Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

by Wolfgang

Chapter 12: Trust Me!

Dueling is Magic!

Many Futures

Chapter Twelve

Trust Me!


Meklord Emperor Skiel ∞
LV 1

The machine’s blue exterior gleamed in the sunlight. It let loose a bird-like shriek. Aporia smiled.

“Ha! Even after all that, you still couldn’t summon anything bigger than Explosive Magician!” Twilight laughed. “Attack Skiel Infinity with Chain Flare!”

“That won’t work, my dear,” said Aporia. “Skiel Guard’s effect activates, allowing me to negate your attack.” The tail of the monstrous bird curled up and over the machine’s body. a single cylinder on a long cable moved out in front of the creature. Four more cylinders on the side of the tail also extended forward on cables. A barrier appeared in front of the cylinders.

A flash of light burst from the end of Explosive magician’s staff. A bolt of energy shot out of the flash, then exploded into another flare. Then another bolt emerged and exploded. When the chain finally reached the barrier, it exploded again, but did not breach it.

“Twilight, we have to destroy the center!” said Leo. “That’s the part that absorbs Synchros. Destroy it and the other parts will go with it.”

“But I can’t right now, Leo,” Twilight replied. “I’m sure it’ll be fine. I Set two cards and end my turn.”

“My turn,” said Sherry. “I Summon ‘Horse of ze Floral Knights’ in Attack Mode!” A gray horse in gold and silver armor galloped out of the portal. Hanging from its chest was a silver banner decorated with red and gold designs.

Horse of the Floral Knights
LV 3

“When zis card is Normal Summoned, I am allowed to draw one card,” said Sherry. She looked at the new card in her hand and immediately slid it into her Duel Disk. “I activate ‘Polymerization’, combining Horse of ze Floral Knights with zee ‘Noble Knight Spearholder’ in my hand in order to Fusion Summon ‘Centaur Mina’!”

The horse in front of Sherry vanished as the ghostly figure of a knight holding a long, golden spear appeared. The figure also vanished and a blue portal opened. Through the portal stepped a strange creature. It had the body of a gray horse, its legs covered in gold armor. Connected to its torso was the upper body of a young woman. Long, pink hair flowed down her back. In her left hand was a tall but thin shield. In her right was a very long, two-handed broadsword. Twilight used all her willpower to keep from gagging at the sight of the creature.

Centaur Mina
LV 6

“I activate zee effect of Noble Knight Shield Bearer,” said Sherry. “By removing a ‘Noble Knight’ monster from my Graveyard, I am allowed to draw one card.” The ghostly image of “Noble Knight Spearholder” briefly appeared before vanishing into a swirling mass of dark clouds overhead. Sherry’s deck lit up and she drew a single card from the top.

“I activate zee Trap ‘Spiritual Light Art - Hijiri’,” Sherry continued. “By Releasing a LIGHT monster I control, I am allowed to select and Special Summon one of my monsters zat is removed from play. Eizer of you may negate zis effect by revealing a Trap Card in your hand, however.”

Leo and Twilight looked at their hands. Twilight shook her head.

“Zen I Release Noble Knight Shield Bearer and Special Summon Noble Knight Spearholder to my field!” said Sherry. A young woman in silver armor appeared. Pink hair flowed down from within her tall, silver helmet. She held in both hands a long, golden spear.

Noble Knight Spearholder
LV 2

“I activate zee effect of my Spearholder,” said Sherry. “By sending it from ze field to zee Graveyard, I can add an Equip Spell Card from my deck to my hand!” The young woman vanished, leaving only her spear behind. It turned into a beam of light that arched through the air and struck Sherry’s deck. A single card slid out from the middle and she took it. “I equip Centaur Mina with ‘Fusion Weapon’! Zis card increases zee Attack Points of a Level Six or lower Fusion Monster by fifteen hundred!”

The centaur moved the broadsword her right hand over her shoulder and rested it against her back. Red vines began to grow from the middle of her forearm to the top of her wrist, growing thicker and thicker. Two crimson blades curved away from the central growth, moving forward and stopping just before they met. A third growth appeared above her fist. Yellow and green electricity danced along the strange construct on her arm.

Centaur Mina
LV 6

“Centaur Mina, attack Explosive Magician!” Sherry ordered. “Graceful Blade!”

