The Night's Knight

by The Dragon Warlock

Prologue: The Lonesome Dream

“I will save you my princess!”

A helpless mare was surrounded by a pack of diamond dogs in their underground cavern. She looked to the entrance of the cavern, and beheld a sight that left her in awe and relief.

A kirin stood proudly there, clad in golden armor and holding a spear with his magic as he pounded his four hooves to the ground, ready to charge the enemies that stood before him.

“For Equestria!”

He galloped at full speed, with his spear’s tip aimed directly at the surprised diamond dogs. In a flash he threw the spear to the one, which unfortunately missed as the dog estimated it’s trajectory. Luckily for the kirin, he teleported to the center of the group and gave a round of bucks to every dog’s head. The dogs soared through the room as the strength of each kick was felt by them, knocking them out almost instantly.

When all the enemies were defeated, the kirin trotted to the helpless mare and cut off the rope that held her tight. When she was free, he looked the mare in the eyes and smiled.

“Are you alright my princess?”

The mare in question blushed and looked away from the dashing kirin’s eyes. “I-I’m no princess, I’m just an ordinary pony...” she felt a gentle hoof to her chin and looked up to see him smiling and shaking his head slightly.

“To me, you will always be a princess.”

The mare’s cheeks burned brightly at his words and she blinked rapidly as her eyes became moist. “What is the name of my hero?”

“I am Elusive, Captain of the Royal Solar Guard.”

“Oh my!” The pony placed a hoof the her mouth in shock and smiled slightly. “I am Twilight Melody, daughter of Princess Twilight-”

“Sparkle, I know,” Elusive grinned slightly and came a little closer Melody. “Well your voice is as soft as a gentle melody to my ears...”

Melody giggled slightly and blushed more. “You’re the bravest pony I have ever met Elusive.” she said as he leaned her head forward to his and kissed him softly on the lips as her eyes fluttered to a close.

“I think I’ve seen enough of this dream,” a voice whispered. “Elusive certainly takes after Spike and I think Rarity would find it cute to see her son dreaming this.”

The cave and the two ponies faded away until there was nothing but a dense fog. A tall, dark blue alicorn with a wavy blue mane stepped through the fog to reveal none other than Princess Luna. As she walked through what she called the Dream Realm, she could see other images popping up in the fog as well to show other dreams from ponies across Equestria.

She looked around to see various dreams such as Pinkie throwing a big party and dancing with her husband, Braeburn. All the while, a yellow Earth pony was running around and drinking chocolate milk from a fountain. Pinkie and Braeburn both laughed and went over to hug the foal. As she watched this, Luna felt something itching inside her, but she put it off as just something minor and returned to her duties. While she surveyed the dreams, the alicorn came across an image of a light orange pegasus with a long blue mane filly running from what looked to be a group of Timberwolves. Wasting no time, she stepped into the dream to help the filly.

“HELP! Mama! Papa!” Screamed the filly, who was running and trying to flap her wings to fly.

The Timberwolves were chasing the filly through an apple orchard and were surrounding her on all sides. She tried to once again fly, but her wings felt cramped and couldn’t get an inch of the ground. She continued to run in the hopes of finding shelter or at least somepony to help her. All of a sudden, a Timberwolf leaped over her and landed right in the direction she was running to. The filly tried to run somewhere else, but she was cut off in all directions as the wolves closed in on her. Out of desperation, she let out a loud scream that made Luna, who was watching everything from behind a tree, wince in pain from the sound.

“Fear not child,” she said as her horn glowed a blue aura. “This nightmare is officially over with.”

As one of the wolves were about to eat her, it was pulled back by something tugging its leg. He looked back to see an orange mare with a stetson hat pulling the rope and glaring daggers at the wolves.

“Y’all best get away from mah daughter right now,” she warned in an icy tone.

Before the wolves could react, a streak suddenly whizzed by and hit the tied up wolf, causing it to fall over and collapse into pieces of wood. The streak turned out to be a light blue pegasus with a dark blue mane wearing a blue and yellow costume.


