Mare Do Well: The Series

by ShadeJak

Nightmare Night Live!

Mare Do Well leaped out of the way as a metallic, serpentine head lashed forward, snapping its jaws at her before retracting on its long neck. Taking to the air, she avoided a burst of flame that another one breathed at her. How does Big Shot come up with these guys?! She wondered to herself, looking down at her opponent.

Down below, was an earth pony stallion with a metallic harness of some kind with a gem at its center. From its back on four long flexible necks were four large dragonlike mouths. Two of the necks were on the ground propping their master up while the others were angled upward. In the costumed pegasus’ mind, robbery seemed rather beneath someone with this kind of power, really.

“Alright, I guess surrender isn’t something you’re willing to do, is it, Dr. Hydra?” She asked, more then a little annoyed now.

“Not a chance! Dr. Hydra’s many mechanical heads will feast on your body, Mare Do Well!” The crazed villain shouted, sitting down on his haunches as now all four heads lashed out at Mare Do Well, who flew in a zigzag pattern as the heads tore holes in the Manhattan Treasury’s ceiling. Growling, the villain looked around at his surroundings, and the mechanical heads lunged down, each grabbing one of the unconscious guards in its jaws and flinging them at Mare Do Well like projectiles. The pegasus dropped to the ground and caught them, one after the other to insure they landed safely, then her eyes widened as the villain’s mechanical heads grabbed several line post stands and flung them her way. Jumping up over one, sprinting across the next, and ducking the last two, Mare Do Well galloped at her opponent, only to get smacked aside by one of the heads, sending her tumbling into a wall. Before she could stand, a sack of bits slammed her into the wall again, the sack bursting open on impact. Rolling out of the way of the next bag, Mare Do Well took to the air again, avoiding several more of the heavy sacks as they exploded against the walls and ceilings as the villain continued to try and take her down. If she could just get close to him, past those mechanical heads, she could break the power gem and he’d go down quick.

“WHOA!” She barely avoided a sharp chunk of wood one of the heads tore from the desk and flung like a javelin at her, the other three breathing fire her way. Flying straight up, an idea formed. Slamming down on the chunk of wood, she tore it loose, catching it in her forehooves and doing a spin, flinging it at the villain.

As she hoped, the four mechanical heads grouped together to project their master, providing the distraction she needed as they tore wood chunk apart into dust and splinter. As they moved away, Dr. Hydra glanced about, Mare Do Well was gone. Before he even saw it coming, he was bucked from behind, sending him flying through the air and crashing into several tables. “Made you look.” Mare Do Well said, flying right at him and slamming her hoof down on the glass casing over the gem in his armor’s chest, shattering it and crushing the gem inside as the heads raised up, preparing to lunge for her but instead collapsed limply to the ground.

“Dr… Hydra cannot… be defeated… so easily…” The villain muttered weakly.

“That’s what they all say about themselves.” Mare Do Well said matter-of-factly before striking the otherwise helpless pony criminal in the face, knocking him unconscious. “It’s alright, you can all come out now.” She said, and several nervous staff began to come out of their hiding places behind the desks. “I’ll have the city guard in here to deal with him.”

“Thanks, Mare Do Well, we owe you big time.” The unicorn receptionist said, nursing the bruises she’d gotten when the supervillain had first shown up.

“It was nothing. Just doing my job.” Mare Do Well said, rubbing the back of her head and thankful her mask hid her blush. “Anyway, I better go now. Stay safe!” With that, she flew out the door and sped off into the afternoon sky.


Off the coast of Manehattan, another matter was occurring on Alkatrot Island, prison for many of Mare Do Well’s defeated adversaries.

“Well, your lawyer’s case is… unquestionable.” Warden Blackmane said, reading the scrolls. “I suppose I’ve no choice but to have you released. You’ve been in here for quite some time with good behavior so it would seem I’m otherwise unable to make an argument.”

“I understand your concern.” Sonic Boom said with a calm smile. “But believe me, the last thing I want to do is let this chance of freedom and setting things right in my life go to waste.” He said.

“I wish you the best in that, then. Your personal effects will be sent with you as well.” The warden said, though the reluctance in his tone was all to evident.

