Back from the North

by vadram

Fields of glory

Fields of glory

The next day could not come soon enough.

Even if he was the last to fall asleep, Private Silkmane was among the first to get up. He put on the rest of his armor, picked up a blade from the makeshift armory and awaited the morning briefing. It was a cold morning.

The morning roll call was made and none of the Nightwatch were missing, Silkmane quickly found out why. Apparently their CO promised to make anypony who missed roll call walk to the front.

“Those in the Guard have no ideea how well they have it,” was the collective thought off all Nightwatch soldiers, but especially of those who were suffering from a hangover. The cold wind kept them awake.

“Alright troops, single file. MOVE OUT!” the CO ordered and the soldiers fell in a single line and marched to the station.

They passed through the town, and the locals gathered around to see the troops off. He looked for a certain pink pony with a puffy mane, he saw plenty of pink mares, and plenty of mares with pink manes, but not the pink mare with a puffy pink mane he was looking for.

They reached the station and boarded the dull grey train that would fare them to their destination, the eastern front, hopefully he would live long enough to forget her.

Fate was an odd thing, and Silkmane found himself again sharing the cabin with Corporal Helm, and Sergeant Zeal, as well as three other Nightwatch ponies he didn’t know.

“So how was your night?” Helm asked him.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Silkmane told the corporal.

“Listen kid I know...”

“I said I don’t want to talk about it!” he cut Helm off.

Zeal let out a devilish smile. “Mare problems?” he teased Silky.

“Mind your own damn business!” Silkmane snapped at the officer, Zeal just laughed.

“I was born in a country where ponies admire...” a voice could be heard from outside.

“Their great and brave heroes and how they aspire,
To stand upon mountains and always be winners,
And never give less than their all.”

Zeal and Helm pulled the window down and stuck their heads out to get a better view of what was happening.

“I once met an old friend who told me great stories,
Of legends of those who fought hard for the glory,
Of lifting that flag in the moment of triumph,
His memory's kept me enthralled.”

“Silky! Move your damn rump over here!” Helm called out.

The entire town started singing.

“On the fields, the fields of glory,
On the fields, where colts become steeds,
On the fields, the fields of glory,
And may they win, win in the end.”

Silkmane looked up through the window, and on top of the station, mane and tail fluttering in the wind, stood a singing pink mare.

“Supporting our troops with a true sense of place,
Are the hooffuls of ponies, the pride on their faces,
They come from the townlands, the parish, the village,
Their banners they proudly unfurl.

An anthem of hope is the song they're singing,
There's a whistle it sounds and the game it begins,
And the roar of the crowd echos up to the clouds,
It sends out a clarion call.”

Again the town joined in for the chorus.

“On the fields, the fields of glory,
On the fields, where colts become steeds,
On the fields, the fields of glory,
And may they win, win in the end.”

“I'm dreaming of Equestria in fine summer weather,
A crowd of young colts playing together,
All hoping that someday the call they will answer,
To fight for the place they were born.”

“On the fields, the fields of glory,
On the fields, where colts become steeds,
On the fields, the fields of glory,
And may they win, win in the end.”

I'm dreaming of Equestria in fine summer weather,
A crowd of young colts playing together,
And the roar of the crowd echoes up to the clouds,
It sends out a clarion call.”

The engine whistled, and the train started pulling out of the station. The ponies gathered on the platform cheered on the soldiers.

Silkmane looked at the pink pony, she looked back at him, waving him goodbye.

“I'll come back!” Silkmane yelled out to her.

Pinkie smiled.

“I’ll be waiting for you my friend,” she muttered as the train vanished in a mass of smoke and steam.

Original Song: The High Kings - Fields of Glory
