Rosario + Vampony

by CountDerpy

The One Who Smells of Muffins and Blood or The First Day (Part 2)

Ms. Pie giggled at the stallion's comment. "Silly, you know that this is the most protected building in all of Equestria. Even if a pony where to discover the location of our school, even by accident, they would be executed on the spot." She said with a light hearted chuckle.

Whooves was shaking like a madmare. No....this can't be...if they find out that I'm a pony... they'll kill me! He lowered his head to his desk, making sure that if they were to notice his normalcy, his death would be quick. Unfortunately, from his perspective, his wish never came. The attention of the room shifted from the teacher's lecture to the entry way as the thin door slid open.

Whooves only noticed the voice that echoed through the room, but knew immediately who it was.

"S-sorry I'm late, I kinda got lost after the ceremonies and ended up in a well." The voice said in a light and airy tone, a small giggle hidden behind it's embarrassment.

"It's alright, just find a seat anywhere." Pinkie said, a smile easily visible in her tone. "Thank you for being so polite."

Whooves slowly raised his head, looking to confirm his suspicions about the voice. His eyes instantly fell upon the same grey mare that slammed into him earlier. The entire room's eyes had fallen upon her, all of the stallions and mares in awe of her beauty. She had even gained the attention of the large white stallion with the unquenchable thirst for pony death.

She continued her walk down the rows of desks until her eyes fell upon Whooves. They instantaneously lost their embarrassment and lit up bright with excitement. "Whooves!"

He glanced back up from his desk, just in time to see Derpy's form launching at him like a rocket. He didn't even have time to react before a brick wall of mare slammed into him...for the second time today.

Whooves finally came too a few minutes later, but the scenery had greatly changed from the classroom he had been in moments before. He now found himself walking down a large hallway full of the strange inhabitants of the school, a heavy pressure on his shoulder. He turned his head slightly, a blonde mane nearly slapping him in the face. He wasn't sure that what was going on was a curse or a blessing, as he turned his head away from the strange mare that had found his being several times today.

"This is a nice place, isn't it Whooves?" Derpy asked, her head tilting to allow her large blonde eyes to fall upon the brown pony.

Whooves looked at her, their eyes connecting just long enough for Whooves to realize one irrefutable fact about Derpy.

She was beautiful....

"Whooves?" She said, making sure that she got hold of his attention.

Whooves shook his head before looking back at her. "Yeah, it is I guess."

He knew that he wanted to say more than that, but under the given circumstances, he wasn't in the right state of mind to say anything else. He was more focused on staying alive and the angry glares and murmurs that were directed his way from the horde of jealous onlookers that filled the halls.

The two continued to walk down the hall until a figure thwarted their plans of continuing further. "Hello there."

Whooves looked up at the stallion, his happy thoughts of survival instantly changing to feelings of dread while his mind spelled out his last will and testament.

The stallion glanced at Derpy with a grin. "The name is Bulk Biceps, don't forget it and don't laugh." He grinned as walked towards them. "So, what is a beautiful mare like you," he said as he pulled Whooves away from Derpy and held him up by his hoof, "doing with a weak thing like this?"

Whooves stared in shock at Snowflake. No way! He's lifting me like I'm a feather! What the hell is he!?Before his mind could completely register that he was being flung to the side, the large concrete wall of the hallway was smashing against his face.

Snowflake gave a halfhearted chuckle before turning his attention back to Derpy. "Why don't you ditch the stick and come hang out with a real stallion? Eh?"

Derpy scoffed before walking over to the Doctor and helping him to his hooves. "Sorry, I don't hang out with jerks." She said as she started of down a side hall, nearly dragging Whooves as she went. Before to long they were out of sight, and the commotion in the hall had all but died down.

Snowflake smirked. "Well you better enjoy that twerp...while he lasts. Hehehe."

"Wow, that was a close one." She said looking over at the semi conscious stallion that was now propped up against the wall. "Wasn't it?"

