//------------------------------// // Ch.5: The Ura // Story: Return of the Ura // by Brotato //------------------------------// Chapter five The Ura Kid rolled away from the first overhead swing the gasfella threw at him, effectively dodging the blow as it punctured the ground upon impact.. While it attempted to heave the weapon from the ground, Kid took the brief moment to sprint for his gun. Tucking into a roll as he passed over it, he crouched into a firing stance and finished it off with a blast in the back. With the other gasfellas getting close, he fell back to the rest of the group who were huddled together further up the hill. The three royal guards were handling their own against two others with their spears pointed at it, making sure to keep a safe distance from its powerful swings. When Kid got within arm reach of the group, he waved towards Twilight. "Twilight, can you-" Kid stopped in surprise as Applejack had lassoed a gasfella and hung on as it tried to throw her off its back. "Yee-haw!" Applejack yelled before bucking its back hard enough for it to disperse in a puff of smoke, much to her confusion upon hitting the ground rump-first. "Anyway," kid slowly said. "Can you use your magic to take their weapons from them? I know you're all not keen on the whole killing part of fighting, but it will make our job easier." She gave him an uncertain look. "They look heavy, but I'll try." Twilight took a step away from the group as he horn started to shimmer. A pickax being held by a gasfella approaching the royal guards started to shimmer as well. Before it could reach the group, its weapon was suddenly torn from its grip, much to its distress. Twilight grinned before bringing it down on the creature's head in an act to stun it, but turned out to accidentally kill it in a burst of smoke. Twilight eyes widened in horror at what she had done. "I-I didn't mean to kill it. Just knock it unconscious!" Kid had to stifle a laugh and hide his smirk from her reaction, else get glared at by her. Or worse a lecture on the value of life, or something just as boring. He turned his attention to the sky and now showed a smile. "Dont worry. Looks like we have a solution to our problem." Everypony except the guards looked to the sky to find the group of peckers from earlier finally join the fight, with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flying beside them. Although Fluttershy didn't dive along with them to attack. They rained down upon the gasfellas in a flurry of pecks that left the enemy unable to fight back against the flock. Wherever they would swing, the peckers simply evaded the attack and renewed theirs. Seeing the fight turning badly for them, they shrunk back into the ground to desperately get away from the rampaging peckers. When the last gasfella in sight disappeared back into the ground did Kid wave at the flock as thanks for their assistance. The flock did one more quick circle around the crash site for any stragglers before dispersing into the forest. Rainbow Dash joined the group shortly with a grin on her face, with Fluttershy following close behind. "That was awesome! did you see these little guys? They were all like," Rainbow made several dive bombing noises while flying in a tight circle around the group. "I'm just happy everypony is alright," Fluttershy stated while looking over a nasty bruise one of the guards received, despite the guard turning down the offer. The leader of the guards approached Kid. his golden armor looked like it has seen better days, but it had obviously done its job. "It would be best if we hurry and do what needs to be done, before more of these things show up." "Agreed," Kid said with a short nod. "We just need to find the core." Helooked out across the hill for spots that haven't been checked yet. The sound of somepony clearing her throat turned his attention towards Rainbow. "This is just a wild guess, but would it happen to look like a black metal cauldron?" Kid stared at her for a moment in surprise before nodding his head. "Yeah, that sounds like it. Where did you find it?" "Spotted it while flying with that flock of peckers," Rainbow said casually. "Probably wouldn't have noticed it if a bunch of liquid rainbow was laying around it. I'll see ya where it is." Rainbow glided down the hill with the rest of the party following behind; warily keeping watch for anymore gasfellas. After moving past a pile of logs, which used to be the lost'n'found building, did she finally stop. "Here it is." Kid let out a disappointed sigh at seeing the heart of the Bastion in such a state. The black dome had cracked like an egg, causing its contents to spill out on the ground. It was most likely what caused the changes in the land and the appearance of Caelondia fauna and flora. He would've believed that it was just an accidental spill, but there was one glaring issue: What was it doing out here in the open? The heart of the Bastion had been surrounded by, at least, several feet of dirt, piping, and metal bulkheads. It should be buried underneath all of that, making Kid believe somepony, or someone, had dug it out. The only thing that came to mind was Discord, but nopony has seen him for several months. For now he could only rely on speculation as to what caused all of this. He had been staring at the Bastion's heart for so long, he almost didn't realize somepony was calling his name. "You alright