//------------------------------// // A Changeling in Canterlot // Story: Derpy's Royal Delivery // by Twiggles6 //------------------------------// As Queen Chrysalis stormed down the halls of Canterlot castle, she had one goal locked in her mind. “Celestia.” She said with a small snort. “How could she possibly have been so foolish? Letting a changeling in so easily!” “Chryssie! Please!” Derpy shouted as she chased after the Queen. “I’m certain I told you to stop calling me that!” Chrysalis snapped, jerking her head around to look sharply at Derpy. “But-” “No buts! I need to take care of this right here, and right now!” Chrysalis said, resuming her determined pace. “Please, just let me talk to her.” Derpy pleaded. “This isn’t the way to do this!” “I’ll not be deterred on this matter. We’ll leave it at the fact that you have your ways, and I have mine.” Chrysalis said as the door to the royal chamber came into view. “For now, it is time that this little charade came to an end!” “Thank you all very much for attending.” Celestia said as she and several royal envoys sat on comfortable cushions in the Canterlot throne room. “I still can’t believe we’re even having a meeting right now.” Prince Blueblood sighed. “What could possibly be so important to call me away from my daily hooficure?” “Oh come on now.” Discord said with a heavy sigh. “Do you really need to keep such a rigid schedule? Honestly, you’re more like a young mare than a prince.” He said as he snapped his fingers and caused a ring of flowers to appear around Blueblood’s neck. “If we could begin, I believe the first topic should be that of Queen Chrysalis.” Celestia said, completely ignoring her nephew’s whining and Discord’s antics as Blueblood ripped the flowers away. “Ah, yes.” Prince Blueblood spoke up. “That garish queen of the changelings.” He said, earning a slight glare from Celestia as the flowers blew raspberries at him and walked away on spindly legs in a huff. “I’m afraid I don’t even see her here. How unfortunate.” He said, his voice practically dripping with sarcasm. “Actually, I have something to say about that.” Shining Armor said as he stood up. “Hello Celestia.” Chrysalis said as a green field of magic flung the doors to the throne room open. “So you thought you could get away with this, did you?” She asked, stepping forward until she had passed the other assembled nobles. “You thought you could pull a fast one on me? Well I’m afraid you were very much mistaken!” She said as her horn began to glow menacingly. “Queen Chrysalis. We were just about to talk about you.” Celestia said. “I’m so glad you could make it.” “Don’t think that you can fool me so easily!” Chrysalis shouted as more energy gathered in her horn. “Chrysalis!” Shining Armor shouted. “What do you think you’re doing?” “Please, wait!” Derpy called as she flew into the room. But she was too late. Queen Chrysalis fired a green blast from her horn, hitting Celestia directly in the chest. “No! Please!” Celestia yelled as she recoiled from the spell. “I just thought-” “Just thought what?” Chrysalis asked. “Just thought that the Queen of the changelings would roll over and take this insult? Honestly, you should know me much better than that!” “I’m sorry!” Celestia yelled. “I promise I’ll be good from now on, okay?” “Is that so?” Chrysalis asked, letting up on her spell just a little bit. “Pinkie promise!” Celestia said as Chrysalis allowed her spell to end. “Good.” Chrysalis said with a nod. “Now tell everypony you’re sorry.” She said as Celestia was engulfed in a green blaze. When the fires died down, there stood a tiny changeling wearing an appropriately tiny crown on her head. “I’m sorry, everypony.” She said, hanging her head low and hiding her slitted green eyes from the rest of the room. Everyone else except for Discord was too shocked by this to even coordinate any kind of response until princess Celestia walked into the room. The draconequus simply laughed hysterically in the corner, pointing to each of the stunned nobles in turn. “It’s quite alright, my little pony.” Celestia said with a smile as she walked past Chrysalis and to the tiny changeling. “Celestia, how can you bear to be so lenient all the time?” Chrysalis asked with a shake of her head. “Honestly, how does anything get done around here?” She asked as Celestia picked up the little changeling and allowed it to rest on her back. “Love and tolerance, of course.” Celestia said, giggling a bit as the changeling on her back smiled happily. “I would think that you, of all ponies could appreciate that.” “That isn’t the point.” Chrysalis groaned. “In any case, I suppose a royal meeting has been called. Otherwise I would not be in the same room as this cur for so long.” Chrysalis said, motioning to indicate that she was referring to prince Blueblood. “I’ll have you know that I am the