Magikarp & Gengar To The Pony World

by Zinger

The Problem And The 500 Dolla Deal

"DANG IT!!!" A scientist yelled with a grunt. " So what if the project is dangerous, it's for the sake of science."

" Um sir " a young goggled scientists said in a meak voice. " It's over, it's just to dangerous, the authorities won't allow it. "

" I know that. " the older scientists sighed as he got up from his seat and began to walk over, to the door that leads outside.

" Were are you going sir? " the young scientists said with a hint of fear in his voice. Seeing that the older scientist has a track record of pulling rouge moves.

"To get a drink." He said with a growl as he slammed the door.
The scientist began to walk to the bar, he pasted many people. One kid in particular caught his eye it was a young man with a ball cap and a pikachu on his back. Were has he seen him from, he thought to him self. But he just shrugged it off.

After about 10 minutes of walking, he reached the bar.
The scientist looked up to see the bright glowing sign it read "The Rock." The man chuckled at it... " Pewter city and its rocks." He soon entered the bar. It was full of thugs, col miniors, and con men. It stank of smoke, vomit, liquor, and sweat. He walked over to a stool, it was ripped and stained as if it's seen many bar fights. He sat down it was the most uncomfortable stool in the world, but he didn't mind.

As the man sat down a big gruff bartender noticed him. "What will it be Mak?" The bartender asked in a gruff voice. "The strongest thing you have will do." The scientists said with a hint of sarrow in his voice. The bartender just chuckled and pours a glass of brown liquid and slid it a crossed the counter to the man in the labcoat. The scientist gulped it down. He knocked on the counter to signal for another. He was about to drink more of the alcoholic beverage, but was stopped by a light tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see a scrony man with a white head band on his head.

"Hello sir couldn't help but notice that lab coat of yours, so you must be a smart man? I have a deal for you I will sell you a rare Magikarp for only 500 dollars. What do you say, do we have a deal?" He asked with a strong sense of confidence in his words.

"Do you think I'm dum?"

"No sir that is why I'm selling you such a good pokemon for only 500 dollars."

" That thing is useless, it is far from rare. No one cares about it............ wait no one cares about it."
Wait since Magikarp are so useless, no one will miss a signal missing Magikarp. That means I can continue with my studies. The scientist thought to him self. He turned to the salesman and said with a smile " You have your self a deal."

" As I knew you where a smart man when I first saw you, that will be 500 dollars." The Con man said with a smile.

"Of course" the scientists said as he fished out his wallet and made his purchase. He gave the man the money and the man gave him a pokeball. Just as the salesman was about to walk away the scientist stopped him.

" Do you wish to buy another?" The salesman said with hope in his voice.

"No just need to check if the thing is actually in here." The scientist said as he pressed the button in the middle of the pokeball which realised the red fish. " Magik, Ma, Ma Magik, Magikarp. " The fish pokemon said frantically.

The scientist smiled and put the fish back in its ball and removed his hand from the man's shoulders.
" So would you like another?" The salesman said with a smile. The scientist just returned the question with a growl.
" Um well" the salesman began to chuckle nervously. "O look at the time, I must be leaving, so sorry goodbye" he said as he ran leaving a trail of dust in his wake.

"The scientist put his payment for the drinks on the counter and headed back to the lab with a spring in his step. Nothing can stop him now.

As he began his journey he was stopped by Officer Jenny. " Good evening Doctor, I hope you listened to me when I told you to stop you research."

"O of course, I did. You where right it was much to dangerous, to be continued." His words made the officer smile.

"That´s good to hear." Officer Jenny said with a smile, and the two parted ways. The scientist continued his way back to the lab. Seeing that he wanted to get there quick, the journey only took 7 minutes. He opened the door to the lab to see the other scientists where beginning to pack up the equipment. " STOP!!!! " he yelled. "The experiment is back on."

"But sir it's too dangerous, Office Jenny will have us arrested." The meek scientist pleaded, but received a big back hand to the face causing him to fall over.

"We´re doing it and that's final!!!!! " The scientist roared.

"But sir what shall we use?" Another scientists chirpped.

"With this....." The older scientists said in a evil tone. As he pressed the middle of the button on the ball, causing it to shoot a red laser. The laser took shape to reveal the pokemon. Once the rest of the scientists saw what it is they all suddenly burst into laughter. " You have lost your marbles." One scientist said between laughter.

"SHUT UP!!!!!!!" The older scientist roared. " A Magikarp is perfect, for the experiment. If it some how dies no one will miss it. It will be like it never happened." The said in a smug tone. As he finished the rest of them began to cheer.

"Now bring out the machine". The meek scientist from before now with a red welt on his face rolled a pod like device in the middle of the room. " Good " the older scientist said as he placed the flailing fish in the pod. " Now begin!!!!!" As he said it, the machines lights began to flash, electric crackling was roaring throughout the lab......... then it all stopped the pokemon was gone.

"YES IT WORKS...... now we're did it get sent to?" He ask in a happy but curious tone.


In Equistria

The sky turned a bright red, blue lightning tore through the sky. A portal began to
form, it suddenly spit out, the Magikarp. " MA, MA, MAGIKARP!!!!" The pokemon screamed as it fell out of the sky and into the water.

To Be Continued