“Oh, don’t worry, I’m going to make sure anything that needs to be resolved is taken care of.” The unicorn stallion said with a smirk as he walked out the door, escorted by two guards.

Bidding a farewell on the transport boat off the island, Sonic Boom went to his quarters and summoned a quill and scroll. He owed Big Shot a thanks for the lawyers and bail pay. He’d behaved this long and had remained a model inmate to insure this would all be possible. The warden could complain all he wanted but the legal system had won in the end thanks to Big Shot’s manipulations. Looking in the box brought with him, he made a mental note to ask for some gizmonks to assist in repairs for what lay within. He had a new plan in store, and it was going to be a blast for everypony that got caught up with it, a perfect way to keep Mare Do Well occupied or, if he got lucky, removed from the picture completely while he filled out the little ‘shopping list’ from where he’d been directed to go. A better time could not have been chosen with Nightmare Night just around the corner.


Ponyville had gone all out this year, jack-o-lanterns, fake bat and ghost decorations were all around, and at the center of town a large stage was being set up. Rainbow Dash had noticed it was different then last year though. While she’d been mostly out of the loop of the events in town aside from whatever weather conditions were needed thanks to her double-life which left her either out of town, performing her duties, or sleeping, she could tell a lot of changes had been intended. Namely, that the stage seemed to have a lot more sound and lighting equipment being set up. Gems were brought in to power them, and as she lazily rolled over on her cloud, she allowed it to descend closer as curiosity got the best of her.

“Hey, Rainbow Dash!” A female voice she recognized called out from below. After calming down from having been startled, Rainbow turned and saw Vinyl Scratch standing there, looking up at her.

“Oh, hey, Vinyl! Long time no see, what’s up?” Rainbow asked. “What’s with all the crazy stage stuff?”

She could have sworn Vinyl raised an eyebrow at the question. Hard to tell given those huge sunglasses she always wore. The white unicorn deejay frowned slightly.

“You didn’t know? It’s been all over town the past week and a half where have you been?” She asked.

“Ohh, a lotta places…” The cyan pegasus said sheepishly. “Been pulling extra so I don’t do much more then nap around here when I’m not exercising. Guess a lotta ponies heard about my speed and knew how qualified I am for whatever they need when it comes to weather work!”

“I see.” Vinyl replied, Rainbow was unsure if the unicorn believed her story or not. “Well, anyway, this coming Nightmare Night we decided to do a big show for Princess Luna in her honor, ya know, bust up any doubts she might have of everypony being happy to see her on the night that kinda made a boogeymare out of her once and for all. Plus, Pinkie Pie assured me Princess Luna loves my kinda music. She’s been helping set up the party plans, I’m here to deliver the wubs. We’re calling it Nightmare Night Live!” She said with a mischievous smirk.

“Well that sounds pretty awesome, I’ll be glad to show up.” Rainbow said.

“Cool, I’ll look for ya!” Vinyl said. “But till then, I gotta get going, the new equipment should be here by now. Catchya later!” With a farewell wave, Vinyl galloped off in the direction of the ponyville delivery service office, leaving the cyan pegasus alone with her thoughts.

“What’ll I dress as…” She wondered. Her shadowbolt costume from last year was right out, not after the experience at the Wonderbolt Academy. The idea of showing up as Mare Do Well was something she could get away with, especially if any other ponies dressed as her they wouldn’t figure out she was the real deal.

Before she could think any further, a crash was heard, followed by a roar. Rainbow sat straight up and hopped off her cloud, flying straight in the direction of the sound, and from whatever several frightened ponies were fleeing from. Finally, she came across the source of the problem; a large manticore had strayed from the Everfree Forest. The beast swung its paw, knocking a mailbox aside and on closer inspection Fluttershy was there too, flying around it trying to speak to it.

“Excuse me, I don’t know why you’re upset, but I think we should talk this over…” Fluttershy attempted, trying reason first. The beast turned and roared in her face for her efforts, but the yellow pegasus landed on the ground and stood firm. “Fine, you really want to go that road?” She asked in a firm tone, giving her notorious Stare.