The wolves readied for another attack on the pegasus, but their heads turned to the yelling of Applejack coming through the woods towards them. The mare charged and bucked each wolf, sending them flying the the other direction. She stood next to the pegasus, both of them glancing at each other with soft eyes.


The wolves ran off to the woods they came from, and the filly stood behind her mother and father as she looked up to them.

Applejack turned around and came towards her daughter, holding her close as she nuzzled her softly to ensure her filly’s bow didn’t fall off. “Y’all alright there lil’ Sunny Apple?”

Sunny Apple lips trembled and her eyes watered as she leaned into her mother’s embrace. “I was so scared Mama!”

Soarin floated to his wife and daughter, joining in the hug as he folded his wings over them in a soft feather cocoon. “You never need to be scared Sunny, we’ll always be here for you,” he said softly as he kissed his daughter’s forehead and the same for his wife Applejack, only on the lips.

Sunny looked up to her father’s eyes and beamed as she nodded her head viciously. “Okay, Papa!” she said as she nuzzled into the hug.

Luna looked on with half opened eyelids and closed them softly as she nodded her head. She felt the feeling inside her return, but it felt a little stronger, but once again she ignored it. She gave a small smile and disappeared towards another dream.

Once she was back in the Dream Realm, Luna observed more dreams. From Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a romantic outing on the beach as they overlooked their son flying through the waves. She even saw Rarity and Spike viewing a fireworks display alongside their children.

Her eyes slowly started to become moist as she viewed more and more of such dreams, and she stopped when she saw a tear stain on the floor.

She reached her hoof to her left eye and felt liquid there. She breathed slowly and blinked once, releasing more this time. “What is happening to me?”

Before she could verify a proper answer a shining light appeared to the distance and she closed her eyes, disappearing from the realm.

“Princess Luna?” Asked a muffled voice. “Are you up yet?”

The alicorn’s eyes shot wide open as she quickly sat up. She looked around to see she was back in her own room and resting in her own bed. She looked at a set of blue drapes covering a window and used her magic to open them, allowing her sister’s sunlight to pour in. Princess Luna slowly got up and heard somepony knocking at the door.

“Your highness, it’s well past sunrise,” a deep voice said. “I know you love to sleep in, but you have to get up.”

She walked up to the door and opened it to reveal a stallion standing in front of her. His coat was gray and his mane was silver and was combed back. He was wearing a dark blue uniform with several ribbons on his right side of the shirt and a single gold medal. On his flank was a dark storm cloud with a silver lightning bolt pointing out.

“Good morning your highness,” he said as he bowed. “I was starting to wonder when you would ever wake up.”

“Ah yes, good morning to you as well Silver Storm,” said the alicorn. “We must apologize for not being up earlier. We’ve just been . . . occupied.”

“Say no more your highness,” he said with a wave of a hoof. “Going through dreams takes up a lot of time. Besides, if you had any royal duties to perform for today, then I would’ve gotten you up sooner.”

“No royal duties?” Asked Luna with a raised eyebrow. “You mean there’s nothing on the schedule?”

“That is correct your highness,” said Silver. “Princess Celestia is dealing with a few things, but nothing that concerns you.”

He looked up to see the night princess had a bit of a blank look on her face. “Princess Luna, are you okay?” He asked her as he saw Luna’s eyes drift outside.

She heard laughing nearby and looked out a window to see a family laughing amongst themselves while touring the Royal Gardens. The feeling inside her rose again and quickly looked away from the sight.

“We... we wish to take a stroll. . .”

Silver arched an eyebrow and blinked. “Where to your highness?”

Luna shook her head as her eyes stayed focused outside. “Anywhere that is not here,” she whispered softly and turned her eyes towards Silver.

“Of course Princess,” he replied as he gave a bow to her and trotted to the door, opening them and going outside. He returned within a moment with two of Luna’s guards, one a unicorn mare and the other an earth pony stallion. “Guards, please accompany our Princess.”

The guards saluted Silver and walked to Luna’s side, staying stationary and stoic in place next to their night princess.

Luna sighed and smiled slightly to her advisor. “Must we really be in the company of others even in a stroll?”

Silver shrugged and grinned. “Afraid so, royalty needs protection even in today’s Equestria.”

