My New Life

by Ark125

Pretentious Intervention

My New Life

Chapter 44 - Pretentious Intervention

Luna's POV

"I don't know why, but Pure Heart has been acting a bit strange lately." I said to Twilight. We were at the spa along with Vapor Sky and were currently in the tub.

"Pure Heart acting strange? And how is that different from normal?" Twilight said giggling.

I splashed her. "Come now, this is serious."

"Alright, what is so bizarre that makes you think something is up?" She asked.

I tapped my hooves together nervously. "Well, that new suit of his, the predator suit. He always seems to be wearing it."

"He is just excited about his new toy. He will get it over soon."

"Well, he also seems to be a bit more intense."

"How so?"

"One example being the other day when he was sparring with Shining Armor. They were about to finish when Shining decided to test Pure Heart's reflexes and threw a rock his way. He gave him warning and Pure Heart turned invisible and suddenly Shining was pinned to the ground. Pure Heart reappeared with his blades inches away from Shining Armor's throat."

"That is horrible!" Twilight said, covering her mouth.

"Yes. Luckily, White Rush was right there supervising. He defused the situation before it could escalate any further. Afterward, Pure Heart had no idea what we were talking about and could only recall up to the point before the rock was thrown."

"Odd indeed. What else have you noticed?"

"Well sometimes he seems to be completely fatigued and then a few minutes later he is completely energized."

"That, I have no explanation for either." She admitted.

"I think I might have one." Vapor Sky said.

We turned to her. "Excuse me."

"I think I know how he is getting energized in a matter if minutes."

"Please explain."

She took a deep breath. "Now this is just my assumption, but I think he may be... Doing drugs."

It was very quiet for a few moments. "Drugs? You can't be serious." I said.

"No, that would explain some things." Twilight offered.

"You two are just pulling my leg. There is no way in the world that he could be on drugs. I mean, where would he even get them?"

"Possibly from Zecora." Vapor said.

"Zecora? But she is a witch doctor, is she not?" I asked.

"She is. But I really wouldn't put it past her to give some kind of remedy that enhanced his body." Twilight said.

"So he could be taking steroids." I suggested.

"I guess that is possible, too. But the only way of knowing for sure is to confront Pure Heart." Vapor stated.

"You mean like an intervention?" I asked.

Twilight clapped her hooves together. "That's exactly what we should do! We will get all of his friends together and stage an intervention."

"Okay, if that is what you think would be best." I said.

Pure Heart's POV

"So what you are saying is that we should wait for them to attack us?" I said to White Rush. Me and him were discussing how we should prepare for the upcoming war with the changelings as we walked to the war room.

"Indeed. I think it would be best."

"But that is what happened last time and they ended up invading Canterlot."

"But we won."

"Yeah, barely." I stopped and noticed that we were in a different part of the castle than where the war room was. "Hey, this isn't the wing of the castle with the war room. Where are we?"

He opened a door and pushed me in. I looked around and found that we were in my study. All around me were my friends and family including Luna, Twilight, Eclipse, Death, Celestia, Cadence, and Shining Armor to name a few.

"What in the heck is this?" I asked. "Did I forget somepony's anniversary or something?"

Luna walked up to me and looked me in the eyes. "Pure Heart, please sit down." I followed her over to a chair and I promptly did as she said.

"If this is about how I broke that statue, I can explain."

"This has nothing to do with some petty statue. This is an intervention." Celestia said.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on there. I can quit eating cookies anytime I want. I just don't want to."

Luna took my hand and looked at me. "Pure Heart, this is very serious. We believe you have a problem."

"A problem? With what?"

"With drugs." Vapor Sky said stepping forward.

"Drugs?! You have to be kidding. I don't even take my prescription medication anymore. I only take medicine if I have a headache. What in the world makes you think I am on drugs?"

"Well there was the incident with you and Shining Armor the other day."

"Please, I am sure I just got a bit too excited."

"You almost cut open my throat." Shining Armor stated.

"But I didn't. Besides, you shouldn't throw rocks, its not nice."

"What about the other day when we were in Ponyville and I saw you with Zecora?" Vapor asked.

"I told you to forget about what you saw."

"How could I forget about you beating down a nearly extinct steel giant and taking its blood?"

"It's blood? You obviously should have watched a bit more closely. I was merely taking an infectious growth off of its skin and collecting the mercury that was inside."

"Mercury? Is that what you have been injecting yourself with?" Luna asked.

"Injecting? I have no idea what you are talking about." I said looking around the room nervously.

