Derpy's Royal Delivery

by Twiggles6

Mail Call!

“Mom! Wake up!” Came a voice, cutting through a dark haze. “Mom! C’mon, wake up!”

“Mmm.” The mare in bed mumbled as she turned away from the noise. “Just five more minutes.”

“Mom! C’mon!” The voice called again as the sleeping mare felt a pressure on her side.

“Oof! Dinky, get off!” Derpy whined as she opened her eyes.

“Not until you get out of bed!” Dinky said, hopping slightly up and down. “You didn’t let me sleep in yesterday, so consider this payback.” She said with a smirk.

“You were going to be late for school though.” Derpy said, finally sitting up in bed and looking at her daughter with one eye while the other stared at a section of wall.

“Yeah.” Dinky said, landing on her hooves beside the bed. “And if you don’t hurry, you’ll be late for work.” She said, pointing a hoof at the alarm clock.

“Six forty-eight?!” Derpy exclaimed as she flew out of bed, sending the covers flying. “Why didn’t my alarm go off?”

“It did!” Came Dinky’s muffled voice as she wrestled with the blanket. “It was going off for almost half an hour!” She said as she poked her head out of the covers. “You must have gotten up, turned it off, and went back to sleep.”

“Oh no! I don’t even have time for breakfast today!” Derpy groaned as she flew out the bedroom door.

“Mom! Wait a second!” Dinky said, chasing after her mother.

“I’m so sorry, Dinky.” Derpy said as she grabbed her mailbag and moved for the front door. “Do you think you could make something for yourself real quick? I promise I’ll make it up to you tonight.” She said as she opened the door to leave.

“Don’t worry about it, mom.” Dinky said. “I already ate. Here. I saved you some.” She said as she brought over a plate in her teeth. On the plate were three puffy, golden brown chocolate chip muffins.

Derpy stopped for a bit as both of her eyes focused on the muffins for a couple of seconds before they wandered off target. “Did I ever tell you that you’re the best daughter that a mother could ask for?” Derpy asked.

Dinky rolled her eyes as she slid the muffins into an empty compartment of Derpy’s mailbag and put the plate down. “Yes mom, only every day.” She said, grinning wide.

“Well I’m gonna have to say it twice a day from now on then.” Derpy said as she pulled Dinky in for a big hug. “Okay. I’ve got to get going.” Derpy said as she released her daughter. “Sparkler should be here any minute. So be good for her, okay?”

“I don’t think that will be a problem.” Sparkler said as she poked her head through the door.

“Oh! Speak of the pony!” Derpy said. “Okay, you two have a good day now!” She said as she flew off to pick up her letters for the day, the two younger ponies waving after her.

“She’s late again?” A brown-coated earth pony stallion asked himself as he looked at the clock. “That’s the third time this week she’s started off behind schedule.” He wore a postman’s cap and had but one stack of post left on his desk.

“Hi there, Mr. Sleet, sir!” Derpy called as she flew into the building. “Sorry I’m a little behind.”

“Oh, it’s no trouble.” Sleet said. “As long as you can deliver these in time anyways.” He said, pushing the small stack of letters and parcels toward Derpy.

“Yes sir!” Derpy said with a salute as she put the letters into her mailbag and took off, leaving a cloud of dust in her wake.

After he got over his short coughing fit, Sleet moved to the door and closed it. “She knows she doesn’t have to salute me, right?” He idly wondered to himself before shaking his head and going back to his desk.

“Okay. First stop, Sweet Apple Acres.” Derpy said to herself as she veered off towards the Apple family’s farm. When she looked down over the apple fields, Derpy could see Applejack bucking some apples. “Perfect! I can hoof deliver her letters.” Derpy said as she swooped down towards the working pony. “Hey Applejack!” Derpy called just before she swooped straight into a bushel of apples.

“What in tarnation?” Applejack exclaimed as she turned to see Derpy sitting in a pile of apples, rubbing her head.

“Sorry.” Derpy said.

“Are you okay, Sugarcube?” Applejack asked as she helped Derpy out of the apples.

“Yeah, I’ll be okay.” Derpy said, shaking off the crash. “Sorry about the apples.”

“Don’t you worry yer little head ‘bout that.” Applejack said. “Got plenty more where those came from.” She said as she gestured to the rest of the field, each tree practically bursting with fresh fruit.

“Well, okay.” Derpy said. “Anyways, here’s your mail.” She said, handing Applejack a few envelopes.

“Aw, thanks.” Applejack said. “I’ve been waitin’ ta hear back from cousin Braeburn!” She said as she looked through the letters.

“Well, no time to waste.” Derpy said as she took to the skies again.

“Hm.” Applejack said as she looked through the letters. “That’s funny.” She said as she leaned a bit closer and sniffed one of the envelopes. “Chocolate chips?” She asked herself when she recognized the scent wafting from the paper.