Luna nodded, ready to walk out of the room. She stopped immediately and turned her attention to her guards. “We need to speak to our sister first. Wait here.”

“Yes your highness,” the guards replied and stood ever still in place as their princess walked away to the throne room. The earth pony sighed softly and let loose a soft smile when Luna was out of sight.

I wonder if she remembers me? He thought to himself.

“...And so you see Princess, that is why we request tax raises from all over Equestria.”

Celestia looked down on a stallion, a noble of Canterlot, who had just requested tax raises to pay for an unnecessary building to honor the ‘greatness of Canterlot nobility’. She sighed as she saw the smug look on his face.

“Glory Wealth, I know that history needs to be preserved for all ages. . . but what you are requesting is simply out of the question.”

“I-I beg your pardon?!”

“We already have plenty of museums honoring some of the greatest nobles in Equestria, and not just from Canterlot. I refuse to allow a museum to be built and have to raise taxes as a result. It’s a selfish act to do this to all ponies across the land, especially to those in poverty. You even told me you wanted to put yourself in it as one of the ‘greatest of Canterlot nobility’. I will not allow such an act of boosting your own ego happen Glory Wealth.”

“But your highness, this is a monument to nobles such mys- um . . . other grand nobles,” he said. “Besides, I’m sure there’s some money in the budget to help support this idea.”

“I’m sorry Glory Wealth, but the budget has no room for such a . . . building,” said the white alicorn. “The budget is already strained enough as it is and I’m struggling to make sure it doesn’t go over the limit. If you want to have such a monument for these ‘greatest of Canterlot nobility’, then I believe you should be able to pay with it since you’ve got more than enough funds.”

“But your highness . . .”

“That is my final decision Glory Wealth,” said Celestia in a rather stern tone. “Guards, escort him out of the palace immediately.”

“You can’t do this!” Shouted the stallion as he struggled with the guards. “Your highness, please reconsider thi-”

The doors slammed, cutting off the stallion’s cries of protests. Celestia let out a sigh and shook her head. The things some nobles will do to boost their ego, she thought to herself.


The white alicorn startled a little as she heard the voice break the silence. She turned her head to see her sister with a concerned look on her.

“Is everything alright Tia?”

Celestia smiled softly as she waved her hoof to Luna. “Nothing major, just the usual request...”



Luna shook her head and chuckled. “We are surprised they haven’t learned yet by now not to request outrageous things for their own benefit.”

Celestia scrunched her lips and nodded slightly. “I wish they would though...” she whispered to herself, before turning to her sister. “What may I help you with Luna?”

“Well, dear sister... you see I-”

A guard came running to the throne room and bowed to both princesses. “Princess Celestia, another appointment awaits you.”

Celestia nodded and looked back to her sister. “Can this wait until later Luna? I have another few meetings to go to,” she said to Luna.

Luna sighed and nodded once. “Very well dear sister...” she replied softly as her ears drooped to their sides and she walked out of the throne room with her head low.

When she was gone, Celestia bit her lower lip and placed a hoof to her mouth. Oh dear. . . I hope she is alright...

Luna walked to her room and found her two guards still standing in place there, though when she looked to her earth pony guard she noticed he was letting loose a small smile when she entered his view.

Luna blinked and shrugged this off, walking to them. “Please accompany me now outside.”

“Yes Princess,” both guards answered her as they dared not look her in the eye.

She walked off with both guards in tow, meeting Silver at the exit of the castle. “Silver, what can we help you with?”

Silver grinned as he opened the doors for her. “Just seeing you out, my Princess.”

Luna chuckled softly as she and the guards walked to the outside, with Canterlot before them.

While she walked around, Luna noticed several citizens of Canterlot bowed down to her in respect and smiled at each citizen she passed. Although the spring air felt refreshing and the cool breeze brought a sense of calm, Luna still couldn’t help but think back to what happened in the Dream Realm. She shook her head in determination and glared a little.

It was nothing at all, she thought. It was probably something I ate last night that’s still bothering me. I knew hiring that chef was a bad idea.

