//------------------------------// // Revelations // Story: Apples // by Ninjab33z //------------------------------// Applejack wandered through the forest path. She was heading toward some ruins. Although the ruins were much older than her she still felt some kind of connection to them. They were the remains of the once proud city of Avalon. The city that was a beacon of hope for the collaboration of ponies, griffons and even changelings. It had everything. A bustling market, luxurious apartments and a castle princess Celestia would be jealous of. Although the citizens were far from perfect. The changelings were hated purely because of what they could do. So the Changelings rebelled. There were peaceful protests across the city but the ponies reacted with violence. Or so she was taught. Since her time in the town of Ponyville, Applejack had begun to doubt her teachings. A scream broke the silence. Twilight! Applejack raced off into the direction of the noise. She had heard twilight scream before, Rainbow Dash's pranks had made sure of that, but never like this. She was in danger. Serious danger. Applejack neared the outer corridors of the great halls. Putting on her familiar pony form, she mentally prepared herself for whatever she may find and opened the door. There was only one noticeable thing in the room. A dwindling fire, not much larger than her foreleg but still lit most the room. "That's odd. I'm sure there was no fire when I left," Applejack mumbled to herself. "Ah well, she must have been moved." "Please! I told you all I know! Don't hurt me!" A half shout, half sob came out of the shadows. "Twilight. Are you okay?" Judging the tone of her voice, Applejack immediately regretted decision. "OKAY?You TORTURED me! WITH A WHITE HOT SWORD!" Twilight began sobbing hysterically. "Why? I could have DEALT with the fact that you were a changeling but THIS!" sobs began to take control and twilight stopped speaking. "Twi, that wasn't me." She tried to put a hoof on her shoulder but Twilight recoiled. "I've been a changeling the entire time you've known me. You know I wouldn't do this you." "But I SAW you." Applejack snapped. "CELESTIA DAMN IT, TWILIGHT! YOU ARE IN A NEST OF CHANGELINGS!" Her voice echoed around the room. Twilight tried to back away but the wall stopped her. Seeing this Applejack tried to calm down. "What happened was obviously horrible but it wasn't me. Please understand that" Applejacks voice was pleading her. "I'm sorry I snapped but you were always the one to tell us to look at the facts, especially that time when me an' Rainbow were at each other's throats." Applejack chucked lightly and went to hug Twilight. She agreed. They held each other for a few minutes and she began to calm down. Twilight shakily got to her feet and shook her head. "you're... you're right." She sighed. "Why are you a changeling but spend years in Equestria?" "Mostly curiosity about what ponies are like. I was taught they are all violent but if they were then they wouldn't be so powerful. I wanted to see for myself so I started looking for a place to fit in." Tears started welling up in Applejacks eyes. "The real applejack died when she was twelve. She was attacked by Timberwolves. I still visit the grave where I buried her." Applejack wiped her tears away. "The worst part is that after a few weeks people told me that I had changed for the better. I had replaced a dead filly and I was better at it. The family treated me like their own but I wasn't and it just made it worse. But I couldn't leave either. I couldn't hurt the family that gave me so much. I also couldn't leave because I was hated by other changelings. Most changelings have either horns or wings but I was born with neither. Everyone hated me for it, even the queen." "How touching. The reject and the exile. I'd have hoped for better from two of the elements of harmony. "The voice was familiar to Twilight. Someone she had heard recently but not often. Before she could figure out who it was, Applejack spoke up. "Queen Cocoon. You promised you wouldn't hurt her if I handed her in willingly." Applejack's voice was mixed with equal parts anger and respect. "My dear, there are no scars on her, I kept my promise," her voice was smooth and calm but still edged with anger. "Look at her, she's a WRECK" All respect in her voice disappeared. "You never said anything about mental harm when we made that deal," the queen said idly eying her hoof. "You witch," Applejack hissed. "Some may say that, yes, but I'm afraid I have bad news. Your usefulness has just about run out." A manacle ripped off the wall and locked itself to her rear leg. "I would never hurt one of my own but a prisoner who could have vital information..." She put a sword into the embers and relit the fire with her magic. "I just can't resist." A dark smile crept across the queen's face.