The Code of Harmony

by Lapis-Lazuli and Stitch

Chapter 7 - The Party

~~~~~~The Golden Oaks Library~~~~~~

Tia blinked for a long moment, as a babbling brook of voices washed over her after the stunning proclamation. A quick glance to her left caught Cheerilee's amused, and somewhat surprised gaze... She knew there was going to be a party, but she didn't expect this much. Well, that was comforting. That still didn't mean her anxiety was spiking very rapidly, her concern about how to move amongst this crowd of strangers growing by the second...

She didn't have long to process that though, as a familiar grey mailmare swooped over with a cute little unicorn filly in her forehooves. "Tia! I'd like you to meet my little muffin, Dinky!" Ditzy enthused to her, and just like that Tia's anxiety snapped, even if the tense knot in her chest remained. The little lilac-coated filly named Dinky waved with a great deal of enthusiasm at her, her smile just as infectious as her mothers. Ditzy leaned in and said softly. "You looked awful scared there for a sec, Tia. You okays?" Ditzy tilted her head, her big smile never wavering for a second.

Tia inhaled a deep breath and nodded softly. I can do this. I am Princess Celestia Solaris, and I shall not be scared by a little party! "I'll be alright. Thank you Ditzy. It's a pleasure to meet you Dinky." She continued, leaning her head down a little to wink cheerfully at the filly. Dinky giggled and - much to Tia's surprise - gave her a little kiss on the cheek. Tia's hoof came up to her cheek in startlement, and she laughed. "She's quite the charmer, isn't she?" Tia observed with a slow smile as the room began to converge on them, with Ditzy nodding happily.

Tia's eyes went to the crowd and then took in a deep breath. Just like the Gala. Calm. Focus. Charming. She exhaled deeply, and put on her very best smile she could summon up... and then Cheerilee took her right forehoof and walked her into the crowd. "Let me introduce you to some of your new neighbors, Tia." Cheerilee said in a bright, professional sort of voice and Tia felt a surge of warmth in her heart towards her. "This is Davenport, who runs Sofas and Quills." The tan-colored earth pony grinned and gave a little cheerful salute to her.

Tia's nodded her head in gracious greeting, and soon Cheerilee was wading her through the crowd of ponies, introducing those she didn't know by name and usually by what they were known for in town. It would be a while before she could remember all of this by heart, but it was a good start. Slowly, a crowd full of strangers became a crowd she could identify, and the tense knot in chest slowly began to unravel. Just like the Gala. Smile, nod, a few friendly words, next guest. There were so many ponies here - and it looked like the party was just getting started too. Tia's mind moved into a bit of a haze as she worked hard to put faces to names until...

"...and this is Vinyl Scratch!" said Cheerilee, as Tia's mind snapped out of the daze in recognition of the name - but from where? Until she set eyes on that unforgettable mane, and those slick sunglasses. Oh, right. We had her providing music for Cadence's wedding. Tia thought, shaking off her trance to get a good look at the huge grin on Vinyl's face. "Also known as DJ-P0n3, and something of a local celebrity." Cheerilee continued, and Vinyl lifted up her hoof with a grin.

Tia blinked at it for a moment before realizing she wanted a shake. How odd. Unicorns don't normally go in for that sort of thing. But Tia was accommodating. So she lifted her hoof up to shake it with a smile. Vinyl looked confused for a second, before laughing. "Oh, right. Derps said you were from Canterlot. Here, this is how we do things in Ponyville." Vinyl took her hoof and tapped it firmly against the flat of Tia's own hoof. "Ayo, pleasure ta' meetcha, Tia. I'mma be spinnin the tunes for you tonight." She lifted her shades to reveal a pair of startlingly red eyes and winked cheekily. "An if you need anything or wanna hear somethin' special, you just roll on over. I got a little bit of everything tonight."

Tia blinked a little, not entirely certain how to take that last statement even as Vinyl trotted over to the piles of DJing equipment that had been set up near the back of the library. Cheerilee chuckled a little. "She's a little intense, but she's a damn good pony and is very social." Cheerilee hinted heavily, and Tia picked up on it right away. She knows how to deal and work with other ponies, really easily. Maybe I ought to watch her and talk to her... she could probably teach me how to let go of my tension in crowds. Tia thought with a slight smile, wondering how in Harmony she'd gotten so lucky to meet all of these wonderful ponies...