Rainbow remained hidden, waiting to see if this worked but ready to intervene if for some reason it did not. The manticore stared back at Fluttershy for a second, motionless, Pegasus mare and winged, scorpion-tailed beast remained in place, gazes locked. Then, Rainbow saw it raising its paw in what she knew to be a killing stroke. Oh no… Flying forward with all her strength, hooves out, Rainbow Dash slammed into the manticore’s side as hard as she could, knocking it clean off its feet and sending it crashing into a tree. The beast looked up for a moment, just in time for Rainbow to hoof it in the face, rendering it unconscious.

Fluttershy shuddered and flew over to Rainbow’s side. “Do you think he’ll be alright? I don’t understand… I’ve never seen a manticore so aggressive. I tried to reason with it, I tried to get it to tell me what was wrong, but he just kept attacking. When I tried the Stare, it didn’t work either… it’s weird but I know I’ve seen that manticore before, and he didn’t seem like he even recognized me.”

“Get some animals to bring him back into the Everfree Forest before he wakes up. I’ll do a patrol and see if I find anything that might explain it.” Rainbow said.

“Will you be alright?” Fluttershy asked. “…And I wouldn’t want you to miss the Nightmare Night Live event… I mean if you were gonna go, that is. I’m probably just gonna stay inside... you know I'm not much of a fan of Nightmare Night.”

“I’ll be fine. I fought a pony with four mechanical hydra heads coming out of his back a few days ago, this’ll be a piece’a cake. Just tell everypony I’m getting ready for Nightmare Night.” Rainbow said with her trademark cocky smirk, and with that, flew off to her cloud home to grab her costume.


“Well, nothing too weird. Well, weirder then what usually happens around here…” Mare Do Well muttered to herself as she looked about. The trees were thick but showed little to no sign of activity. The sun was setting and Nightmare Night celebrations would not be far off. “Better go report back. A big nothing.” She said with a sigh. As she turned, she then noticed rustling of the trees down below and flew closer to get a better look. Entering through the canopy, she descended onto a branch and saw several timberwolves sprinting through the woods, right in the direction of Ponyville!

“Not while I’m around!” Mare Do Well declared, swooping down and slamming into one of the timberwolves, causing it to shatter, then drawing into her belt, sending several flashbombs flying to blow up the others. The timberwolves turned and snarled at her.

“Don’t worry, plenty of fun for everyone!” Mare Do Well said, handing on the ground as the remaining beasts growled at her. One lunged, but the costumed pegasus flew over it, flinging another flash bomb into the back of its neck, causing its head to fall off. The last one howled, and the pieces of the others began to feed into its body, making it much larger. The gigantic timberwolf turned and swiped its paws at her, snarling. Mare Do Well zipped about, avoiding the attacks and taking up her last flashbomb, flinging it into the beast’s mouth as it opened. The bomb went off inside its jaws, taking the beast's entire head with it.

“Blech…” Mare Do Well muttered, the creature’s infamously foul breath making her want to hurl. Timberwolves may fight hard but they go down easy when somepony knew how to handle them. “Well, that takes care of—“ She paused, hearing more sounds and flew straight up to get a better look. Her eyes widened in horror behind the mask as she saw an entire army of timberwolves moving through the forest, all of them heading for Ponyville. Too many of them, she’d have to get the warning to Ponyville first. Turning, she flew as fast as she could back to town.

As soon as she was gone, the timberwolves’ ears perked and they paused, and finally a larger one approached, with Shockwave on its back. “My new system’s worked like a charm.” The helmeted unicorn said with a chuckle. “Let’s see how you fare against an army of these… Nightmare Night will be the event of a lifetime for that backward little hamlet.” His horn glowed, and a brief whistle sound emanated from his armor and all the Timberwolves turned as one to look at him. “We march out now! We’ll deal with Mare Do Well and Ponyville before she has a chance to mount a counter-strike! Let's give 'em a show that's sure to stay number one on Equestria's list!” He declared, and the timberwolves let out a howl, then broke into a run. As he rode, the costumed unicorn looked at the saddlebag he had with him, the necessary herbs he’d been requested, he’d have to send that off too somehow…


Getting up off the ground, Rainbow Dash searched frantically for her mask and hat. Due to the urgency of her arrival, she had not really bothered with a decent landing speed and had paid for it with an embarrassing tumble. “Gotta hurry…” She said to herself, finally finding her mask and hat and grabbing them up.

