Forge World: The Full Metal Fantasy Role Playing Game

by shenadri

6: Spike's Campaign- Let's go thataway

Forge World: The Full Metal Fantasy Role Playing Game

By: Zelkova48

Chapter 6: Let's go thataway

* * *

“Hello, girls. I’ve been keeping your seat warm” said Spike with a little puff of green flames as all of the girls quietly sat back in their respective seats of the library on a warm afternoon of a brand new day. A new day that was guaranteed to be rich with fantasy violence, copious amounts of loot hoarding, and the very possibility that one of the six will backstab each other just because it seemed funny at the time. Which, in a game like Forge World, happens more often than not.

“My, how thoughtful of you my little Spikey Wikey” said Rarity as Spike passed out everyone’s character sheets. He blushed a little as he as he pulled out his dice bag while babbling some incoherent gibberish under his breath after being called Spikey Wikey by his crush. Twilight and the rest to notice to this and they all rolled their eyes at the lovestruck drake.

“Uh, Spike? Our dices?” said Applejack. Spike immediately snapped himself out of his stupor before giving everyone an embarrassed grin and their color coded D20s “Thank you kindly, Spike”

“No problem, Applejack” said Spike as he looked through his tiny booklet again “Okay, lets see. Dices, check. Figurines, check. Character sheets, check. Tiny playing field, checkeroonie. Am I missing anything?” he asked. All the girls shrugged their shoulder, Spike glanced around the table to see if he forgot. And then it clicked in his head “Did we forget the snacks?” he asked.

“Nope, I’ve got that one covered” said Pinkie as she wheeled in a small cart full of savory confectionary creations that ranged from freshly baked cinnamon raisin bread to mouth watering fruits tarts and turnovers. To say that the library smelled like a professional bakery right now would be the biggest understatement of the day. Thankfully they were eating near the reading section of the library, otherwise Twilight would be throwing a hissy fit about getting the books all sticky, and no one likes to read a book with the pages stuck together.

“Alright! Now we can get this campaign rolling!” Spike exclaimed as he wolfed down a lime and kiwi tart “Okay, when we last left our little group. You six, members of the Cheap ‘n’ Disposable mercenary contracting company, had recently embarked on an escort mission to the west of Rubinelle to find and rescue some Thanites that were in trouble” he took a second to catch his breath.

“Upon arrival at the Thanite temple, you all noticed that it was under siege by a group of soldiers from the Broken Wands guild. You successfully repelled the attack and in the process of doing so, Captain Pinkie Pie inadvertently turned the pleasant fields into a blazing inferno” Pinkie grinned nervously upon mention of her little accident “So, does anyone remember what happened afterwards?” her asked.

“I remember” said Twilight “There was still one guildmember left, and...”

* * *

        “TNT! GET DOWN!” L’Orange shouted before the crazy dog lit his bundle of dynamite.

* * *

        “Oh, yeah. That crazy mutt’s gonna blow us all to kingdom come if we don’t do something about it” said Applejack “What do you think we should do?” she asked Spike.

        “Come on, use your imagination. Be creative you guys” said Spike “Although you might wanna hurry up, the fuse is burning as we speak. Just think, you all have some neat abilities and equipment and there might be something in the environment that you could use to your advantage. Although these are just purely suggestions, you have to decide what the best course of action is for this situation”

        “I’d say we plug this dog” Rainbow interjected.

        “But then there’s still the dynamite to worry about” Rarity retorted flatly “How about we run away from him?” she suggested.

        “It’s a big bundle of dynamite, Rarity” said Spike “If that thing goes off then you six, the Thanites that are still tied up to the post, and the temple itself are gonna become a black spot on the ground”

“Hang on girls, I got an idea. It’s crazy but I think it might work” said Applejack with a gleam in her emerald eyes. She went on over and began to whisper her plan her Spike, he gave himself a second to think but he nodded in approval for her crazy attempt at averting a great big boom.

“Heh, crazy plans are the best kind of plans” said Spike “Alright, Applejack. I want you to make me an agility roll. Now I just wanna remind you, you’re gonna have to score a high number on this if you want to pull this off, otherwise you all die” all the girls collectively gasped “Fictionally speaking I mean” Spike quickly added  as all the girls gave a relieved sigh.

Applejack gave her hat a tug before blowing on her dice for good luck. Then, like a pitcher with the wind up, she tossed her D20 onto the table where it tumbled around. With each tumble of the dice Applejack could feel the little shakes on the table like massive earthquakes. When the number finally revealed itself to the group, an awkward silence overtook the room.