"Pure Heart, please. We are only trying to help." Luna pleaded.

"Help with what? The only one that has done anything to help me is Celestia."

"Wait. Is that what all this is about?" Celestia asked. She immediately facehoofed. "Pure Heart I told you that this would come back to bite you."

"Bite him? What are you talking about?" Luna asked.

Celestia looked at me and nodded. I sighed and rubbed my neck. "Okay, I will confess. I have been injecting something into my body."

Everyone gasped.

"Now before you jump to any conclusions, let me explain." I took a deep breath. "I have not been injecting myself with drugs or steroids. I will show you what I have been injecting myself with."

I got up and walked over to a pitcher of water that was on a table. I opened a compartment on my chest and pulled out one of the syringes. "Watch closely." I placed the needle in the water and pushed the plunger. Suddenly, the water froze and I held the glass up and dropped it. It shattered along with the water.

"You are injecting yourself with liquid nitrogen?!" Eclipse exclaimed.

"I am. I do it to keep my body temperature low. It can't get to normal temperature or I will overheat. That is why I seem exhausted sometimes and then get better after taking it. It is also why I never take off this suit, it regulates my body temperature."

"Then why do you have to take these injections?" Twilight asked.

"Because even though it does regulate my body temperature, its been losing its edge."

"But why do you have to do any of this? And what does this have to do with your aggressiveness?"

I sighed and slowly removed my chest plate. Taking a handkerchief, I wiped my left chest. I slowly revealed a scar that stretched from below my neck to my left hip.

Luna ran her hoof along the scar. "When did this happen?"

"It was when I was held captive by the changelings. Just like when I first split myself from Ark, I kept only have of my heart when I was split from by pony body. This time, though, they cut out my half of my heart and replaced it with one made of ice from one of the wendigo soldiers."

Everyone was silent with mouths agape. "That means you aren't even human anymore." Death said.

"Wrong. I am human. I just don't have a heart of one. This heart of ice is what makes me act so crazy sometimes. If you have heard the expression 'as cold as ice', then you pretty much know my condition."

Luna came right up to me until we were face to face. She then slapped me across the face. "Ouch! What was that for?"

"What was that for?! You could have told me! Instead you worry me with all of these unexplainable changes in you."

"That's just what I didn't want to do. I didn't want you to worry about me."

"So instead you secretly inject yourself with a deadly substance?!"

"Well when you put it that way, it sounds really bad."

"How would you put it?" She said with tears in her eyes.

"I would call it prolonging my life."

"What?! You mean you could have died?!"

"Yes. That is why I kept it a secret."

Another silence settled on the room.

"Well, I believe this intervention is over. Everyone may leave now." Celestia said.

Everyone in the room quickly exited, leaving just me and Luna.

"That was rather awkward." I said.

"Don't get off subject. Why in the world would you think I couldn't handle all this?"

"Well for one, I knew you would react just like this, minus the slapping me part."

"I would have not. I would have calmly discussed with you."

"Calmly? Please. You would have had a tantrum."

"I admit there would have been tears shed, but how do you think I feel knowing that you couldn't trust me with this?"

"I am sure you feel horrid. And I am sorry beyond measure. Can we please forget about all of this?"

"Forget? FORGET?! How can I forget this?! I have tried my hardest to make this work since you got back! And for what?! Lies?!"

"Luna please. I am sorry." I pleaded with her.

"I am afraid 'sorry' is not going to cut it this time." She said, turning away from me. She swiftly walked out of the room, a trail of tears following her.

"Luna!" I yelled after her as I ran to the door. But she closed the door behind her. I slammed my fist on it. I could have easily opened the door and ran after her, but I knew she needed some time. I instead slid down onto the floor and curled into a ball.

I cried. I cried for her and the tears would not stop flowing.

Suddenly, I felt a pain in my chest. I wasn't sure what it was, but I instinctively reached for my syringes only to remember that I took off my chest plate. I stood up and started walking over to the chest plate, but suddenly, my legs gave out and I fell to my knees. "What the what?"

I began to crawl on my hands and knees towards the spot where I had left it on the other side of the room. I had trouble breathing and the pain in my chest grew even more. All my muscles seemed to tighten and I started having trouble moving at all. Soon, I was dragging myself on the floor by my hands.

I was just about to reach the spot where I had left my chest plate and stretched out my hand, but the pain in my chest pulsed again and I suddenly couldn't move at all.

The walls began to close in around me. "Luna, I am so sorry." I whispered. Then everything went black.