Discord goes to Earth. Hilarity ensues

by maximus25

That one where Pinkie Pie leaves. Or doesn't, read on to discover more.

        Alright, time to get this fic back on track. I’ve been to amicable with you Discord, and the only one’s who have suffered are the fans. Time to kick it into overdrive!
        “Alright, alright. Just give me back my powers and this story will be over with a snap of my fingers.” Discord smiled, looking up into the sky.
        No, that’s not how it works. The Plot says no, and I cannot just change it. Except last chapter when I threw Pinkie Pie at you because you weren’t advancing The Plot fast enough. So there.
        “Come on, Dissy. We’ve got a cult to find!” Pinkie Pie moved behind Discord, pushing him down the street, “Is it just me or are you really really heavy?”
        Mrs. Kittensworth just stared, mouth hanging open. Discord sighed and grabbed the front of his shirt and walking forward.
        “A cult, you say? That sounds fun.” Discord put his paw under Mrs. Kittensworth’s chin, closing his mouth, “Who do they worship? Cthulhu? He’s always a cult favorite. Or has he been forgotten. Have humans discovered Ysgarroth yet?”
        Mrs. Kittensworth grabbed the claw that was holding him, looking into Discord’s eyes, “DUDE! There’s a talking pink pony,” He dropped his voice to a whisper and pointed at Pinkie Pie, “Right over there!”
        Discord stopped and looked at Mrs. Kittensworth, eyes wide, “Who’s the crazy one now, Mrs. Kittensworth?” He laughed, “There’s no such thing as talking pink ponies!” He looked over to where Mrs. Kittensworth was pointing, “GADZOOKS! There really is a pony right there!”
        Pinkie Pie was bouncing along behind them, “Well duh, what else would I be, a fluffy orange elephant?” She looked down at herself, “I’m not a fluffy orange elephant, am I?!” She ran her hooves over her fur, “Nope, one hundred percent pink pony!”
        Discord rolled his eyes, “Of course you’re a talking pink pony.” He turned to Mrs. Kittensworth, “She’s Pinkie Pie, Ponyville’s party pony. Which reminds me, oh Pinkie Pie?”
        Pinkie Pie turned, “Hmm?”
        Discord grinned, “Look, a new friend! His name is Mrs. Kittensworth. Full name Mr. Mrs. Kittensworth.”
        Pinkie Pie gasped, “A new friend?!” She hopped over to Mrs. Kittensworth, who attempted to back away, “Hi there, my name’s Pinkie Pie. I’m your new bestest friend, and do you know the best way to celebrate our newfound friendship?”
        Mrs. Kittensworth turned to Discord for help, but found him mysteriously gone, “Uh, hugs maybe?”
        “No, silly. A PARTY!” She grabbed his hand, pulling him down the street. “I’m gonna throw you the biggest party this city has ever seen! And you’re gonna make so many friends and it’ll be so much fun!”
        While Pinkie Pie is busy trying to pull Mrs. Kittensworth’s arm off while simultaneously talk his ear off his head (A skill only to be used by trained professionals. Seriously, don’t try this at home!) we move on to the main character of this story, Discord. So what are you doing?
        “I’m walking as fast as I can this way. I’ve dropped two side characters, and it’s Discord time.” They’ve been walking for like 3 chapters, so I’m gonna say that Discord is surrounded by police officers.
        “Freeze!” A man says into a megaphone, “Put your... hands? Over your head!”
        “You caught me!” Raising his claw and paw, Discord looked around. There were people all around him, holding strange bits of metal. “Am I supposed to be afraid of those?”
        Yes. They shoot you, you die.
        “I don’t know what die is, but it sounds pretty bad.”
        It’s not pleasant, I can tell you that. Being an immortal omnipotent Narrator, I couldn’t tell you personally. But I have killed many characters, and they never seem to like it.
        “Oh good.” Discord rolled his eyes, “Thanks for the help.”
        “Quiet!” The voice booms out again, “Slowly, lower yourself to the ground.”
        “Do I really have to?”
        “Yes!” Yes.
        “Okay, okay. Just know, if I was at full power you’d all be holding candy cane snakes right now!” He lowered himself to the ground.
        An officer came over and put handcuffs on him, pinning his arms behind his back. “You have the right to remain silent.” The officer shook his head, “Wait, you’re not a citizen of  the United States. We’re still arresting you though.”
        Well, that wraps up this chapter. Now that the plot is back on track, we can get down to the silly. Next chapter will be all Pinkie Pie with no mention of Discord.

Just kidding.