“I play the Trap ‘Defense Draw’!” said Twilight. “This negates any damage I take from this battle and lets me draw one card!”

“Centaur Mina’s effect activates!” Sherry said. “Once during each of my turns, I can negate zee activation of a Trap Card and return it face-down!”

Twilight’s Trap started to rise, but stopped and moved back to its original position.

“I got ya, Twilight!” said Leo. “I activate ‘Morphtronics, Scramble!’ If I control no monsters when you attack, this negates your attack and lets me Special Summon a ‘Morphtronic’ monster from my hand. I summon ‘Morphtronic Scopen’!”

A black microscope appeared in front of Leo. The two curved feet of the base tilted down on their hinges and turned into actual legs and feet. The two knobs on the side of the body flipped up, and two arms on thin cables emerged from beneath. The eyepiece tilted up, revealing the three lenses beneath, spinning until they were in a position that resembled a face.

Morphtronic Scopen
LV 3

“I end my turn,” said Sherry.

“Thanks, Leo,” said Twilight.

“No problem,” said Leo. “My turn!” Leo drew. Okay, Leo, think! I’ve got to set up some kind of defense against Aporia since he’s up next. But maybe I can go on the attack and take out that Meklord Emperor? No, there’s still the tail piece.... maybe if I destroy it, Twilight can take care of the rest on her turn!

“I activate Morphtronic Scopen’s effect!” said Leo. “Once per turn, while Scopen is in Attack Mode, I can Special Summon a Level Four ‘Morphtronic’ monster from my hand! I summon ‘Morphtronic Boomboxen’ in Attack Mode!”

Morphtronic Boomboxen
LV 4

A red two-speaker cassette player appeared on the field. The speakers pushed outward and turned, extending into robotic arms. The CD-player on the top of the device moved up to reveal a robotic head. Beneath the cassette player on the front appeared two red and silver legs.

“Level Three Morphtronic Scopen, tune with Morphtronic Boomboxen!” Three bright lights appeared in the scope lenses of Morphtronic Scopen. The body of the robot vanished, leaving three stars behind. They drew green rings around the boombox robot and it too disappeared, leaving only stars. The four stars lined up in the circles and a bright column of light engulfed them all.

“By docking strength with courage to protect the world’s peace, I Synchro Summon the Envoy of Love and Justice,” chanted Leo, “‘Power Tool Dragon’!”

The light faded away, but a tall, mechanical dragon remained. Yellow armor gleamed in the light, sheltering silver joints beneath. Atop the left arm was a green jackhammer. The right arm ended in a large digging claw. The tip of the dragon’s tail was a spade shovel. Its red eyes flashed as it let out a mechanical roar.

Power Tool Dragon
LV 7

“Do you honestly expect another Synchro Monster to save you, Leo?” asked Aporia.

“I expect this one to do just that,” Leo replied. “I activate Power Tool Dragon’s effect! Once per turn, I can add a random Equip Spell Card from my deck to my hand!” Leo looked down at his deck as his Duel Disk shuffled it. Come on, Double Tool! he thought. He drew the card that stuck out from his deck. Ah, darn! That’s not it! I can’t... wait... oh wow! Of course!

“I summon ‘Morphtronic Magnen’ in Defense Mode and equip it with ‘Metalsilver Armor’!” said Leo. First a giant horseshoe magnet appeared on the field. Almost as soon as it did, silver armor plates began to cover it all the way around. An empty helmet hovered between the two ends of the magnet, pulled equally by both.

Morphtronic Magnen
LV 3

“Power Tool Dragon, attack Meklord Emperor Skiel with Crafty Break!” shouted Leo. “Thanks to Metalsilver Armor, you can’t target any monsters I control other than Morphtronic Magnen for card effects!”

“I don’t need to,” said Aporia. “I activate the Trap Card ‘Divergence’. This lets me change the target of your attack or card effect from one Machine-Type monster I control to another. Your new target is Skiel Guard.”

Power Tool Dragon brought its shovel arm down onto the tailpiece of the Meklord Emperor. It broke off from the main body and exploded.

Meklord Emperor Skiel ∞
LV 1

“Leo, what just happened?” Twilight asked. “The Meklord’s power dropped!”

