Derpy's Royal Delivery

by Twiggles6

The Assignment

“Princess Celestia, please reconsider!” Shining Armor said, stamping his hoof for emphasis. “You don’t need to go through with this!”

“Well then it’s for the best that I don’t intend to.” Celestia said, keeping her calm demeanor. “You don’t have to worry for my safety, Shining Armor.”

“I was the captain of the guard. Doesn’t that count for something?” Shining Armor asked.

“Of course it does.” Celestia said with a nod. “But you are no longer captain of the guard. That duty has fallen to Captain Spearhead.”

“I know that!” Shining snapped. “I was the one who recommended him, remember?”

“Of course. And I value your advice every bit as much now as I did then.” Celestia said. “But I will not be going anywhere. After all, I have royal duties that must be attended to. Isn’t the same true for you, Crystal Prince?” She asked, raising an eyebrow at Shining.

“I- I mean- Don’t change the subject!” Shining Armor said. “If you really aren’t going, then who is? I know you well enough to be sure that you aren’t going to let this matter rest.”

“I’ve already sent for a courier.” Celestia said. “Now we just need to wait and see if she will accept the job.”

“Who is it?” Shining Armor asked. “Am I correct in guessing that it’s one of the Elements?”

“Your Majesty!” One of the many guards interrupted. “I apologize for the interruption, but there is a rather odd pegasus at the door requesting an audience. She bears your seal.”

“I believe our new guest is about to answer both of our questions, Shining.” Celestia said before raising her head to the guard. “Let her enter. I’m expecting her.”

“Yes, your Majesty.” The guard said with a nod as he turned and signaled to the door guards to open up. As the door slowly opened, it revealed Derpy standing in the middle of the doorway, looking up in awe. Her eyes seemed to be watching both doors open at once as her mouth gaped a little wider each second.

“You’re kidding.” Shining Armor said as he gaped at the awestruck pegasus.

Suppressing a chuckle, Princess Celestia addressed the visitor. “Hello, Derpy Hooves. I was hoping you would come.” She said, drawing Derpy’s attention to the princess. “Please, approach the throne.”

Derpy took a few nervous steps towards the princess, glancing around at the guards flanking the carpet leading up to the throne. About three quarters of the way across the room, Derpy stopped and looked more closely at one of the guards. “Why do all of you look the same?” She asked, moving closer to the guard.

The white stallion showed no sign of even having heard the question. He did not even glance in Derpy’s direction.

“Hello? Are you awake in there?” Derpy asked as she waved a hoof in front of the guard’s face. Again, there was no reaction. “Are you okay, mister? You don’t even look like you’re breathing.” She said as she poked the stallion. When she did, the guard turned his head and looked directly down at Derpy. “Eep!” Derpy yelped as she flew away and hid behind Shining Armor.

“Ahem.” Shining coughed as he glared slightly at the trembling mare behind him.

“Heh heh. Sorry.” Derpy said, blushing slightly as she floated over to a position in front of the throne and bowed to Celestia.

“Please rise, Derpy.” Celestia said with a little laugh. “There’s no need to be quite so formal.” She said as Derpy rose to her hooves.

“Um. I’m here about your message, Princess Celestia.” Derpy said. “You wanted me to deliver something for you?”

“Indeed, and it is a message of the utmost importance.” Celestia said, standing up and walking towards Derpy. “There is a kingdom in the distant north, ruled by a powerful and respected queen. Despite her power though, her kingdom is dying.”

“Good riddance, I say.” Shining Armor scoffed.

“Shining!” Celestia said, turning and narrowing her eyes at Shining Armor. “Please, have some respect.”

Shining sighed. “Yes, Princess Celestia.” He said through gritted teeth.

“There’s another kingdom besides the Crystal Empire up north?” Derpy asked.

“Indeed.” Celestia said with a nod. “The Crystal Empire resides in the tundra, while this kingdom is located in the badlands to the west of there.”

“With respect, I’d suggest we let them stay there.” Shining Armor said.

“Shining Armor!” Celestia said, again glaring at the stallion. “I believe we are fully aware of your position on this issue. Now if you would kindly allow me to explain the situation without interruptions, I would be most grateful.”

Shining was going to protest, but saw the wisdom in reconsidering. He promptly closed his mouth and watched silently.