single most eligible stallion in Canterlot!” Blueblood said, the sudden insult having returned him to his senses enough to respond. “I for one find it positively hilarious that you used the word single in that sentence.” Chrysalis said with a laugh, causing Blueblood’s face to turn a disturbing shade of red. “Please.” Princess Celestia said. “Let’s not get petty. We do have a royal meeting to hold, but let’s make it short. After all, we don’t want to keep prince Blueblood waiting any longer than we need to. If I’m not mistaken, you have yet to have your hooficure today. Am I correct?” “Well yes.” Blueblood huffed as his face returned to it’s normal white color. “This impostor has managed to complicate my plans somewhat.” “Well then. I suppose we should move on.” Celestia said with a nod as Chrysalis took a seat. “Derpy.” Chrysalis said. “Would you mind taking princess Larva from here? I’m sure she’d rather be playing with her foalsitter than sitting in on some stuffy meeting.” “Hi Derpy.” The little changeling on Celestia’s back said with a small wave of a hole-studded hoof. “Oh, hello there little one.” Derpy said as she flew up and retrieved the tiny shape changer. “Come on. Let’s get you back to the house. Dinky and Sparkler are looking forward to seeing you today.” Derpy said as she flew out of the throne room with the changeling cheering happily in her hooves. “So Shining Armor.” Celestia said. “You’re still standing. Do you have something to share with us?” “Huh? Oh!” Shining Armor said as if having just realized where he was. “Sorry. I was a bit distracted.” “It’s perfectly understandable.” Celestia said. “But go on. What were you going to discuss?” “Actually, it’s about Queen Chrysalis here.” Shining said, motioning to the changeling Queen. He cleared his throat before speaking. “It’s been a rough few years since Queen Chrysalis agreed to give peace between changelings and ponies a chance. At least it was for me, anyways.” Shining said, chuckling a little bit. “I’ll admit that I never thought it would be possible. But thanks to the Changeling Monarchy, the Crystal Empire has flourished like we never would have thought possible.” “And we changelings owe no small debt to all of you as well.” Chrysalis said. “Well, most of you anyways.” She said, glaring to the side at prince Blueblood. “Oh, we’re happy to help you Chryssie, you know that.” Discord said as he miniaturized himself and snaked his way through the holes in Chrysalis’s hooves. “Get away from me, disturbing creature!” Chrysalis said, stomping her violated hoof just as Discord teleported away. “Oh, come on! I thought you’d be at least a little more fun by now.” Discord said as he took his position in front of the throne again, only upside down. “Anyways, like I was saying.” Shining Armor said, glancing over at Discord to make sure he was finished. “I’ve got nothing else.” Discord said with a shrug, literally zipping his own lips shut. “Right.” Shining said, turning his attention back to Celestia. “Anyways. Against all of my expectations, our two kingdoms have managed to help each other greatly over the years. I’d like to personally thank Queen Chrysalis for being so patient with me up to now.” “Well I won’t say it was easy, but I’m thankful that we could put aside our differences.” Chrysalis said. “Though I hope that next time you decide to burst in and blast the princess, you at least tell us that she’s your daughter in disguise first.” Shining said, causing Chrysalis to cough a bit and look away. “But I guess I have to admit that first impressions of somepony aren’t always right.” He said, smiling at Queen Chrysalis. “That’s very good, Shining.” Celestia said as Blueblood yawned and Discord made gagging sounds. “I believe I received a letter from your sister just last year with a similar lesson. I’m pleased that you were able to learn it as well.” She said before turning to Queen Chrysalis. “And I appreciate your taking care of that little situation. But I’m not sure such anger was necessary. Honestly, I thought the little prank was rather amusing.” She said, giggling a little bit. “Honestly, Celestia.” Chrysalis sighed. “You are far too nice.” She said as she stood from her cushion. “If there is nothing else, I’ll be going now.” She said as she buzzed her wings and hovered out the door. “Hold up there, queenie.” Discord’s voice called through the hallway as he suddenly appeared in front of her. “Ah!” Chrysalis exclaimed, jumping back in surprise. “You know I hate it when you do that!” She yelled, glaring daggers at Discord. “Oh, come on now.” Discord said as a small halo appeared over his head. “We’re friends, right?” He asked as a halo appeared over Chrysalis as well. “Don’t push it.” Chrysalis said flatly as she knocked the halo away with a hoof and pushed past the draconequus. “But you’re a reformed