“Meklord Emperors are actually made up of a lot of different monsters,” Leo said. “The main body is the actual Meklord Emperor, and it gets all of its power from the Attack Points of the other pieces.”

“So if we blow up the other parts, we can take out the main body!” Twilight said.

“Twilight, we can’t focus on just the pieces,” Leo replied. “The Meklord Emperor is the real threat! We have to destroy it fast! Otherwise-”

“It’ll be fine, Leo!” Twilight said cheerfully.

“Twilight- ugh... I end my turn,” Leo said.

“My turn,” Aporia said as he drew his card. “Perfect. I activate ‘Wind of the Sky Emperor’. By discarding a Machine-Type WIND monster from my hand while I only control ‘Skiel’ monsters, I am allowed to draw one card for every ‘Skiel’ monster I control, other than my Meklord Emperor, that shares a Level with another monster I control.”

“What’s that mean?” asked Leo.

“Basically,” Twilight said, “his card doesn’t count his Meklord Emperor, but it looks at his other monsters. If any of his other monsters has the same Level as any other monster he controls, he can draw one card for each of them.”

“And his three Skiel Parts cards are all Level One,” Leo finished.

Aporia drew three cards from his deck. “I activate ‘Call of the Sky Emperor’. By discarding one card while Meklord Emperor Skiel Infinity is on my field, I can add two Level Four or lower ‘Skiel’ monsters from my deck to my hand.”

“Here it comes,” said Leo.

“I summon ‘Skiel Guard Three’ to the field in Defense Mode!” A new machine appeared on the field, this one the same shade of blue as the other pieces. Its tailpiece was fully extended and four long, feather-like blades were attached to the ends of the side cylinders. Short, curved spikes ran along the top and bottom of the silver tail. It attached itself to the main body of the Meklord Emperor.

Skiel Guard 3
LV 3

Meklord Emperor Skiel ∞
LV 1

“Now I activate the Trap ‘Sky T3’,” Aporia continued as one of his face-down cards flipped up. “By sending Skiel Top to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon ‘Skiel Top Three’ from my hand!” The head of Aporia’s mechanical beast vanished, but a new one appeared. This one was sharper, more streamlined, and had two prongs pointing from the back of its head. Its beak was slightly shorter and more pointed. A single streak of silver ran from the tip up the middle of the beak, then split and continued to the ends of the prongs. The base of the neck attached itself to the Meklord Emperor and it let loose a mechanical shriek.

Skiel Top 3
LV 3

Meklord Emperor Skiel ∞
LV 1

“I activate the effect of Skiel Top Three,” said Aporia. “Once per turn, I can inflict three hundred points of damage to my opponent. Little unicorn, that damage will be directed at you!”

The blue beak of Skiel Top 3 opened and revealed a thin gun barrel. A blue beam of light flashed out of the end and struck Twilight’s shoulder. She cried out in pain. A drop of blood trickled down her leg.

Life Point Count
Twilight: 3700

“Twilight!” cried Leo. “You okay?”

“My shoulder’s bleeding,” said Twilight, “but it’s not bad.” Her horn lit up and a bright pink aura appeared around the cut. Twilight grimaced as the magic stitched her wound back together. “There, all better,” she said before turning to Aporia. “What gives?! These are just supposed to be holograms!”

“In a duel against myself, the damage becomes real,” said Aporia. “I activate ‘Aurora Draw’. If there are no other cards in my hand, I can draw two cards from my deck.” Aporia drew two cards, glanced at them, Set one of them face-down and ended his turn.

“Wait, that’s it?” Leo asked. “You aren’t going to attack?”

“Due to the effect of ‘Call of the Sky Emperor’, I cannot attack this turn,” Aporia explained.

“Fine by me,” said Twilight. “My turn! I activate the Continuous Trap ‘Pitch-Black Power Stone’! When it’s activated, it gains three Spell Counters. I’ll use two of them to activate Explosive Magician’s effect! By removing two Spell Counters from anywhere on my field, I can destroy one Spell or Trap on the field. Sherry, say goodbye to Fusion Weapon!”

Two of the illuminated triangle corners in the black orb vanished, their power surging into Explosive Magician’s open palm. The white-robed spellcaster pushed the energy into a green jewel on his chest, then quickly pulled his hand away as a wide beam of energy blasted out of the gem. Sherry’s Centaur Mina raised its right arm to protect itself. The beam struck the crimson weapon attached to her arm and destroyed it. The centaur reached over her shoulder and grasped the handle of her sword once more.

