An Unexpected Party

by Gallifrey

Apples and Apple Accessories

An Unexpected Party

by Gallifrey

Chapter Three

Apples and Apple Accessories

Rainbow Dash left Twilight a short while later for her home - it was high time for her to have a nap. Twilight meanwhile started a journey to Sweet Apple Acres to visit Applejack.
She took the walk easily, it was midday now, and the hot summer Sun glared down on Twilight’s head and back. Little clouds of dust rose from her hooves as she trotted along the dirt track that meandered its way to the farm. She met nopony else on the way down. Apple trees became more frequent as she got closer; she walked round a bend into a field of carrots and a little way off was Big Macintosh with two barrels over his back, each full of water, with small holes at the bottom, watering the carrots as he plodded along.

“Afternoon Miss Twilight!” he called to her, “You visitin’ mah sister?”

“Yes,” Twilight said back, “she is around right?”

“Eyyyyup! She’s round back, by the pond.” He motioned his head to the farmhouse.

“Thank you!”

Twilight picked up her pace as she walked through the farm, and then out behind it. She got to the pond, panting, hot, and sweating.

Applejack was lying down on the long, lush grass by the pond, hat over her head and with her eyes closed; she opened one of them halfway as she heard the swishing of the grass as Twilight approached.

“Well howdy there Twilight,” she said as she stretched, joints popping. “What brings ya round these parts?”

“Well…” said Twilight panting, trying to get her breath back, her purple mane wet and hanging limply against her coat. Applejack looked her over.

“Get in there girl, have a wash in that pond, be sure to get a drink too, you look mighty thirsty.”

“Eww, no way!” said Twilight, looking at the weeds in the water.

“Suit yaself, Ah guess you can use our shower, can’t have you like this all day.”

“Thanks Applejack.”

“T’aint no problem sugar cube,” she said as she got up and walked to the pond, taking a long draught of water. “’S’good stuff ya know, you sure you don’t want any?”

“I’ll pass.”

“Always the same with you la de da ponies,” she said, but giving Twilight a friendly wink.

Applejack led the purple mare round to the front door.

“Bathroom’s upstairs, first on yer left.”

“I know that,” said Twilight, snickering, “the number of times I’ve been here after all.”

“Oh, o’ course! Would you like me to get ya a drink for after?”

“Yes please!” said Twilight eagerly.

“Alrighty, I’ll be back in a jiffy.”

Applejack opened the door for Twilight, and then walked round to the side of the house to the cellar. She opened the doors and descended down the stairs into wonderfully cool air before flicking a light on to illuminate the darkness. She grabbed two bottles of her best apple juice that she reserved for her friends from a shelf and brought them up. She trotted back to the pond and sat down in the cool shade by the trunk of a nearby apple tree, leaning her back against it. She gazed over the water, watching dragonflies dance over its surface. Today was a good day.

Soon, Twilight emerged from the house, with a slightly ruffled and damp mane.

“Feel better hun’?”

“Much better, thank you Applejack.”

“Here ya go, betcha been waitin’ for this,” said the orange cowpony, offering her a bottle of apple juice, glistening with condensation.

“Er, AJ, the bottle top is still on.”

Applejack looked at the juice, then back up to Twilight.

“Don’t you ponies know how t’do anything?” she said incredulously.

She clamped her teeth to the bottle top, twisted forcefully, and then gave the now opened bottle to Twilight. She repeated with her bottle.

“Doesn’t that hurt your teeth?” asked Twilight.

“Not if ya know how ter do it right” Applejack replied, spitting out her own bottle top.

Twilight brought the bottle to her lips. She had forgotten how delicious and crisp the Apple Family juice was, and her thirst made it all the sweeter. Applejack gulped most of it down in one, she drew a hoof across her mouth and smacked her lips.

“That there’s the good stuff,” she said with content, “now Twi’, you were gonna say why you came up here in t’first place.”

Twilight was happily watching a blue butterfly flap its wings lazily around a flowerbed next to the house. She gave her head a little shake.

“Huh? Oh yes. In two weeks it is Princess Celestia’s birthday and Princess Luna wants us to organise a party for her.”

“Well I’ll gladly help in any which way ah can, what d’you want me to do?”

“Would it be alright for you to provide some cider?”

“Why sure thing Twilight,” Applejack looked around cautiously and motioned for Twilight to come closer. “Between you and me, ah can break out the zap apple cider.”

“You make zap apple cider?”

“Yup, but very few ponies know this, ah can trust you to not go telling everypony can’t I? Ah shucks, o’ course I can.”

“That sounds like an excellent idea - the Princess is fond of your zap apple jam after all.”

“Now ah didn’t know that,” said Applejack thoughtfully.