“Rainbow Dash?” Lyra asked, her and Bonbon standing just a few feet from her.

“Uhhhh, hey, Lyra, look I know what this looks like but—“

“No offense, Rainbow, but your Mare Do Well costume could use a little work. You look like you rolled around in the woods in it.” Bonbon remarked. Rainbow then noticed both ponies were wearing Mare Do Well costumes as well, with fake wings attached and minus the mask and hat, which she suspected were in the saddlebags they carried.

“Yeah, I’ll keep that in mind.” Rainbow said with a laugh. “Still, I know I look awesome in it either way.” The two mares shrugged from Rainbow's usual cockiness and continued off to their destination.

Sliding her mask and hat back on, Mare Do Well flew towards where the stage was. She had to get the warning out right away.

“Alright, ponies, as we wait for Princess Luna’s arrival, let’s start this night with a hit from Deadhor5!" Vinyl declared, dressed in a black suitcoat with a helmet that had random light colors go across it and raising up a disk to many cheers as the lights beamed about, only to suddenly get knocked over by Mare Do Well, sending her helmet rolling away.

“What in the bucking Tartarus?!” Vinyl demanded, getting up as Mare Do Well simply glanced at her, guessing the deejay assumed she was another pony just dressing up as the superheroine rather then the real deal, and approached the mic.

“Listen, we have to stop this party! There’s a whole army of timberwolves on the way here! We need anypony who can fight ready to handle this!” Mare Do Well ordered, greeted only by silence.

“Real clever! You actually had us going there!” One pony shouted with a laugh.

“Best Mare Do Well impersonation here. I almost bought it for a second!” Bonbon said to Lyra, impressed.

“Still, interrupting Vinyl for a Mare Do Well impression’s a little extreme.” Lyra mused.

Mare Do Well growled in annoyance, they clearly assumed this was some kind of Nightmare Night joke or an attempt to outshine the ponies who’d chosen to dress as Mare Do Well for Nightmare Night. She needed a way to convince somepony here… she looked over at Vinyl, who now that she had neither helmet nor shades on, looked more then a little annoyed.

“Vinyl, it’s really me.” She said, approaching.

“Right. Get in line with the others.” The white unicorn said, it was evident she wasn’t particularly happy with this disruption especially if it was a joke or some attempt at an impersonation.

“Vinyl, your old rival Sonic Boom trashed a club you had a gig at and took you to an old music studio, I came and saved you, beat him with a tornado and a good blow to the face. I recall finding and having your shades returned to you.” Mare Do Well said sternly, causing a guilty look to pass the deejay’s face as she realized she was in fact talking to the real deal.

“Oh, Celestia’s mane, I’m so sorry…” Vinyl said. “What do you need me to do?”

“Back me up here!” Mare Do Well whispered, Vinyl nodded and took the mic.

“She’s not lying, ponies. This is the real Mare Do Well, which has to mean no tricks I can totally vouch here. This is a serious threat, so we gotta—“

Before Vinyl could finish, a loud thumping of many heavy footsteps could be heard, birds were clearing from the Everfree Forest’s outskirts and out of the trees, many glowing green eyes were visible; the foul odor that told everypony there that Mare Do Well’s claims were true was soon smelt, and the creatures slowly emerged, letting out low growls.

“…hope for a decent plan here.” Vinyl said, her eyes wide in horror.

“Get the fillies and colts inside now!” Mare Do Well ordered into the mic where Vinyl levitated it. Anypony who can fight timberwolves, stay here. We’ll gonna need all the help we can get.” Many ponies scattered, though she noticed a few who stayed, all of them in Mare Do Well costumes, causing her to grimace a little. “This is no time for jokes! Unless you’re able to handle this, get inside!” She yelled.

“Oh, we’re plenty capable.” One earth pony Mare Do Well said in a low tone that had a suspiciously familiar southern accent.

