The Music of Ponyville

by GrassAndClouds2

Legend of the Elements

Octavia and Lyra sat quietly on the platform for a few minutes, the cellist leaning over and letting the green mare hug her.

“Do you want to talk about it?” asked Lyra at last.

“... everypony left me.” Octavia hung her head. “And I just learned that none of them... that I drove all of them away. My teacher, my assistant, everypony else; none of them like me and it is entirely my fault.” She hung her head. “They said I am worthless--”

“They’re wrong. Everypony has worth,” said Lyra. “Even the ones that make mistakes.”

“I hurt you. I hurt Bonbon, and this whole town... aren’t you mad at me?”

“Yes, but it doesn’t matter. You need a friend, and that’s what matters.” Lyra hugged Octavia again.

“Why did I have to realize this now?” Octavia sighed. “If I had learned this even a week ago, I could have done something. But now the world is ending. What can I do to make up for everything I did wrong?”

“Be there for others." Lyra nodded a little. “A lot of ponies in Ponyville are scared now. Just be there and help them. If nothing else, play lullabies to calm the foals.” She smiled. “There's still a little time.”

Octavia hung her head. “They will not listen to me.”

“I bet some will. Here.” Lyra opened up her saddlebag and withdrew a thermos. “Try this. One of my Bonnie’s specialties.”

Octavia opened the thermos and sniffed, recognizing the scent of hot chocolate. “I shouldn’t... it is against my diet...”

Lyra giggled and poked her in the stomach. “Come on. Trust me.”

Octavia took a cautious sip, and then began to drink from the thermos with gusto. The hot chocolate was warm and rich, perfect on such a frightening night. As the warmth spread throughout her body, she did begin to feel a little calmer. She let out an involuntary sigh.

“Isn’t it great?” Lyra grinned as she took the empty thermos back. “I’m glad I bought five boxes worth.”

“Why... nevermind. How is Bonbon doing, anyway?” asked Octavia. Now that she was thinking a little more clearly, she was surprised that Lyra was wandering outside instead of looking for her crush.

“She’s with her sister and parents,” Lyra said. “I wanted to stay with her... but, alas, sometimes even love must wait.” She looked up at the sky, eyes shining. “And besides, once my task is complete, my Bonnie will finally realize that I am indeed her knight in shining, mint-green armor.”


Lyra nodded. “I was on my way to get it done, but I heard you on the platform, and I figured it could wait a few minutes.” She helped Octavia get to her hooves. “Feeling better?”

“Yes... a little, yes.” Octavia leaned on Lyra. “Thank you.”

“Anytime,” said Lyra. “Now -- where are you going?”

“My lodgings at city hall.”

“Ugh. No way. Those rooms are drafty and creaky and really lonely. You should stay somewhere warm and friendly tonight. And I know just the place.” Lyra nodded. “It’s on my way, too, so I’ll take you there.”

Octavia thought, for a moment, of protesting and insisting on returning to her lodgings, but the impulse passed. She couldn’t be alone, not now. “Thank you,” said Octavia, bowing her head. “I am in your debt.”

“Don’t worry about it,” said the mare. She grinned. “What are friends for?”

“Are we friends?”

Lyra just winked and led her down the path.


“Now, the bathroom’s right through there and extra blankets are in that closet. I’m just upstairs, so if you need anything else, don’t be afraid to ask,” Fluttershy whispered. “Just don’t be too loud, so the tyrants don’t hear us.” She nodded at the animals in cages, burrows, and nests scattered throughout the room. “I couldn’t stand it if any of my little animal friends got hurt...”

Octavia nodded woozily as Fluttershy -- bundled up in cushions and with a big helmet on her head -- helped her lay down on a plush sofa. “Are you sure it’s alright for me to stay here?” Octavia asked. “I--”

“It’s alright. I’ve always got a bed open to anypony who needs it!” Fluttershy smiled brightly. “I can get you whatever you need. Except... um...” She ducked her head and cringed. “I’d rather not go outside right now, with the tyrants and the monsters and...”

