//------------------------------// // Crouching prey, hidden predator. In other words... // Story: The Equestrian Trace // by Wafflegodman //------------------------------// Chapter 4 ...don't put a sea monster in a corner. It was a staring match... my eyes drifting between each hostile bird. I was looking at the monsters, taking them in, each twitch, each breath, each feather, and not once even daring to close my eyes. I swear I noticed a hint of fear in their eyes, the same fear that must have been evident in mine, but before I could confirm my observation, I was distracted by a the sound of rushing air. The primal urge for self preservation took over, and my body moved by itself. I moved to the left by way of rolling, putting me against a brick wall. I lifted my head, hoping to make sense of what happened that caused me to go all instinctual. It seemed I had unknown allies. Multiple bricks, and bottles, flew through the air, each one getting closer to the now mobile law enforcement. One brick flew exceptionally fast, and It connected with one of the griffons, sending it into a not so sweet slumber instantly. More bricks followed, and I kept my head low. Once I felt like I was safe from flying bricks, I took in my surroundings. The hostile beasts flew off after two had been knocked into next week. I turned my head toward the brick thrower, or throwers... I'd have to thank them. I don't like fighting. Before I could open my mouth a bottle hit me square in the forehead. I fell backwards, my entire body felt numb, but I kept conscious... that was until a figure appeared above me, and dropped its heavy hoof on my head. I was back in the black. I was numb, I was tired, and I was alone. I hate this state of conscious stasis. At least I could think now. In the three weeks of boredom I was allowed, I took the time to study up on the world. There is no amount of words to describe how fucked up this place is, but I was capable of comprehending a few basic facts. There are very powerful beings, they run the countries and empires. There are multiple specie, none of which are even close to being human. Finally, eating meat is forbidden, even for omnivores... which sucks massive fucking donkey dick. I sat down, and brought my knees up to my chest, hugging them. I then proceeded to do the most logical thing I could think of... I rocked back and forth as I cried. I didn't want to go home, but I most certainly did not want to stay here, and if I had to spend one more hour in this hell called my mind, then I was going to find a way to off myself. This whole situation was not okay. Nothing was okay. I needed cool off. Really, how the fuck am I suppose to deal with this situation? Do I just go with the flow, hoping to find away out of this, or do I have to fight my way to salvation? I felt a sharp pain on my cheek. Slowly I came to. The world faded into focus as I opened my eyes. "Wake up princess." A brown pony said as he slapped me once more. I didn't respond, rather I tried to get a feel for the situation. Behind the fist pony was a second, who was sitting down on a stool, drinking some sort of lager. I was bound to a wall, and there was no other living creature in the room I could see. "You see my friend?" the fist pony asked, gesturing toward the second pony. I didn't respond. "He doesn't like you." I stayed as still as I could. "I don't like you either." I tried to stay quiet, but I couldn't help letting smirk grow on my face. "Why are you talking to that animal?" the ponies friend asked in a cockney accent. "I'm just having a bit of sport brother." The fist one responded. "It probably can't understand you." The second one said. "I don't care, at least I can try. It's tradition!" The first one retorted. "Tradition this, tradition that. It's always tradition with you!" The second one complained as he took another sip. "Aye, and I'll keep with the tradition as long as you keep with that Seidel!" The first exclaimed violently. "It's called a mug." The second one returned timidly. The first one turned back to me, apparently done with, if not satisfied by, his verbal exchange, and possible victory, with the second one. "All right sweet cheeks. I'm going to give you the honor of knowing why you are where you are, as it is tradition to do so." He looked back over his shoulder to the second one momentarily as he spoke his last few words. "You're here because we are predators, and you are prey. We make a living catching, or killing, and then selling unique monstrosities of nature. We've never seen something like you before, and we just couldn't let this chance slip by." The first one explained. I tested my restraints. The knots were terrible, and I could slip out easily enough if I had a mind to. My legs were free, and my hands were bound high above my head to the wall. "Do you understand?" It asked after my continued silence. I yawned, and continued my charade of ignorance. "Wow! This fella's got some teeth on him." The first one said, calling back to his companion. "Yeah, what of it. So did that chimera from the Everfree." The second said. "But that beast made it obvious. This thing is something different." The first said, turning toward the second. "I thought that was clear enough if you just looked at it." The second said. "Aye, true enough." The first said, focusing his attention back to me. I had