“Crit 20...” Spike whispered in disbelief beneath his breath “Hoo boy, we are in for a show here girls. Applejack had just rolled a successful critical. She automatically pulls off her crazy action, with flying colors I might add”

“Well, what did she do?” Fluttershy asked as she looked over at the blaring 20 that was on the orange dice.

“Oh, you’ll see” said Spike “Ahem, lets see. L’Orange narrowed her eyes upon the diamond dog miner as she pulls her heavy rifle off of her shield...”

* * *

        The orange riflemen pulls out her heavy rifle and unloads a spent cartridge from the breech. As the hot shell ejected itself from the rifle, L’Orange quickly pulled out a brand spanking new bullet from the pocket on her shoulder and deftly loaded it into her gun. She raised her gun up high and aimed down the sight. It only took her a few seconds to adjust to the recoil without use of her heavy assault shield but a few seconds was all that she really needed. Once her calibrations were done she blew the dog a kiss as she pulled the trigger.


The bullet flew through the air and towards the miner’s dynamite bundle. With a shot that was true and impeccable, the speeding bullet narrowly missed the actual dynamite bundle itself and instead struck the fuse. With eagle eye precision, L’Orange performed a difficult trick shot that saved everyone’s skin by stopping the dynamite from going off by removing the fuse with a well aimed shot.

“Huh? What!?” the dog shouted before L’Orange rushed the dog with her bayonet. She offered him no quarter as she brutally crushed his lower jaw to powder with a powerful strike from the butt of her rifle. Almost immediately after hearing the audible crunch of the poor dog’s jaw she followed through by impaling him upside the head with her bayonet to the point where the blade could be seen sticking out the top of his head, grey matter and all. The miner gurgled blood in his throat before collapsing to the ground like a rag doll.

“Tch, do not mess with ze best” L’Orange boasted as she wiped away the blood from her bayonet. She turned back to the rest of the team with a smug look on her face as she packed away the defused dynamite into her own inventory “See, zat wasn’t so hard” she boasted again before she caught a whiff of something that smelled like burning fabric “Blech, who cooks fabric?” she asked.

* * *

        “Um, Applejack? That was really amazing and all but I think you’re forgetting one teeny tiny little detail” said Twilight. Applejack furrowed her brow.

        “Oh, yeah? What did I forget?” she asked as she scratched her head.

        “How about the fact that the field is still on fire and that the Thanite’s are about to become barbeque if you don’t help them of the post” said Rainbow Dash. Applejack blushed a little upon forgetting such an important detail .

        “Eh heh heh, oops” said Applejack.

* * *

“I think there’s gonna be more than fabric that’s gonna get cooked if you don’t help us free these Thanite, Lora!” Twilight shouted as she broke one of the post with a mighty swing from her pipe wrench. An elderly stallion fell out of his binding and landed into Twilight’s grasp. He was barely conscious given the beating he received and the uninhabitable amount of smoke that was in the air “Don’t worry, I got you” the older stallion coughed a bit but he managed to let out a scratchy reply.

“T-thank you” he said before losing consciousness.

Rarity used her springblades to cut down two more Thanites from the posts. The two of them were small and covered in bruises. From the look of it they were a young colt and a filly, twin siblings that were no older than the age of twelve “Shh... it’s alright sugarcube, Ah’m here to getcha outta here” the two siblings began to cry tears of joy as they hugged their saviour tightly.

“Bless you miss, bless you” the colt spoke as he clung onto Elusive as much as he did with his sister.

There was still one more Thanite left to free and he was the largest of the the remaining four. Butterfly quickly galloped to to his rescue and was incredibly surprised to find out that he was still very much conscious despite all of the injuries that he sustained.

“Well, praise the reaper of souls herself. If it ain’t another necrolyte” the voice and figure revealed itself to be a diamond do bru... wait a minute... diamond dog runt, there we go. There was really no other explanation for it, Butterfly had came across Boss’ younger brother, Tiny “Would you be as so kind to help a fellow Thanite out of a bind?” he asked nonchalantly.

“Hold on, this might take a bit... of... effort” Butterfly strained herself as he used her sacrificial dagger to cut off the agitating amount of ropes that had been used to keep such a large dog up onto a post. Thankfully, the encompassing fire that surrounded them helped in charring some of the ropes, making it a bit easier to cut down the dog. A few more seconds of cutting and Tiny himself plopped right on top of Butterfly as she gasped for air while being crushed under such weight.