“I am fine,” said Octavia. “You need not get anything for me. And... thank you for taking me in after what I did.”

Fluttershy paused. “You hurt Rosewing,” she said, softly. “I’m still upset about that... but this is more important.” She fluffed a pillow for Octavia. “We can talk about the other thing later.”

Octavia glanced up at the ceiling. She found that she liked the nature theme of the cottage. “And I--”

When she looked back down, Fluttershy was right in her face, muzzle almost poking hers. “But if you hurt any animal ever again, so help me, I’ll...”

Octavia paled. “I won’t!”

And the pegasus smiled. “Good.” And she began to trot off. “Lyra, how are you doing?”

Lyra, who was sitting on a rocking chair with another thermos of hot chocolate, smiled and lazily waved a hoof. “I’m fine. And didn’t I tell you, Octavia? Fluttershy will take real good care of you. I should know -- I was here for a week after Ditzy and Raindrops dropped a piano on my house.” She chuckled. “That’s our Flutters.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Do you need a place to stay tonight too?”

“Nope. I’m just waiting for a friend to come by. Is it okay if I hang around?”

“My door is always open!” Fluttershy blinked. "Unless the tyrants come," she quickly said. "If they do, I'll be hiding under my bed--"

“Great!” Lyra hopped to her hooves. “Why don’t I help you put some tea on. You might be able to help me and Vinnie...”

As the two went into the kitchen, Octavia let her head sink back on the pillow. She suddenly felt very tired. The day had been a wringer -- not only was the world about to end, but she’d discovered some unpleasant truths about her self. Nopony, she thought, was the better for having met her, and had she never been born nopony would suffer for it. Why couldn't I have time? she thought to herself. Why couldn't I have time to do just one good thing before the world ends? To try to set things right?

She heard a squeak from across the room.

Frowning, Octavia raised herself up on one leg and looked in the direction of the squeak. There was a large wooden chest, big enough to contain a few foals or one adult pony, and it seemed to be almost wiggling. As she watched, the top cracked open, and an eye poked out.

“Hello?” called Octavia.

There were some frightened squeaks, and the box slammed shut.

The cellist frowned. “I won't hurt you."

The box cracked open again, and three little foals poked their heads out of it. Octavia recognized one of them, the pegasus Beebop. The other two were new to her.

“Hello?” she asked. “Are you Fluttershy’s foals?”

“Ugh. As if,” said the one on the left, an earth pony with a gray coat and off-white mane. “No way. My daddy’s the richest pony in town.”

“We got separated from our parents at the Celebration,” said Beebop, somehow sounding loud despite whispering. “But every foal in town knows, if you get lost or hurt, you can always go to Fluttershy’s!” She nodded. “Oh, this is Silver Spoon!” The gray-coated mare ‘harumphed.’ “And this is Tootsie Flute!”

The unicorn next to Beebop nodded. “Fluttershy’s real nice. She’s letting us hide in this box so the alicorns don’t find us! She wanted to hide in the box instead, but she gave it to us.”

“She wanted to hide in a box?”

Beebop nodded. “She brought her pet bunny and everything!” She lifted a small, white ball of fur out of the chest and brandished it at Octavia. It was a struggling bunny who seemed a bit unhappy at being shaken by the foal. “But she let us have it to cuddle while we wait. She’s a really nice pony!”

“Unlike you,” said Silver Spoon.

Octavia frowned. “I--”

“You made Bluenote cry, and she’s, like, one of the only cool adults in this town.” Silver Spoon sniffed in Octavia’s general direction. “She’s fun. She’s way better than some lame pony like you.”

Octavia looked away. “I am truly sorry for everything I did,” she said.

There was silence for a few moments, and then Octavia heard somepony trotting over to her. Suddenly, a pony had climbed onto the couch, and then Tootsie Flute was standing on her barrel and looking right at her. “Are you really?” she asked, her voice soft and serious.


“Really really?”

“Yes. Really really.”