put on an alluring smile whilst the two were talking... the kind of smile that a seductress might use to grab the attention of a target. "Hey now, what do you find so amusing?" The first asked as he approached closer... nearly touching his snout to my nose. I flicked my head to the side quickly... hoping he'd take it as a gesture to get closer. "What? Have you got something to say?" it asked. "Hey, Mettle, this thing wants me to get closer to it, like it can speak or something!" The first informed. "Well?" The second, Mettle, asked. "Well what should I do?" The first asked. "See what it wants, it's not like it can do anything. It may have some teeth on it, but the thing looks too stupid to use them. It's probably harmless!" The second said. "Alright... so... what do ya want?" The first asked me, obviously nervous. I flicked my head one more time, mouthing out the word 'closer' with as much subtlety I could muster. He did indeed come closer, but slowly, and put his ear next to my mouth, waiting for me to say something. I slipped my hands from my bindings, but kept my arms raised... and then I spoke. With a hushed voice, and malice weaved through it like silk, I made a very true statement. "I always wondered what a horse tasted like." The first stiffened up in fear, and I took my opening with vigor. Lowering my head, I bit down on the first ones neck. I grabbed him so he couldn't flee, and I bit down even harder. I pushed him away as he screamed. The first scrambled to the corner, pressing a hoof against his neck... he would be fine if he didn't confront me again. I then focused my attention on Mettle. He was awe struck. I walked toward him, and he did not react... his eyes never even moved. I crouched down, and looked into his bright green eyes. I ran my hand gently across his jaw line, and smiled warmly. Mettle started to scream hysterically, and ran off. In the process of his flight, he revealed to me the way out of the musty room that had apparently been my own personal prison. I walked toward my exit, but before I left, I looked back to the first one. He was trembling, and crying in the corner. "Hey." I called out just loud enough for the first to hear me. He looked toward me carefully, not daring to look me in the eyes. "You tasted wonderful." I informed before taking my leave. That was sadistic. I know it was sadistic. I didn't like it... did I? Yes... I did. That's okay, just don't do it again. I walked outside, taking in my surroundings once again. It was... dawn? Dusk maybe. I was on a ship, and it seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. The ship was large... one of the largest wooden sailing vessels I've ever seen! There were all sorts of races around, ponies, griffons, and others. It was something to behold. Unfortunately it seems everything else was beholding me. "That's it! That's the damned monster that took a bite out of my partner!" I heard Mettle scream from somewhere in the crowd. I looked over my audience. Fear was in the eyes of every single one of them. I shrugged, and walked to the edge of the ship. I looked down at the spot I stood at. A crate was beside me, and the railing on the ship looked sturdy. I sat down, and leaned against the railing, then I looked up at the sky. I saw a feather, and Gilda's face came to mind. I hope she's okay. I heard footsteps, or something similar, and looked at whoever it could have been. It was a very, very, large pony... but it stopped approaching as our eyes connected. I frowned, and it slowly walked backwards. After I was sure nothing was going to bother me, curled my knees up to my chest, and smiled inwardly to myself. I was having too much fun. This wasn't normal. It was high time I got some rest. The morning came quickly enough. Nothing tried to bother me, and I didn't bother anything else... never once leaving my resting place. My entire day was spent like that. Sitting. I didn't get hungry, and I didn't want to talk to anything. I felt sick. Everything I looked at just made me sick. Soon enough it was night again, and I found sleep. Another day passed, and a pony decided to sit next to me... a mare I believe. She was beige with red hair... and a rose was on her posterior. I didn't bother to say anything, considering she was well over a meter away, and she seemed to be in a constant state of slumber. I sat contemplating what I should do to get to my goal faster, but there was a problem. I had no goal. What did I want? That question has been my silent plague. I knew I was being extremely optimistic from the get-go, and now I know why. I have no drive to do anything, therefore I have no reason to do anything... and that is a very dangerous road. I have always handled danger with absurdity... 'tis the nature of the adrenalin junkie. I was scared, well and truly, and I wanted... needed direction. I know I needed to get to Equestria, and I know I needed to find Gilda, but those things could be done in time, I needed something more grandiose, and immediate... lest I fall pray to my own malevolent tendencies. It was night again... I had spent the entire day trying to understand myself. Perhaps I should have stopped thinking whilst I was still happy, and optimistic. Well, at least I understood one thing... find a goal. I fell asleep yet again, dreamless and peaceful... if only the world, and I, could stay so silent.