//------------------------------// // Hydra hidings galore!!! // Story: Hail, hell, and a mercenary // by bjornicorn //------------------------------// "Okay, I admit it, we are lost..."said a put-out Cyndir "How can one forest have this many paths?!? It's a forest for crying out loud!!!" "I think you should go stormy and check the tree tops for a way to ponyville, before we get any further lost" responded Sut "Good idea, sis! I'll just shift and fly on up!" Cyndir said as he turned into a living maelstrom, soaring above the canopy overhead, descending a mere moment later "Hurry up, Sut! some griffon babe is being chased by a really pissed off Hydra!" Cyndir exclaimed as he lifted Sut up and dashed toward the swamp "Someone, please, help me!" cried the griffoness "RAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUR!" bellowed the raging Hydra, preparing to devour her in it's gaping maw "Not on my watch you don't!" cried Cyndir as he pulled out his trusty hammer, Thunderheade, and bashed the offending hydra head, thoroughly crushing it, then tearing off the head with dreadful ease and searing it shut with a bolt of electricity, the Hydra then roared in sheer agony and glared hatefully at Cyndir, the injured beast then attacked, whipping it's tail into Cyndir and thus sending him flying into a tree. "Oh, you think your tough do yah? Well, let's dance!" Said Cyndir as he pulled himself out of the mangled tree, just as the outer left head of the Hydra charged for Sut "Cyndir, help!" shrieked Sut Just then, the Hydras entire body was sent skyward and trapped in a cage of ice and gale-force winds "HOW DARE YOU TRY TO HARM MY LITTLE SUT! I'LL KILL YOU! PERFECT STORM" Bellowed an enraged Cyndir, his vision turned blood red, as he froze the enemy solid and brutally hacked, bashed,slashed, and bludgeoned the beast, with his trusty war hammer/gear-saw Thunderheade, until it was no more than a smoldering pile of gore. Cyndir then slowly walked away from the burning mass (like a bad ass) and went to the young Griffoness,sheathing his weapon as he walked "What is your name, and where can I go to get you medical attention?" said Cyndir, unaware of the Timberwolf sneaking up on him from behind "Look out behind you!!!" Cried the griffoness Cyndir spun around and dealt the timberwolf an electrified spinning roundhouse kick to the face, then grabbed it and tore it in half, spraying sap everywhere "Now," Said Cyndir "how about we get you to a hospital, ay?"