Centaur Mina
LV 6

“Battle!” shouted Twilight. “Explosive Magician, attack-”

“Twilight, wait!” said Leo. “If you attack, Morphtronic Magnen will take it and it’ll be destroyed!”

“What? Why?” Twilight asked.

“Because of Morphtronic Magnen’s effect. While it’s in Defense Mode, it’s the only monster my opponents can attack, and you’re technically my opponent,” Leo answered. “This is a Battle Royale, remember?”

“Oh yeah,” said Twilight. “Leo, why would you do that if you knew it would seal my attacks?”

“Twilight, trust me on this, okay?” Leo said. “Magnen was the only option I had, and equipping it with Metalsilver Armor stopped Aporia from absorbing either of our Synchros. In fact, nobody but me can target monsters other than Magnen with any card or effect.”

“I don’t see how that would stop the Meklord Emperor,” said Twilight.

“Twilight, the effect to absorb a Synchro Monster targets that Synchro Monster. But it can only target Synchros, and since Magnen isn’t a Synchro but it’s the only monster Aporia can target, then all of our Synchro Monsters are safe!”

“Okay, okay, I get it. But you still stopped me from attacking and I could have given us a big advantage here!” Twilight snorted. “I Set two cards and end my turn.”

“My turn!” said Sherry. “If Morphtronic Magnen eez causing so many problems, zen perhaps it is time to remove it as a factor. I summon zee Tuner Monster ‘Fleur Synchron’!”

An orange plant bulb emerged onto the field. Two green shoes and white gloves on comically thin appendages hovered beside it. An arrogant, cartoonish smirk decorated the front of the bulb.

Fleur Synchron
LV 2

“Level Two Fleur Synchron, tune with zee Level Six Centaur Mina!” said Sherry. As the green rings and stars appeared on the field, she began to chant, “O body born from the speed of light, the time for revolution has come! Bring victory into my grasp! Synchro Summon! Sparkle, ‘Chevalier de Fleur’!”

A long, thin sword cut through the column of green-white light. Pink flower petals whisked through the air on hidden winds. Silver armor gleamed in the light of the now setting sun. A red cape fluttered behind the warrior. Green eyes were ablaze within a silver helmet crested with a giant pink flower.

Chevalier de Fleur
LV 8

“Fleur Synchron’s effect activates,” said Sherry. “When it is used as a Synchro Material Monster, I am allowed to Special Summon a monster of Level Two or below from my hand. I Special Summon ‘Apprentice Knight’ to ze field in Attack Mode!” Another monster appeared next to Sherry’s Chevalier, a young woman with short, red hair, and dressed in knight’s armor.

Apprentice Knight
LV 2

“I activate a Spell Card, ‘Synchro Blast Wave’,” Sherry continued. “If I control a Synchro Monster, zis card destroys one monster zat my opponent controls!” Chevalier de Fleur pointed the tip of her sword at Morphtronic Magnen. Circular waves spread out from the blade and rattled Morphtronic Magnen with pure sound, causing the device and its armor to shatter and vanish.

Sherry laughed. “Now zat is out of ze way, Chevalier de Fleur will attack Power Tool Dragon!”

“Not so fast!” shouted Twilight. “I play a Trap!”

“It is useless!” said Sherry. “Once during each of my turns, Chevalier de Fleur can negate ze activation of an opponent’s Spell or Trap and destroy zat card!”

“Yeah, but can she stop a Counter Trap?” said Twilight with a smile. “I activate ‘Negate Attack’! This stops your attack and ends the Battle Phase!”

Sherry huffed and ended her turn.

Leo drew. “I activate Power Tool Dragon’s effect!” he said. “Once per turn, I can add a random Equip Spell from my deck to my hand.” Leo’s deck was shuffled by his Duel Disk. When it stopped, a single card was sticking out. Leo took it. “All right!” he shouted. “I equip Power Tool Dragon with ‘Double Tool C&D’! During my turn, it gains a thousand Attack Points and negates the effects of any monster it battles!”

