//------------------------------// // Welcome to Ponyville // Story: My Little Gravity Falls is Magic // by GamerBrother777 //------------------------------// It was a beautiful Sunday morning in Equestria. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky and birds were chirping their wonderful music. It was that kind of day were it seemed nothing could go wrong; just the special day that came around once a year that was just absolutely perfect. In Ponyville it was great as well; all the ponies seemed to have something to do. Twilight Sparkle was in Golden Oaks Library just on another reshelving day. Rainbow Dash was joined Twilight in Library, not organizing but reading another classic “Daring Do” book. Pinkie Pie was at Sugarcube Corner managing the front counter while the cakes were in the back working on another delicious cake. Rarity was busy designing a new line of outfits to be worn by a lot of important ponies attending the next Grand Galloping Gala. Applejack was in the midst of apple bucking with more or less help from the Cutie Mark Crusaders who kept falling over each when they tried to buck the apple trees. Fluttershy was walking through Sweet Apple Acres with Angel. “I hope Applejack has some apples and carrots that I can have,” She trotted through the gate up to the bright red barn. She knocked on the doors with her hoof. Big Macintosh came to answer her knock. “Eeyup.” The Stallion said to whoever knocked at the door. “Hello Big Mac,” Fluttershy said to him, “Do you know where I could find Applejack?” He pointed off in the distance toward the apple orchard where Fluttershy could she the orange pony not to far from her location. “Thank you,” she politely responded to him. Big Mac nodded his head in a way to mean “no problem.” Fluttershy walked over to meet Applejack. Angel began to grow restless on her back. “Oh, Angel no need to be fussy.” Angel stood up at that remark. He began to get irritated. “Would a nice massage keep you more relaxed,” she told him. Angel’s ears perked up and he agreed to not be so grumpy. Fluttershy reached to where Applejack was. “Why howdy Fluttershy, what brings you here?” The farm pony said to her friend. “I just here to see if you have any apples and carrots for my little friends,” Fluttershy said. “No problem, Sugarcube.” She whistled for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The three fillies quickly ran up to where the two ponies were talking. “Cutie Mark Crusader reporting in.” They all said in unison. “We’ll think y’all can go and get bout a dozen apples and carrots.” Applejack told her sister and two friends. “Of course sis,” Apple Bloom responded. “Cutie Mark Crusaders, to the orchards.” The three fillies dashed off to fetch the foods. “How much should I pay for the apples and carrots?” Fluttershy asked Applejack. “Aw, don’t worry bout it Sugarcube, it’s on the house,” Applejack told her. “Oh no, Applejack it wouldn’t be right. I should have to pay.” “Okay, how’s bout 10 bits.” Fluttershy smiled and reached into her saddlebag and brought out a little bag with bits inside. She put it into her hoof and she gave it to Applejack. “That’s sweet of you to pay, no wonder you the element of kindness.” Fluttershy blushed at that statement as the Cutie Mark Crusaders ran in with the order. “Here you go a dozen apples” Scootaloo said excitedly. “And here’s you carrots.” Sweetie Belle broke in. The helped Fluttershy to put the foods into her saddlebag. Angel quickly grabbed one of the carrots and started to eat it. “Angel, you should ruin your appetite.” Fluttershy told the bunny. Angel quickly finished up the carrot and acted like he had no idea what she was talking about. The group all shared a laugh. “Bye Fluttershy.” Applejack said as the yellow pegasus was leaving. The Cutie Mark Crusaders waved along with her. Fluttershy waved back at her friends and made her way back to the entrance. “Bye Big Mac.” she said as she passed him. He had a hammer in his mouth and could not respond but he did wave goodbye as well. Fluttershy trotted to Ponyville. She also had to stop at Sugarcube Corner to pick up a carrot cupcake that was a surprise for Angel’s upcoming birthday. As she entered the building she was greeting by Pinkie Pie. “Hey Fluttershy, what you got in the bag.” She asked quickly. “Just some apples and carrots for my little friends,” Fluttershy said to Pinkie Pie. “Aw, that’s sweet so what kind of sweets do you need.” Pinkie said while trying not to laugh at her word play. “We’ll I have a special order,” Fluttershy told her, handed her a slip of paper. Pinkie read over the paper. “Okey, dokey, lokey! Just wait here, I’ll be right back.” Pinkie ran through the door and quickly came back out with a little box wrapped up in a ribbon. “Here you go,” she said giving a wink to Fluttershy, “here’s your surprise.” Fluttershy put the box into her saddlebag. She gave another little bag of bits to Pinkie Pie. Angel tried to get a peek at what lie inside the box, but she told him to not ruin the surprise. “Goodbye, Fluttershy,” Pinkie said excitingly waving good bye to her friend. Fluttershy waved goodbye as well as she left Sugarcube Corner. She made her way down the street and then started to walk back to her house. She left the town and started to walk down the path the lead to her cottage. As Fluttershy and Angel were walking along path with her house and site suddenly a green light formed around her saddlebag. Fluttershy noticed this and stop a second to see what was happening. Right as she turned around everything came out of the bag, the apples, the carrots, and even the carrot cupcake flew out of the bag. “Oh, no all the stuff,” Fluttershy said as she started to fly up to chased the floating items. “Please, don’t go away, if you do my little friends will go hungry.” And as mysteriously as the foods started to float the foods dropped to the ground. “Oh, no.” Fluttershy saw the box falling and flew fast to grab it. Luckily she caught it before it hit the ground. She put it back into her bag and looked around. “Hello,” she asked wondering what had just happened. She felt like she had just been pranked. She felt like crying, but Angel started to reassure her that it was okay. “Your right Angel,” Fluttershy said as she wiped away a single tear, “it was just a harmless prank. I’m okay, your okay, and the surprise is also okay.” Fluttershy and Angel started to go pick up all the other fruits. Angel quickly grabbed another carrot and ate it before the yellow pegasus knew. Eventually they had gotten all the items back into her saddlebag. Then Fluttershy walked to her cottage and put the bag on a seat in the inside and she took the carrot cupcake and decided to hide it in her room while Angel was not looking. As she made her back down stairs she gave a carrot to Angel, “here you go you’ve been very good.” When she did a lot of her little friends came out to greet her. “Hello there, here I’ve got you all some healthy food to eat.” She distributed some of the apples and carrot amongst them. She took the rest and went outside to the animals in her back yard. “Here you go friends.” As she was giving the foods them Fluttershy noticed something out in the opening between her back yard and the Everfree Forest. She couldn’t make out what it was, but for some reason was very interested in seeing what it was. As she finished feeding the animals Fluttershy flew to the area where the object was. When she got there, it turned out that it was two living things instead of one object. Fluttershy gasped as there were two creatures that she had never seen before. They were sleeping, one was lying on its back, and the other was lying on its stomach. She wasn’t sure what she was to do. She could wake them up, but they might be upset over it. She backed up a bit and was about to wake them up but one of them stretch and Fluttershy got startled. She decided not to wake them. “I know what I’ll do, I’ll…I’ll go get Twilight and all my friends and show them these creatures. Twilight will know what they are.” She flew off to go get her friends and tell them of her newly found creatures.