Not Your Average HiE Story

by Aegis Steelshield

7 Constellation

Nighthawk was sipping tea and tugging at the bandages he wore when Rarity arrived, levitating a bag. "I'm sorry it took so long, but I've had a lot of orders for Thanksgiving." She sighed as she put her saddlebags down.

"It's not a problem, you treat clothing as an art. And you can't rush an artist."

She giggled, "I'm glad you think of this as an art, because I've taken some artistic liberties with your costume."

"Should I be alarmed?"

"I think you'll like it," she said as the bag levitated to him, "Try it on and tell me."

* * * * *

She added a cape. Not only that, but it was attached to my mask.

Hot damn, I look like Batman without the ears.

I spun around, looking back at my chest. No insignia, surprisingly. All the same, I think it'd look stupid on the nearly black material. As my eyes went south, I saw that my groin was a much lighter gray, before darkening to the same nearly back on my legs. I clenched my fist, feeling the fabric around it. It was firm, but pliable. Kinda like leather. Add my boots, and I could impress even Bruce Wayne.

As I reenter the living room, I wonder if she made it like this on purpose, but don't get to ask as I notice something.

"Why is your hair green?"

"Well..." She giggled sheepishly, "There's this dreadfully boastful magician in town, and I tried to get her to stop insulting others, but... You see how that turned out."

I nod, having had much the same problems as a kid. Only I won.

My smile disappears as she nearly faints, and I'm catching her in an instant.

"Oh... That... That mop you call a beard is absolutely dreadful! You simply must let me shave it!"

I consider dropping her for the briefest of moments before something catches my eye outside Fluttershy's window.

"The hell is that?" I ask, pointing to some blue... Bear-thing.

She gasps and her eyes widened, "That... That's an Ursa! It's attacking Ponyville!"

I drop her as I take off at a dead sprint, my new cape trailing behind me.

* * * * *

Trixe was not having a good day. First off, she didn't make as much as usual with her show. Then, a group of ponies started berating her, the Great And Powerful Trixie! And now two idiot fancolts led an Ursa Major into town, expecting her to defeat it for them. Fucking idiots.

She saw it take a step, and yanked a very lucky mare out from beneath it, seconds before it made a new crater. She yelled something profane at Trixie before running off, and Trixie pulled a colt out of it's path.

Then the damn thing noticed her.

She tried to run as it turned to her, but the Ursa was moving much faster with it's longer strides. She tripped, and closed her eyes, not wanting to see her death.

She opened her eyes with she heard the strange cry.

"Jesus Christ, what does this thing weigh!?"