Power Tool Dragon’s blue shovel was replaced by a red-framed circular saw. The jackhammer on its left was replaced by a drill.

Power Tool Dragon
LV 7

“As though it matters,” said Aporia. “Skiel Guard Three allows me to change the target of any attack once per turn. And what’s more, Skiel Guard Three itself cannot be attacked!”

“Then let’s level the playing field,” said Twilight. “I send ‘Effect Veiler’ from my hand to the Graveyard to negate Skiel Guard Three’s effects for the rest of this turn!”

A young girl with long, green hair, transparent wings and white clothes appeared on the field. She flapped her wings and flew at Meklord Emperor Skiel.

“That will not work against me,” said Aporia. “I activate the Trap ‘Convert Ghost’, which changes the target of your effect to a monster in my Graveyard. Your new target is the original ‘Skiel Guard’.” The ghostly image of Skiel Guard appeared on the field. Twilight’s Effect Veiler stopped in front of it and wrapped her wings around it before they both vanished.

“A good effort, though,” Aporia said with a smirk.

Leo grit his teeth. “I equip Power Tool Dragon with ‘Break! Draw!’” said Leo. “Battle! Power Tool Dragon, attack Meklord Emperor Skiel Infinity!” he yelled.

“Skiel Guard Three’s effect switches your assault Skiel Attack,” said Aporia. The tail of the great machine curled forward beneath the beast. Its four feather-like blades spun upward, blocking the main body from view. All that was visible was the gun beneath it. Power Tool Dragon roared and flashed its eyes, then shot forward. It threw its left arm forward and activated the drill, it’s spinning form screeching against the body of the gun before piercing it. The device exploded and Power Tool Dragon flew away from the blast.

Life Point Count
Aporia: 4000

“Hey!” Leo shouted. “How come your Life Points didn’t go down?”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” said Aporia. “Did I forget to mention that I when I use Skiel Guard Three’s effect, I take no damage from that battle?”

Leo growled. “‘Break! Draw!’s effect activates,” he said. “Since Power Tool Dragon destroyed a monster in battle, I get to draw one card.” Leo swiped a card from the top of his deck and quickly glanced at it. “I Set a card and end my turn.”

Aporia laughed as he drew a card to start his turn. “I activate a second ‘Wind of the Sky Emperor’,” said Aporia. “By discarding ‘Skiel Attack Three’ from my hand, I can draw three cards.”

“Hold on!” said Leo. “You only have two Level Three monsters on the field!”

“You forget that I also have Skiel Carrier, which is Level One,” said Aporia. “It shares the same Level as Meklord Emperor Skiel. I cannot draw a card for the Emperor, but I can draw a card for the Carrier because its Level is the same as the Emperor’s!” Aporia drew three cards and laughed. “I activate ‘Sky Recovery’, which lets me add any ‘Skiel’ monster in my Graveyard to my hand. I shall retrieve and then Summon ‘Skiel Attack Three’!”

Another blue robot emerged on the field, this one built in the likeness of a dragonfly. The head and wings of the creature withdrew into the body while its back end curled around beneath it, revealing it to be another gun. The top half attached itself to the underside of the Meklord Emperor.

Skiel Attack 3
LV 3

Meklord Emperor Skiel ∞
LV 1

“It powered up again!” said Twilight. “This is bad. VERY bad!”

“I activate the effect of Skiel Infinity!” said Aporia. “Once per turn, it can equip one of your Synchro Monsters to itself and absorb its Attack Points! Meklord Emperor Skiel Infinity, feast upon Power Tool Dragon!”

The hollow moebius on the Meklord’s chest opened. Bright green tendrils of energy shot out from the spinning core toward Leo’s Power Tool Dragon.

“I play a Trap,” said Twilight, “‘Skill Twist’! This changes the target of your effect to another monster I control!”

The tentacles turned sharply, whipping past the mechanical dragon, racing toward Twilight’s monster.

“Twilight, what are you doing?!” shouted Leo.

“It’s my fault we’re in this mess, Leo,” she said. “I was holding onto a card that could’ve turned this around and stopped it all from happening. I should’ve listened to you. I’m not going to let you pay the price for my mistake!”

The green tendrils wrapped themselves around the Explosive Magician’s arms, legs, neck and waist. The magician was pulled toward the core of the Meklord Emperor, slowly but surely. He struggled hard against it, but to no avail. Within moments, he was changed to light and absorbed into the core, vanishing from sight.

