//------------------------------// // Number 6 // Story: Heartaches By The Number // by ADRNEL //------------------------------// Big Mac has never been so humiliated in his life, all those dirty looks he received pierced his soul. The sky begins to darken and gray as he finally makes it back to the farm, only to be met by the strange sight of Applejack, at the entrance, with a sad and disgusted look on her face. “AJ-” “How could ya Mac!” interrupted Applejack. “How could ya!” “AJ?” “Ah fo’bade ya from goin’ ennywhar near mah friends, an’ whut does ya do? Ya go an’ rut two of them!” spat an angry Applejack, tears in her eyes. “But-” “Ah don’t want t’hear it!” snapped the orange mare to her older brother. “Until ya fix this here mess wif Fluttershy, ah will not have ennythin’ t’do wif ya ennymore.” she states, with great pain and remorse. “Why?” was all Big Mac could bring himself to say, greatly hurt by what his sister is telling him. “On account o’ ah’s yer sister, an’ ah care about th’ well being of ya and mah friends.” she states, before turning to walk back to the farm house. “How menny mares?” she suddenly asks. Big Mac wanted to lie to her right then and there, but telling the truth has become an annoying habit for him. “65,” he sadly and reluctantly answers. “at least once.” Applejack was not expecting such a large number, she was expecting somewhere around 20. “Gosh darn it Mac! Th' thin' about ya is, is that when it comes t'mares...yer an extreme doormat. Ya can never turn down a mare!” she bluntly states before giving a disappointed sigh and walking off towards the farmhouse. Big Mac does nothing but watch her sister walk away without looking back. It is raining hard as Big Mac is alone, walking down a random path. He longer feels comfortable at the farm, especially with his sister not talking to him, and he decides to just wander aimlessly around the fields outside Ponyville, in the rain. What’s the point? “How did mah life come t’this?” he mumbles to himself. “SURPRISE!” yelled a group of ponies to a young Applejack, Big Mac standing at her side. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY APPLEJACK!” “Wow, all of this hyar fo’ me?” asked a stunned Applejack to the happy crowd. “Of course silly!” exclaimed Pinkie, sprinting up to the orange mare. “You only turn 16 once and we all need to make this count!” she explains. Almost all of Applejack’s friends and acquaintances were there, including cousin Braeburn. Pinkie being the one that invited them all. The party went well, the music, the gifts, Applejack’s first drink of cider, the perks of finally becoming a fully grown mare. While all that happened, Big Mac kept to himself, as usual, by standing next to the punch bowl. He prefers to be in the background, it is not his special day, so there’s no need to bring attention to himself. “Enjoying the party Mackie?” asked Pinkie, showing up out of nowhere, standing next to the stallion. “Eeyup.” Big Mac simply states. “That’s great to hear.” stated the pink pony, who seemed a little more nervous than usual, but Big Mac doesn’t notice. “Can I tell you something, something that has been on my mind for a long time?” she blurts out. “Whut is it?” the stallion calmly states. “Mackie...I-” “YOU WHAT!?” yelled a voice, interrupting Pinkie. The entire barn goes silent as all the partygoers, including Big Mac turn to the source, an angry and crying Lyra Heartstrings. “I’m sorry Lyra...but-” comforted Bon Bon, trying to explain herself. Only to be met by a slap from the unicorn. The mint unicorn sprints off crying into the fields. Nopony knowing what is going on between them. Applejack saw the whole thing and quickly decides to run after her, only to be stopped by Big Mac. “Nnope.” “But ah need t’make sho’ that Lyra is okay.” stated the orange mare to her brother. “It’s yer party, ya need t’stay hyar. Let me han’le Lyra.” Big Mac states. Applejack reluctantly agrees as she sees her brother leave the barn and walk into the fields. Pinkie just stands there in shock as the stallion leaves. “Maybe next time...” Big Mac is trotting along the fields of the apple orchid, following the sound of crying. He follows the sounds until he reaches the far fields, and sees Lyra crying underneath an apple tree. “Lyra?” asked a concerned Big Mac. The mint unicorn just gets up and wraps