villain now, just like me, right?” Discord asked, trailing along behind the changeling queen. “I wouldn’t put myself in the same vein as you.” Chrysalis snapped. “Right, right. Villain and hero is all a matter of perspective. Yadda, yadda, yadda.” Discord said as he twirled his paw in the air and rolled his eyes. “But from their perspective, that’s what you are.” “And why should that matter to me?” Chrysalis asked. “Our people are happily at peace. That is all that I care about right now.” “Oh I’m sure that’s true.” Discord said. “But what I’m getting at is more a matter of principle.” He said, tapping his fingers together. “Principle?” Chrysalis asked. “Please. I don’t have time for your nonsense.” She said as she tried to walk around the draconequus only to walk straight into a brick wall. “I’m afraid that just won’t do.” The brick wall said in Discord’s voice, the bricks shifting slightly to form a mockery of a mouth and eyes. “Because you see, I had to say a certain phrase when they reformed me. I expect that I won’t be the only one to suffer that embarrassment.” “What are you babbling about?” Chrysalis asked. “Just three simple words.” Discord said as he walked out from behind the wall just before it collapsed to dust. “Friendship. Is. Magic.” “I don’t think so.” Chrysalis said, taking this opportunity to walk around Discord again. “Stop!” Discord shouted, holding a large stop sign in front of Chrysalis’s face as a crossing guard uniform appeared on him. “What?!” Chrysalis yelled, her eyes glinting dangerously. “All you need to do is say those three words, and I’ll let you on your merry way.” Discord said as the uniform and sign disappeared. “So what do you say?” Chrysalis gave a sigh of defeat as she bowed her head. “Friendship is *mumble.*” She said under her breath. “I’m afraid I didn’t catch that.” Discord said as he produced a megaphone out of thin air and placed the mouthpiece in front of Chrysalis. “One more time, please. With gusto.” “Fine!” Chrysalis yelled, shaking the walls and convincing Discord to discard the megaphone. “Friendship is magic! Are you happy now?” She said as she huffed and walked past Discord. “Oh yes. I’m very happy indeed. Aren’t I, Queen Chrysalis?” He asked the tape recorder he now held in his talon just before pressing the playback button. “Do a barrel roll!” The tape recorder shouted back to him. “Perfect!” Discord laughed as he swallowed the tape recorder and teleported away to parts unknown. “Come on! You can’t run forever, Larva!” Dinky called out as she chased the little changeling across the lawn. “I bet I can run longer than you though!” Larva called back with a laugh. “I bet I can fly longer than both of you!” Derpy shouted as she flew overhead and tagged both of them on the tops of their heads. “Ha! Gotcha!” Derpy proclaimed with a hoof pump as she landed in front of the two children. “Aww!” They both sounded in unison. “No fair, mom!” Dinky said with a slight pout. “Yeah, my wings aren’t full grown yet!” Larva complained as she buzzed her wings pathetically to prove a point. “Girls!” Sparkler called from the front doorway of Derpy’s house. “Come on in. The muffins are ready.” “Yes! Muffins!” Dinky, Larva and Derpy all shouted at once as they charged to the house. “Derpy!” A voice rang out from above. “I need to speak with you.” As Derpy turned around, she saw Queen Chrysalis preparing to land in the yard. “Oh! Hi Queen Chrysalis.” Derpy said as Dinky and Larva nearly trampled Sparkler to get to the muffins inside the house. Chrysalis had just landed next to Derpy. “We were just about to have some muffins together. Fresh out of the oven. Interested?” She asked, poking Chrysalis with an elbow. Queen Chrysalis sighed as her face took on a more kind expression. “You know it’s just Chryssie to you.” She said with a small smile. “Oh, it’s already okay to call you that again?” Derpy asked. “You usually take longer to let me use your nickname after you get mad like that.” “Well I don’t usually visit your home right after I get mad either.” Chrysalis said. “There’s so much love in the air here in Ponyville. I’ll admit that it’s rather therapeutic.” She said, sniffing the air deeply. “Maybe I should come here more often. Even if just to unwind after a stressful day.” “We’d always be glad to have you here, Chryssie.” Derpy said with a smile. “Now come on inside. The muffins are getting cold.” She said as she led Chrysalis into her house. Once inside, Derpy and Chrysalis made their way to the kitchen just as Dinky and Larva were exiting. The little ones were running, each with a plateful of muffins in their mouths. “Larva, what have I told you about running with a plate?” Chrysalis lightly scolded as her daughter ran past. “Hello Queen Chrysalis.” Sparkler said as she left the kitchen, giving a brief yet respectful bow. “Come by to pick up