//------------------------------// // Missing // Story: Rainbooms and Romance // by Kodeake //------------------------------// Missing Rainbow Dash glided aimlessly through the skies above Ponyville. No real destination in mind, yet she knew exactly where she was going to end up. It always happened; she ended at the same place every time she took a flight. It was like she had a homing sense like one of those pigeons they used to deliver long-range mail. No matter what she did, she always seemed to find herself at the same spot, though she rarely found a reason to complain. Even now she could see her destination getting closer, and she didn’t even know where it was in relation to where she started. Yet there it was, standing tall and proud over the small houses of Ponyville. She smiled as she spotted the open window protruding from the brown exterior of the tree. It was always open these days, just for her. She angled her wings to bring herself lower and lined up with the gap she had passed through countless times before. She folded her wings to her sides as she slipped through the wooden frame, extending her wings once she passed through, she gave a quick flap to slow herself and landed on the floor with hardly a sound. She only needed a brief second to determine that the mare that usually resided in the tree was not in her room. Pouting slightly she made her way to the bedroom’s door and opened it. She stepped out into the hallway and looked to her left, then to her right. Nopony there, there weren’t even any open door. “She’s almost always up here…” Rainbow said to herself, making her way down the hall to the staircase connecting the first and second floors of the tree turned library. She descended the stairs two steps at a time, racing down to the main floor and silently hoping to find her goal somewhere among the shelves. She reached the bottom in seconds and dashed into the middle of the main room, scanning it before determining that it too was empty. “Well that’s odd… Twilight?” She called out, swivelling her ears to try and detect an answer from somewhere within the tree. No answer came. “Twilight!?” She tried again, walking through the rooms of the main floor, systematically checking anywhere the lavender unicorn could possibly hide. Still, she found nothing and there was no reply. She sighed heavily as she checked the last room on the floor, it too turning up empty. She pushed her lower lip out in a slight pout as she walked back to the main room, resigning herself to the fact that Twilight was not, in fact, home. She huffed and trotted a few circles around the room, searching her mind for things to do. Normally when she had nothing to do she came to the library, which was why she was there in the first place, but that plan was a bust. With nothing to do, she came to the most logical answer. She walked over to a cushion sitting off to one side of the room and promptly laid down on it. A grumble erupted from her throat as she made herself comfortable. There she stayed, watching and waiting. At some point during her vigilant waiting, she managed to doze off. She was in a deep enough sleep that she did not hear the library door open and close. Nor did she hear the surprised gasp from the town librarian she was waiting for, or the chuckle that followed. What she did feel was the hoof prodding the side of her head, and she heard the nearly angelic voice calling her name. “Rainbow Dash.” It sung, soft and warm. She loved that voice, and she could recognize it anywhere, even asleep. “Mmm… sup Twi?” She mumbled groggily, rolling her head in an attempt to escape the hoof prodding at her. She failed, as the hoof came back, this time a little more persistent and with more force. “Rainbow.” Twilight called again, a little louder and firmer this time. Rainbow managed to open one of her eyes to look at the unicorn attempting to rouse her. The sight she got was nothing short of amazing. There, leaning down in front of her, was a beautiful lavender mare with bright, sparkling eyes and a shining lavender coat. It was her definition of perfect. She took a deep breath, inhaling the cent of the purple pony. A smile formed on her face as she stood from her spot on the cushion, stretching her wings and legs at the same time. A groan rumbled through her chest as she worked the kinks out of her neck. “Morning Twi.” Rainbow said sleepily, smiling at the unicorn that had woken her. “It’s two in the afternoon, Dash, and what are you doing here, anyway?” Twilight asked, taking a step back from the freshly awake pegasus. “Waiting for you, what else? Where were you, anyway?” “Shopping.” Twilight answered flatly, motion to the brown paper bag sitting on a table nearby, no doubt full of various groceries the unicorn would need over the following week. “Oh… well, you’re back now.” Rainbow smiled and took a step forwards. Before Twilight had time to continue the conversation she felt Rainbow’s lips press against her own. It took Twilight a moment to realize what had just happened, and when she did, she began to panic. Her mind locked up and her body froze. Rainbow Dash had gone into the library while she wasn’t there, waited – or, more precisely, slept – until she got home, and then kissed her? There was something missing, she must have missed something, surly? Eventually, Twilight regained control of her body and took a few quick steps back; the confusion plastered on her face was mirrored on the cyan face in front of her. “Twi? You alright?” Rainbow asked, her voice betraying her concern. “Y-y-you j-just k-kissed me!” Twilight sputtered, looking at the pegasus with wide eyes. “Uh… You feeling alright? This isn’t exactly the first time, ya know…” The pegasus trailed off, unsure as to what to say or do in this situation. She and Twilight had been dating for nearly four months, hadn’t they? She could remember every detail of their first date so clearly, then, a few days later, their first kiss… it had happened, she was there! “W-what? I d-don’t remember that!” Twilight’s voice was shaky and panicked as she struggled to comprehend what Rainbow was telling her. “How can you not remember? I… I asked me out four months ago! We… we’ve been together since then! You… you said you loved me…” Rainbow trailed off again, her confusion mixing with a new feeling; hurt. It dawned on her that Twilight really didn’t remember, and that hurt. But how could she not? For four months they had been together, four of the happiest months in her life, and Twilight couldn’t remember? No, there had to be an explanation! “Twi, what have you been doing for the past week?” Rainbow asked, suppressing the pain she felt and keeping her voice level. “Well… not much, I suppose. Last month Spike left for Canterlot for a year for school, so I sent the Princess a letter asking when I could come visit him. I’m going to see him next week.” Twilight answered, thoughtfully scratching her head. “Twi, he left five months ago. Before we started dating, we both went up to see him. What did you do yesterday?” Rainbow asked again, getting a little more desperate as the extent of Twilight’s sudden amnesia was made apparent to her. “Yesterday, I stopped at Fluttershy’s to get some fresh tea, then I went to Applejacks’ for my weeks supply of apples, and then… I can’t remember, I think I went home after that.” Twilight nodded and looked back to Rainbow. “It was yesterday, wasn’t it?” Rainbow’s jaw nearly hit the floor. That was the day she first asked Twilight out. Twilight was at the farm, and Rainbow had intercepted her on her way home. After some idle chatter, Rainbow asked her out. That was four months ago, and Twilight thought it was yesterday? “Twi, that was the day I first asked you out. The day after that was out first date. Can’t you remember?” Rainbow asked hopefully, preying for some form of recognition to dawn on the unicorn’s face. Instead, all she saw was a scrunched up and thoughtful face. “No, I don’t. Are you sure this isn’t one of your pranks?” Twilight eyed the pegasus suspiciously. Rainbow felt her heart shatter in her chest. Twilight really didn’t remember a thing. And she thought it was all a prank? That pained Rainbow too much. “Twi… look at the calendar, that all happened months ago.” Twilight obeyed and turned her head. Sure enough, it was four months ahead. “B-but how? It was just yesterday that… what happened?” Twilight stared uselessly at the calendar before her. It was living testament to the fact that her last memory was from four months ago. It defied all logic, how could four months of memories just… disappear? It made no sense. “I don’t know, Twi, but I’m going to find out.”