Not Your Average HiE Story

by Aegis Steelshield

1 Findings

The cream colored pegasus was having a good day. She had left her cottage only an hour or two ago to collect medicinal herbs, and her saddle bags where almost full. She let her mind wander as she trotted back to the worn out path that led back to her furry friends. She hoped Angel Bunny would get over his cold soon.

She came to this grove often. It always seemed to have whatever she needed. And she liked the quiet. It was so peaceful. Her sanctuary.

She was torn out of her thoughts when an explosion ripped apart the sky, almost a mile above her. She bolted into a small bush, before looking up. What she saw amazed her...

* * * * *

Pain... All I felt was pain. Then I noticed the smell, one I've gotten very use to. Iron. Or was it copper? So hard... so hard to think...

Holy shit, am I bleeding? And... Falling?

Oh shit! I tried to focus, reaching deep inside myself for that telltale feeling of power. I couldn't. I just couldn't. Not with these injuries. I was trying to remember what they were from when I hit the ground.

* * * * *

After a few seconds of startled silence, Fluttershy rushed to the side of the crater.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no, that poor animal..." She panted as she ran to the bottom, "Please please please be okay..." She nearly fainted as she saw the mangled, bloody corpse. Then she noticed it was breathing. "Oh Celestia... I'll get help! Just... Please don't die..." She flew back out of the crater, full speed. She knew she couldn't drag the thing out, but maybe, just maybe, with somepony's help... She wondered which was closer, Sweet Apple Acres, or Ponyville? After a brief hesitation, she flew to call in a favor from Big McIntosh.

* * * * *

"Thanks... Applejack, was it?" the pegasus asked as she and the orange mare pulled on a cart loaded with the animal. She was exhausted from running and pulling, but she was almost home.

"It wasn't a bother sugarcube. Celestia knows you've helped us plenty with our sick." The mare stopped for a moment to adjust the hat covering her blond ponytail. And to let the tired pegasus rest, but she didn't need to know that. And to think she thought that her day would be boring with Mac' and 'Bloom watching the stand. "What exactly is that?" she asked, indicating the cart's cargo, "I ain't ever seen nothin' like it."

"I... I haven't either. I just hope I can help the poor thing."

"I'm sure you can, sugarcube," She unhitched herself as they arrived, "Do you need help getting it inside?"

"Thanks, but I'll manage."

* * * * *

I woke up screaming, half in pain, half utter fury at whatever was causing the pain.

I'm not a very nice person when I'm angry. And whatever it was, it was a danger. After all, how often do you find something that can pierce bullet proof skin that isn't evil?

There was a gasp next to me. As I turned, time slowed down around me. To be more correct, time stayed the same. My brain just sped up, giving the impression of time slowing down.

It... It was a pony. Wow. Finally lost it huh? Wondered when I would. Maybe I was still dreaming.

It was holding a tray of some sort. Was. Guess dropped it when I woke up. I could see a blur in the doorway, but I wasn't sure what it was. I jumped off the bed I was on, and in a single, powerful leap, exited the open window stage left.

And then I ran like hell.

* * * * *

The rainbow-maned pegasus was in Fluttershy's room in an instant, yelling, "Are you okay? What happened? Why... Why are you grinning like a filly on Hearth Warming's Eve?"

"I-It woke up. After weeks of being afraid it wouldn't, it finally woke up, Rainbow." The shy mare's grin faded as she focused on the empty bed, "Where'd it go?"

Rainbow Dash went to the window and started. It was well over 150 feet away. "It's-it's heading to the forest!" She screamed throwing herself out the window at top speed. She was gaining on it. Quickly. It looked over it's shoulder for an instant. Their eyes met. Then it smashed through the tree line, and Rainbow jerked to a stop so she wouldn't hurt herself.

* * * * *

Wow, that one's fast. Good thing I had a few seconds lead. I jerk to a stop for a moment to take stock of my situation.

I was in a small forest clearing surrounded by all sorts of flowers. I had a bad gut feeling about those blue ones.

I was covered in bandages from head to toe. Everywhere. Even my naughty bits. Somehow, that was the creepiest part of everything. And I looked like I just went a few rounds with a freight train. And that was before I smashed into a tree at a few hundred miles per hour.

I ran my hand over the reopened wounds on my shoulder. It hurt like hel-

My mask! I reached up for my face, but it was covered in bandages.

"No no no nononononono..." They saw my face. They saw my face! This was my biggest mess up since that time my pants fell down in a fight with bank robbers. On live TV. And that's pretty hard to top.

I hear a voice above me as I realize I'm still less than fifty feet from the forest edge.

"I hear it over here! It talked!"

And for the second time today, I ran like hell.