“Oops, sorry bout that” Tiny lifted himself up and picked up the slightly flattened Thanite Detective and threw her over his muscly shoulder before heroically hopping out of the flames like a kangaroo with muscle bound legs.

The rest of the group steadily made their way out of the blazing field as the flames continued to rage around the temple. It’s a miracle that the fire itself didn’t continue to spread out to the outer woodland areas. Eventually, it will have to burn itself out soon, destroying the temple in the process.

It was a sad sight to see, countless amounts of blood, sweat, and tears had been used to forge a passable life for social outsiders, only to be destroyed by roaring flames as the sun began to set itself upon the horizon. But in the ashes of destruction, hope rose from the soot covered walls of the fallen temple in the form of six mercenaries who were more inclined to do what’s right than to get paid.

“I can’t believe. Fifteen years of hard work, gone just like that” said Tiny as he stared the the bright fire. Tears were streaming down his eyes as a tidal wave of memories overtook his senses. The tears began to flow more freely now, he didn’t sniffle nor did he loudly sob. He simply stared and waited for his crying to stop “I wish it didn’t have to end like this”

“I’m sorry about your home” said Rainbow Blast “If it makes you feel any better, you can go ahead and blame Captain Pinkie. She was the one who blew that one stallion in chunks with her freaky alchemical bomb” she suggested.

“Hey! I said I was sorry!” Captain Pinkie shouted as Rainbow Blast laughed in her face.

“No, no. It’s alright” Tiny muttered beneath his breath “Perhaps it’s for the best. When the Broken Wands send out a scouting party they’ll likely believe that everyone here died in the fire. This is for the best considering we have to return back to the Obsidian Flats” Tiny let out a loud audible sigh “I forgot to thank all of you, I’m guessing you got our S.O.S. then?” he asked.

“Yes, we did” said Twilight as she walked up to Tiny with a tiny pewter spoon in her hoove “I take you’re Tiny, correct?” Tiny nodded for her “The boss wanted to give this to you” Tiny’s eyes widen in disbelief as he stared at his childhood possession. He was silent, he tried to say something but memories from a better time surfaced itself and a soft smile curled onto his face. He was speechless, this was a sign that told him everything was going to be okay. He held his old shovel in his paws, unsure of what to say next.

“I-I... Hoss held onto this... even after all these years?” He struggled to asked as he felt his throat grow dry “I thought he stopped caring when I joined the Thanite order” Captain Pinkie, in spite of the fact that she was the one who started the unintentional fire, placed her paw onto the shaggy runt’s shoulder with a gentle smile on her face, empathy swirling deep within her dark brown eyes.

“He never stopped caring for you” said the Captain.

Tiny broke down to his knees as he clutched onto his shovel. A plethora of emotions surged itself into his mind, stronger and wilder than when he was staring at the burning temple. It might as well have been a miracle for the big guy. He couldn’t say anything more for his senses prevented him from doing so. He instead grabbed the entire group and gave them all of loving, and back breaking, bear hug that expressed his gratitude for the group.

While all the girls were happy for the boss’ younger brother, they couldn’t exactly say anything else considering all of their lungs had just collectively collapsed all at the same time from such love that they were starting to fade in and out of consciousness. Thankfully he let go before any of them passed out from lack of oxygen or were paralyzed from the waist down if parts of their spinal column had been crushed in Tiny’s hug.

“Yeouch! Uh... I’m still recovering from a bullet wound, Tiny” said Rainbow Blast as she pointed to the dents in her armor. The cracking sounds of a couple of ribs could be heard as she tapped onto her chest a few times.

“Oops, sorry bout that lass” Tiny replied as he regained his composure “Well, for the time being, why don’t we go ahead and properly introduce ourselves before we head on out of here” he suggested “Well, you six fine lass already know who I am. Me name’s Tiny, I’m the youngest in me family. I’m also the second strongest, the strongest in the family is me older brother and you boss, Hoss” he then pointed over to the young twins that were still clinging to Elusive like a surrogate mother.

“The boy’s name is Soul Catcher” said Tiny.Young Soul Catcher had a light blue coat, similar to that of Trixie’s. He was an earth pony and had a dark black mohawk of a mane “He’s a prodigy that one. He know’s how to converse with the Shades like any elder could, maybe even better” Soul blushed a little as he looked to the group with a soft smile.