“Yeah, she stocks up on it every year.”

“I’ll have to set some aside for her next time ‘round.”

“I’m sure she’d love that,” said Twilight, stretching. “Thank you for the shower and drink AJ, but I still have much to do today, so I’m going to have to say goodbye.”

“’S’okay sugar cube, it was nice t’see you agin, I better start helping out mah brother anyhow watering them fields.”

Twilight and Applejack got up and walked out to the fields, Applejack with a barrel of water strapped to her back. Twilight bade the orange pony goodbye as they parted ways. Applejack paused in her work a little while later to see a cloud of dust with a purple splodge on the end of it in the distance. She smiled and got back to work.


Twilight plodded back to Ponyville much more slowly this time, it was still a very hot day after all. She was on her way to Rarity’s. As she made her way there the summer heat made her mind start running on autopilot, and she gazed off into the distance with unseeing eyes which eventually drifted to Canterlot. A gear shifted in her mind, and she wondered what the two Princesses were doing right now. She became so lost in her reverie that she wasn’t looking where she was going.

“Oof!” She bumped into something and fell to the floor.

“Oh, Twilight, I’m so sorry!” Fluttershy squeaked, “Let me help you up.”

“It’s my fault Fluttershy, I wasn’t looking where I was going,” said Twilight, taking hold of Fluttershy’s outstretched hoof and getting back up.

“Were you in a hurry?” asked Fluttershy.

“No, just daydreaming, though I am a busy filly today. In fact I wanted to see you at some point. Are you free?”

“Oh yes, I’ve taken care of all my little friends for today.”

“Would you like to come to Rarity’s with me?”

“I’d like that.”

Twilight realised she was back in Ponyville already, and Rarity’s shop was just around the corner. They trotted side by side, Twilight asking Fluttershy what she had been up to today, and she happily recounted how she had been taking care of the animals in and around Ponyville.

“What have you been up to Twilight?” she asked after she’d finished.

“I’ll explain in a minute,” said Twilight.

They were at Carousel Boutique’s door now. Twilight opened it and the little bell above it tinkled.

“Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic, unique and magnifiqu-- Oh, good afternoon girls!” said Rarity, as she turned around from a sewing machine. “What can I do for you?”

“Hello Rarity,” said Twilight, as she and Fluttershy walked up to her. “Would it be alright if you could make some dresses please?”

“But of course darling! For yourself?” Rarity asked, turning back to her sewing.

“No, for the Princesses.”

There was a loud mechanical crunching sound as Rarity’s hoof slipped and jammed the sewing machine.

“F-f-for the Princesses?” she said in horror.

“Er, yes please,” said Twilight.

“W-what if they don’t like them? I’m not sure my designs are good enough for royalty!” she cried as she tried to release the fabric caught in the machine.

“Of course they are Rarity,” said Fluttershy gently, “your dresses are the best in all of Equestria after all.”

Rarity seemed encouraged by the compliment, but she still seemed doubtful.

“I shall try my very best. My, my, these will have to be the two best dresses I’ve ever made! What’s the occasion Twilight?”

“It’s Princess Celestia’s birthday in two weeks.”

Rarity swallowed, then her face became steely.

“I shall do it.”

“Excellent,” said Twilight, “Fluttershy, I thought you could do the music?”

“Um…” said the shy yellow mare pawing the ground, “what, erm, what if it’s like last time Twilight?”

“Ohhhh, well, I’m sure it won’t be,” said Twilight cheerfully.

“Yes dear, you and your little friends just got off on the wrong hoof last time,” said Rarity.

“If- if you say so,” mumbled Fluttershy.

“Would you girls care for some tea?” asked Rarity, hoping to take Fluttershy’s mind away from the Gala.

“Ooooh, yes please,” said Fluttershy, “if it’s no trouble that is.”

“Just a small one please, I had juice at AJ’s earlier.”

“Oh did you? How is dear Applejack?” asked Rarity.

“She’s good, she was asleep around the back.”

“Was she on a break?” asked Fluttershy, “That’s not like her usually.”

“I think it’s the hot weather: nopony is really in the mood to work hard,” said Twilight.

“Why yes,” said Rarity, “you’d get all icky and sweaty if you overexert yourself in weather like this - imagine that!”

“Yes, imagine that,” said Twilight shiftily.

The three girls continued their conversation, talking about their friends’ antics and recent gossip about town. Eventually Twilight took her leave, on account of having studies to do. When she got back to her home, the Sun was low in the sky.
The summer evening air was warm, and Twilight decided to work from her balcony. As she turned a page from a book titled: “The Principles of Magical Levitation,” the Sun began to set, painting the sky with fiery hues. Twilight gave it a look and smiled.