Derpy's Royal Delivery

by Twiggles6

A Change of Heart

“And that’s the whole story, my Queen.” Derpy said as she and Queen Chrysalis stopped walking just in front of a blank wall. Chrysalis dismissed the guard on duty and watched him fly away before speaking.

“So you really don’t have anything to do with Shining Armor, do you?” Chrysalis said. “At least not that you know of.” She added.

“Of course not, my Queen. I definitely would have told you if I did.” Derpy said.

“I know you would.” Chrysalis said as she gently patted her mind slave’s head. “You’re such a good little drone, aren’t you? If only you were a changeling.” Chrysalis sighed. “Oh well. We can’t all be perfect.”

“I’m sorry, my Queen.” Derpy said. “I know I’m not perfect. I know I make mistakes, but I do what I can.” She said with a smile.

“She’s so optimistic, even under my control.” Chrysalis thought. “Is she always like this? Or is it my spell making her try to please me?”

“Queen Chrysalis? Are you okay?” Derpy asked, looking up at Chrysalis with concern in her green, asynchronous eyes.

“Er, yes.” Chrysalis said, shaking her head slightly. “Yes, I’m fine. I have something for you to do for me.”

“What is it, my Queen?” Derpy asked with a bow. “Your will is my command.”

As Derpy spoke, a pang of what Chrysalis recognized as guilt shot through her. “Why don’t I feel as good as I usually do about my conquests right now?” Chrysalis wondered as the wall ahead of her opened up. Pushing those thoughts aside for the time, Chrysalis decided that it would be best to give Derpy her orders. “Your daughter is in here, and she can’t wait to see you.” Chrysalis said. “Go, and be with her for a while. Show her how much you love her.” Chrysalis said as she cast a brief illusion spell, returning Derpy’s eyes to their usual appearance.

“Yes!” Derpy shouted. “Thank you, my Queen.” She said before galloping into the room, Chrysalis walking in slowly behind her. “Dinky!”

“Mom?” Dinky asked as she raised her head to see her mother charging toward her. “Mom? Is it really you?”

“Yes, of course it’s really me.” Derpy said as she rushed up and hugged her daughter tightly. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re alright!”

“I’m glad you’re okay too, mom.” Dinky sniffed as tears started rolling down her cheeks. I’m so sorry I followed you out here. Can you ever forgive me?”

“Of course I can.” Derpy said, patting her daughter’s back as she sobbed. “I’m not so sure about Sparkler though.” Derpy said with a laugh as the two released each other.

“Oh yeah.” Dinky said, pawing the ground with a forehoof. “I left her a note, but I think she’s still gonna be pretty mad.”

“Probably.” Derpy agreed. “But when we get home, we can explain everything to her. I’m sure she’ll understand.”

“Could I interrupt this for a moment?” Chrysalis asked as she walked up behind Derpy, causing Dinky to yelp in surprise and back away quickly.

“Mom! Look out!” Dinky shouted as she backed away further.

“Dinky.” Chrysalis said. “If I was going to harm you, then I likely would have by now. I said you would see your mother soon, and here she is. Haven’t I earned a little bit of trust by now?”

“It’s okay, Dinky.” Derpy said with a smile. “Queen Chrysalis is actually really nice.” She said as she walked up to her daughter and hugged her gently.

“A- Are you sure?” Dinky asked as her posture relaxed just the tiniest bit.

“Of course.” Derpy said. “She’s strong, she’s smart, and she’s a great Queen. What’s not to like?”

“She’s a changeling though!” Dinky said. “You know? The monsters that tried to take over Canterlot.”

“That’s in the past now.” Derpy said. “You can’t let your first impressions of someone be the only thing you think about them. Who knows the kinds of circumstances you met them under?”

“I know, but… They aren’t even ponies. Not really, anyways.” Dinky said.

“Well what does that matter?” Derpy asked. “You don’t need to be the same to be good friends, right? Why shouldn’t changelings have the right to be someone’s friends too?”

“This is not my work.” Chrysalis thought as she watched the two mares. “My compulsion isn’t making her say these things. But how can that be?”

“Well, I guess you have a point.” Dinky said, looking down.

“Don’t I always?” Derpy asked.

“No, not really.” Dinky said, causing both ponies to laugh. As she laughed, Derpy winced briefly in pain and clutched her wing.

“Mom, what happened to your wing?” Dinky asked as she rushed over to her mother’s side to examine her.

“I just managed to fall on it wrong.” Derpy said. “Don’t worry too much about it though. It’ll be fine once Queen Chrysalis takes a look at it.”

