A Carnival for you and me.

by Rubycast

Day one

When there is boring, fun must take over. When there is peace, darkness must come. When these two are combined…that’s deliciously murderous.”
~~~Carnival Cat.

Ponyville had its share of travelling show ponies: The Film and Flam brothers. The ‘Great and Powerful’ Trixie. And Iron Will. Even though the last was harmless, the ponies of Ponyville had their fill of show ponies. They were tired of ponies coming into their town and destroying their once peaceful lives.

It had taken two months for the ponies to reclaim their lives after the last visit of Trixie. Some hadn’t been able to look at their work because it reminded them of when Trixie was their leader, but with the help of family and friendship, they had been able to get back to work.

Ponyville citizens had gone back to their usual routine of life: work, play, laugh, party, eat, and sleep. Ponyville itself had gone back to its peaceful, country style that drew many to it in the first place.

Of course within a peaceful town there was always the youthful fire of mischief that burned within the children’s hearts: partially the Cutie Mark Crusaders (CMC). While other children played with their friends in their activates which earned them their cutie mark, the CMC’s activates were earning their cutie marks by doing various tasks, but the group of fillies soon realized that there was only a limit of actives one could do.


Day one:

“Therapist?” The boyish voice of Scootaloo was heard inside their clubhouse.

Applebloom looked down at the list, which took up half of the room, and shook her head. “Nope,” she said in her country accent, “tried tha’ already.”


“Nope. Did tha’ too.”


Applebloom looked up at the broken watch, with springs coming out of it, on a wooden shelf she had made. They had tried to make the watch indestructible, but it had failed two tests of hammers, three tests of stomping, and one test of getting thrown against the wall (Scootaloo had gotten fed up and threw it with all her strength). “Nope. Tried tha’.”


Applebloom narrowed her eyes and pouted. “You and Sweetie Belle did, but”--She crossed her hooves-- “ Applejack wouldn’t let me.”

“Oh, right.” Scootaloo chuckled and rubbed the back of her neck. “Um, wig makers?”

“Tried tha’”-- Applebloom uncrossed her hooves-- “our only customer was a donkey with a blond wig.” She sighed. “An’ we still didn’ earn a cutie mark.”


“We ain’t allowed near the stove, and sis hates givin out free samples.”

“Animal trainer?”

“Fluttershy still ain’t forgiven us for scarin her chickens.” Applebloom shuttered as she remembered the stare she had given them. Sweetie Belle was still coming to terms with visiting Fluttershy.

Scootaloo shivered as well. “Right. Fortune tellers?”

“Tried tha’. Only Pinkie is good at tha’ stuff.”

“Bird watchers?”

“Tried tha’.”


“Tried tha’.”

“Foal sitters?”

Applebloom’s eyes widen as she remembered the horrors of babysitting the cake twins. She still couldn’t understand how Pumpkin Cake had mashed her into a basketball, or how Pound Cake bounced her through the shop. “Never. Again.”

“Gem hunters?”

“Need a horn for tha‘, and Sweetie still hasn’ learn magic.”

“Hey!” Came a squeak from the corner. Both looked at their white unicorn friend who was seated with a book in his hooves. “I can hear you guys, you know.”

“Well, then why aren’t you helping us?” Scootaloo asked. “All you’ve done is read those stupid books!”

“Hey!” Sweetie examined. “They are not stupid” -- she hugged the book close to her chest--“they’re well written romance books that keep you on edge!” She stuck her nose in the air and turned her head from Scootaloo; just like her sister had taught her. “Rarity reads them all the time.”

“Well is those books of yours going to get us a cutie mark?”

Sweetie’s eyes snapped opened. “Uh,” she looked down at her book.

Scootaloo started to smirk--and preparing her ‘I thought so’ remark--when Sweetie nodded her head. “Yeah! We could try to get our cutie marks in writing!”

“Didn’ we already try tha’ with newspaper?” Applebloom asked with a raised eyebrow.

Scootaloo looked down at the wooden floor. Applebloom bit her lip as she stared at her Pegasus friend. All of them had taken it hard when everypony hated them, especially family, but Scootaloo hadn’t taken it worst when her hero had hated her. They tried to forget it, but at times they forgot like Applebloom just had.

Sweetie got up from her corner and walked over to her friends. She smiled at Scootaloo, hoping it’d spread, but Scootaloo kept her eyes glued to the floor. Sweeite bit her lip and looked at Applebloom, who stared at the list in hopes of finding something.

Sweetie opened her mouth to speak, but closed it when she heard something outside. Her ear peaked up as she listened. She had discovered that her hearing was better than the others when the group decided to play hide-in-seek in a pillow shop to make it a challenge.

A smile curved up on her lips. She looked at the girls and bounced up and down. “Girls! Girls!” She squeaked.

Applebloom looked up and watched her friend bounce. “Wha’ is it?” She asked. Scootaloo watched Sweetie as well, but had to look away when the bouncing made her dizzy.

“I hear music!” She squeaked. “Happy music!”

“Huh?” The other girls said at once. Sweetie stopped her bouncing so she could run out of the clubhouse.

“Follow me!” She yelled.

Applebloom looked at Scootaloo and smiled. “Ah bet it’s Pinkie!”

“No way,” Scootaloo shook her head, “I bet it’s Rainbow Dash doing new tricks with some sweet music playing!”

Both girls took off after Sweetie, hoping what they thought was right.


Once the girls drew near the end of Ponyville--which was a few yards from the Apple Family Farm--they saw something that made them stop. “Huh?” They said together.

In the middle of the open field was a wagon, but no pony was around it. The music played loud enough for all three of to hear, but it was hard to tell where it was coming from. The music seemed to dance around them. It was a happy tone that made their hearts beat in excitement.