The foal smiled, a grin as bright as the morning sun. “Good! Then you can say sorry to her and you can all be friends!”

For a moment, Octavia felt cheered. And then she remembered the contempt she had felt for Bluenote a day before when she had noted that the tubist could only appeal to foals. Now a foal was one of her only defenders. She sighed, trying her best to push past her own feelings, and managed to say, "I hope to. Thank you, Tootsie Flute."

The foals soon got back into the box, leaving Octavia alone. She stared at the ceiling for a few minutes. And then, feeling exhaustion completely overtake her, she fell asleep.


“It’s scary! It’s dangerous! It’s... mean!” said Fluttershy. “Please don’t go!”

“Flutters, if ponies got scared every time something was dangerous, they’d never go anywhere awesome. Can you imagine living in a world without awesome?” teased Vinyl Scratch. “Wouldn’t that be a terrible world?”

“No, I think it might be quite pleasant, actually...”

Bluenote laughed merrily.

Octavia groaned as consciousness returned to her. Checking a wall clock, she found that she’d been unconscious for about half an hour. Her head pounded. The living room was deserted, so she got up and began to walk into the kitchen where the voices were.

Lyra and Vinyl were seated at a table with a large amount of food spread before them. Fluttershy was running all around, constantly taking food out of cabinets and her oven and putting it in dishes in front of them. Whenever the two unicorns tried to get up, Fluttershy was instantly at their sides to push them firmly back down and put more delicious food in front of them.The two unicorns seemed bemused at this, though they weren’t eating. They just pushed the platters to the side, where Bluenote seemed happy to tuck in. Medley was also there, leaning against one wall with her forelegs crossed.

“But -- isn’t there anything I can get you to convince you not to do this?” begged Fluttershy. “What if you get hurt? What if you get eaten? What if you get hurt and eaten?”

“I think if you’re eaten, it hurts, by definition,” said Medley.

Lyra firmly pushed away the food. “Fluttershy, we appreciate it, but we’re not interested. We’ve got to go save the world.”


Vinyl laughed. “Besides, do you really think a couple of rinky-dinky monsters can stand up to the greatest DJ in all Equestria?”

“And the best bard!”

Medley rolled her eyes. “You’re certainly the best at talking about it, anyway.”

Vinyl winked. “That’s part of the gig, Meddy.”

“Please don’t call me that.”

Octavia coughed. “Um... is something going on?”

The ponies turned to look at her.

“Oh. You’re up.” Medley scowled. “Why are you still in town? Any sane pony in your position would be headed back to Canterlot by now.”

“I could not leave. Not now,” said Octavia. She looked at Lyra. “How are you going to save the world?”

“Better question -- who cares?” asked Medley. She turned to Bluenote. “Look, we came to find wayward foals who got split off from their parents. We found them, and Applejack is running them home while we look for more. Why are we still here?”

Bluenote thought. “Because the apple turnovers aren’t done yet,” she concluded.

Medley rolled her eyes. “We have important things to do, Bluenote. Come on.”

Bluenote sighed and reluctantly rose, but Fluttershy hurried to block her exit. “Wait! Can’t you talk to them? Tell them not to do it?”

“Do what?” asked Octavia.

“Please don’t get her started,” grumbled Medley.

Lyra’s horn glowed, and a lyre popped into existence directly in front of her. “Glad you asked!” she said. “Ever hear of the legend of the Elements of Harmony?”

“No,” said Octavia.

Bluenote opened her mouth wide, carefully positioned it over a slice of carrot cake, and ate it in one bite. “Mmph! I think I know that one, Lyra. Aren’t the Elements how Princess Cadance--”

“Who is apparently not even real,” muttered Medley.

“She is real,” insisted Octavia. “And she is better than ten of the tyrants. I don’t care what they say--”

“Ahem!” said Lyra. She began to strum her lyre in an energetic manner, producing a set of brisk  and fast-moving tones. “As I was saying. The Elements of Harmony are this set of ancient magical artifacts that’re really, really powerful. It was even stronger than the alicorns, and the sisters -- before they went crazy -- used them to beat all kinds of evil monsters like Tirek, Grogar, and the Smooze! They even defeated the Chaos God Discord and tore him into a million and five pieces with the power of the Elements!”