“Just let us help out! We’ll be glad to turn those mean ol’ timberwolves into firewood!” another earth pony Mare Do Well said in a familiarly perky voice.

“No need to underestimate us.” The third one said, and the Mare Do Well on stage knew she didn’t have to guess who that one was to know it was Twilight. Rarity was probably passed out at the Boutique after having had to fill as many orders as she had for Mare Do Well costumes this night, including one sent to Canterlot of all places.

“We’re here to help.” A pegasus Mare Do Well that she could have sworn was Cloudchaser said, flying down, joined by another who she was certain was Lime Jelly. Rainbow grinned under the mask. She had her own army forming now! Her eyes widened though, as a large stallion in a customized male variant of a Mare Do Well costume came over and joined the growing group.

“You too, huh?” She asked flatly, raising an eyebrow and cocking her head behind the mask.

“Eeyup.” The male Mare Do Well costumer said.

“Alright, Mare Do Wells! Let’s teach these timberwolves a lesson!” Mare Do Well shouted, raising a hoof and the others did the same and charged the waiting beasts, who after a moment, began to charge them. “Everypony, pick a partner and bust them up!” Mare Do Well ordered, choosing the one in the center who was taller then the others, the other Mare Do Wells engaging the many others. Cloudchaser and Lime Jelly flew circles around their chosen opponents, swooping in and taking several strikes to knock chunks of their bodies away. Twilight moved about, narrowly dodging several strikes from her foe’s sharp claws and teleporting away as it attempted to chomp on her, firing several blasts of magic into its mouth and causing it to burst apart. That one gone, she moved on to another.

“Over here!” One of the earth pony Mare Do Well’s taunted in a giddy tone as the timberwolf slashed its paw at her, missing as she hopped right atop it. “Nope, missed me!” She said, bouncing again as the timberwolf slapped its other paw down attempting to crush her. It opened its paws apart finding nothing there. “Whatcha lookin’ at?” The earth pony Mare Do Well asked from its shoulder, and before it could turn its head in response, she’d somehow produced a small cannon she didn’t have before and blasted its head off with an explosion of confetti, candy, and cake supplies. “Ewww… hope that freshens your breath if you rebuild yourself!” She said, bouncing down idly as the rest of the body slowly fell apart.

The other earth pony Mare Do Well and the large stallion Mare Do Well were driven flank-to-flank by a pair of timberwolves they’d been fighting, both looked back at one-another, then as the beasts reared back and lunged their jaws forward, the two costumed ponies immediately turned around, delivering powerful bucks that shattered the beasts heads into dust and splinter on impact.

“Nice work!” The second earth pony Mare Do Well said, smirking under the mask.

“Eeyup.” The stallion Mare Do Well replied before they went off to face some more of the invaders.

Mare Do Well, the lead Mare Do Well, flew overhead, fighting what she could tell to be the pack leader. With all her speed, Rainbow pushed herself as hard as she could, smashing off parts of its body and striking its neck as much as she could, trying to knock its head off. The creature leaped in the air, swatting her and sending her spinning, but the costumed pegasus recovered, and with one powerful divebomb, shattered its neck, sending its head and body crashing to the ground, both shattering apart on impact. Looking around, she saw her disguised friends were handling themselves well against the others. “Now to find out who’s behind this…” She said aloud, when she was suddenly blasted aside by a burst of concussive force.

“That won’t take you very long, Mare Do Well…” A familiar, synthesized voice said. Mare Do Well turned, and there stood Shockwave, his helmet slid apart for a moment, revealing his sneering face before closing back up again.

“Shockwave!” She yelled, standing back up.

“Expecting Decepto? I’m sure he seemed more the type for a night like this didn’t he?” Shockwave said with a laugh. “But no, I’m the one who made early parole. Nopony but me makes a hit like this after promising to tie up some loose ends, especially when starting with you…” The costumed villain approached, the blue pads on his hooves starting to glow. However this went, he’d already handled at least part of his mission once the mailpony visited one of the mailboxes he’d passed on the way into town.

“Shoulda stayed in Alkatrot.” Mare Do Well said coldly, spreading her wings.

