The Road To Recovery

by unicorn92243



Scootaloo buzzed along on her scooter. It had been a couple of months after her mother had been sentenced. Not noticing the rock in the middle of the road, she hit it and was flung through the air. She yelped and closed her eyes, waiting for the impact…

Nothing happened.

Cautiously opening her eyes, she realized that she was hovering in the air several feet above the ground, her wings beating hard and fast. She gasped in shock, and then in delight.

“I’m flying? I’m flying! I’M FLYING!”

Scootaloo woke up with a big smile on her face from dreaming about the first time she had flown. At twenty two, she was a full grown young mare now, and life was good.

Sweetie Belle had gotten a musical note for a cutie mark for singing. Apple Bloom had gotten a hammer for construction. They had both been ecstatic when it had happened.

Rainbow Dash had finally been accepted into The Wonderbolts, and she couldn’t have been more thrilled.

Today was Scootaloo’s day off, and she got up and stretched.

She had a good relationship with her father now. He had finally realized that allowing the abuse in the household, as well as his small part in it, was not okay, and had begged for her forgiveness, which she had granted. After all, her mother had been almost as cruel to him as she’d been to her.

She had been through years of therapy, and it had helped her greatly. She no longer needed it anymore, but she felt like she had one last thing to do before she could experience full closure.

Leaving her home, she flew to Canterlot and was soon allowed entrance to the castle garden, where she stopped in front of a certain statue.

“Hello Mom. I don’t know if you can hear me or not, but here goes.” She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I formed a group called The Wheelers. They’re like The Wonderbolts, but we do stunts on scooters and we’ve gotten pretty popular. Any kind of pony can join if they’re good enough, since in this group you don’t have to be a Pegasus. Sometimes we do shows with The Wonderbolts as well.”

She cleared her throat and gazed at the statue a moment before continuing.

“I guess I just came here to tell you that, you didn’t ruin my life Mom, no matter how much you tried. I’m happy, my friends are happy, Dad is happy. You could’ve learned to realize your mistakes and get better so that you could be happy too, but you just refused to let it go, and now look at you.”

She sighed and shook her head.

“I used to hate you Mom, I used to hate you a lot, but looking at you now… I really just pity you. I hope that after I’m gone and they let you out, you’ll have learned your lesson. Maybe then you too can go on to have a happy life. Good bye Mom. I doubt you‘ll see me again. I have to move on.”

Feeling better, Scootaloo jumped to the sky and flew away. A smile spread across her face as she soared through the sky.

Nopony was around to see the bit of moisture fall from the statue’s eye. Was it a drop of dew, or could it have been… a tear?

Scootaloo landed at the café where she was meeting her friends and her foster mother for lunch.

“Hi everypony,” she smiled as she landed.

“Hey Scootaloo!” Rainbow Dash grinned.

“Hi,” waved Sweetie Belle.

“Darling, there you are,” said Rarity.

“Hiya Scoots!” bounced Pinkie.

“Hey there partner,” nodded Applejack.

“Glad you could join us,” smiled Twilight.

“Hello,” Fluttershy greeted warmly.

“Oh good, now we can eat,” Spike added, looking relieved.

“We’ve been waiting for you. Lets order now I’m starved!” exclaimed Apple Bloom as she rubbed her growling stomach.

“Okay,” smirked Scootaloo as she joined her friends.

They ordered their meal and talked and laughed. When their food came they all dug in happily.

It was going to be a wonderful day, and a beautiful life for all of them. Through good times and bad, they would always have each other.