there? You kinda spaced out on us," Applejack said with a tinge of concern. "Yeah I'm fine. Just beginning to wonder if this was more than an accidental spill." He eyed the still glowing droplets of swirling rainbow liquid with disdain. "The core was under tons of dirt and metal. Who could've pulled it out?" Twilight lifted some of the liquid with a beaker made of magic and swirled it around. "Can't say that I know. Right now we should focus on what evidence we have in front of us. Also, I hope you don't mind if i take some for research. This liquid is infused with a lot of magic." "Sure, help yourself. Just be careful. Discord messed with the Bastion's energy so who knows what it can do now," Kid warned before turning towards the guards. "I believe we're done here. Unfortunately we cant stop the liquid that has already seeped into the ground. I suggest keeping this part of the forest under close watch. Last thing we need is somepony getting killed, or a gasfella escaping to cause mayhem." "Of course, Hammer," the guard leader responded. "Let's head back to camp. Princess Celestia would want to hear about this." Kid simply nodded as the group made their way back to the camp. Although Kid couldn't help himself to look back at the shattered remains of the Bastion. A place he once called home. "I'm relieved to see you all made it back safely," Celestia said with a smile while sitting on her throne. Everypony except the guards, who had returned to the barracks, and Rarity, who stated that she 'really needed a bath', were left in front of her. They had managed to visit at the right time before her daily routine with her little ponies. "Did you discovered what the cause was?" "Yes, Princess." Twilight procured the stoppered vial from her bags and floated it towards Celestia, who took it with her own magic. "From what I've collected, with the help of Hammer, this came from the core of the Bastion. It's a chaotic version of the energy his island used, after Discord found it." "Did you happen to run into Discord?" Celestia looked up from the vial. "No," Kid spoke up this time. "But I'm beginning to wonder if he had a hand in this. I don't have any proof that he had, but who else would wander near the place besides the guards?" Glancing to the right, he spotted Rarity trotting back towards them; free of dirt. Celestia hummed in thought before returning the vial to Twilight. "I wish I had an answer, but I trust you will find out much on your own. Sadly, this discussion must end as my little ponies are expecting of me and I cannot turn them down. Goodbye, and I hope you get to the bottom of this." The group made a collective bow, which Celestia did in return, before departing out the front gate and past the long line of ponies waiting outside. "I don't know about ya'll, but after that I'm feeling mighty hungry." Applejack's stomach growled in agreement. "Anypony know a good place to get some grub?" "Oh, I know the perfect spot," Rarity began, until she noticed applejack's deadpan stare. "And I'm not talkin bout no fancy shmancy... what do you call them things? Or dervs?" Rarity closed her eyes and lifted her chin. "The proper term is Hors d'oeuvre, and I'll have you know that they're quite delectable to the palette." "Right... them Horderves just ain't fillin. What we need is a big ol' apple pie!" "Or maybe a foot-long veggie sub with everything and the kitchen sink," Rainbow suggested. Pinkie bounced in front of the group. "Oh! how about a dozen of Joe's glazed doughnut's? I can even convince him to put the 'secret powder' on top, if you know what I mean," she whispered at the end while waggling her eyebrows. "You do realize it's only powdered sugar, right?" Twilight deadpanned. She had been at Joe's Doughtnuts long before Pinkie ever set hoof in the place, so she knew his 'secret powder'. She moved her head back when Pinkie poked her nose against hers. "Lies and slander!" "Calm down all of you," Hammer ordered. "How about everypony goes to get their own food. We'll meet back here and sit at one of the cafes. Sound good?" Seeing everypony nod their heads and leave to retrieve their edibles, Kid decided to look as well. He rubbed his arms a bit as a cold wind blew past him. With Canterlot being higher in the mountains, the cold air brought goose-bumps to any expose skin his armor didn't protect. Though it wasn't as cold as the Tazal Terminals back in Caelondia, where the Ura people lived. The more he thought about it, he never did know much about Zia's people, except from the stories she told about her father. They respected tradition greatly and were very close-minded with foreigners. Simply speaking their native tongue was a great insult to them. They were also amazing, if not ruthless, fighters. It was no wonder the guilds under Caelondia learned to keep their distance from- What is that delicious smell? He felt silly for his stomach to take the lead, but after all that fighting he was hungry enough to eat... something that wasn't a horse. Any other thoughts were quickly brushed away as he took several sniffs in the air. Down the road and to the left was a small restaurant with several tables for outdoor dining; the metal tables covered in frost from how cold it was. Being careful to not bump into anypony while crossing the street, he made his way towards the building. Sure enough, the scent got stronger and he could pick up spices that tingled his