“A million and five?” echoed Medley. “What, did somepony count?”

Lyra waved a hoof in the air. “That’s another legend. Anyway, when the tyrants went mad, Princess Cadance decided to use the Elements to stop them. So she carefully positioned the Elements in the ancient Castle of the Alicorns, deep in the heart of the Everfree Forest. Then she sent messages to both sisters to tell them to meet her at the Castle.” The music began to shift over different keys, becoming unpredictable and even faster. “She told Burning Sun that she was on her side, and that she would give her a weapon at the Castle in exchange for being protected when the Sun took over the nation. And of course the letter to Nightmare Moon was reversed, pledging allegiance to her and so forth.”

Lyra’s horn glowed, and the room darkened a bit. Fluttershy squeaked and dove behind Bluenote, though Octavia noted that she apparently liked the story and music enough to not leave the room. The bard continued: “As that fateful day dawned, both sisters were furious. One of Burning Sun’s key cities had just defected to Nightmare Moon, tearing down her idols, stripping the gold off their buildings, and erecting a statue of her sister in the town square. She wanted nothing more than to go to that city and burn it to ashes! And Nightmare Moon had just learned that an important foreign ally was taking Burning Sun’s side. She was drawing up plans to shroud that nation in years of permanent darkness, extinguishing even the smallest and weakest candles and lanterns within its borders. Her fury was no less severe than her sister’s, and she was just as eager to finally tear her down and reign supreme in all the land." Lyra's voice became a low hiss. "Oh, they couldn't have been in worse moods when they received those letters."

The music became bright, powerful, almost burning with passion. “Behold, the Burning Sun flew to Canterlot Castle! Fearing traps, she set a powerful magical spell behind her in the inner vestibule, to make sure that Nightmare Moon’s Shadowbolt enforcers couldn’t follow her and catch her by surprise -- but she never suspected that her downfall would come, not from without, but within the castle.” The music grew soft, dissonant, and creeping. “Nightmare Moon arrived scarce moments later. Like her sister, she placed a magical trap to deter pursuers. But, also like her sister, she never suspected that she might need to fear the young Cadance. And so she went on ahead--”

“What about Burning Sun's trap?” asked Medley. “Wouldn’t it have gone off?”

Lyra shrugged, then continued with gusto. “When both alicorns were in the throne room, they saw each other and cried out that they had been betrayed! At that moment, Cadance came in from another door, sealing off the room as she did so. She dropped to her knees and begged them to set their feud aside, to live in peace and stop harming the other ponies with their fights. But neither would give up the fight. Both insisted the nation was to be hers and hers alone. And both vowed that the other -- and Cadance -- would never leave the throne room alive.”

The music built to a loud and fierce climax. “Burning Sun readied her hottest flames! Nightmare Moon prepared her most devious magics! But before either of them could cast so much as a single cantrip, Cadance rose. Around her head she had summoned a single tiara, with six precious jewels in it. These were the Elements of Harmony, retrieved from whatever hiding places the alicorns had found for them. And when the Elements activated, all other magic in the room vanished like a puff of smoke in a strong breeze. Nothing could overpower the pure magic of Harmony itself.

“Cadance rose with a mighty flap of her wings!” continued Lyra, leaping to her hind hooves. “She told them their actions had harmed innocent ponies for far too long already, and that their reigns of terror were over. She would use the Elements to strip them of their powers and imprison them, until such time as they ceased their feud. Both alicorns protested, but they could do nothing else. The Elements extinguished even their greatest magics."

Lyra played a loud, bright chord, seeming to resound throughout the room with its power. “Cadance's horn glowed! The Elements flashed! And, in the very next moment, Nightmare Moon found herself imprisoned within the very moon itself, and Burning Sun within in the core of the sun. The land was once again at peace.”