“Okay. The next stop is Carousel Boutique.” Derpy said to herself as she fished one of the muffins out of her mailbag. “Oh boy. These smell so good!” She exclaimed as she moved to take a bite. Before she could though, the wind briefly shifted in direction and she fumbled the muffin. “Oh no!” Derpy exclaimed, diving after the errant pastry.

“C’mon, Spike. At least try to stay awake.” Twilight Sparkle said to the baby dragon lying on her back. “You wanna help Rarity, don’t you?”

“Yeah, but I can do my part when we get there.” Spike said, raising his hand in a dismissive gesture. “Until then, I’ve got a couple more zees to catch up on.” He said as he put his hand back down. Within seconds, he was already snoring.

“Ugh.” Twilight sighed as she kept walking to Carousel Boutique, deciding that waking the dragon up wouldn’t be worth the trouble.

“No!” Derpy yelled as her muffin sailed towards the sleeping dragon’s mouth mid-snore. “NOOOOoooooo!” She cried, extending one hoof forward as the muffin appeared to move in slow motion

A few seconds later, Spike’s snoring was abruptly interrupted when a fresh chocolate chip muffin landed perfectly in his mouth. “Mph!” He exclaimed, sitting up and falling off of Twilight’s back. As Spike stood up, he realized that whatever had just landed in his mouth tasted particularly good.

“Spike, are you okay?” Twilight asked, helping to dust her assistant off.

Spike held up one claw as he finished chewing and swallowing his unexpected snack. “Chocolate chip?” He asked himself as he held a claw to his chin.

“Huh?” Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow. “What are you talking about?”

“My muffin! Oh cruel fate, why my muffin?!” Derpy exclaimed as she landed next to a very surprised and confused Spike. “It was so young, and delicious, and fresh!” She wailed just before abruptly stopping. “Wait a minute.” She said, just before gasping with glee as her eyes slid a bit further apart. “I still have two more!” She exclaimed happily as she opened up her mailbag. “Oh, Twilight! Hi there!” She said with a wave, having just noticed Twilight giving her a look of complete befuddlement.

“Um. Hello Derpy.” Twilight said with an uneasy smile. “Doing the rounds, I see.”

“Yep.” Derpy said proudly. “I think I’ve actually got something for you in here too.” She said as she rifled through her mailbag, producing two letters and a magazine. “Here you go.” She said, handing Twilight the items.

“Oh, thanks Derpy.” Twilight said as she picked up the delivery in a purple magical glow. “Um. I guess I’ll be seeing you then.” She said as she turned and began walking toward the Boutique.

“See ya later, Twilight!” Derpy said as she zoomed past Twilight and straight to Rarity’s door.

Before Derpy could even open her mailbag, the door to the Boutique swung open. “Oh, Twilight, thank goodness you’re here, darling.” Rarity said as she pulled Derpy into her home without even looking. “Opal has been an absolute menace today, and you were the only one I could think to turn to since Fluttershy is busy in Cloudsdale.” She said. She was about to say something else, but stopped as she sniffed the air for a moment. “Is that? Chocolate chip?” Rarity asked as she finally took a look at her houseguest. “Oh! Derpy, hello! I’m so terribly sorry about that.” She said as she let go of the mailmare.

“It’s okay, Rarity.” Derpy said. “Anyways, I’d love to help you with your cat, but I’m afraid I need to go once I give you the mail.”

“Oh, it’s not a problem dear.” Rarity said. “Twilight should be along any time now and- OPAL, NO!” Rarity yelled as Opal latched onto Derpy’s head.

“Oh, hi Opal.” Derpy said with a smile, apparently unfazed by the four sets of claws digging into her face. “Anyways, here’s the mail, Rarity.” Derpy said as she handed Rarity a neatly tied stack of letters.

“Oh, these must be the new gown commissions.” Rarity said, trying to gently coax Opalescence to let go of her ‘prey.’ “Thank you ever so much for delivering these.”

“Think nothing of it.” Derpy said, briefly shaking her head and by extension, Opal. The feline did not seem amused as she dug her claws in a little harder. “It’s my job, after all. Speaking of which, I’ve still got a one more house to hit, so I’ll be seeing you.” Derpy said as she took off out the doorway.

“Oh, wait! Opal!” Rarity yelled as Derpy took to the skies.

Quick as a flash, the lazy-eyed pegasus was back with a trembling ball of fluff in her forehooves. “Whoops.” She said as she handed the terrified puffball to Rarity. “Heh heh. Sorry Opal. Anyways, I’m off!” Derpy exclaimed as she tore off into the sky once more.

“Hey Rarity.” Twilight said as she walked up, levitating the latest issue of the Bookworm Revue in front of her. “So where’s Opal?” She asked as she let down the magazine and gasped in surprise.

“I think she’s going to be behaving a bit better for a while now.” Rarity said with a laugh as the ball of fluff in her hooves mewled pitifully. “Come on in, Twilight. You can lend a hoof holding her still while I get her fur straightened out.” She said as she turned and walked inside, enveloping the poofy cat in a light blue glow and levitating it ahead of her.

“Sure, why not. C’mon Spike, we’re here.” Twilight said as she followed her friend inside.