nose; urging him to investigate further. A bell above the door gave off a chime as the door opened, greeting Kid to come inside. Warmth greeted Kid as well, which he shut the door quickly to not let it escape. The restaurant, to his surprise, was empty. At least half a dozen tables with four chairs each stood beside him; allowing customers to walk in the middle towards the front counter. Kid's boots made heavy thuds against the laminated white flooring as he stepped towards the counter. The sound of sizzling could be heard somewhere in back, and he could see somepony moving around back there; making him wonder if this place was run by only one pony. Noticing a small ringing bell on the counter, he tapped the top of it with a finger; producing a small ringing sound that broke through the silence. Followed by a dull thud and muttering under the counter. "Give me just a moment!" a voice kindly requested from under the counter. Kid waited patiently and silently admired the cleanliness of the room before the sound of a cabinet shutting brought his eyes back forward. "Sorry about... that..." the mustard yellow unicorn slowly trailed off as he finally looked at him. He wasn't hyperventilating or running in a panic upon seeing him, much to Kids relief, but he was staring with wide eyes. A small clearing of the throat from Kid snapped the pony from his trance. "I can say I've had worse hello's, so congratulation on being one of the few to see me and not scream in terror," he explained with a smirk. "Name's Hammer Whirl, and I couldn't help but be drawn to an aroma coming from here." He motioned with a nod of his head towards the kitchen. The pony forced a smile. "S-Sorry. Never seen quite a sight like yourself, but that's not gonna stop me if you're a paying customer. That smell is my friend currently preparing our famous vegetable stir fry for today's dinner rush. Want a order of it?" "That's what I came here for," Kid said with a chuckle. "How much? Also, do you do take-out? Have some friend I need to meet up with." "Five bits. And yes we do take out." The pony levitated a smell white box on the counter while Kid took five coins from his purse. The unicorn put the money in the register and nodded. "It will take a minute for the food to cook. Why dont you have a seat and I'll call you when it's ready." "Oh, sure." Kid took a nearby seat facing outside and hoped it wouldn't take too long. He wouldn't want to come back to find the others wondering where he was. Watching ponies move past the window with a bored expression, his mind slowly drifted back to the Ura. Mostly to a thought that worried him. If I made it to Equestria, does that mean the Ura made it here as well? Two days ago. Somewhere in the cold north. Near the Equestrian border Snow as far as the eye could see. That's all the royal guards saw day in and day out near the northern border of Equestria. It came down on them tirelessly during the winter, making their duty more towards shoveling snow from their stone walls and camps rather than keeping watch. It was a thankless job considering nopony except their families knew they were here, but somepony had to keep the borders safe. Even if the attackers were flakes of harmless snow. "Private!" The Captain of this section of the wall barked from above towards a pegasus near the bonfire surrounded by large tents. "Get the shovel again. The snow is clogging up this wall faster than a pony binge eating doughnuts!" The Private looked up to only see a flurry of snow and the outline of his superior. "Yes, sir!" he yelled back before grabbing a red snow shovel with his teeth and walking up the steps towards the top of the walls. He knew better than to fly in this kind of weather, even if the trip lasted several seconds. Strong cold winds and near-blinding snow storms doesn't make for good flying weather. Reaching the top of the wall, he got to work shoveling the snow and tossing it out the other side from the camps. He quickened his work as cold began to chill his face and the thought of returning to the bonfire further urged him on. Finishing up shoveling the stone floor, he used the handle to push the snow from the indents that allowed the guards to look on the other side. The torches did little to keep the snow at bay, but everypony who was up here stood around them for warmth. If it wasn't for the small wall of stones to protect them from projectiles, it would be impossible to stay up here this long. Everypony was thankful nopony was crazy enough to attack in this kind of weather anyway. Finishing up the last bit of snow, the pegasus walked back towards where the Captain was, only to find him missing. "Captain?" He looked down either side of the wall and down at the camp, but he was nowhere in sight. "I finished shoveling the wall! gonna go back to the camp!" he yelled, hoping the Captain heard him. Shrugging, he made his way towards the steps until he heard the sound of something metallic land on the floor beside him. It was a small metal claw with a rope attached. He was about to touch it when it came to life and dragged towards one of the indents in the wall and grabbed hold. The rope it was attached to went taut as somepony or something, was climbing the rope. The Private's eyes widened with fear upon realizing what was happening. They were under attack. Before he could yell out an alarm, he found out the others already knew, because they