She finally slowed her lyre music down to a more moderate tempo. “Now,” she said. “The tyrants are back. Vinyl and I are going to go to the old Castle, where Cadance left the Elements one thousand years ago. We’re going to find them, and use them, and make sure those nasty tyrants don’t hurt any more ponies!” She grinned. “Right?”

“RIGHT!” screamed Vinyl, jumping to her hooves. “We are gonna ROCK! Those alicorns won’t know what hit them!”

“...I hate to raise the obvious point,” said Octavia. “But if the location of these 'Elements' is known and they are still useful, I would be quite surprised if Princess Cadance or her Guards were not already en route to retrieve them.”

“She’s trying to protect the citizens from the tyrants, so she's not going to have time to grab 'em,” said Vinyl. “Same with the Guards. And the tyrants’ll be fighting each other instead of trying themselves." She grinned fiercely. "We've got just enough time to get there first and save the day."

“The Everfree is full of dangerous monsters,” said Medley. “What if you get eaten?” Concern crossed her voice. “Or lost? That forest is huge.”

Vinyl grinned. “They can bring it on. We’ll take ‘em.”

“We have to try,” said Lyra. “For Equestria! And for Cadance! And all the ponies we love!”

Bluenote smiled. “It sounds like you think it will be fun.”

“Of course! Forget telling legends, we’re going to star in one!” said Lyra. “It’ll be epic!”

Medley sighed. “Look, are you two boneheads really set on doing this?”

“Yep!” said Vinyl.

“...fine. I’ll come too.” She looked away. “You’re two of my best customers; I can’t just let you get eaten. It’d be bad for my margins.”

“Alright!” said Lyra, jumping up, vaulting the table, and embracing Medley in a tight hug. “You’ll be a great addition to the team!”

“Ack!” choked Medley.

“I’ll go too,” said Bluenote. She smiled. “I always try to make the foals happy... can’t let them get all scared by the tyrants, can I?” She nodded. “I’m not the strongest pony out there, but I’ve got a few skills.”

“The more, the merrier,” said Vinyl. “Let’s go!”

Fluttershy froze, eyes darting around frantically. “But... but...”

“Hey.” Lyra approached Fluttershy and gently hugged her. “Relax. We’ll be fine. I promise.”

“No, you won’t! There’s so many monsters and strange spooky creatures, and...” She took a deep breath. “Ifyou’regoingI’mgoingtoo!” she yelped.

“You are?” said Medley. “No offense, Flutters--”

“I’ve been in the forest with my animals,” said Fluttershy. “I know some of the paths, and how to avoid some of the monsters, and...”

“If you don’t want to go, you don’t need to.” Bluenote helped guide her to a chair. “Nopony will think less of you.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “You need my knowledge and help, and... I can’t turn away a needy pony.” She took several deep breaths. “I’ll go with you.”

“Fluttershy.” Lyra approached the yellow pony. “That’s very brave of you.”

“I’m not brave, I’m really scared...”

“Here.” Lyra guided Fluttershy’s head to her shoulder. “If you get scared in the forest, or sad, or anything else, you just come right here, okay? Just put your head right here. I’ll protect you, and if you cry or anything, I’ll never tell another pony. You can count on it.” She hugged the yellow pegasus. “Got it?”

Fluttershy embraced her. “Yes...”

“Time’s a wasting,” Vinyl announced. She leapt to her hooves. “Everypony, let’s go!”

“Oh!” said Fluttershy, as she began to follow Lyra. “Octavia, I almost forgot. Er... will you be alright by yourself?”

“Myself?” said Octavia. She had watched the scene silently, but hadn’t considered what would happen after they left. “I... I mean, I suppose...”

“Great!” said Lyra. “We’ll come back for you once we’ve saved the world, Octavia. Hey, maybe you could write a song about it!”

Octavia felt like she was frozen as the ponies began to leave.

“What’s to eat in the forest?” Bluenote asked. “Anything good?”