Meklord Emperor Skiel ∞
LV 1

“Explosive Magician!” shouted Twilight. “I’m sorry!”

“Your apologies will do you little good here, unicorn,” said Aporia. “I was once known as the embodiment of despair. I shall inflict that despair onto all of you, and then you will meet the Black King! Skiel Top Three activates its Pinpoint Cutter effect to inflict three hundred points of damage to you, Twilight!”

The bird-machine opened its beak again and struck Twilight’s left front leg with its wire-thin laser. Twilight cried out and fell to the ground in surprise.

“Now I activate the effect of Skiel Attack Three, cutting the Attack Points of Meklord Emperor Skiel in half and allowing it to attack directly until the end of the turn!” Aporia continued. “Battle! Skiel Infinity, attack Leo directly!”

Meklord Emperor Skiel ∞
LV 1

The larger cannon barrel beneath the Meklord’s body began to glow as blue particles appeared and slowly moved toward it. A semi-transparent blue-white blast erupted from the cannon, racing past Power Tool Dragon and striking Leo square in the chest, knocking him to the ground.

“I Set two cards face-down,” said Aporia.

Twilight struggled to stand up. She put her weight on her left front leg, but forgot its wound and fell to the swift, sharp stab of pain that followed her efforts. Groaning, she tried again, this time putting her weight on the right leg, though her right shoulder still stung a little from before.

“You see now what not listening to your friends causes them, little one,” said Aporia. “It brings them pain when you do not listen. And on top of that, this young man has faced me before and knows well my strength. You knew that our paths had crossed, yet you gleefully ignored him in favor of your own strategies.”

Twilight sat down, panting, glaring up at Aporia. She turned to look at Leo as he lay on the ground. Her glare softened to a look of remorse.

“Your desires, your hopes, were robbed from you in an instant,” Aporia continued. “You chased your own wants and look at where it has taken you. They were nothing more than smoke and mirrors, empty illusions and unattainable images. The truth is here, little unicorn.” Aporia’s hand swept into the air. Twilight looked up to the Meklord Emperor. A vision of Explosive Magician appeared, struggling against the bonds that held him in the body of the machine.

“Running after dreams, only to find they are nothing more than that,” said Aporia. “That is the meaning of despair.

“I end my turn.”

Life Point Count
Aporia: 4000
Leo: 1250
Sherry: 4000
Twilight: 3400


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many FuturesTwilight and Leo continue to fight for their lives in a deadly duel against Sherry LeBlanc and the powerful Aporia! Despite her mistakes, Twilight begins planning a counterattack to take out Aporia’s Meklord Emperor, fully confident that she can take it out while avoiding Sherry’s controlled attacks. But as Aporia continues upgrading his Meklord Emperor, will her plans and Leo’s defensive tactics be enough to hold their opponents at bay?

Chapter 13

Level-Headed Heart


Featured Card

Skiel Top 3
Level 3
If you do not control a face-up "∞" monster, destroy this card. Once per turn: You can inflict 300 damage to your opponent.

Skiel Guard 3
Level 3
If you do not control a face-up "∞" monster, destroy this card. This card cannot be targeted for attacks. Once per turn, when your opponent's monster declares an attack: You can change the attack target to another monster you control, except this card, and you take no damage from that battle. Once per turn: You can target 1 Set Spell/Trap your opponent controls; it cannot be activated this turn.

Wind of the Sky Emperor
Spell Card
If you only control "Skiel" monsters: Discard 1 WIND Machine-Type monster; draw 1 card for each "Skiel" monster you control, except "Meklord Emperor Skiel", that shares a Level with another monster you control. This turn, you can only summon "Skiel" monsters that do not have "Meklord" in their names.

Call of the Sky Emperor
Spell Card
If you control a "Meklord Emperor Skiel": Discard 1 card; add 2 Level 4 or lower "Skiel" monster from your deck to your hand. Only 1 "Call of the Sky Emperor" may be activated per turn and you cannot declare an attack the turn you activate this card.

Sky Recovery
Spell Card
Target 1 "Skiel" monster in your Graveyard, other than "Meklord Emperor Skiel"; add it to your hand.