"AYO! Let's get this party STARTED!" Vinyl yelled out over the speakers, magnifying her voice to the point where it made Tia nearly leap out of her hooves again. Then the room was suddenly filled with the pulsating beat of something cheery and loud, full of squealy electrical instruments. It was the sort of thing they'd played for hours at Cadence's wedding. Very popular with the younger crowd. Tia rolled her eyes and cast her eyes to the table of refreshments... and felt a sense of awe come over her.

With hesitating steps, Tia walked over to the table of cakes and snacks and lifted a beautiful, perfectly frosted vanilla cupcake with a cherry atop it. The light of the candles glinted off the buttercream, and the sweet stemmed fruit. Tia carefully, oh-so-carefully unwrapped the pastry and devoured it in a trio of greedy bites, getting a little frosting all over her lips in the process. It was glorious, easily the equal if not the superior to anything the Canterlot bakery could provide. She turned to an amused Cheerilee and felt a genuine smile spread over her lips. "Okay, I think I'm ready to party now." said Tia in her most enthusiastic voice, her eyes bright.


Chaser pressed her ear to the door as the music began to thump in the background, and she grinned, nodding at her compatriot Pokey. Alright. Captain wants me to help that poor filly settle down? Let's help her scratch that itch she's so obviously got. Chaser swung the door open and slowly began to pick her way down the flight of wooden stairs - careful in the sleek dress Pokey had provided her.

Chaser wore knee-length, shiny red boots with just a touch of heel to them on her rear hooves. Complimented by a simple, sleek red silk dress that clung to her body all the way to her plot, where it flared out into a frilled skirt - perfect for dancing. She'd wrangled her wild, flyaway mane into something a bit more coiffed and sleek, held together with a pair of lacquered chopsticks. It was quite the saucy little getup - even if it wasn't quite what she wanted. Still, this will do. I'll have to order something in special from the Crop for later.

Chaser stepped out of the stairwell with a slow smile. Poor filly probably hasn't gotten laid in years. She thought, sympathetically. She's so tense, she probably hasn't gotten off in ages! Chaser thought with a wince of sympathy, trying to spot her target of the evening in the crowd... there, over by the snack table. She was neatly eviscerating a slice of cake with the aid of her unicorn power and a fork, and Chaser had to grin to herself, trotting happily over towards her. Arright Chaser. Smooth. Be smooth.

Tia looked up from the remains of her slice of cake and blinked rapidly at Chaser's approach. And strut. She thought, her walk going from quick trot to a slow, slinky walk. Just a little sway of the hips, a smooth undulating motion that never quite stopped while she was moving. Tia's eyes widened just a fraction, and Cloud Chaser felt a slow smile cross her face .Thaaats right. Get a good look, Tia. She sashayed a little bit as she came to a stop and put on her best enticing smile. "Evening, Tia. Glad to see you finally letting your mane down a little." She tossed her own elaborately coifed mane, and winked at her in her best cheeky manner.

Tia's jaw dropped a little, and Cheerilee gave her an exasperated look. Cloud chaser just grinned at both of them, cocking her hip back a little and giving Tia a smoky look. Oh my goodness, she is so cute. Chaser nearly giggled, but instead turned it into a throaty little laugh. "Relax." She insisted, lifting a hoof and gently touching Tia's shoulder - she was tense, but not scared. Good, I didn't terrify her or confuse her. "I just want you to have the best possible time you can tonight." She winked again. "This is your party, after all."

Tia blinked and gave a tentative sort of smile and her cheeks reddened, and Chaser did a mental hoofpump Yes! Hah! Now, I just gotta reel her in. Slow and steady, Chaser.


Tia still felt incredibly nervous - but now it was the excited sort of nervousness. Cloud Chaser's words had struck a chord with her, when she realized that this party was being thrown for her benefit. To meet other ponies, sure - but also so she could have a good time! Like her birthday, except this was just to welcome her to town. Perhaps Cheerilee has been right. I have been stressing out too much. The teaching pony was giving Chaser an odd sort of look, but it was probably because of that very suggestive dress the pegasus was wearing.

