The Time Pony

by ShadyCanopy


Nine and Ten turned to see Eleven and Twelve up on their feet. "Hello, boys," Twelve said to the two. "quite a pickle we have ourselves in, correct?" he asked the two stallions.

Nine frowned. "So, now what?" he asked the senior Time Lord.

"Well, if we are going to work together, we can't be calling each other Doctor the whole time. That would be too confusing. Let's call ourselves by our aliases for the body we're in, shall we? Therefore, you can call me Rusty," he said.

Eleven nodded. "I go by Clockwork most of the time in Equestria."

"I go by Time Turner," Ten said.

"Fob Watch is mine. Brilliant, is it not?"

"Okay then, " Rusty said with a smile. "Let's get out of this cell." He pulled out his Sonic Screwdriver and used it on the door. However, nothing happened. "What?" he said, surprised. He tried again, only to get the same results.

"The Sonic won't work! What do we do?"Time Turner cried out in surprise.

"For once, I don't know, Turner, I don't know." He looked at the ground for a moment, then grinned. "But what I do know," he said, startling the others. "is that my companion, Darkfire, and your companions will come and save us!"

Turner smiled. "You're right, Rusty. Daring, Lucky, and all the others will save us." He siged and sat down. "Hurry up, my friends."

"I just don't know what to do!" Darkfire cried out. They had been sitting for an hour trying to think of a plan, and Darkfire was getting impatient. Colgate looked up to see Darkfire fly up into the air and look off into the distance.

Darkfire stiffened at what he saw. "Daring, Derpy, come check this out!" They did, and Derpy gasped.

"Is that a castle?" Daring Do asked.

Darkfire nodded. "Looks like it. It's probably around a mile away." He looked at Colgate. "Can you see how far awaythe Doctors are on your Manipulator, Colgate?"

She looked at her Time Vortex Manipulator. "Yeah, they're... a mile away!" she gasped. Darkfire grinned. "Well, we know where to find them! Let's get going!"