they widened to full size. “Oh, oh, oh, uhhhh, Guh!” and turned invisible.

Dream stared at where is friend was just standing. He though only Unicorns could do that. He waved his hoof over where Dragoon was just standing, and sure enough, punched Dragoon in the face.

“GAH!” Dragoon shouted, drawing a quick confused look by the three mares. Seeing nothing, Twilight lowered her head, and wandered out of sight. AJ and Rainbow looked at each other, shrugged, and carried on destroying things.

Dragoon faded back into sight, cradling his head, “Why do you keep punching me in the face? I don’t get it. What did I do?”

“How did you do that?!? I thought only Unicorns could turn invisible!”

“Huh? Oh, I wasn’t turning invisible, merely camouflaging myself. All dragons can do it.” Dragoon replied, politely, yet simultaneously arrogantly, “Although, our concern should be with Twilight, I think you said her name was. She looked pretty upset.”

“Yeah, I kind of want to see if she was alright,” came the reply, and the pair continued trotting onwards.

Dragoon decided to tell Dream of some of his adventures as the trotted along, “You know, my birth was a bit of a… controversy. Even though it was a mistake, neither parent was willing to accept me in, and the locals, seeing me as a dragon, not a pony, abandoned me at the edge of the Everfree forest, with the belief that a young dragon could survive in there. They were right, but I… I was just a confused pony at that point; my dragon side hadn’t woken up yet. I wandered for several days, unsure of whether to eat gems, or hay.

Well, I was getting pretty hungry, with my mind fighting between instinct and logic. That’s how she found me, literally punching myself in the face to stay sane. Zecura, the one who raised me. She did not care what I looked like, and She didn’t care I accidentally burned her hut down… twice. She said it was simply part of a dragon growing up. Her concern however, was with how my PONY half grew up. She didn’t know too much about raising a young one, so she tried to find some help. Luckily, it was within a month of her beginning caring for me that The Doctor arrived.

The Doctor… How do I begin? He was a strange one, but intelligent beyond his apparent age. Through his many journeys, he HAD taken care of young before, and agreed to help raise me. For a while, that is how I grew, one day having Zecura teach my dragon half to hunt for gems, or how to breath fire; The Doctor, on the other hand, would teach me of writing, reading, and most importantly, music. I loved music, poetry, anything with rhythm. The day I discovered my dragon mark was the first day I played the piano. At that time, The Doctor decided to let me come with him, on my first adventure.

Have you ever heard of the Weeping Pegasi? Yes? Well, there’s more to it than a statue. It is a creature, evil, foul, yet it can only move when nopony is looking at it. Me and The Doctor, we stopped it. We tricked it into entering a crowded plaza, while the plaza was under construction. Right as it was centered, The Doctor cut the ropes holding the tarp around the edge down… and allowed one of the biggest crowds known to pony kind in. Heh, heh, that plaza always has at least 30 ponies in it; what a way to be stuck forever.”

Dream listened in astonishment. What an amazing life! Abandoned at birth, but yet struggled, survived, and learned! Was this dragoon afraid of anything?

Suddenly, Dragoon blanched, “ No…no… anypony… anypony but… but HER!” he said, pointing at a beautiful white unicorn approaching them rapidly. Dream didn’t see a threat, she just seemed slightly perturbed by something, “Hide me… HIDE ME! QUICKLY! We’re in a plaza, I can’t camoflauge with all these ponies around, so HIDE ME!”

Dream looked around quickly, and spotting a small box, pointed at it, “Put it on your head, she might not recognize you!” But it was too late. Dream watched his friend get dragged off by the mystery unicorn, who was muttering something about, “Green, what an AWFUL color. Come, now, I’ll get you out of that… yech looking skin in NO time!”

Dragoon was dragged away letting out an awful scream, “NOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo!!!!!!” Dream rushed after him, but found the doors to… what building was this again? Oh yeah, Carousel Boutique closed and locked. The sounds inside where obviously those of one going through extreme torture. When Dream looked in the window, however, he had to stifle a laugh. There wasn’t much else that could be done now except wait.

(Authors note: I'm not sure how many people are reading this, but i kind of want to see your representation of what Dragoon and Dream look like! Also, would you prefer if i called them Dream or wire, Dragoon or Green? I wan tot make the story more understandable! Thanks!)