the stallion into a hug, crying on his shoulder. “Oh Mackie...how could Bon Bon do this to me!?” she exclaims through her tears. “Whut happened?” asked the stallion, trying to comfort her. “She confessed to me that she has been cheating on me with another stallion! The piano player no less! I thought she loved me!” she continued crying. The stallion feeling sorry for her and wanting to do anything to make her feel better. “Thet’s okay...let it all out...,” Big Mac whispers. “is thar ennythin’ ah can do fo’ ya?” Lyra immediately stops crying and lets the stallion go. A mischievous smile forms in her face. “Make me a mare.” she answers. “Whut?” asked a shocked and confused Big Mac. “You heard me...I want you to rut me senseless!” she continues slowly walking up towards him with a sultry look on her face. “Why?” said the stallion, nervous and slowly backing away from her. “To spite my now EX-marefriend!” she states. “If she can cheat on me with a stallion, than I can too!” “But yer a fillyfooler!” the stallion exclaims, his rump hitting a nearby apple tree, preventing him from moving back any further. “That doesn’t mean I enjoy a good rutting from a stallion every once in awhile.” the unicorn states, face to face with the stallion. “Besides, it will make me feel a lot better, it’s not like you to leave somepony in need behind.” “Will it make ya feel better if we do this?” nervously stated the stallion. “Like you wouldn’t believe.” was all Lyra said before pulling the stallion into a deep kiss. The stallion protesting at first. Anything to make her feel better. That day...that was the day that his life became what it is now. The day that made him known as “the stallion who would never turn you down”. Big Mac just continues walking through the rain, his fur and mane flat from being soaked. He then comes across an unexpected sight; Fluttershy’s cottage. Fluttershy is probably the only mare that he can face right now and so he slowly goes up to the cottage. The rain still pouring. The stallion finally reaches the front door, he’s about to knock until he starts to hear the sounds of sobbing coming from inside. Big Mac, curious, goes over to the living room window and peers inside, only to see a heartbreaking sight; Fluttershy sobbing on the couch, with all of her animals standing around her with sad looks on their faces. “Oh please...please!” she exclaims to her tears. “Make me stop loving him. Make my feelings for Mackie disappear! I don’t want them anymore!” Big Mac is even more saddened now. “Ah’s sorry, Ah’s so sorry.” he mumbles to himself. He then sees Fluttershy’s ears perk up, she heard him. “Mackie?” she asks towards the door, as she quickly gets off the couch and floats towards the door. The stallion wanted to walk away, but he couldn’t, he already hurt her enough. “Mackie?” asked the pegasus, opening the door to see Big Mac, outside, standing in front of the living room window, soaking wet from the rain and looking miserable. “Ah’s sorry.” was all the stallion could say. Fluttershy just walks up to him. “No need to apologize, you and Cheerilee were meant to be together.” she explains. “Ah don’t want Cheerilee.” explained the stallion. “Huh?” “But ah also don’t want ya either.” he continues with sadness in his voice. “Why not?” asked a shocked and confused Fluttershy. “Because ya deserve someone better.” stated Big Mac. “Ah’ll nevah be good enough fo’ ya.” “Mackie-” “Ya heard me, jest fo'git about me an' find another stallion who will treatcha like th' beautiful butterfly thet ya are. Somepony who kin fu'fill all of yer needs an' worship th' groun' ya walk on. Ah's not good inough t'be thet stallion.” he continues, beginning to cry. Fluttershy didn’t know what to say to what she heard. So she decides to let her actions do the talking. She grabs the stallion and pulls him into a deep kiss. The stallion fully accepts it. They both kiss each other passionately, tongues intertwining with each other’s, for what felt like minutes. Big Mac then breaks the kiss much to Fluttershy’s disappointment. “Good bye sugercube.” was all the stallion said, with sadness in his voice as he walks away. Fluttershy just stands there in shock. “Don’t worry Mackie...I’ll do what you said, and find that other stallion.” she mumbles to herself. She then goes back inside to dry off. TO BE CONTINUED...