“Just five more minutes…” Spike mumbled as he rolled over and fell off of his friend’s back with a thud.

“Okay. The last deliveries are for Pinkie Pie and the Cakes.” Derpy said to herself. “Great! That means it’s just Sugarcube Corner and then back to the office!” She said as she pulled the next muffin out of her mailbag, making sure to hold this one more carefully. “Okay you delicious little muffiny morsel.” Derpy said. “You’re all mine after this delivery.” She said as she landed outside the sweets shop. “Mail call!” Derpy called as she walked through the front door.

“Oh, hello dear.” Mrs. Cake said with a smile as Derpy approached the counter. “Here on business?”

“Yep. I’ve got a few letters for you and Mr. Cake.” Derpy said as she retrieved three envelopes from her mailbag and handed them to Mrs. Cake.

“Oh, thank you very much.” Mrs. Cake said as she put the letters behind the counter.

“Not a problem.” Derpy said with a nod. “Is Pinkie Pie around? I’ve got a package for her too.”

“A package?!” Pinkie Pie squealed as she suddenly appeared behind Derpy.

“AAH!” Derpy screamed as she jumped into the air, dropping her muffin.

“Oh wow! Somepony sent me a muffingram!” Pinkie Pie said as she caught the muffin. “Thanks a lot, Derpy!” Pinkie Pie said as she scarfed the muffin in a single bite.

“What?” Derpy asked as she turned around and saw Pinkie Pie eating the muffin. “NOOOOooo!” She wailed as Pinkie swallowed the pastry.

“Mmm! Chocolate chip!” Pinkie said with a contented smile.

Derpy gave a heavy sigh. “At least I still have one more.” She said as she reached into the mailbag and retrieved a small parcel. “Here you go, Pinkie Pie.” She said as Pinkie grabbed the package.

“Wow! I got two packages today! Thanks a whole bunch, Derpy!” She said as she quickly hugged Derpy before she ran off to the next room to open her package. “Oh boy! Someone sent me a muffin! Om nom nom!” Pinkie exclaimed from the next room.

“Did she just say-”

“Um, yes.” Mrs. Cake said, pre-empting Derpy’s question. “She says that sometimes when she eats.”

“Right…” Derpy said. “Anyways, I’ve got to go. Tell Mr. Cake I said hi.” Derpy said with a wave as she left Sugarcube Corner.

“Goodbye dearie.” Mrs. Cake said with a wave as Derpy took off for Ponyville Express.

“I hope she got her rounds done okay.” Mr. Slate said as he looked at the clock. It was just getting close to when Derpy’s time was up on a normal day. Just as he let out a short sigh, he heard the door to his office open as the mare in question appeared in the doorway. “Ah, Derpy! Glad you could make it.” Sleet said as Derpy entered the post office. “So how were your rounds? You got started a little late today.”

“Sorry about that, sir.” Derpy said. “I had kind of a late morning.”

“It’s not a problem at all, Derpy.” He said with a smile. “After all, you still got everything delivered on time. I must say that you’re one of the best mailmares at this branch.”

“Aw, shucks Mr. Sleet.” Derpy said, rubbing the back of her head with a hoof as she hovered in place. “I just do what I can is all.”

“No need to be modest now.” Sleet said. “You’re a fine worker. And what’s more, the ponies on your route love you!”

“Aw, I don’t do anything special.” Derpy said as she closed the door behind her and retrieved her last muffin from her mailbag. “I just like to make ponies happy is all. I’m just glad I got my whole route done in time. I was really nervous about how late I got up.”

“Actually, you do have one more letter.” Sleet said as he pulled a scroll out from behind his desk.

“Oh no! Who’d I miss?” Derpy asked, rushing up to the desk to see the scroll. “Wait a minute.” She said, furrowing her brow and reaching into her mailbag for her last muffin. “We don’t deliver scrolls.”

“I know.” Sleet nodded. “It’s for you.” He said as he pushed the scroll towards Derpy.

“But scrolls are usually only sent by royalty though.” Derpy said as she unfurled the scroll and read it aloud, holding the last muffin in her other hoof. “Most esteemed Ms. Derpy Hooves. I have been watching the mail system for some time in the hopes that I would be able to find a messenger for an important assignment. Please come by the castle today after your rounds to speak with me. The seal at the bottom of this scroll will let the guards know that you are invited. Signed, Princess Celestia.” Derpy dropped the scroll and her muffin as she gasped in surprise. “Princess Celestia is asking for me personally?!” She exclaimed as she picked the scroll up and read it several more times to make sure she wasn’t seeing things.

“I’d get to Canterlot on the double if I were you.” Sleet said, having just barely caught the muffin before it hit the floor. “Best not to make the princess wait… Huh?” He said as he realized that Derpy had already left without him noticing. “But… I took my eyes off her for a second… And I didn't even hear the door...” He said, briefly pondering how the wall-eyed mare pulled that off before shrugging, eating the muffin, and returning to his own work. “Mm! Chocolate chip.”