were already fighting them off. Bi-pedal creatures covered head-to-toe in winter clothing, yet moving fluidly as if wearing nothing at all. They came over the wall; slowly overwhelming what little resistance the ponies could muster. He always thought of going to battle against something he knew. Other ponies, gryphons, maybe even a dragon. But he has never seen creatures like this before. He couldn't bring himself to help his brothers in battle, or even take a single step as his entire body became frozen in fear. Before long, a figure dressed in blue jumped over the wall where he was and drew a wicked looking halberd from its back. The Private finally had the urge to move, which was directly away from the creature. He didn't get far as the wall was only several feet wide, and he soon found the blade of the weapon touching his chest. It shouted at him in a foreign language he had never heard before and prodded his chest as if questioning him. "P-Please don't hurt me," he whimpered. Looking to his sides he found his comrades already dead on the floor, while the ones who killed them moving towards his direction. He thanked Celestia when the blade left his chest, but felt a small nick where it had rested. The creatures gathered around him and began talking to each other in their language, leaving him in the dark as to their plans. Their conversation grew to shouting for a moment before one wearing beige clothes and holding a halberd taller than himself pushed the others to the side. He must have been the leader as the others immediately shut up as he shouted at all of them, pointed at the pony on the ground, and left. The others slowly began leaving as well, except the one holding the halberd. To the pony's surprise, it spoke in a rough dialect of his language. "I... sorry." He brought down its weapon. The beige clothed human took his gloves off to feel the warm fire; something he hasn't felt since suddenly appearing in this strange land. Although the plains of snow reminded him of his homeland, the strange short horses were an odd sight to find in a place like this. Glad to finally get rid of the numbing in his hands, he put the gloves back on to find another of his kind approach. This one wielding a crossbow and wearing orange. "(Did you make sure none of them escaped?)" The one in beige asked in his foreign dialect. "(Of course. None were left alive, so it will take a while before anyone will notice our invasion.)" "(Good. If what the strange creature says is true, the one who sent us here is somewhere in this land. I hope the creature didn't have us trek through snow for two days only for us to be betrayed. The others don't trust me enough already. they only follow me because I was the only one that decided to lead.)" "(He's quite the shady fellow, but what choice do we have? We would be frozen stiff in the cold if not for your leadership and his directions. Don't doubt yourself, and we'll be home sooner than you know.)" The one in beige rested his own hand on the others shoulder. "(Thank you, Tama. You have no idea how hard this is for me.)" He couldn't see it, but he knew the other was smiling from the sound of his voice. "(No problem, Zulf. See you later.)" "(Yeah, you too.)" He watched his friend leave and head back up the wall to help others climb. Meanwhile the ones already on the other side joined him by the fire or searched through the tents. Even after all this time, they still kept their distance from him due to what he had done. They still remembered his mistake for leading Kid to their homeland. Zulf had underestimated how determined Kid was, and even after the near-destruction of the Bastion, he came after him. He traveled across miles of shattered land and kill droves of his people just to gather the last shard to finish the very thing he wanted to stop. Now here they were. A broken people with no homeland, left to wander a land they know nothing about. He couldn't remember anything after being beaten to the ground by his own people and Kid leaving him behind. The last thing he remembered was closing his eyes and waiting for the end. Next thing he knew, he was surrounded by snow with confused Ura trying to understand where they were. That was when the strange creature came, offering to help Zulf's people escape the harsh land with a promise to return the favor: To kill the one responsible for sending them here. Such a deal was hard to turn down. To get revenge on the one who attacked their homeland and be sent back? No one had turned down that deal, and soon Zulf found himself leading hundreds of Ura across a barren land of snow. Because no one had the will to lead. So with only a promise for revenge and an urge to fix the wrongs he has caused to his people, he had trudged through endless miles of snow. Zulf looked at the warm fire for a moment longer before standing up, the others around the fire watched him closely. Some were filled with hatred towards him. Others with fear for what would happen to their people. Some even had a dull gaze as they looked into the fire as if trying to search for an answer. Slowly each person left to get some rest in the tents, while those who could stay awake took first watch. Several stayed on top of the walls while there were some surrounding the camp; their sharp halberds keeping any encroaching animals at bay. All the while, one person continued to stay awake and quietly sing to himself.