Luna put those thoughts behind her as she picked up the pace, with her guards doing so as well. She looked around Canterlot and noticed among those who were bowing to her were also other ponies being together. There were couples sitting at a cafe and looking at each other with smiles on their faces. She turned around and saw a filly sitting on her dad’s back while she giggled. The sound of bells ringing caught Luna’s attention as she turned to see a married couple running out of a building, each one with a smile on their face.

The blue alicorn felt the feeling rise up again and paralyzed her completely. Her heart started to race as she looked around and saw other families and loved ones go on with their daily lives. Her eyes suddenly felt moist and she slowly wiped them with her hoof. Luna looked at it and saw her hoof was covered in tear stains. She looked down and nearly wanted to let out a scream of frustration, but she barely managed to maintain her composure and kneeled to the ground.

“Princess Luna!” Shouted the Earth pony guard in a panic. “Are you alright!?”

The alicorn looked up and saw not only her guard looked very worried, but the other citizens each had concerned looks on them as well. She could hear some ponies muttering about their concern and her well being, but ignored those as she got up. She took a deep breath recomposed herself.

“We . . . we wish to return to the castle now,” she said in a hollow voice. “We need some time alone.”

Before the guards could react, Luna turned around and flew off into the sky and back to the castle. The guards looked at each other in concern and quickly followed behind the princess.

“And this happened after she saw a married couple walking out of the chapel?”

“Yes, we’re not certain as to what the main cause is though.”

“Speak no more, I’ll have a word with her.”

“Should we notify Princess Celestia about this? She may help Princess Luna deal with what’s troubling her.”

“No, not until I give the order to do so. I will talk to her about this.”

With that, Silver Storm made his way to Princess Luna’s room and stood by the entrance that was shut. He let out a sigh and knocked on it once. No response was heard and he knocked again, but nothing again. He pushed the door slightly ajar and poked his head inside, only to reveal Luna lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling.


Luna did not bother responding and only continued looking upwards.

Silver walked into the room and shut the door behind him and he cleared his throat. “Princess, can you please tell me what is the matter? Since this morning you have been displaying signs of depression. I only wish to help-”

“We wonder what it feels like. . .”

Silver turned his head sideways and arched his eyebrow slightly. “I beg your pardon?” he asked her, as he came a little closer to her.

Luna rose from her bed and sighed, wiping the remaining tears from her eyes that stayed there. “We wish to feel love Silver. . .”

“Love? But Princess you do know what love feels like... your sister loves you, your friends love you and your subjects love you... what else is there-”

Luna’s head lowered, “We wish to know what love feels from a lover. We wish to find that special somepony for us and maybe even start a family of our own...”

Silver was gobsmacked. Of all the things that he was prepared for when dealing with the princesses, this was not one of them. “I see. . .” he decided to sit down next to her and looked sideways to face her. “I take it this has been going on for a while now?”

Luna nodded and looked Silver into the eyes with her bloodshot ones. “Yes. . . we have been feeling something empty inside us for quite some time. At first, we thought it was nothing, but with each dream we saw, the feeling got stronger. These dreams we go into have been showing us the blessing of what love brings and what it helps one to overcome. We have seen so many happy dreams with families and lovers in them that it made me wonder. . . am I worthy to have such a blessing?”

Silver’s head jerked back slightly. “Well certainly Princess. Everypony deserves to find their special somepony. Even a princess such as you or Princess Celestia.”


“Of course you do your highness,” he said with a smile. “You’re the Princess of the Night and the Guardian of Dreams, to bless all ponies sweet dreams. There’s no reason in the world you shouldn’t be allowed to fall in love.”

Luna smiled as she sat up. “You’re too kind Silver. You’re like the father we never had when we were young.”

“Think nothing of it your highness,” he chuckled. “Now then, if you are truly planning on pursuing love for yourself, we need to think of something about a possible suitor. Under normal circumstances, I would advise talking to Princess Celestia about this. However, considering she hasn’t dated for over a millennia, I believe she has no interest in finding love and may not react well to the fact that you’re looking for a lover of your own.”