“Oh, yes... the Apples got their first zap apples from there. They’re the best apples in Equestria,” said Fluttershy. “I always buy a pallet for my animal friends.”

“Can you actually fight?” Medley asked Lyra. “In case we run into trouble?”

“Sure! I’ve got some skills. I know hoof fu!”

There was a pause.

“Well, I’ve read about it in books. But don’t worry. I can hold my own!”

Octavia opened her mouth, paused, and shut it again. She was seized with a sudden fear of doing anything but standing still while they left. A small voice in her mind told her that what she was considering was idiotic, that she should escape as soon as they left and try to find transportation back to Canterlot, and then Chenneigh. She could go home, go to her room...

And resume her life alone.

“WAIT!” she screamed.

The five mares turned, Vinyl’s hoof inches from the door. “What?” asked Medley.

“Please let me come with you!” Octavia threw herself down in front of them. “Please!”

“Why?” the green pegasus asked.

Octavia’s mouth felt like it was filled with mud. She moved her lips, but no sound came out.

“You’re a noble heir, right? You’ve lived your life in luxury. You can’t hike, you can’t get through a forest, you can’t fight, and you don’t know the terrain,” snapped Medley.

“Medley--” began Bluenote.

“No. This isn’t a game, Philharmonica, and it’s not about you. We have a job to do, and if we take you along, it’ll just make it harder.”

“No!” protested Octavia. “I am strong. I am tenacious. I can help you. And...”

The words began to burst from her.

“And I don’t want the world to end before I do something good for another pony!” She didn’t dare look up at them. “I have lived my life in isolation... I have never touched anypony. I want to, just once, do something for somepony else. I know this is a selfish request, I know that I have no right to ask anything of you, after the way I treated the five of you, but... please... let me come with you. Let me at least try to do the right thing.”

For a moment the room was silent, except for a few tears that spilled from Octavia’s eyes and plinked off the wooden floor.

“I was the third child,” she said. “Since my foalhood, I knew I would never be asked to amount to anything. My eldest sister was the heir, my middle sister was the backup... I would have a life of leisure, with no need to consider what service I could render others. I... I should have been better. I should have fought that belief instead of giving into it, but I didn’t. I gave myself over to my own passions, acted only for my own pleasure, and forgot that music is only meaningful if it has an audience. And now it is too late for me to go back and change it... but.” She took a ragged breath. “If I can help you, if I can help save the country, I can make up for some of my mistakes. I can show that I’m not worthless, I can prove that Princess Cadance did not make a mistake in selecting me, I can...”

She trailed off. “Please,” she repeated. “If you can find it in your hearts, please let me come with you.”

And then there were ponies on either side of her, helping her rise. When she looked up, she saw that Lyra was on one side, and Bluenote on the other, both helping her get back on her hooves. Fluttershy and Vinyl were in front of her, smiling.

“Course you can help us,” said Vinyl. “Glad to have you onboard.” She gave Octavia’s back a hearty thump with a hoof. “I’m sure you’ll be just as awesome as the rest of us.”

Fluttershy smiled at that. “If you’re willing to risk yourself to help protect everypony, I think we’d be silly not to let you come.”

“Yeah!” said Lyra. “You’re alright, Tavi.” And Bluenote giggled.

Medley frowned, but didn’t say anything.

Bluenote turned to the green mare. “Come on,” said said. “Haven’t you ever hurt somepony by mistake?”

Medley let out a long sigh. “Fine. She can come.”

“Alright!” said Lyra. “The six of us, against the forest and the tyrants! No way can we lose!”

“Six musicians?” said Medley, her voice skeptical.

“Six awesome ponies,” corrected Vinyl. “That’s all that matters.”

Bluenote chuckled. “Knew we’d end up working together someday,” she told Octavia.

Octavia nodded. “I... thank you. All of you,” she told them. She bowed her head. “I swear I will do my utmost to make our quest successful.”

Vinyl brought her hoof back to the door. “Well,” she said. “What are we waiting for?"

"Nothing!" said Lyra. A big smile spread across her face. "Let’s go save the world!”