“Really? She’d do that?” Dinky asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Of course.” Chrysalis said. “I wouldn’t bring you here just to make you uncomfortable. After all, healthy ponies are happy ponies.” Chrysalis said as her horn began to glow. When it did, a bit of slime oozed off of the wall and squelched over to Derpy. Once it reached the pegasus, the slime crawled its way up Derpy’s leg and settled over her injured wing.

“Ooh! It’s cold.” Derpy said as she shivered a little bit.

“Just leave that there for a little while, and your wing will be as good as new before you know it.” Chrysalis said with a smile.

“I never thought a changeling would be so… Nice.” Dinky said. “I- I’m sorry I’ve been so scared of you.”

“It’s quite alright.” Queen Chrysalis said. “Ponies always fear what they do not understand.”

“But thank you so much for bringing mommy here!” Dinky said as she hugged her mother again, making sure to avoid touching Derpy’s hurt wing.

“Yes. Thank you for letting me talk to my daughter, my Queen.” Derpy said as she hugged Dinky back.

“Not at all.” Chrysalis said. “In fact, it does me good to see such love in my hive.” She said as she began walking closer to the two mares.

“Wait a second.” Dinky said. “My Queen?” She asked her mother as Chrysalis walked closer.

“Of course.” Derpy said. “She is Queen Chrysalis, after all. What’s the matter?” Derpy said as the illusion spell over her eyes began to fade, showing a bit of their new green coloration.

“Mom, something isn’t right here.” Dinky said, unaware that Chrysalis had moved behind her.

“What’s the matter, Dinky?” Derpy asked. “Queen Chrysalis really is a good soul. I just know it.”

“Mom, what’s up with your eyes?” Dinky asked as the illusion wore off entirely.

“What do you mean?” Derpy asked. “You’ve always known about my eyes.”

“No, they’re green!” Dinky said as she bumped into something behind her. Before she had the chance to turn around, Chrysalis knelt down and sunk her fangs into the back of the foal’s neck. “AHH!” Dinky yelled briefly as her body relaxed and she began staring off into space.

“Dinky! Queen Chrysalis!” Derpy shouted as she stepped forward. “What’s going on?”

“Stay back!” Chrysalis mentally commanded Derpy, her horn glowing with a green light that was pulsing in time with Derpy’s eyes. “Do not interfere! Your daughter will remain unharmed. There is no need to worry for her.”

“Y… Yes… My Queen.” Derpy said with some hesitation as she stopped.

“M- Mommy.” Dinky said, barely louder than a whisper. “What’s happening?” She asked as she felt herself losing consciousness as her mother simply stood still and watched.

Almost a full minute later, Chrysalis finally released Dinky and gently guided her to the floor. “Sleep now, little one.” Chrysalis said. “Sleep and be well.”

“My Queen?” Derpy asked, chancing a short step forward. “What did you just do?”

“I’ve done nothing but what I do naturally.” Chrysalis said, her slit pupils thinner than usual. “It is the most direct way of feeding that my people possess, but it is also the most… Satisfying.” She said, unconsciously licking her lips as she walked towards Derpy.

“Dinky. She’ll be okay, won’t she?” Derpy asked.

“But of course.” Chrysalis asked. “We changelings never kill and only harm when necessary. After all, we feed on love. We can’t very well survive if we kill our food, can we?”

“No.” Derpy said. “No, that makes sense.”

“Of course it does.” Chrysalis said, breathing heavily. “Now turn your head away from me slightly.” She commanded.

“Like this, my Queen?” Derpy asked as she turned her head up and away from Chrysalis.

“Perfect.” The changeling queen said as she leaned her head down and began to feed again.

“Ah!” Derpy exclaimed. “Queen Chrysalis, I feel… Cold. Why do I feel so cold?” Derpy asked as her eyelids began to droop.

“Wait! No! I’ll not give in to such baser urges!” Chrysalis thought as she took her head away from Derpy’s neck.

“Queen Chrysalis. What was that?” Derpy asked as she nearly lost her balance.

“Do not talk.” Chrysalis ordered. “Follow me.” She said as she and Derpy left Dinky alone to sleep. Queen Chrysalis had waited for Derpy to fully regain her balance before addressing her. “Derpy.” Chrysalis said as she walked down the hall with the wall-eyed pegasus.

“Yes, my Queen?” Derpy asked, looking up at Chrysalis with adoration.

“I’d like to apologize to you. And your daughter.” Chrysalis said.

“Why’s that?” Derpy asked. “I’m happy to have helped you gain more power through my love.”

“Yes, but in doing so I’ve probably taken most of your love away from you.” Chrysalis said sorrowfully. “I haven’t drained anypony like that in hundreds of years because it’s too… Brutal. Changelings in my hive only absorb love passively through proximity and magic. At first it was so that we could reuse our food sources, but it eventually became a moral decision as we evolved. Using our fangs completely drains the victim and leaves them without any love of their own.” She said, hanging her head low.