“Ti- Celestia always did overreact when it came to dating,” said Luna. “We once did date somepony before we were banished, but Celestia got too protective over me and scared that pony off. We still haven’t forgiven her about that whole incident. This time though, we won’t let Celestia dictate our love life.”

“What do you suggest we do then your highness?”

Luna closed her eyes as she thought about her options for a couple of minutes. She opened them and said, “Since we need to keep this thing under secret, I have a proposal.”

“Go on.”

Luna glanced around the room and shuffled her hooves slightly. “Well... you have always been with us and we find your company most pleasing, you being more than an advisor to us, you’re also our friend... but we were wondering if-”

Silver shook his head unfortunately and sighed as he reached Luna’s hoof. “I’m sorry, Luna. But my heart belongs to somepony else...”

Luna was still for a moment before she gave away a nervous laugh, looking away. “Excuse us, we look like idiots now... she must be a lucky mare to have you-”



“My husband, Teal Illuminate.”

“Oh . . . um . . . we apologize about that Silver,” said Luna as she his her embarrassed blush. “We had no idea you were a . . . a . . .”

“Coltcuddler, I know,” he said. “There’s no need to act so ashamed of the word your highness. I’ve long since come to terms with who I prefer.”

“We still apologize for our rude act. We should’ve been more considerate about you being with another pony, whether they be a mare or stallion. We just hope nopony else finds out and you be shunned by others for your preference in gender.”

“Thank you Princess Luna. Don’t worry about me though. If you recall, a few years before you returned, your sister passed the Coltcuddler and Fillyfooler Equal Rights Act. Albeit some are still refusing to fully accept ponies such as me, I am in no danger of being persecuted.”

“So do you have any other ideas Silver Storm?”

“Well, I do have something in mind. If you were willing to date me, what about the other guards then?”

“You mean, we ask the other guards around the castle if they were willing to date us?”

“Not all the guards around here, only the ones under your command. If you tried to ask one of the guards under Princess Celestia’s command, they could inform her about what’s going on and she could easily shut down what we’re doing.”

Luna closed her eyes again as she weighed her options. She did remember seeing some guards that serve her looking rather cute and figured she had nothing to lose now.

“Very well then SIlver Storm,” she said. “We shall take it upon ourselves to find a suitable lover.”

“Good to hear that Princess Luna,” he said with a smile. “Now, no offense to you or to get on your bad side, what do you prefer more? Mares or stallions?”

Luna laughed at this and rolled her eyes. “Stallions by far. . . having a mare can be too tedious and stallions, they attract us more. . .”

“I know that feeling,” Silver chuckled as he stood up from the bed. “Well, I’ll see what I can do. By tomorrow I think we’ll be able to find you that right stallion.”

“You think so?”

“Of course Princess,” he replied as he walked off to the door. “I do believe we can find you your knight of the night.”

Luna giggled as she placed a hoof to her mouth. “How corny...”

Outside the room, Silver closed the door and turned to his right. He saw the same earth pony guard he sent out to guard Luna while she was walking through town. He was standing by the door as though he were cemented there.

“Eavesdropping now are we?”

The guard swallowed and looked away from Silver’s eyes. “Never! Its not in the nature of the guard to eavesdrop on anypony.”

Silver sighed as he placed a hoof to his forehead. “Come clean with me, you’ve had that look for Princess Luna since you started working here.”

“What look?”

Silver groaned and simply tapped the guard’s shoulder. “Look, tomorrow night come to the northeast tower along with the other guards. This is mandatory for you. . . Philip.”

The guard turned to him sharply with his mouth agape. “How do you know my name?!”

Silver laughed as he waved his hoof. “As Princess Luna’s advisor, ‘tis my job to know who is serving under her and review their history too.”

“I see...”

“May I just say you have quite a history, one that involves her...” Silver remarked with a grin.

Philip sighed and looked downwards. “One that she doesn’t remember.”

“Oh I wouldn’t say that...”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Phillip, or should I say-”

“Don’t say that name!” He seethed through his teeth. “Not with her so nearby.”

