//------------------------------// // Prologue: The Rift // Story: The Time Pony // by ShadyCanopy //------------------------------// As the Doctor and I stepped onto the TARDIS, I smiled. I loved going on trips with the Time Lord currently standing next to me. It had been a month since our last outing, and I was anxious to do some travelling. "So, Doctor," I said to the rust-colored pony, "where are we heading this time?" He turned to me and smiled. "Darkfire, We're going to Zenchon. It is a small planet known for its luscious fields and clean air. Only one group of pony-like beings live there, and I wanted to do some exploring." He trotted up to the control panel and pulled a few levers, and the TARDIS began to whir. "Here we go!" Suddenly, the lights began to flash red and an alarm blared. "Doctor, what's going on?" I called out to the Doctor over the sound of the alarm. "We're entering a rift in the fabric of the universe! Hold on to something!" I grabbed onto the railing as the TARDIS started to spin. Roseluck sat watching Fob Watch(a.k.a. the Doctor) as he messed with the TARDIS controls. "Doctor, just what are you trying to do?" she asked him curiously. He looked towards her. "Roseluck, I am just trying out a little experiment. If I do this correctly, then we should be able to reach our destination 20% times fas-" He was cut off as alarms began to blare. "Oh, not now!" he cried, running over to the console. "A rift? By my calculations, we won't be able to go around it, it's widening too fast. Whoever set this up must be brilliant!" Roseluck grabbed onto the door to the console room as the TARDIS shook. "Lucky Clove! I'm glad you decided to come with Daring and I! Now, where do we want to go today, Daring?" the Doctor said as he trotted over to the TARDIS console. "Well, Doctor, can we go to Zenchon? According to the databanks, it's a lovely planet." she replied, looking at a screen. "You know what else is lovely, Daring? You," Lucky said reaching around to hug Daring. She pushed him away as he got close. Suddenly, the Doctor's eyes widened. "Everypony, hold on! There's a rift in space right in front of us!" He grabbed onto a handrail by the console as the room spun. "Doctor," Colgate said as the Doctor pulled some levers. "Yes, Colgate? Why do you need me? Is something going to happen?" he replied, ready to go get Derpy and Beat Stable. "Ahahah, spoilers! But you should get Derpy and Stable." Suddenly, the TARDIS shuddered. The Doctor climbed down the stairs and dashed into a hallway towards the bedrooms.