My New Life

by Ark125

Clothes Make the Man

My New Life

Chapter 40 – Clothes Make the Man

"Wow! That was an amazing day!" I said, stretching as I got up for the night.

"Indeed." Luna said as she stretched as well. She was still in her human form, which I thought was beautiful. "What do we need to do tonight?"

"Well, let's see. I think I might need to get some more clothes, but where can I get some?"

"What about Miss Rarity? Is she not a fashion designer?"

I thought about it for a moment. "She is, but that would require us to go to her or vice versa. Plus, I am not sure if she could make something for me, especially since she is used to making clothes for ponies."

"Well, okay." She thought for a minute then snapped her fingers, which kind of startled her. "Gray Shark."

I snapped my head towards her. "What did you say?"

"Gray Shark. He is a clothes designer here in Canterlot and he is very good."

"I have heard that name before." I said, rubbing my chin.


"Nothing. That is great idea. Let us go and see him. Maybe he can design some clothes for you, too."

"We'll see. This form is somewhat hard to maintain."

"If it is so hard, why do you stay in it?"

"For you, of course." She came up behind me and wrapped her slender arms around my neck. She then kissed me on the cheek.

I slowly took one of her hands and kissed it. "You are beautiful, but it doesn't matter to me what you look like. You are my wife and I love you no matter what you look like."

She looked at me thoughtfully for a few moments. "Thank you." She started to glow and her form began to change from human to pony.

"There is the mare I married." I turned to her and kissed her on the forehead. "Now then, let's get ready for the night."

About an hour later, we got down to Gray Shark's store. As we walked in, a bell rang, alerting the owner.

"Just a minute." Said a voice from the back. Soon, a stallion in a jacket with a pirate hat and a ninja mask with a black garb walked out of a doorway.

"Hello and welcome to my store." He looked at us and smiled. "Princess Luna, how are you my dear?"

"Fine, and how are you?"

"Wonderful. I was just about to close shop for the night."

"Oh, well do you think you may have time to make some clothing for my husband here." She gestured to me.

He looked at me and slowly walked around me. "The Prince is a human? How interesting." He tapped his golden forehoof on his chin.

"Yes. Do you think you can do anything for him?" She asked.

"Of course. It would be my pleasure to do so." He opened a curtain. "Please, step into my office. I must do some measuring." I slowly walked into the back. "Please stay here Princess, it is a small room."


I walked into what was indeed a small room. It had a table with a few supplies and a screen for what I assumed was used for changing. In the center was a stool for standing on.

"Okay, please strip down to what you feel comfortable."

I nodded and slowly took off my vest. "Alright."

"That's it?"

"Hey man, you are lucky that I took that off."

"Whatever." He took out some measuring tape and began to measure my body.

As he did so, I thought and then finally spoke. "So Gray Shark, do you know a stallion by the name of Bullet Blaster?"

At that moment, the pencil he was writing measurements down with snapped. He took a deep breath, and turned to me.

"Yes, I do. Or at least, I did."

"I thought so. He mentioned you quite a lot."

"You've meet him?"

"Meet him? Hah. He was the one doing the torturing." I pointed to the several scars across my stomach and back.

"That lunatic! I should of destroyed him while I had the chance." He said raising his hoof in anger.

"Whoa buddy. Take it easy. I don't want anypony getting hurt on my behalf."

"You don't get it, he is a psychopath. He kills anything or anyone that gets in his way. He even kills things that aren't in his way."

"Okay, so he pretty much kills everything. We've established that. I think you have given me an idea though."

"Oh, really? What might that be?"

"I will tell you later. For now, let's just get this clothing situation figured out."

"Alright." He took a few more measurements and then I gave him a few ideas for my clothes. I also asked him to make a very particular set of clothing that he was more than happy to make for me. After that I thanked him and left.

"How was it?" Luna asked as we walked outside.

"It was very interesting, to say the least."

"That's nice. We better get back to the castle, we don't want to shirk our royal duties."

I stifled a giggle.


"You said duties."

She smacked me in the back of the head with her wing.

"Ouch. What was that for?"

"For being a dork."

"Takes one to know one."

She stuck her tongue out at me and I back at her. We both laughed as we walked back towards the castle.

One Week Later

"... Twenty-nine. Thirty! Ready or not, here I come!" I yelled out to the empty garden.

Me and the kids were playing hide-and-seek and of course, I was losing.

"Where could they be hiding?" I heard a rustling in the bushes and I smiled. "Well, I know they are definitely not in the bushes." I said as I gently walked over to the bush. Then I jumped into the shrub. "Aha!" Unfortunately, what I had thought was one of the kids turned out to be a snake, which bit me on the nose. Luckily, it wasn't venomous, but it still hurt.

"Ha ha! We win again!" The triplets said in unison.

I stood up and dusted myself off. I turned around and saw them high-hoofing each other at the base, which in this case, was a rock that had a certain lizard basking on top of it.

Since Bubbles is a reptile, I make sure to get him some sun everyday. Usually I do it alone, but the kids wanted to play with their dad, so I brought them out with me. And so here we are in the daylight instead of being asleep.

Luna was asleep inside. She had a tiresome night, and so I let her sleep in.

Wiping the trickle of blood off my face, I smiled. "Darn, I was so close." I said, snapping my fingers in fake disappointment. "What is that? 37 to 0?"

"38, daddy." Moonbeam said, giggling as I walked over to them.

"Right." I tussled her hair. "I got to rest after that one." I walked to a nearby tree and plopped down under it. The kids came and sat down next to me.

I had just barely closed my eyes when Starfire spoke. "Daddy, there is a pony walking to us."

I opened one of my eyes. "Oh? Who is it?"

"It looks like that pony that helped make our costumes in for the Heart's Warming Eve play." Nightshade said.


"No, not her. He is wearing a pirate hat." Moonbeam stated.

I opened both eyes. "Well I know who that is."

"Prince Pure Heart. How are you doing?" Gray Shark said as he walked up to us. He was balancing a large package on his pack.

"Good. Yourself?"

"Not bad. I have the clothes for you." He took the package by the string and sat down in front of me.

"Sweet. Thank you very much." I lifted it and found that it was very heavy. "Wow, this thing weighs a ton."

"No doubt. Well, I have other things to do. Take care."

"See you later." We waved and he walked away.

"Oh daddy, you got clothes!" Moonbeam screeched.

"Yes honey. As you can tell, these clothes I am wearing are almost rags now."

"Yay, can we have a fashion show?" Starfire asked.

"Uh, no."

"Oh come on, pretty please." The girls said together.

"Let me think about it some more. Mm, no."

"I think it sounds like an excellent idea." Said a regal voice.

"No, Tia. I don't do fashion shows."

"You know want to." She said, getting in my face.

"No I don't."

"Yes you do." Said another voice.

"Hello honey." I kissed Luna on the lips. "How did you sleep?"

"Great. Now about this fashion show."

"Please don't make me."

"Sorry, but I think it would be a wonderful opportunity."

I folded my arms in defeat. "Fine. But on one condition."

"You are going to do it period. But I will humor you." Luna said with a smile.

"You and the kids have to be in the fashion show as well."

"Fair enough."

"I wasn't finished. You and the kids have to be in the show in human form." I said with a smile of my own.

Luna's smile turned into a frown. "Um, I am not so sure the kids can do such a thing."

"That is no problem. I can help with their transformations." Tia said.

The kids were all really excited to do this. Even, surprisingly, Nightshade. So I turned to Luna. "Well then, I guess we are having a fashion show."

The kids screamed in delight.