The Midnight Crusade

by Method in Maddness

chapter one

The Midnight Crusade
Chapter One

The blue sky rippled with laughter as three little fillies wandered out of the dense green underbrush recounting the events earlier that day in the Ever Free forest.
“Well at least we all know that we’re not Cutie Mark Crusader Tree Climbers!” chimed a pale olive yellow pony with a red mane and a pink bow on the side.
“Yeah, it’s too bad that we had to crash into Zecora’s hut and get covered in tree sap, again. Rarity is going to kill me if I get any of it on her clothes!” Sweetie Belle whimpered as they unstuck themselves from each other.
“Well Apple Bloom and I will hide you if she snaps. It can’t be as bad as the time you used that special gold cloth to make our capes.” stated Scootaloo, as she carefully wheeled her scooter out of the bushes where it was hidden. The trio set of out of the Ever Free forest as if nothing had happened. The sun was hanging low in the sky as they rounded the bend leading into Ponyville. Silence started to creep in on the girls before anypony said anything.
“Well y’all, ah best be gettin’ back before Applejack starts to buck up a storm. See y’all in a couple days.” Scootaloo turned to Apple Bloom giving her a quizzical look as if she had said the strangest thing.

“A couple days? I thought that we were going crusading tomorrow?” she stated flatly. Her train of thought ran wild as she scoured through her brain for any mention of Apple Bloom saying that she was going somewhere. The sound of a musical laugh pulled her back to the present, only to find Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle rolling on the ground laughing.
“You silly filly,” sang Sweetie Belle, “its Mother’s Day the day after tomorrow and the Apple family is going to Appaloosa to celebrate, silly. How could you forget that? OOOHHH, I hope you didn’t forget to get your mom a present!” Apple Bloom nodded slowly, not noticing Scootaloo flinch at the mention of Mother’s Day. ‘Of course, how could I forget the most dreaded day of the year?’ thought Scootaloo, tuning out of the rambling of the other.

Almost nopony knew that Scootaloo was an orphan and that was just the way she wanted to keep it. She didn’t need any pony’s pity; she’d be just like Rainbow Dash, always tough. She’d never be seen crying over a silly thing like this, she would put on a brave face and muscle her way through it like always. Her thoughts interrupted by a prodding from Apple Bloom, who wore a worried expression that would have made all but the most cold hearted of ponies heart break.
“Y’all ok there Scoot? Yer’ lookin mighty down right now.” She said as she shifted her glance between her and Sweetie Belle, who was only now clueing in on what was going on.
“We’re awfully sorry if us laughin’ at what y’all said offended you.” Scootaloo put a smile on her face even though she knew it was only a mask for her true feelings.
“Hmm? Oh, no I’m fine I was just thinking of something nice I could do for my mom.” Scootaloo lied as she fidgeted nervously. “Well, would you look at the time? I’ve got to go home before I’m late.” She blurted out as she glanced down at a fake watch in an attempt to get away before more questions could be asked.
“Do you want us to walk with you? You’re not looking so good.” whispered Sweetie Belle.
“NO. I mean, no thanks but I think it would be faster if I went by myself.” ramble Scootaloo, as she grabbed her scooter and took off without waiting for a response from either of them.
‘Well, something is eatin’ at her but Ah thinks it’s best if Ah wait for her to come to me.’ thought Apple Bloom as she coughed and spat out dirt and grass that was kicked up from Scootaloo’s sudden departure.
Scootaloo let the tears flow from her eyes the seconds she was out of sight of the girls. The pain of watching her friends talking about their families with such love and compassion was tearing her apart on the inside. She despised the idea of her friends having fun with their families as she was stuck in the orphanage with all the other children that had no family. ‘No, you don’t hate them for having great families, you hate the fact that you’re all alone and they’ll never be able know how that feels.’ she thought as she raced through Ponyville in order to make it back by curfew. Even the rush of the wind whipping past her as she flew down the street, seemingly right into the burnt orange glow of the setting sun, could do nothing to lift her out of her funk.
The dirt crunched under the wheels as she pulled to a stop outside the orphanage. The brick building had lost some of its gleam since its construction and was now a faded red. The sign hanging above the door looking new as ever since every year the children would repaint the sign with all the new kids that had arrived in an attempt to welcome them and introduce them to every pony else. Despite the less than stellar appearance, the orphanage itself was a very happy place. The staff cared a great deal for every pony that came through those doors. Every pony would be there only a year or so at most, due to the great job the staff did matching the other fillies and colts with loving families. Scootaloo was the only exception to their otherwise perfect record. She had been here for three years and had never come close to finding that ‘perfect’ family. Scootaloo wheeled her scooter through the building to her room, exchanging a few pleasantries to keep up appearances.
After closing the door quickly behind her, Scootaloo flopped down on her bed, thinking about the family she never knew. ‘Dad must have been the most awesome flier ever! Maybe even as good as Rainbow Dash or the WonderBolts. And Moms just gotta be the most beautiful, loving pony in Equestria!’ It was a nightly ritual for her. She would always picture herself with her parents, who MUST have been ponies of great importance. Only this time was different. Scootaloo didn’t want to just pretend any more. She wanted the truth, not just some fantasy created in her head. She needed to know if they were still alive or if the worst had happened to them. She just wanted answers, was that too much to ask?
‘That’s it!!’ she thought, realizing her epiphany. ‘There’s only one pony in all of Pony Ville that seems to have the answer to just about everything.’ A content smile snuck its way onto her face as she slipped into sleep, planning on how to get Twilight to help without letting her know the real reason behind it. A peaceful darkness swept over her as she slipped into the dreamless oblivion of sleep.