Tia was sure of one thing, however. It was very clear Cloud Chaser was attracted to her, and was making that attraction obvious enough that even Tia could recognize it. And it's not some crush either, or distant love... No, she was used to those things. Distant affection, pining love for the immortal goddess of the sun... that she was used to. This? This had all the flavors of a simple, healthy sort of lusty attraction. Tia could feel her cheeks burning, but her smile never left her. How long had it been since anypony had looked upon her with such a simple attraction? It was... more than merely pleasant.

Tia chuckled richly, and felt that knot of tension ease a little bit more - Now the rest of the party was spreading out around them, grabbing drinks and food, and chatting at one another about the towns rebuilding. A plate of sandwiches sailed by on the hoof of a waiter, and Tia snagged one with her magic before returning her smile to Chaser. "Well, since it's my party, I'd like to get to know more ponies better." Was that a little thick? Tia didn't think so, but she was quite unused to this sort of thing.

Cloud Chaser seemed awfully enthused however, but was hiding it behind that slinky sort of sexiness. Oh my goodness, does she... Tia wasn't sure - and asking certainly seemed to be too rude. She couldn't rid herself of this confounded blush either! "Well, why don't I grab myself a bite.." Chaser said, eying Tia's sandwich with a little jealousy. "And we can talk about each other. And maybe once Vinyl starts playing something worth dancing to, we could give that a try." Tia nodded... and then nodded with more enthusiasm at Chaser's words. Cheerilee simply smiled at them and trotted off to talk with some of the other party guests.

Chaser quickly trotted off in search of the food, leaving Tia alone for the first time since she'd gotten out of bed this morning. Or as alone as anypony could be in the middle of a party just getting its hooves off the ground. She saw the front doors to the library being opened - and new ponies poking their head in on the party. Drinks were being freely distributed, and all around the library a sense of joviality was overtaking things. Tia smiled and bit down into her sandwich with relish, her thoughts softly turning over. I wish I could share this moment with Twilight. She thought, only a little sadly.

Luckily, she wasn't left alone with those thoughts for long. Cloud Chaser returned a moment later, bearing a platter between her teeth loaded with food and a pair of perilously filled wine glasses. Tucked under her wing were a pair of bottles too. She waggled her eyebrows at Tia and motioned carefully with one of her wings - and then headed out the front door of the Library. Tia paused then laughed softly. Well. Let's see how the night turns out. She thought with a nervous sort of happiness, and quickly trotted out after Chaser.


Cheerilee sighed happily. Finally, she's making a move or two on her own. She thought with some relief. I was beginning to believe she was latching on to me. That that she'd mind that sweet filly's hooves latching around her neck and- No. No, Cheerilee. You do not date those in need of your help. That's what got you into trouble last time. She sighed softly, smacking her head against a table for a moment before grabbing a cupcake and scarfing down the sugary treat as though she was Pinkie Pie. Let Chaser do that work for you, she's always been good at it. came the next wry thought, and Cheerilee headed for the bar.

Still, just because it was 'no' today didn't mean it would be 'no' tomorrow. Cheerilee took a little comfort in that thought. Maybe I can convince Big Macintosh to get over his shyness and come spend a weekend with me again. That was a fun thought, though not terribly likely given that the Apple family's busy season was upon them, and there was a chance they'd have to manage it without Applejack this year. Still, the rest of the family was already pitching in - so maybe it could be managed.

Berry Punch was already half-soused, as Cheerilee had known she would be. Still, Berry was one of those remarkable individuals who only seemed to get more capable the drunker they got, up to a certain point. "Hey, Berry." Cheerilee tapped the bar to grab her attention. "Gimmie a Maretini. Straight up, three olives." That got a waved hoof of acknowledgement from the liquor pony, and Cheerilee leaned against the edge to wait for it. Her eyes tracked across the room to Vinyl, who was bobbing and nodding her head to the beat of the music she called 'wubstep' and to Octavia, who was chatting up Lyra as they sat on the makeshift stage.

Cheerilee sighed happily again, and then a voice caught her attention over her shoulder. "So, Doctor Cheery, what's the diagnosis of our patient?" asked Bon Bon, slipping up with a worried smile on her face. "I saw her going out with Cloud Chaser, but I gotta admit - I'm worried she might be a little too much for Tia. I mean... You know how Chaser gets when she gets somepony's tail in her sights." Bon Bon tapped her hooves together, looking for all the world like a worrying mother hen.