“The ponies of this kingdom are very different from us, yet they also have much that they can contribute to Equestria. However, our kingdoms have butted heads in the past.” Celestia said with some sorrow in her voice. “I would like you to be the one to deliver my proposition of peace to them.”

“I don’t know.” Derpy said, looking down. “I’m not really the best flyer in the mail system. I’m sure you could do better than me.”

“On the contrary.” Celestia said with a smile. “I’m not too concerned with the message getting there with great speed. Rather, your other talents are the reason that I asked for you specifically.”

“I don’t really have any other talents.” Derpy said. “I don’t even really understand what my cutie mark means.” She said, looking back at her flank and being confronted with the same confusing image of bubbles.

“Who knows?” Celestia asked. “Maybe you’ll learn something about yourself on this journey as well. I’m willing to present you with anything from the Canterlot treasury in return for this service.”

“Anything?!” Both Derpy and Shining Armor exclaimed.

“Yes. Any one item from the treasury.” Celestia confirmed. “I certainly don’t need all of it, and this is a very important assignment. I won’t lie to you though. It may be dangerous.”

“May be?” Shining asked. “Aren’t you even going to tell her where you’re sending her? She’s basically walking into a manticore’s den.”

“That is not true.” Celestia said. “I would never put one of my subjects in unnecessary danger. You will be looking for the kingdom of the changelings.” She said, causing Derpy to gasp in surprise.

“The changelings?” Derpy asked. “Aren’t they the ones that attacked Canterlot during the royal wedding?”

“Yes.” Celestia said with a nod. “And that is why Shining Armor is so vocal about the situation.”

“Even if it wasn’t my wedding that was almost destroyed, I would still be against this decision!” Shining Armor said, stomping his hoof again. “They launched a full-scale invasion of Canterlot. They kidnapped my wife and my little sister. They even defeated and imprisoned you!”

“And I might have done the same thing in their position.” Celestia said, causing Shining to stumble briefly.

“You must be joking!” Shining exclaimed.

“When the safety of my subjects is at stake, I do not joke.” Celestia said, taking this chance to stomp her hoof. “The changeling hive would make a much better ally than enemy, wouldn’t you agree?”

“I- I just don’t trust them. That’s all.” Shining said, looking down as if he was a young colt being scolded by his mother.

“Yes, Shining.” Celestia said. “It is alright. I understand your reasons, but I also know that we can get through to them if we just give them a chance. Our people have not gone to war since my sister’s rampage, and I will do anything that I can to keep it that way.”

“Yes, Princess Celestia.” Shining said. “I’m sorry for my outbursts.”

“I know that this is a sensitive subject for you.” Celestia said. “But please trust that I have everything under control. You should return to your own castle. I’m sure that the crystal ponies have need of their prince.”

“Yes Princess Celestia.” Shining Armor sighed as he left the room, his head hung low.

“I know he means well, but he needs to understand that one incident does not mean we should remain enemies with them forever.” Celestia said. “Everyone deserves a second chance. My sister taught me that.” She said with a smile.

“So when should I start out for this delivery?” Derpy asked. “I’m guessing it’s pretty far away.”

“The fastest way would be to take the train to the Crystal Empire. From there, you will have to walk or fly.” Celestia said. “There is no immediate rush, so please focus on keeping yourself safe and being careful.”

“Is anybody coming with me?” Derpy asked.

“No. I can’t risk a diplomatic incident by sending any soldiers or the elements of harmony.” Celestia said, shaking her head. “You will have to do this on your own. Will you still go?”

Derpy bowed before the princess. “I would be happy to help.” She said.

“Thank you very much, Derpy.” Celestia said. For a second, Derpy thought she saw the princess breathe a sigh of relief. “I have every confidence that you will succeed in your mission. I will have the message sent to you tomorrow morning, along with a mailbag embroidered with the royal insignia. Make sure that it gets to the Queen of the hive. Nopony else is to read it until she does.”

“Sure thing, Princess Celestia.” Derpy said, nodding in acknowledgement.

“You may leave to make the delivery whenever you are ready.” Celestia said. “Just make sure that you’re prepared for the journey.”

“Will do, princess.” Derpy said with a salute. “You can count on me!” She said as she quickly flew out of the throne room and toward home.