“Who’s wagon is tha’?” Applebloom asked as she walked over to it. “The only wagon Ah seem was famil’--she looked at the others--“but it don’t look like the Apple Family wagon.”

“How can you tell?” Scootaloo asked as she stood by her friend.

“There ain’t the Apple Family crest on it.”

“Maybe it’s a travellers.” Sweetie said as she walked around the wagon. She suddenly gasped as a thought crossed her mind, “maybe it’s a new citizen!” She smiled widely and her eyes lit up. “Maybe they have kids of their own!”

“But where are they?” Scootaloo asked as she looked around. “I don’t see anypony. You don’t think they abandoned it, do you?”

“Hello, little ponies.”

The girls jumped as they heard around voice. The voice sounded like an adults, yet it was unfamiliar to the three fillies. Scootaloo and Applebloom turned around to face the pony, while Sweetie hid behind the wagon. The two’s eyes widen when they saw the pony.

The pony before them was a mare with greenish-yellow skin. She had dark purple eye shadow that made her red eyes pop out. Her outfit was a black and white stripped dress. She had a white hat with black spiders hanging off the edge. She smiled wide enough to show off her yellow teeth, making Applebloom wonder if she owned a toothbrush. “Are you enjoying my wagon?”

Applebloom smiled weakly. “O-oh. Y-yeah. Sweetie Belle jus’ heard some music, so we ran over and found it.” She explained. “We weren’ gonna steal nothing!”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Oh, great job Applebloom! Now she thinks we really were going to steal something!”

Applebloom glared at her friend. “Nu uh! Ah just said we weren’, but she probably thinks we are, thanks to you, Scootaloo!”

“Nu uh!”

“Yeah huh!”

The mare giggled at their childish argument. “May, what a lively bunch you are,” she grinned, “but, where is your other friend? You said something about a filly named Sweetie Belle?”

Both girls stopped their argument long enough to search for their missing friend. They went to the back of the wagon, where she had hidden, and gasped. Sweetie had a stuffed teddy bear in her hooves and smile wide. The stuffed bear looked like a normal toy: brown coat, black button eyes, a black piece of the nose, and a red ribbon around its neck as a bowtie. “He’s so cute!” Applebloom said as she ran over to look at it.

“Where’d you get that?” Scootaloo asked as she drew near.

“I found it-”

“In my wagon.” All three turned towards Cat, who stood there. “That’s one of the prizes for my carnival.”

“Carnival?!” The three fillies shouted and raced over to the mare.

“Wha’ kinda carnival?” Applebloom asked. “Is ‘here gonna be rides?”

“Oh, oh! Is there going to be ponies doing awesome tricks?” Scootaloo’s wings buzzed as she floated beside the mare. “If so, you should defiantly ask Rainbow Dash to help!”

“What kind of games? Horseshoes? Bob-for-apples? Um--” Sweetie’s eyes lowered to the ground as she thought “--pin the tail on the pony?”

“Those things aren’t in a carnival!”

“But Pinkie always has those games at her parties” --She paused to think--"Well maybe not the horseshoes anymore." She glared at Scootaloo. "Besides, how would you know? Have you ever been to a carnival?”

“Well, no. But I know those aren’t there!”

Cat chuckled and shook her head. “Girls, girls. Calm down. While it is true that those kind of games are more of parties”--Scootaloo smirked at Sweetie-- “I actually do have those games there”--she paused for a moment--“well expect pin the tail on the pony”--Sweetie stuck her tongue out at Scootaloo--“but I have much more.”

“Mor‘?” Applebloom questioned as she cocked her head to the side. “Like wha?”

Cat turned to Applebloom and smile as wide as she could, almost covering her whole face. “Now that’s a secret,” she winked, “you’ll have to find out in seven days!”

“S-seven days?!” Scootaloo gasped. “B-but that’s like--” she knotted her eyebrows together as she thought “--um, forever!”

“Actually it’s a week.”

Scootaloo glared at Applebloom. “What are you? A calculator?”

Cat chuckled once again. “Now, now. Seven days isn’t all that bad.” She said. “It’ll be here before you know it--” she lowered her head to the fillies level “--and just in time for Nightmare Night!”

The three fillies gasped. “We almost forgot!” They said in universe.

“Have we even picked out any costumes?” Scootaloo asked, her eyes wide. “If we don’t hurry, we’ll get the lame ones!”

“Yeah! An’ no pony wants to give a lame pony the good candy!”

Applebloom and Scootaloo raced off towards Ponyville, but Sweetie Belle stayed behind. She looked down at the teddy bear in her hooves. She knew it was wrong to take something from another pony--especially a stranger pony--but she doubt the mare would give it to her. It was a prize for her carnival. Maybe if she asked nicely-

“Take it.”

Sweetie’s head jerked up towards Cat, who was smiling down at her. “Take it,” Cat repeated, “I have plenty more.”

Sweetie’s mouth dropped. She was used to generosity from her sister, but never had another pony, whom she didn’t know, had given her things for free! She looked back at the teddy bear and smiled. “Oh thank you!” She squeaked. She ran over and hugged Cat’s leg.

Cat smiled and chuckled. “Oh, it’s nothing.” She took the teddy bear from Sweetie and placed it on her had. “Now, you two run off before your friends leave.”

Sweetie smiled and chased after her friends, who were already gone. Cat watched as the filly ran home. She chuckled. “Those girls are so cute…and stupid.”

Her eyes glowed a bright red. The teddy bear’s black eyes glowed a bright red as well. “Show me all that you see.” Cat whispered. The teddy bear’s eyes slowly faded back to black as Cat’s glow stopped.

She let out a small laugh. “Soon the gate to your souls shall open --” she looked at the wide field that would soon be taken over by her carnival “-- and I will have my carnival!”