“It’s cute, all your little fans helping you out, but it wasn’t a challenge to spot the real deal. Who knows, maybe I’ll get to unmask you!” Shockwave said, and with that, he thrust his hoof out, firing a blast of soundwaves at her that sounded like somepony had compressed Vinyl’s whole music selection into a loud noise. The pegasus leaped into the air, narrowly avoiding the blast having anticipated it at the right time. The pegasus flew around him, striking him in the back and sending him tumbling across the ground. The villain rolled over back on his hooves and jumped in the air, firing twin blasts at her and sending her flying into the wall of a shed.

Mare Do Well grunted in pain, getting herself back up as she glared at Shockwave, who began to approach. “Pretty cool, huh? I learned how to utilize my suit’s sound manipulation to something resembling a dog whistle. It allows me to control the beasts of the Everfree through a series of high-frequency sound signals. The perfect way to tear down a town and carry out the boss’s orders to put you in your place should you show up…” He explained, doing a spin and sending a blade-shaped wave of sound that Mare Do Well barely avoided. When Rainbow instinctively looked back at the shed, she noticed the attack had effectively sliced about half of it clean off.

“So, Big Shot put you on his party list too, huh?” She asked, chuckling. “Funny, you were your own villain when I first fought you, now you gotta be the lapdog of some coward who still has yet to meet me face to face?”

“Oh, trust me. If you’re lucky enough, he’ll look forward to dealing with you personally. But he has plans that really can’t be disturbed right now.” Shockwave said, charging up once more and Mare Do Well flew straight up, barely avoiding a literal shockwave that emanated from the armored villain’s body that left cracks in nearby buildings and shattered more then a few windows.

“Well trust me, I’ll do more then ‘disturb’ them.” Mare Do Well shouted, flying high into the sky and plummeting down, air speed force building around her and striking him dead-on, sending him flying into a cottage wall. Smoke and dust settled, and Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened when she saw that Shockwave was unharmed, odd waves coming off his armor.

“Sorry, Mare Do Well, but this deejay learns from his mistakes and aims to improve.” Shockwave asked with a laugh. “Now why don’t I share with you this latest showstopper, I’ve been saving it on top of the charts, just for you!” He declared, and his horn glowed, suddenly a soft, piercing sound could be heard faintly, and the fallen pieces of the defeated timberwolves began to roll towards him, and covered the lower half of his body as they circulated around him, rising him higher off the ground, reforming around him and in seconds, Shockwave was gone, concealed within a massive timberwolf, larger then any Rainbow had ever seen before.

“Oh Tartarus…” Rainbow muttered.

“Get ready, Mare Do Well, because your song and dance number’s reaching its end!” Shockwave’s voice echoed as the massive timberwolf glared down at her, swiping its enormous paw her way. Mare Do Well moved out of the way, taking flight. The beast stomped after her, its eyes fading out for a moment as twin sound blasts fired through them like eyebeams, narrowly missing the swift pegasus.

“Look!” Twilight shouted, pointing with her hoof as she and the others continued to fight several remaining timberwolves and attempting to stop them from reforming.

“Come on, let’s get these darn things dealt with an’ help ‘er!” one of the earth pony Mare Do Wells said, stomping down on part of a fallen timberwolf’s face trying to prevent it from reforming, only to see three more already have. “Aw horseapples.” She muttered, and they continued fighting on.

Mare Do Well flew circles around the gigantic timberwolf and swooped down, striking it, only to bounce off and grunt in pain. This thing was way tougher and what bits of wood she did knock loose was hardly enough to make a difference. Shockwave’s sinister laughter echoing from it. “Give it up, Mare Do Well! This big beastie’s bark’s just as bad as it’s bite!” He shouted, the gigantic monster he controlled drawing in breath then letting out a sickening belch of dull green smoke. Mare Do Well was promptly hit with the disgusting odor and fell to the ground, nauseating from the smell of rotted wood and mold.

“Where the hay has that thing been…” Mare Do Well muttered, coughing and gagging as she tried to keep from throwing up.

“Too much to handle?” Shockwave’s voice taunted as the massive beast glared down at her. “That’s too bad, because I think it’s time for an encore!” He said, the giant timberwolf slowly began to draw breath again.