“H-hello there” he nervously announced himself before hiding behind Elusive again. Tiny then pointed to the boy’s twin sister.

“His sister’s name is Heart Stopper” said Tiny. Heart Stopper was a unicorn who was a bit taller than Soul but her frames was a tad thinner. She had a light pink coat, with a brown braided mane and tail that had an adorable little red bow that kept both from unraveling “She’s also a prodigy. She can control the heart rate of others as well as herself. It comes in handy when a certain somepony tries to fib her way out of a cookie heist” he gave her an incredulous look that caused her to smile nervously.

“H-hi there” she announced as she hid beside her brother.

“Well, where are their parents?” Elusive asked as the twins cuddled next to her.

“Aye, it’s a tragedy” Tiny’s tone shifted gravely “Their father passed away years ago, heart failure that was unintentionally caused by his own daughter. May death ride with him” he solemnly prayed.

“How terrible! And their mother?” Elusive asked.

“Died just half an hour ago” said Tiny with a frown “They tied her up to the post and began using her as target practice in front of her own children” he paused to resist the memory of such an atrocity “The Thanite order may have been ridiculed for being extremist but how does that justify shooting a pleading mother in front of her own kids? Animals those Broken wand are, animals” he angrily grunted.

“It’s a miracle that these kids aren’t traumatized” Twilight added.

“Aye, but who said that they aren’t?” said Tiny “It’s a hard life, being a Thanite in a world like Metallos. But they learn to cope with loss, for death is not the end, merely a beginning of something greater” he added.

“What about the elder?” Butterfly asked as she pointed over to the still unconscious elder.

“The old geezer’s name is Plague. He’s a sickly old stallion with a penchant for passing Thanatos knows what among others around him. As you ponies could probably tell, he’s talented with viruses, bacteria, mold and plenty of other ten bit diseases” said Tiny with a dry heave.

“Did someone say my name?” Plague began to stir from his mild nap. He looked around for a bit, still groggy from sleeping thanks to some blows to the head and smoke inhalation. He scanned the area around him until his eyes came across Butterfly.

“Ah! A fellow Necrolyte!” he got up immediately and went over to give her the obligatory thank you for saving me and what’s left of my congregation, now let’s pick up the pace and get as far away from here as possible before more thugs show up hug “It’s so nice to see a friendly face, the people that live around here are nothing but murderous jerkbags”

“Uh.. well put, elder Plague” said Tiny “We have the children, they’re safe thanks to these six fine, bloodthirsty individuals” he said as he pointed to the six.

“Aw, shucks. Tweren’t nothing, Tiny” Elusive said with a blush, which was kind of hard considering her whole coat was a deep crimson.

“We should probably get out of here” Twilight suggested “It would be better to move at night so that people don’t recognize walking corpses when they should”

“Aye, that sounds reasonable” said Tiny “Where are we headed though?”

        “We’re going to travel westward to Starboard Port” said Twilight “There, we can hitch a ride on one of the ships to Black Pearl Cove and then another to the Obsidian Flats. You’ll be able to regroup with the rest of your congregation then”

“Splendid! Come on, these old bones haven’t trekked great distances in a very, very long time...” said Plague as he wobbled his way along with everyone else.

And with that, the rest of their little group stealthily made there way to the nearest train station where they quickly boarded to reach their next destination. It’ll be a long wait until they finally reach Starboard port but at least they can sigh in relief knowing that from here on out... it’s only going to get more challenging.

* * *

        “Whoo! That was great!” Spike exclaimed with a tiny applause “Not bad for finishing the first quarter of the campaign, wouldn’t you say?”

        “I’ll say, we totally just handle a hostage situation!” Pinkie gleefully exclaimed with a dark undertone laced in her words.

        “Yeah, we handled it alright. And we did it by putting some bad people into the ground” Applejack darkly joked “I starting to wonder if my character’s moral compass is even pointing in the right direction or not”

“Oh, Applejack” Twilight joined in “It’s clear that all of our character’s moral compass are in the gray area” she giggled. What? You have to admit that it was kind of funny even if some fictional characters got annihilated by Twilight and the rest in a fantasy world.

“You got that right” said Rainbow Dash with a light hearted laugh in spite of it all.

“Alright, I’m gonna hand you girls out some experience points for successfully beating the first quarter of this campaign. Now choose what new skills and abilities you want carefully, because I'm not gonna let you change once you pick it. Here” Spike handed them his copy of the Forge World rulebook “I’ll let you all decide while I set up the next part of your campaign...”