“But I still love you, my Queen.” Derpy said.

“I know, but only because I stopped myself at the last second.” Chrysalis sighed. “I’m afraid your daughter was not so lucky. I can’t be sure she will ever love again.”

“That’s okay.” Derpy said. “Her love has helped you to grow more powerful, and that makes you happy. That’s all that matters in this world.” She said, a completely sincere smile adorning her face.

Another pang of guilt hit Chrysalis like a gunshot. “Nevermind. I’m not sure you fully understand the situation. In any case, I need to speak with this prisoner again. You will be assisting me.” She said, adding some edge to her voice for the conversation ahead.

“Who’s there?” Shining Armor spat as the wall opposite him opened up. “You won’t get a thing out of me. I’ll go to Tartarus before I tell you anything.”

“Oh, there’s no need to be so angry, Shining Armor.” Queen Chrysalis said as she walked in, Derpy not far behind her.

“And what’s the point of this?” Shining asked, looking at Derpy. “You think bringing in a changeling that looks like the mailmare will make any difference to me?”

“Of course not.” Chrysalis chuckled as she blasted Shining’s cocoon with a ray of magic, disintegrating it and causing Shining Armor to fall unceremoniously to the ground. “But this is not a changeling.” She said.

“What? Derpy? Is it really you?” Shining asked.

“Yeah. It’s me.” Derpy said. “Why? Don’t you believe the Queen?”

“Of course I don’t!” Shining growled. “There’s no reason that anypony should trust a beast like her!”

“Watch what you say about the Queen!” Derpy said, stepping forward angrily. “You obviously don’t know anything about her!”

“Derpy, what’s gotten into you?” Shining Armor asked. “And have your eyes always been green?”

“That’s not important right now.” Derpy said, shaking her head. “What’s important is that you show my Queen the proper respect!”

Your Queen?” Shining asked, getting to his feet. “Chrysalis, I don’t know how you expected to fool me with this cheap impersonation.” Shining Armor said. “This subject of yours doesn’t even seem to be trying.”

“She doesn’t have to.” Chrysalis said with a laugh. “She may be my subject, but I assure you again that this is no changeling.”

“Impossible!” Shining Armor spat. “Derpy is loyal to princess Celestia. Not you!”

“She was loyal to the princess.” Chrysalis corrected. “Now, she serves me. Isn’t that right?” She asked, turning to Derpy.

“I have no love for Celestia.” Derpy said. “My love is reserved only for you, my Queen.”

“Derpy! What are you saying?” Shining asked, his mouth agape.

“Oh, don’t look so surprised.” Chrysalis said with a laugh. “If I remember correctly, you were in a state not too much unlike this on your wedding day, were you not? A bit less aware of your surroundings, but obedient nonetheless.”

“What did you do to her?” Shining demanded, glaring intensely at Chrysalis.

“I just helped her realize who her true ruler is.” Chrysalis said. “In fact, the rest of Equestria will know me as their ruler soon enough.”

“That won’t happen!” Shining said. “Celestia will stop you!”

“Oh yes, because she did so well stopping me last time.” Chrysalis said, rolling her eyes. “I’ve already demonstrated that I’m far more powerful than she is. And with the love I’ve just absorbed, I’m sure that even those elements of harmony she mentioned would stand no chance! Your precious princess will bow to me herself before too long.”

“Derpy, are you hearing this?” Shining asked, looking desperately at Derpy. “She’s planning to overthrow princess Celestia! How can you stand with her?”

“I will stand with her because I love my Queen.” Derpy said. “I love my Queen, and nopony else.” She said as she turned and walked out of the room, the wall opening up to allow her passage.

“Well there you have it.” Chrysalis said. “I must say that these last few months have been just perfect.”

“What do you mean, perfect?” Shining asked.

“I’m so very glad you asked.” Chrysalis said. “I was distraught when your little spell ejected me from Canterlot, denying me the victory I had so rightly earned. When I eventually made my way back to my hive in the Badlands, I was very weak and frail. In fact, I almost never made it home.” She said, walking in slow circles around Shining Armor.

“Good. You should have stayed out there!” Shining said. “Then this incident would never have happened.”

“Indeed, you are likely correct.” Chrysalis said. “Your little strike teams would have eventually found my hive and destroyed it utterly without me there to protect it. But unfortunately for you, that is not how things transpired. Even if you had time to search the entirety of the Badlands, you would not have found the hive.”

“And I’m sure you’re about to tell me why, aren’t you?” Shining asked, raising an eyebrow.