Whooves stumbled a bit to regain his ground before looking back at her with a fake smile. "Yeah it was.... Hey Derpy, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Why are you helping me out? I mean, I'm just an average guy...nothing special." He said. Hell, I've never even had a real conversation with a girl before now!

"Don't say that!" She snapped. "You're hardly average to me!"

Whooves was shocked to hear some pony say that, especially a girl. "R-really?" He said as a bright red blush spread across his cheeks.

"Of course. Besides"

"I what?"

"You......already let me drink your blood!" She said with a giggle. " It was a lot better than I have drunk out of transfusion bags! Oh the flavor..the was almost as good as my mother's triple chocolate banana blood muffins!"

Whooves was shocked, but this time not in a good way. "WHAT AM I! THE 5:00 SPECIAL AT THE CAFETERIA!"

" you were the first..." She said as she kicked at the ground with her hoof and blushed. "You're the first pony I have drank from, and a girl never forgets her first time."

Whooves blushed again and felt his hooves go jelly legged as he stood there, staring at her. His heart was beating at a thousand miles an hour, and his head was rushing. "Derpy...I..."

She giggled before pushing him away. "Oh, stop it! You're making me blush!" She started off down the hallway towards the exit. "Lets finish exploring! Come on!"

Derpy took off ahead of the Doctor, while he slowly pulled himself out of the intention that his body had made in the wall after being pushed away. Wow, she' strong...

A few hours later...

Whooves was glad when the pace of the day had finally slowed down. After running around the school grounds and into creepy students, seeing strange art work and sculptures that were in every courtyard, and having a brief encounter with a drink machine the he was sure that it had tried to bite his hoof off, it was a well needed break. At least it is almost time to settle down for the night...I wonder what the dorms are like.

He lost his train of thought when Derpy squealed a few feet ahead of him, the sound alarming him as he ran over to her. "What is it!?"

"Look!" she said as she pointed her hoof toward a clearing through the trees. Whooves looked over, his eyes widening at the sight of a large, run down, and more than likely haunted building that sat in the middle of the clearing. It was surrounded by a large and very spikey gothic cast iron fence, the gate rusted and barely hanging on by a single hinge. He looked back over to Derpy, who had the largest smile on her face. "Those must be the dorms!" She exclaimed with glee. "Have you ever seen a building with such....personality!"

"Personality!?" He nearly yelled. "Are we both looking at the same run down dump!"

"What do you mean? This building is a monsters paradise!" She said giving him a curious look. "By the way, what kind of monster are you?"

Whooves froze dead in his tracks. He hadn't been expecting to be asked that, and it was a question he did not have an answer for, knowing what it would mean if he told the truth. "Me...I'm a...I'm a..."

Derpy gasped and covered her mouth. "Oh, I'm sorry! I forgot it was against the school rules to tell! Just forget I asked okay?"

"Oh, It's ok! It's fine! No harm done!" He said with a laugh, playing it off as if it were nothing more than a misunderstanding. This did however get him thinking about something. "But, I have to say, you look like a regular pony all around. Are you really a..Vampony?"

Derpy giggled. "Oh, you know I am! I may look normal right now, but when I take this off, I get REALLY scary." She said as she pointed to the cross that hung around her neck.

"What do you mean? What is that?" Asked the Doctor.

"This is my Rosario. It's a cross with a bead that helps keep my power locked away. I don't like causing much trouble, so I don't really mind wearing it." Derpy said with one of the cutest smiles that Whooves has ever seen.

She's so serious...there is no way she can be...or is she...I don't know what I should think here.

Derpy approached him and smiled. "Of course, even with her power locked away, a girl still needs blood." She giggled and hissed playfully.

"Um...Derpy?" He said, blushing bright red as a hoof wrapped around the back of his head and pulled him close.

"Gotcha!" She whispered before sinking her fangs into his neck. Whooves eyes widened and before he knew it...

His scream could be heard a mile away.