“THE THROAT! IN THE THROAT!” One of the earth pony Mare Do Well’s suddenly shouted after bucking another regular-sized one to pieces. Rainbow raised an eyebrow, looking down the beast’s wooden throat. Well, here goes nothing! As the beast let loose another foul belch, Mare Do Well held her breath and flew straight through it, into the creature’s mouth and down its throat. The monster gagged for a second, hitting its chest, then its glowing eyes widened as it suddenly and violently exploded, sending wooden debris everywhere and causing Mare Do Well and Shockwave to fall to the ground with a crash. Dazed, Mare Do Well suddenly felt Shockwave’s hoof on her chest, and the villain’s helmet split open, revealing Sonic Boom’s face again, a smug grin adorning it. He looked far worse for wear now, but was still in slightly better shape then she was, likely due to the protection his armor provided.

“Well, you may have busted up my giant timberwolf, but I’ll make this performance worthwhile by finding out who you are!” He said with a chuckle, leaning down to pull her mask off. His eyes widened in confusion when he saw Rainbow Dash’s face. “I have no idea who you are…” He muttered in disappointment.

“Seriously?!” Rainbow protested indignantly. How could this guy not know who she was? The fastest young flier in Equestria? Most awesome athlete around? Bearer of the Element of Loyalty? What rock had he been living under even before he turned to crime?

“I hate to say it, Shockwave, but you unmasked the wrong pony…” A firm, intimidating voice said behind the armored unicorn, who turned and saw another Mare Do Well. This one with wings. “I see my stand-in wore your forces down enough better then I’d expected.”

Shockwave laughed. “Oh please. How do I know you’re the real Mare Do Well and not a poser who can’t fight like this one did?” He raised his hoof at the newcomer and fired a sound blast. The other Mare Do Well raised her hooves and was enshrouded in black smoke, vanishing as the blast passed harmlessly through the cloud. Shockwave’s eyes widened, and he was suddenly hoofed from behind with tremendous force, sending him tumbling off of Rainbow Dash, who looked up at the newcomer in surprise. The other Mare Do Well approached, Shockwave attempted to fire again but was suddenly blasted with a bolt of magical power, shorting out his right forehoof. Raising his left, he attempted again, only to get blasted again, the explosion this time knocking him on his back. The new Mare Do Well galloped forward and swung again, knocking him over and slamming her hoof hard on his chest, causing his armor to dent inward and spark several times.

“You PATHETIC excuse for a supervillain! Did you honestly expect you could win against Mare Do Well after all this time? Mare Do Well is always improving, always growing stronger, she will always exist, and will always be there to put petty weaklings like you in your PLACE!” She said, her voice raising to a terrifying shout as she raised her hoof up once more, slamming it down into his helmet, knocking him unconscious. “My work here is done!” She shouted. “Everypony come out at once, the danger has passed and I must be off to intercept Princess Luna so she may have her guards apprehend this scum!” With that, she spread her wings and flew away.

Turning over, Rainbow Dash quickly threw her mask back on as the townsponies cautiously got out of their homes and back out into the open. The other Mare Do Wells looked down at the shattered timberwolves and watched as their pieces suddenly levitated off the ground and drifted back into the Everfree forest, free of their master’s control.

“Okay, THAT was pretty darn cool!” Vinyl Scratch said, poking her head out from under the stage where she’d taken cover earlier.


An hour later, some quick repairs were made, the stage was restored, and Vinyl had her sound set back in order; Shockwave lay tied up by the corner of the stage, sulking and grumbling to himself as the other ponies finished preparations. Rainbow Dash, still in full costume, suddenly was approached by the other Mare Do Wells, minus the stallion, and all of them took their masks and hats off.

“Hey, girls.” Rainbow said, smirking under the mask.

“That was mighty intense.” Applejack said. “Don’t think this is my kinda thing, though. Ah get enough excitement when other crazy stuff happens as it is.”

“Did you see me? I was all ‘over here!’ then I was all ‘nope! Over here!’ and those nasty ol’ timberwolves never touched me! Pinkie Sense in overdrive!” Pinkie Pie said, bouncing around happily.