“But of course I am.” Chrysalis chuckled. “You see, that hive no longer exists.” She said, earning a surprised look form Shining Armor. “I can tell that you are shocked to hear this. It shouldn’t come as much of a surprise what with you having recently moved into a new home yourself.”

“So you moved? Shining asked. “You mean to tell me that we aren’t in the Badlands?”

“I should certainly hope not.” Chrysalis laughed. “Such a wasteland is hardly becoming of a regal creature such as myself, wouldn’t you agree?”

“You know my answer to that.” Shining said, looking away.

“Of course I do. You can’t appreciate the true beauty of changelings, so there’s really no point in asking. But the point remains.” She said as she resumed her slow walk around Shining Armor. “We were on the verge of starvation after you drove us off. We were weak. Desperate. But that’s when fate intervened.” She said, looking up with a smile on her face.

“Fate?” Shining asked. “What are you talking about?”

“A great pulse of positive emotions.” Chrysalis said. “Happiness, joy, and especially love.” She said, turning and moving directly toward Shining. “We immediately sent out some scouting parties to investigate, and they came back with better news than I dared to hope for. Apparently, a new kingdom had appeared not too far away. And what’s more, it seemed to be radiating those positive emotions across the landscape.”

“No!” Shining said, his ears drooping back as Chrysalis stood over him.

“Upon arriving here, I found out that that is exactly what this place does.” Chrysalis said. “As long as the Empire is full of happiness and love, those emotions are broadcast across the entire continent. Am I right?”

“And that’s how you recovered your power after the wedding.” Shining said.

“Somepony gets it now.” Chrysalis said, turning away and grinning. “With the love radiated by this kingdom’s prosperity, us changelings have gained far more power than we ever would have gotten from little old Canterlot. And now that we’re here, we aren’t about to leave.” She said, glaring at Shining Armor.

“Here?” Shining asked. “You’re telling me we’re in the Crystal Empire right now?” He asked, standing up as tall as he could even though Chrysalis still towered over him.

“Directly beneath the Crystal Palace, to be precise.” Chrysalis said. “I don’t think there’s ever been a crystal hive before. I rather like the idea, don’t you?” She asked, staring straight down at Shining Armor.

“So you’ve been living underneath my home and feeding on my people.” Shining said, his voice low and threatening. “No better than a parasite.”

“Petty insults will do you no good.” Chrysalis said, levitating Shining Armor again. “Your kingdom shall prosper, but you will not be at the head of it! Now be silent!” She said as she dropped him, allowing Shining Armor to tumble roughly to the ground on his side.

“UGH!” Shining grunted as he hit the ground hard, knocking the wind out of him.

“Unlike you to me, I have no desire to exterminate you or your species. And unlike a parasite, as you so eloquently put it, I believe that my relationship with your crystal subjects can be beneficial to both parties.” Chrysalis said, turning and walking away from Shining Armor. “The crystal heart is just above my throne room, radiating love throughout the region. The longer we are here, the more powerful we become.” She said, stopping just in front of the wall before turning her head back to look Shining Armor in the eyes. “You know, I was willing to put the wedding incident behind me once.” Chrysalis as the wall in front of her opened up. “But after seeing just how resentful you really are, I think I may have changed my mind. You can stay here until I’ve decided what to do with you.” She said as she turned back and left, allowing the wall to close back up behind her.

“So how did it go, my Queen?” Derpy asked as Chrysalis left Shining Armor’s chamber.

“About as well as expected.” Chrysalis said. “He holds no love for my people, and I blame myself for that. But to so actively pursue our extinction.” She said with a sigh as she shook her head. “Sometimes I wonder if my actions were too rash. I wonder if I may have caused my people to be seen as little more than monsters.”

“I know you’re not a monster, my Queen.” Derpy said.

“Not a monster, huh? Let’s put that to the test.” Chrysalis thought as she turned to face Derpy. “Derpy. Would you like to visit your daughter again?” Chrysalis asked.

“Why would I want to do that?” Derpy asked. “I only need you, my Queen. All my love is for you.” She said with a bow.

“That’s what I thought.” Chrysalis said, holding back a sigh. “Maybe I really am a monster after all.” She thought as she and Derpy proceeded towards the throne room. “I’m calling everyone to the throne room for an announcement.” Chrysalis said. “Spread the word.”

“Yes, my Queen.” Derpy said with a bow as she went off to alert the others.

“I think it’s time we expanded.” Chrysalis said as she proceeded to her throne.

“Love?” Dinky wondered as she sat on the raised portion of floor in the middle of her cell. “What do I love? Do I even love anything?” She asked herself mentally. “I know I loved things before… But why not now? Where did the love go?”

“Where did the love go?” She asked herself out loud, a single tear falling from her cheek.