Cheerilee laughed softly. "She's going to be alright, Bons. She's just..." Cheerilee paused, grabbing the Martini from the slightly swaying and grinning Berry Punch before she dropped the darn thing by accident. "She's pent up, Bons." finished Cheerilee, sipping at the cool and refreshing drink. "She's got a lot of stuff all pent up in that little body of hers, and she's got to let some of it out. Chaser might very well be exactly what she needs right now." She shook her head slowly at Bon Bon's continuing worry, smiling gently at her. "Don't give me that look, Bons. I'm hardly going to stop keeping an eye on her. She's going to need a lot of help though... It's going to take all of us working together to help her through it."

Bon Bon paused and then licked her lips. "That bad, huh?" Cheerilee nodded shortly, making a waved hoof at the party to indicate why she wasn't going into detail. Bon Bon sighed softly. "I'd thought so. So, are we recruiting Vinyl then? She's probably a good choice if we want to socialize the poor girl." At that one, Bon Bon and Cheerilee grinned at each other together. Given that Vinyl's still trying to live down that moment from the Summer Sun Celebration. chuckled Cheerilee, and the pair of ponies giggled at one another.

Cheerilee nodded once. "Yes. I think between you and me, Ditzy, and Vinyl we ought to be enough of a support network." She smiled happily, another sip from her drink making her feel all civilized. "She's a good pony." She added softly, and then felt a touch of blush in her cheeks. "I think she's going to be a good friend too, once she realizes how to actually relax." Then she fixed Bon Bon with a stern look. "Next time, ask me if a big surprise is a good idea. We're lucky she didn't panic and teleport out of here."

Bon Bon blushed in an appropriate amount of embarrassment and Cheerilee felt contented. All was falling neatly into place in her world. Changeling attacks, giant magical accidents, and overthrown regimes notwithstanding. Tia was going to be in good hooves. Oh quit kidding yourself, Cheerilee. You want to find out if she's into mares, and you're looking forward to sharing the paperwork with someone. She blushed herself, and hid it in her drink. "So!" Cheerilee said hastily, trying to keep Bon Bon from realizing what had run through her head. "How long do you think before this party really gets out of hoof?"


Okay, I think I underestimated this filly a little bit. Cloud Chaser was used to smart ponies - heck, with a sister like Cloud Kicker, she had to be able to handle ponies with way too many brains in their head. But this filly right here... "Wait, so you're tellin' me..." She waved her hooves in the air, looking astonished. "That all I gotta do to boost my speed in the turns is fold in the wing kinda like this?" She demonstrated, making an acute angle at the wing joint, and Tia nodded with a bright smile on her face - downing the last of her second glass of the sweet red wine.

"Indeed! So long as you can maintain that position on your wing - and it will not be easy on very tight turns - it will actually make it easier for you to maintain velocity." Tia nodded sagely, as though this were the most obvious thing in the world. "Trust me! I spent quite some time at one point studying pegasi flight techniques out of curiosity. You will need to work very hard to strengthen the joint so you do not injure yourself." Tia warned, her magic lifting the bottle and pouring herself a third glass.

Chaser had to grin a little - At first, Tia had been really shy. Like, Fluttershy levels of reticent... but get a coupla glasses in her, and that took the chain off her tongue and her brains. It hadn't taken Tia long to discover Chaser's passion for flying, and soon she was dispensing some incredibly smart advice. Heck, Chaser had gotten fewer useful flying tips at Wonderbolts Academy! Careful there, Chaser - you're actually starting to get fond of her. She thought with a touch of humor. Truth be told, it wasn't a hard thing to accomplish. There was... something about her. Something Chaser couldn't put her hoof on.

Tia was drinking slowly from her third glass of the wine, and indulging herself in one of the cupcakes. "So..." She said softly, catching Chaser's attention immediately with how feathery-sweet her voice had gotten. "T-that dress... Did you wear it for me?" Tia asked with a surprising amount of boldness. She was still acting kind of timid, but she obviously was alive with curiosity. I get a feeling the more booze we get in her, the more she's going to open up. Chaser thought with a stifled smile.