“I’m just glad everything turned out okay before Luna got here…” Twilight said with a relaxed smile.

“Speaking of… look!” Cloudchaser said, gesturing upward, and everypony’s eyes were upon the full moon as the Princess of the Night descended down, leaping off her chariot and landing on the stage next to Vinyl.

GREETI—I mean greetings, citizens of Ponyville!” Luna said, having nearly slipped into the Royal Canterlot Voice. “Before the celebrations begin, according to a costumed mare, am I to understand a criminal known as Shockwave has been apprehended?” She asked.

“Yeah, that party crasher’s right over there.” Vinyl said, gesturing to the bound unicorn villain. Luna smirked for a moment at Vinyl and the townsponies, then took on a stern expression and approached the now cowering Shockwave.

“THOU DAREST TO INTRUDE UPON THIS TOWN AND DEFILE A GLORIOUS HOLIDAY MADE AND UPHELD IN OUR NAME?!” Luna shouted, her voice bellowing as she stood inches from his face, the sheer force of her voice knocking him back a little and earning a very satisfied grin from Vinyl.

“Ye-yes, I did, and I’m sorry. I-I’d like to go back to Alkatrot now, your highness!” Shockwave muttered.

“THEN SO IT SHALL BE DONE! WE ADVISE THOU REMEMBER THINE PRINCESS’S MOST GENEROUS MERCY PASSED UPON THEE IN HONOR OF THIS NIGHT!” Luna bellowed, and turned to her guards. “Load him in my chariot, and deliver him to Alkatrot at once. Return when you have finished.” She said, resuming her more up-to-date voice and speech. Her guards nodded and took the defeated supervillain into the chariot, flying away with him towards Manehattan where the prison island awaited.

“Well, now that such matters are attended to…” Luna said, smirking and suddenly the illusion of Nightmare Moon enshrouded her. “FILLIES AND COLTS! BRING US OUR TRIBUTE AT ONCE OR WE MAY FEAST UPON YOU ALL!” She bellowed, the young ponies cheering then sprinting off in mock-terror to the Nightmare Moon statue, their parents leading the way.

The image of Nightmare Moon vanished, and Luna returned to the stage. “Now, Vinyl, let us resume the festivities.”

“On it!” The unicorn deejay said with a grin, starting it off by playing a song titled Nightmare Night.


“So Ponyville’s safe for another day now. And I loved your singing The Moon Rises at the end of the show!” Rainbow said proudly as she walked with Luna past a few buildings and up a hilltop after the festivities had come towards their conclusion.

“I am pleased to hear that, Rainbow Dash.” Luna said with a smile. “Equestria is fortunate to have such dedicated protectors.”

“Yeah, it sure is.” Rainbow said with a laugh. “And the way you completely owned Shockwave back there when he almost had me? I mean, I woulda had him in the end, but that was still so awesome!”

Luna chuckled to herself. “Not a word of it to my sister. I had arrived early hoping to surprise everypony with my Nightmare Night costume, saw what had happened and decided to take advantage of the situation.”

“Wow.” Rainbow replied, blushing, having not expected that would have been where Rarity’s Canterlot order for a costume had gone to. “Well at least it means Shockwave doesn’t know Mare Do Well’s identity, and he’s sure to be scared out of his mind for a good while.”

“I’m just pleased that this time I frightened the right pony. Twilight has quite a tale to tell of last time.” Luna replied with a laugh. Her expression then turned serious. “There is another matter, Rainbow Dash. The stars tell me something big is coming, within the next few months will come a time where your role as Mare Do Well will be truly tested once more, the bond with your friends along with your own strength will be essential in succeeding, and that Big Shot is more then he appears. In what way, I do not know... but you, as Mare Do Well, must be the one to stop him in the end.”

“How… I’ve hardly gotten any closer to uncovering his plans!”

“In time, you will. Be ready and grow stronger by continuing what you do now, Rainbow Dash. I now bid you goodnight.” With that, the Princess of the Night spread her wings and flew down to the town square, where her chariot waited.

As Luna departed back to Canterlot, Rainbow Dash smiled as she slid back on her mask, straightened out her hat, and flew off to head back to town as well.