Larva?” “Yes, I have.” Chrysalis said. “But Derpy has managed to convince me to stay for a little bit. Besides. I need to ask her something anyways.” “Oh, alright then.” Sparkler said. “Help yourself. We made plenty to go around.” She said as her eyes wandered to the living room where Dinky and Larva had run off. “Girls!” She suddenly exclaimed as she ran into the living room. “What have I told you about playing with your food?” “I can see once again that my heir is being well cared for.” Chrysalis said as she watched Sparkler try to reign in the two little fillies. “Yeah. Sparkler’s the best.” Derpy said. “I’m surprised her cutie mark isn’t for foalsitting.” She joked. “I’m glad that she is in good hooves, then.” Chrysalis said. “Maybe I really will leave her here more often. There is so much more love here than back at the hive. Plus, she gets along with your daughter so well.” Chrysalis said, one little tear appearing in her eye. “I’m happy that she’s made a good friend.” Chryssie, are you okay?” Derpy asked, tilting her head with concern. “Oh! Yes.” Chrysalis said, instantly regaining her composure. “Anyways, I needed to ask you a question.” “Sure, what was it?” Derpy asked. “I’d been through the royal records at Canterlot recently, and I needed to know something about that delivery you made to me.” Chrysalis said. “That was quite a while ago.” Derpy said as she picked up a muffin from the table. “But I guess it’s one of my most memorable outings. What do you want to know?” “You were paid for that delivery, correct?” Chrysalis asked. “Well yeah.” Derpy said. “Why do you ask?” “Well I did some research and found that you were offered any one thing from the Canterlot treasury.” Chrysalis said. “Depending on what you asked for, you could have put yourself in a very good financial situation. You would never have to work again.” “Yeah, I guess you have a point.” Derpy said. “What are you getting at though?” “Well, my research also showed that there were no outstanding withdrawals from the treasury that day.” Chrysalis said. “At least not from you or Celestia.” She said as she also picked up a muffin. “Chocolate chip?” “Chocolate chip.” Derpy said with a nod. “But how did you know?” She asked, tilting her head a bit. “I can smell it, of course.” Chrysalis said, blinking a couple of times at the simple question. “It’s only right here in my hooves.” “No, I mean how did you know what kind of muffin I got?” Derpy asked. “Muffin wha-?” Chrysalis asked, her mouth hanging open a bit. “Yeah. Princess Celestia had her breakfast with her when I got there, and I just asked for that instead.” Derpy said, her eyes somehow seeming to look a bit more to the sides than usual. “You’re joking.” Chrysalis said, deadpan. “Nope.” Derpy said as she took a bite of her muffin. “It was delicious, too! But not as good as Dinky’s.” She said with her mouth full. “You seriously gave up such a big prize for a muffin?” Chrysalis asked. “When you put it like that it sounds kind of silly.” Derpy admitted. “But the princess decided to give me more anyways. She helped me set up a trust fund for Dinky the next day, and she offered me a new home in Canterlot.” “And you didn’t take the house over this place?” Chrysalis asked, looking around the small kitchen in astonishment. “But why not?” “If I had us move to Canterlot, Dinky would have had to make lots of adjustments that I’d rather not force her to make.” Derpy said. “She wouldn’t know anypony at the schools, she’d be far away from her friends, and she’d have to get a new foalsitter. I just couldn’t do that to her.” “That’s actually very thoughtful.” Chrysalis said as she finally took a bite of her muffin. “You passed up on something really great though.” “Oh, not at all.” Derpy said. “Princess Celestia said that the offer would be there if I ever changed my mind. Maybe when Dinky is a bit more grown up I’ll bring it up with her.” Derpy said as she looked into the living room and watched her daughter playing with her changeling friend. “Until then, we’re both happy where we are.” She said with a smile. “Speaking of growing up, your daughter sure is maturing fast!” Derpy said, turning to face princess Larva. “I remember she was an egg the first time I saw her.” “I think that has to do with how much love she’s been exposed to since she hatched.” Chrysalis said. “We changelings usually mature much more slowly than we have been recently. Larva still has a ways to go, but soon she should be able to fly on her own.” She said as Derpy turned back around. “I think it really helps a lot that she has a real friend outside of the hive, too.” “I’m glad I got to be your friend, Chryssie.” Derpy said, taking another bite of her muffin. “You know what?” Chrysalis asked. “I am too.” She said with a smile as she shared muffins and good conversation with her first real friend.