Chaser mulled over this question for a little while... Then... Oh what the buck. She smiled broadly. "Yeah, I did. You're quite the cute filly, and I thought I'd see if you ah... were inclined in a similar way." She danced around outright using the word 'fillyfooler' since someponies in Canterlot didn't like the word. "I mean, I didn't want to get too uh..." Dangit, why was it so hard? It's that cute smile on her face, and that blushing! Chaser concluded. "Get too forward, yanno?" There! Finally!

Tia giggled - outright giggled - and it was a remarkably attractive sort of sound. "Oh goodness, um..." Tia half-heartedly said, tapping her hooves together in nervousness. "Would you believe me if I said I didn't know?" She offered up, and Chaser blinked at her in astonishment. Tia must have noticed that, because then she looked down with a sad smile. "I have... very rarely been intimate with another pony, Cloud Chaser. I never had an opportunity to be such with a mare." And there she went with that super-formal language, like she was fresh out of finishing school or something.

Chaser shook her head slowly. "Geeze, Tia." She said softly, and couldn't keep the worry out of her voice. "You've been awful cooped up, haven't ya?" Tia nodded her head a little, looking a little sad. Chaser clapped her hooves together. "Welp, that stops now. I'm going to go in and get Scratch to put on some serious dancing music and you." She pointed her hoof at Tia. "Are gonna cut loose tonight."

Tia's sadness perked up into joy, and Chaser had to restrain her grin. She's gonna be tough to draw out of her shell... but I'll bet there's a real wildpony under that skin. She hopped off her stool as Tia nodded, and made for the interior of the library at the quickstep... already planning out the rest of her evening with the pink maned wonder.


Tia lifted her third glass of wine and finished it off, happy to find out that her physique had changed enough that she was perfectly capable of getting drunk. She was quite enjoying this liberating, gentle feeling of relaxation and happiness that flowed through her limbs warmly. A few moments after Chaser vanished inside, the music blaring from the speakers switched over to something a little slower but still firm and driving. Oh my. She's certainly turning on the charm. Tia thought Happily, as she hopped off her own chair.

All around her, Tia could now see dozens upon dozens of ponies sweeping towards the library. The unmistakable sounds of a party in motion drawing them in from all over the town. Before Tia knew it, there was already an ad-hoc dance floor cleared out in the grasses and dirt outside of the Library, roped off with a few fence posts and a bit of chalk line. Hmm, I think I'll meet her out there. Much more classic. Tia thought, her mind quickly leaping to her most fanciful dreams about situations like this and determining that she was going to make them a reality.

She quickly trotted out onto the dance floor and closed her eyes, breathing in the soft Harmony of the moment. There was so much love here - friendship, camaraderie. It was as intoxicating as the wine. These ponies were rebuilding their lives together, and they were determined to make the most of any opportunity to let loose and enjoy themselves. Tia began to sway her way across the grass, the lush feel of it tickling at her fetlocks. She giggled softly to herself, twirling in place a little bit and swaying to the beat - trying to get her head into it.

And then... Tia heard a soft voice behind her. "May I have this dance, m'lady?" It was a soft voice, a slightly stuffy voice. Not Cloud Chaser, no. A voice she hadn't heard in centuries. Tia turned slowly, almost scarce believing what she'd heard. "It has been a very long time since I have been graced with your presence after all." He continued to speak, a gentle smile on his lips. His coat was still the same light powder blue - his eyes a startling reddish purple. His mane was as black as the night sky, and he still wore that same red cape. The stallion was bent over his hoof, and he had one extended towards her in offering.

Tia felt her heart race and her eyes narrow. "Baron Siegfried." She said, oh-so very softly. "I'd thought you were dead." Her hoof lifted and gently took hold of his. She could not risk him losing his temper in this crowd of innocents... Oh Harmony, please keep Cloud Chaser busy for a little... her mind whispered fervently, as she desperately wracked her mind. This was impossible. It had to be!

The Baron smiled, a hint of a fang proving to her that it was indeed the selfsame Vampony Lord. His voice cooed softly as he gently led her into a slightly spirited waltz, his voice just as warm as it had been two thousand years ago... "Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated... My Love."