Silver Storm let out a sigh and said, “First of all, stop trying to hide that accent of yours. It sounds like you’re going through puberty again. Secondly, I have heard about your interaction with her all those years ago when she told me about what Princess Twilight Sparkle did to help her fit in. You have nothing to be afraid of and I’m sure she’ll be happy to know you’re one of her guards. I’m just surprised she hasn’t realized it’s you sooner.”

“But I-”

“But nothing,” said Silver Storm. “Now then, I expect you to be there tomorrow night at seven on the dot. Do I make myself clear, guard?”

Phillip gave a salute and said, “Yes sir!”

Silver Storm smiled at this. “Good . . . now excuse me while I go inform the other guards.”

Phillip waited until Silver Storm rounded a corner and heard his hoofsteps fade away. He let out a breath of relief as he lowered his head. Inside his mind though, Phillip couldn’t help but feel a little excited about what he was told. After so many years, he was finally going to talk to her again, and not just about royal duties or anything related to work. For the first time in many years, his heart fluttered like it did all those years ago.

“Just you wait Princess Luna,” he said to himself. “I’m going to finally be able to-”

“To what?”

Philip felt his insides freeze up as he slowly turned to see Princess Luna arching an eyebrow at him. “Um . . . P-princess Luna,” he stuttered. “W-what a su-surprise.”

“A pleasure to meet a fellow royal guard such as you,” she said. “Now, what did you say you were able to do?”

“I . . . I . . . I . . .” Philip felt like his tongue was being twisted as he tried to say something.

“Eyes? Do you need to see the royal optometrist?”

Philip shook his head.

“Do you need eye drops?”

He shook his head again.

“Did you stare at the sun and hurt your eyes? I told those guards to stop duping recruits into thinking it was part of the initiation.”

“What he’s trying to say is that he’s wondering if he needs to do anything before being relieved of duty,” a voice said.

Both Princess Luna and Philip turned to see Silver Storm nearby. “Forgive me for intruding on this conversation, but I was checking for Philip here and it seems his relief has come by to let him off duty for the day.”

The blue alicorn looked at Philip, who was doing his best to maintain his composure, and gave a nod. “Very well then, we shall be on our way for dinner and to raise the moon.”

“Very well then your highness, I shall escort the young colt back to his quarters. He seems to be a little out of it.”

“I do hope you feel better soon Philip,” said Luna in a gentle voice. “We’d like to get to know you more soon.”

Philip blushed a little and bowed. “T-thank you your highness,” he muttered.

“Come along now,” said Silver Storm as he nudged Philip to move. “You need to have your rest before tomorrow’s duties.”

Philip could only wave goodbye to Luna as he trotted away from her with Silver Storm leading him to the barracks. As soon as they rounded the corner, Philip was pinned to the wall by Silver. He looked around a little to see nopony coming before turning back to the guard.

“Quite sloppy of you to act that way around the Princess,” said Silver. “If you ever plan on making a move, then you better do shape up fast.”

“Why are you so determined to get me with Luna?” Asked Philip. “I want to see her happy, but I don’t want to make her unhappy by depriving her of a stallion of her own, even if it isn’t me.”

“I want what’s best for the Princess and her well being. For so long, she’s been trying to fit into society again and I refuse to see her suffer being alone and shunned like how she felt over a thousand years ago. I won’t let her become . . . that wicked being again.”

“You mean Ni-”

“Don’t say that name!” Barked Silver. “It’s a name she wants to forget and something she never wants to become ever again.”

“My apologies sir.”

“I know you didn’t mean any harm, but that name is still very sensitive to her, even to this day. I want to help ensure her happiness by helping her find love. She wants not just love from her subjects, but to be with somepony she cares for deeply. And knowing you, I think you don’t want her to end up all alone.”

Philip gave a nod and said, “You’re right . . . she needs somepony for her. And even if she doesn’t choose me, I’ll do my best to make her the happiest mare in Equestria.”

“That’s the spirit,” said Silver. “Now get going, you have a big night tomorrow.”

Philip gave a nod and took off as Silver released his grip on him. As he ran back to the barracks only one thing was on his mind: Princess Luna.

Don’t you worry Princess Luna, I’ll make sure you never feel alone again, he thought to himself. After all, you are my favorite princess.